Dependencies between Models in the Model-driven Design of Distributed Applications
João Paulo A. Almeida, Luís Ferreira Pires, Marten van Sinderen
In our previous work, we have defined a model-driven design approach based on the organization of models of a distributed application according to different levels of platform-independence. In our approach, the design process is structured into a preparation and an execution phase. In the preparation phase, (abstract) platforms and transformation specifications are defined. These results are used by a designer in the execution phase to develop a specific application. In this paper, we analyse the dependencies between the various types of models used in our design approach, including platform-independent and platform-specific models of the application, abstract platforms, transformation specifications and transformation parameter values. We consider models as modules and employ a technique to visualize modularity which uses Design Structure Matrices (DSMs). This analysis leads to requirements for the various types of models and directives for the design process which reduce undesirable dependencies between models.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Paulo A. Almeida J., Ferreira Pires L. and van Sinderen M. (2005). Dependencies between Models in the Model-driven Design of Distributed Applications . In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Web Services and Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: WSMDEIS, (ICEIS 2005) ISBN 972-8865-27-9, pages 117-131. DOI: 10.5220/0002571601170131
in Bibtex Style
author={João Paulo A. Almeida and Luís Ferreira Pires and Marten van Sinderen},
title={Dependencies between Models in the Model-driven Design of Distributed Applications},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Web Services and Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: WSMDEIS, (ICEIS 2005)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Web Services and Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: WSMDEIS, (ICEIS 2005)
TI - Dependencies between Models in the Model-driven Design of Distributed Applications
SN - 972-8865-27-9
AU - Paulo A. Almeida J.
AU - Ferreira Pires L.
AU - van Sinderen M.
PY - 2005
SP - 117
EP - 131
DO - 10.5220/0002571601170131