How to Synthesize Relational Database Transactions
From EB
Attribute Definitions?
F. Gervais
, M. Frappier
and R. Laleau
Laboratoire CEDRIC, Institut d’Informatique d’Entreprise
18 All
ee Jean Rostand, 91025
Evry Cedex, France
epartement d’informatique, Universit
e de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, Qu
ebec, Canada J1K 2R1
Laboratoire LACL, Universit
e de Paris 12
IUT Fontainebleau, D
epartement informatique
Route Foresti
ere Hurtault, 77300 Fontainebleau, France
Abstract. EB
is a trace-based formal language created for the specification of
information systems (IS). Attributes, linked to entities and associations of an IS,
are computed in EB
by recursive functions on the valid traces of the system. In
this paper, we show how to synthesize relational database transactions that cor-
respond to EB
attribute definitions. Thus, each EB
action is translated into a
transaction. EB
attribute definitions are analysed to determine the key values af-
fected by each action. To avoid problems with the sequencing of SQL statements
in the transactions, temporary variables and/or tables are introduced for these key
1 Introduction
We are mainly interested in the formal specification of information systems (IS). In our
viewpoint, an IS is a system that helps an organization to collect and to manipulate all its
relevant data. The use of formal notation and techniques is justified for some systems
when the data and/or their manipulation are considered as critic. The EB
[6] formal
language has been specially created for that aim.
Example. The example used in this paper is a library management system. The system
has to manage book loans to members. In particular, a member can transfer his loan to
another member. A book can be lent by only one member at once. Figure 1 shows the
user requirements class diagram of the example.
An Overview of EB
. EB
is a trace-based formal specification language that can de-
scribe the input-output behaviour of an IS. The inputs are the events received by the
system, like action Lend in the example. The outputs are computations on attribute
values in answer to an input event, e.g., a function that returns the number of loans of
Gervais F., Frappier M. and Laleau R. (2005).
How to Synthesize Relational Database Transactions From EB3 Attribute Definitions?.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 83-88
DOI: 10.5220/0002573600830088
0 .. 1
nbLoans :title : T
bookKey : bk_Set memberKey : mk_Set
Fig.1. User requirements class diagram of the library
a member. An EB
specification consists of the following elements: i) a user require-
ments class diagram which includes entities, associations, and their respective actions
and attributes; ii) a process expression, denoted by main, which defines the valid input
event traces; iii) recursive functions, defined on the traces of main, that assign values
to entity and association attributes; iv) input-output rules, which assign an output to
each valid input event trace. Indeed, the denotational semantics of an EB
is given by a relation R defined on T (main) × O, where T (main) denotes the traces
accepted by main and O is the set of output events. Let trace denote the system
trace, which is the sequence of the valid input events accepted so far in the execution of
the system, let trace::σ denote the right append of element σ to trace trace, and
let [] denote the empty trace. Then, we have:
trace := [];
forever do
receive input event σ;
if main can accept trace::σ then
trace := trace::σ;
send output event o such that (trace, o) R;
send error message;
The EB
notation for process expressions is similar to Hoare’s CSP [9]. The com-
plete syntax and semantics of EB
can be found in [6] and the process expression for
the example in [8]. EB
expressions are close to the user view and complex constraints
inside and between entities are easy to specify in EB
[4]. The input-output rules of the
example are described in [7].
Outline. The APIS project [5] aims at generating IS from EB
specifications. There
already exists an interpreter, called EB3PAI [3], for EB
process expressions. It allows
one to generate IS from correct EB
specifications. Nevertheless, the computation of at-
tribute values in EB3PAI is not taken into account yet, and transactions are considered
as black boxes. In this paper, we focus on the synthesis of relational database transac-
tions that correspond to EB
attribute definitions. Thus, we will be able to efficiently
interprete EB
specifications for the purpose of software prototyping and requirements
validation. The synthesized imperative programs are of the same algorithmic complex-
ity as those manually generated by a programmer. Hence, they could also be used in
concrete implementations of EB
specifications. EB
attribute definitions are presented
in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we show how to generate SQL statements that correspond to
attribute definitions. Finally, Sect. 4 concludes the paper with some comments and
2 EB
Attribute Definitions
The definition of an attribute in EB
is a recursive function on the valid traces of the
system, that is, the traces accepted by process expression main. The function is total
and is given in a pattern-matching-like style, as in CAML [1]. It outputs the attribute
values that are valid for the state in which the system is, after having executed the
input events in the trace. A key definition outputs a set of key values, while a non-
key attribute definition outputs the attribute value for a key value given as an input
parameter. For instance, the key of entity type book is defined by function bookKey
in Fig. 2. bookKey has a unique input parameter s T (main), i.e., a valid trace of the
system, and it returns the set of key values of entity type book. Let us note that type
Set) denotes the set of finite subsets of bk Set. Non-key attribute title is defined
in Fig. 2.
bookKey(s : T (main)) : F(bk Set)
match last(s) with
: ,
) : bookKey(front(s)) {bId},
Discard(mId) : bookKey(front(s)) {bId},
: bookKey(front(s));
title(s : T (main), bId : bk Set) : T
match last(s) with
: , (I1)
Acquire(bId, ttl) : ttl, (I2)
Discard(bId) : , (I3)
Modify(bId, ttl) : ttl, (I4)
: title(front(s), bId); (I5)
Fig.2. Examples of EB
attribute definitions
Expressions of the form input : expr, like Acquire(bId, ttl) : ttl in title, are
called input clauses. When an attribute definition is executed, then all the input clauses
of the attribute definition are analysed, and the first pattern matching that holds is the
one executed. Hence, the ordering of the input clauses is important. The pattern match-
ing analysis always involves the last input event of trace s. If one of the expressions
input matches with last(s), then the corresponding expression expr is computed; oth-
erwise, the function is recursively called with the first elements of s except the last one,
denoted by front(s). This case corresponds to the last input clause with symbol
attribute definitions always include , that matches with the empty trace, to repre-
sent undefinedness; hence, EB
recursive functions are always total. Any reference to a
key eKey or to an attribute b in an input clause is always of the form eKey(front(s))
or b(front(s), ...). For instance, we have the following values for attribute title:
title([ ], b
)], b
= title([ ], b
, t
)], b
= t
, t
), Register(m
), Modify(b
, t
)], b
= t
In the first example, the value is obtained from input clause (I1), since last([ ]) = .
In the second example, we first applied the wild card clause (I5), since no input clause
matches Register, and then (I1). In the last examples, the value is obtained directly
from (I2) and (I3), respectively.
Expression expr in an input clause of the form input : expr is a term composed of
constants, variables and attribute recursive calls. if then else end expressions are also
used when the pattern matching condition is not sufficient to determine the key values
affected by an action. For instance, the input clause for Transfer in attribute nbLoans
Transfer(bId, mId
) : if mId = mId
then nbLoans(front(s), mId) + 1
else if mId = borrower(f ront(s), bId) then
nbLoans(front(s), mId) 1 end end,
The key of nbLoans is mId, and the if predicates determine two key values for mId:
and borrower(f ront(s), bId).
3 Synthesizing Relational Database Transactions
In the EB
semantics, when a new event of action a is accepted by process expression
main, then all the attributes affected by a must be updated. To generate a RDBMS
transaction for each EB
action a, we must analyse the input clauses of EB
definitions to determine which attributes are affected by the execution of action a and
what are the effects of a on these attributes. The general algorithm is the following:
for each action a of the EB
analyse the input clauses of EB
attribute definitions
determine the tables T (a) affected by a
for each t in T (a)
determine the key values to delete
determine the key values to insert and/or to update
define the transaction for a
In the remainder of this paper, the SQL 92 norm [10] is used for SQL queries, while a
procedural pseudo-language is used for transactions.
Definition of Temporary Variables and Temporary Tables. The analysis of the input
clauses is summed up in this paper; the algorithms are presented in [7]. When a pattern
matching condition evaluates to true, an assignment of a value for each free variable in
the input clause has been determined. When expression expr in an input clause of the
form input : expr contains if then else expressions, then we must analyse the different
conditions in the if predicates to determine the values of the key attributes that are not
bounded by the pattern matching. We use a binary trees called decision trees to analyse
the if predicates; their construction and analysis are detailed in [8].
When key values are determined from predicates involving computations and/or
recursive calls of attributes, then a temporary variable or a temporary table must be
defined in the host language, in order to manipulate it in the transaction of the action.
Moreover, such definitions allow us to define transactions independently of the state-
ments ordering. A temporary variable is defined when a unique key value is determined,
while a temporary table is used to characterize several key values. For instance, if we
need the collection of books lent by member mId, then the following table is defined:
SELECT bookKey
FROM book
WHERE borrower = #mId;
We do not use views, because we want to consider the values of the data before any
modification. Thus, the content of the temporary tables is evaluated only once, at the
beginning of the transaction. The generation of SELECT statements that correspond
to the key values satisfying the if predicates depends on the form of the predicate. We
have identified the most typical patterns of predicates and their corresponding SELECT
statements [7].
Definition of Transactions. For defining transactions, all the SQL statements are
grouped by table. Thanks to the analysis of the input clauses, the key values to delete
are distinguished from the other key values. The DELETE statements are grouped at
the beginning of each table’s list of instructions. For instance, the transaction generated
for action Discard is:
DELETE FROM book /* delete statement */
WHERE bookKey = #bId;
Let us note that this transaction should be executed only when Discard is a valid input
event of the system. When the action involves updates and/or insertions, then the trans-
action becomes more complex. Indeed, tests must be defined to determine whether the
key values already exist in the tables, in order to distinguish updates from insertions.
For instance, the trasaction generated for Acquire is:
TRANSACTION Acquire(bId : BOOKID,bTitle : T)
VAR R : ResultSet /* define a temporary variable for the test */
SELECT bookKey INTO R /* extract bId from book */
FROM book
WHERE bookKey = #bId;
IF R is not empty /* test to determine whether bId is in book */
THEN UPDATE book SET title = #ttl /* update statement */
WHERE bookKey = #bId;
ELSE INSERT INTO book(bookKey,title) /* insert statement */
VALUES (#bId,#ttl);
Such a transaction could be simplified by the analysis of EB
process expressions.
4 Conclusion
In this paper, we have presented an overview of an algorithm that synthesizes rela-
tional database transactions from EB
attribute definitions. Synthesized programs can
be used in concrete implementations of EB
specifications; their algorithmic complexity
is similar to those of manually written programs. Our programs introduce some over-
head, because they systematically store the current values of attributes before updating
the database, in order to ensure correctness. We plan to optimize these programs by
analysing dependencies between update statements and avoid, when possible, these in-
termediate steps. By focusing on the translation of attribute definitions, the resulting
transactions do not take the behaviour specified by the EB
process expression into ac-
count. This work must now be coupled with the analysis and/or the interpretation of EB
process expressions. Several papers deal with the synthesis of relational implementa-
tions. Most of the time, refinement techniques are used, like in [2] for Z and [11] for B
specifications, which are orthogonal in specification style to EB
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