knowledge of texts, defined through the elaboration of a controlled vocabulary and a
dictionary of terms, associated to an analysis of frequency of the words and indicative
expressions of the context.
2 The Knowledge Engineering Suite
The Knowledge Engineering Suite is an Ontological Engineering Tool for
collaborative-networked works on the Web, built to facilitate knowledge sharing
between the Knowledge Engineering team and the Specialist team. The Suite allows
the building of relationships between complex terms, considering its concepts in the
specific domain of the application.
The Suite is an editor of ontologies structured in a way to allow an automatic text
indexation in Knowledge Based Systems.
This computational environment of shared access has two main objectives:
organization and representation of knowledge, and updating of the Knowledge Base.
It is basically composed by four modules, which are:
1. Register. It allows entering with new indicative expressions. The user defines
the topic and sub-topic in which s/he will insert a new indicative expression. A
domain can be categorized in innumerable topics and sub-topics;
2. Search. It informs about other indicative expressions already registered on the
base, which have some phonetic similarity with the term typed. This tool allows the
verification of possible typing errors, besides preventing the registration of the same
term more than once. It is a search system based on similarity. It supplies the user
with a list of similar indicative expressions present in the knowledge base in
alphabetical order after consultation made by the user. It is used in the registers, in
the edition and the administration module. The indicative expressions can be
registered in multiple topics, with different relations;
3. Relationship Editor. Ontology construction (insertion and consistency checking).
It allows the building of the relationship tree, always considering the similarity
between all the terms registered and the ones already existing on the base. These
relationships allow Knowledge Based Systems to expand the search context. The
fields with all the relationships available to be formed are presented. They are the
following: -synonyms; -Related terms; -This is type of; - It is a type of this; - This is
part of; - It is part of this. Each relationship has a weight related to the defined
indicative expression in the search by the user (synonyms –0,99; related terms – 0,75;
homonyms, hyponyms, hypernyms and meronyms – 0,4). Therefore, the organization
of the tree allows the dynamic definition of the weights of the indicative expressions
according to the entrance of the user, the same indicative expressions can be different
types of relations, according to domain allowed.
4. Administration Environment. The knowledge integration and the validation
between words are made in accordance with the context of topics and sub topics This
topic is organized into three levels: - High Level - which allows us to insert topics and
sub topics, to validate exclusions, to include and exclude users, to verify productivity
of each user and to verify descriptions of the dictionaries, topics and sub topics and
indicative expressions; - Medium level- which allows to verify productivity and
historical data; and, Low level- which allows to verify descriptions.