Deriving Test Cases from B Machines Using
Class Vectors
W. L. Yeung
and K. R. P. H. Leung
Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong
Abstract. This paper proposes a specification-based testing method for use in
conjunction with the B method. The method aims to derive a set of legitimate
class vectors from a B machine specification and it takes into account the structure
and semantics of the latter. A procedure for test case generation is given. One
advantage of the method is its potential to be integrated with the B method via its
support tools.
1 Introduction
Formal methods play an important role in the verification and validation of enterprise
information systems. Formal methods emphasize the formulation of a precise formal
specification and the formal verification of a design against its specification. From the
point of view of software testing, a specification serves as a basis for functional (black-
box) testing on which test cases are systematically derived. Recently, there have been
much interests in methods and tools for generating test cases from formal specifications
(see, e.g. [2]). While some of these approaches aim to fully automate the testing process
(e.g. [5]), others attempt to bring the existing body of knowledge in software testing to
formal-specification-based testing (e.g. [4]).
This paper discusses a method based on earlier work on software testing using class
vectors [6] for generating test cases from formal specifications written in the B Abstract
Machine Notation (AMN) [1]. The class vectors method was developed to overcome
some shortcomings of the Classification Tree method [3]. It defines classes and classifi-
cations in a formal setting and defines conditions formally for generating test cases. It is
also a general testing method applicable to software with only informal specifications.
The main contribution of this paper is to adopt and adapt the class vectors method for
the B AMN formal specification language, which is notational basis of the B method.
The B method is a major formal method for the development of information systems.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The next section first describes a B
AMN specification for a small information system example. Section 3 defines the prob-
lem of generating a set of legitimate test cases based on the concept of classes. Section
4 and 5 define two necessary conditions for partitioning and filtering class vectors. Sec-
tion 6 presents the test case generation procedure and illustrate it with the example.
Section 7 discusses some possible extensions of the method and Section 8 gives a con-
L. Yeung W. and R. P. H. Leung K. (2005).
Deriving Test Cases from B Machines Using Class Vectors.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 71-76
DOI: 10.5220/0002571500710076
MACHINE CreditCard(itype, iclass, ischeme)
SETS CARDCLASS = {platinum, gold, classic};
CARDTYPE = {visa, mastercard};
REWARDSCHEME = {airticket, gift};
AIRLINE = {cx, dg};
TICKETTYPE = {first, business, economy};
SUPPLIER = {reda, tdc};
VARIABLES type, class, scheme, balance
(class = platinum balance 0..8000)
(class = gold balance 0..4000)
(class = classic balance 0..1000)
type := itype
class := iclass
scheme := ischeme
balance := 0
updatebalance(b) b=
PRE (class = platinum b 0..8000) (class = gold b 0..4000)
(class = classic b 0..1000)
THEN balance := b END;
redeemair(al, tt, . . .) b=
PRE scheme = airticket al AIRLINE
(al = cx tt TICKETTYPE) (al = dg tt {first, business}) . . .
THEN . . . END;
redeemgift(su, . . .) b=
PRE scheme = gift su SUPPLIER . . .
THEN . . . END;
· · ·
Fig.1. A formal specification of a credit card object in B AMN
2 An Example
We use a small information system example about credit card data processing adapted
from [6]. The ABC Bank issues both Visa and MasterCard credit cards in three different
classes, namely platinum, gold, and classic. Credit limits for these three different classes
are $8000, $4000, and $1000, respectively.
The ABC Bank operates two reward schemes for its credit card customers. Every
credit card holder of ABC Bank can join only one of these two schemes and earn reward
points for using the credit cards for purchases. For scheme A, reward points earned can
only be used to redeem free air tickets from airlines CX or DG. Redeemed air tickets
can be of first, business, or economy class with airline CX, and of first or business class
tickets with airline DG. For scheme B, reward points earned can be used to redeem free
gifts from suppliers RedA or TDC.
Figure 1 shows a (partial) formal specification of a credit card object in the B Ab-
stract Machine Notation. For readers who are not familiar with B AMN, a B specifi-
cation is structured as a number of B machines (which roughly correspond to objects),
each of which may have its own state and operations on its state. A B machine may
include or reference other B machines to become a more complex machine and that
is how complex specifications are structured. Each machine specification consists of a
number of optional clauses, each beginning with a keyword in capital. In Figure 1, the
MACHINE clause gives the B machine a name (CreditCard) and defines three parame-
ters of the machine. The SETS clause define some sets of values used in the machine.
The PROPERTIES clause define the types of the machine parameters. The state vari-
ables of the machine are defined in the VARIABLES clause and we can provide invari-
ant properties for these variables in the INVARIANT clause. The INITIALISATION
clause defines operations for initializing the state variables, whereas the OPERATIONS
clause lists the operations available for updating and reading the state variables. An
operation may take input parameters and has a precondition (preceded by the keyword
PRE) on which the operation is guaranteed to keep the machine in a consistent state.
In order to generate (functional) test cases for the CreditCard B machine, we need
to first identify the input variables and their legitimate values. The three input variables
are on the first line (itype, iclass, ischeme) are actually parameters of the B machine;
they provide initial values to the state variables (type, class, scheme). Their legitimate
values are defined in the PROPERTIES section. Other input variables come from the
parameters of the operations and their legitimate values are defined by the precondi-
variable bs legitimate values depend on the class of the credit card
variable al must be either cx or dg; variable tt depends on al
variable su must be either reda or tdc
3 The Problem
Let X be an input variable and τ (X) be the set of values that X can take, i.e. the type
of X . Assume that τ (X) can be partitioned into a finite number k of disjoint sub-
sets, τ
(X), . . . , τ
(X) and we call them the classes of X. Let class
be a function
that takes an input value of X and returns the class that it belongs, i.e. class
(X) =
(X) if and only if X τ
Given a vector of n input values, (X
, . . . , X
), denoted by
X, the following function
is defined:
X) = (class
), . . . , class
and we call this a class vector.
Given a B machine with n input variables X
, . . . , X
and for each input variable X
different classes τ
), . . . , τ
), there are m
× . . . × m
possible different class
However, not all class vectors represent legitimate inputs. The predicates defined
in a B machine specification help us to constrain the set of class vectors to only those
that provide legitimate inputs. For instance, a credit card object initialized as classic
cannot legitimately accept 8000 as an input value of variable b of the operation update-
balance—the precondition of updatebalance rules out any classes of values except
0..1000 for b in the case of classic.
The problem is how to define such a set of legitimate class vectors based on the B
machine specification and then how to generate test cases from the set.
4 Independent Input Variables
To define the set of legitimate class vectors for a B machine specification, we first divide
the set of input variables into independent sets of input variables.
Definition 1 (Independence) Two input variables X
and X
are independent to each
other if and only if the B specification admits any combination of values of them as
input, i.e.
τ (X
), x
τ (X
) [T]I
[T](I Pre
where T is the initialisation clause of the B machine, I is the invariant, and Pre
is the
precondition of the i operation.
Consider the input variables itype, iclass, and b of the CreditCard machine. itype is
clearly independent from the other two as it does not relate to the other two variables
(or any other variables) in the Invariant or any Preconditions. The other two variables,
iclass and b, relate to each other in the first precondition (via the initialisation clause)
and are therefore not independent.
For the seven input variables of the CreditCard machine, we identify the following
independent sets of input variables:
{itype}, {iclass, b}, {ischeme, al, tt, su}
5 Coexisting Classes
After identifying the independent sets of input variables, we identify those classes of
values that can coexist in a legitimate input class vector.
Definition 2 (Coexitence) Given two input variables X
and X
, and two respective
classes of their values τ
) and τ
), these two classes are coexisting if and only if
the B specification admits any combination of values of them in the input, i.e.
), x
) [T]I
[T](I Pre
where T is the initialisation clause of the B machine, I is the invariant, and Pre
is the
precondition of the i operation.
Consider the input variables at and tt. Variable at has the following classes {cx}
and {dg}. We can divide the values of tt into the following classes {first, business}
and {economy} and call them C1 and C2. Referring to the precondition of the second
operation of the CreditCard machine, it is clear that class {cx} is coexisting with both
C1 and C2 whereas class {dg} is only coexisting with C1.
6 Test Case Generation
Based on the concepts described in the above sections, the generation of test cases from
a B specification based on class vectors encompasses the following steps:
1. Identification of classes
2. Identification of independent sets of input variables
3. For each independent set of input variables, enumerate all class vectors containing
only coexisting classes
4. Derive the Cartesian product of the independent sets of coexisting class vectors
5. For each class vector of the Cartesian product, select a vector of representative
values as a single test case
For the Credit Card example, we have already identified the independent sets of
input variables in section 4. The coexisting class vectors for these sets are as follows:
{itype} : (visa), (mastercard)
{iclass, b} : (platinum, 0..1000), (platinum, 1001..4000),
(platinum, 4001..8000), (gold, 0..1000),
(gold, 1001..4000), (class, 0..1000)
{ischeme, al, tt, su} : (airticket, cx, {first, business}), (airticket, cx, {economy}),
(airticket, dg, {first, business}), (gift, SUPPLIER)
Taking the Cartesian product of the above sets yields 2 × 6 × 4 = 48 different class
vectors, from which we can derive 48 legitimate test cases.
7 Discussion
The concept of a class (of input values) goes back to the classification tree method for
black box testing. In the test case generation method presented in this paper, we define
classes as disjoint sets of input values of single variables and do away with the concept
of classification as our starting point is already a formal specification with well defined
input variables, rather than an informal specification. As a result, the concept of a class
vector is slightly simplified as compared to the one defined in [6].
On the other hand, the derivation of legitimate class vectors still relies on the inde-
pendence and coexistence conditions which are now more rigorously defined in terms
of the B Abstract Machine Notation (AMN) semantics. Note that for the lack of space
and the sake of clarity the definitions cover only the invariant part and operation pre-
conditions of the B specification and they can be extended to cover other specification
clauses such as CONSTRAINTS and ASSERTIONS.
For similar reasons, the applicability of the proposed method for large specifications
involving tens or hundreds of B machines has not been illustrated in this paper. This
would actually be taken care of by the semantics of the modular constructs of B AMN.
For instance, in a composite B machine with M
including M
and M
, the invariant
and operation preconditions of M
has to take into account those of M
and M
any M
operations that affect the states of M
and M
. It suffice to say that for large
specifications with complex inter-relationships among many B machines, the use of
support tools to help keep track of all the relationships is essential. In fact, the test case
generation method presented in this paper should ideally be integrated in support tools
such as the B-toolkit for the B method. The independence and coexistence conditions
would be generated in a similar way as proof obligations that can be verified with the
help of proof assistance and proof checker.
8 Conclusion
We adopted and adapted a previous black-box testing method based on class vectors for
use in the formal setting of the B AMN specification language. The formal definition of
class vectors and the conditions for deriving legitimate test cases from B machines are
defined. We also outline the procedure for test case generation and illustrate it with an
example in this paper. The main advantage of this approach is that it takes into account
the structure and semantics of the B AMN specification language and can be readily
integrated with the B method via its support tools. This is also the aim of our further
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