Closing the Gap: Cognitively Adequate, Fast
Broad-Coverage Grammatical Role Parsing
Gerold Schneider, Fabio Rinaldi, Kaarel Kaljurand and Michael Hess
Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract. We present Pro3Gres, a fast robust broad-coverage and deep-linguistic
parser that has been applied to and evaluated on unrestricted amounts of text
from unrestricted domains. We show that it is largely cognitively adequate. We
argue that Pro3Gres contributes to closing the gap between psycholinguistics and
language engineering, between probabilistic parsing and formal grammar-based
parsing, between shallow parsing and full parsing, and between deterministic
parsing and non-deterministic parsing. We also describe a successful application
of Pro3Gres for parsing research texts from the BioMedical domain.
1 Introduction
Computational psycholinguistics and language engineering are often seen as distinct
research activities. Engineering aims at practical, fast solutions. Computational psy-
cholinguistics often concentrates on the detailed modeling of few well-understood con-
structions. But recent approaches such as [1–3] haveshown that human sentence process-
ing and statistical parsing technology share major objectives: to rapidly and accurately
understand the text and utterances they encounter.
[1] shows that true probabilities are essential for a cognitive model of sentence
processing of access and disambiguation. Access retrieving linguistic structure from
some mental grammar directly corresponds to a low probability threshold that cuts
possible but improbable readings. Disambiguation choosing among combinations of
structures happens as structures are put together and corresponds to a summing of
parsing decisions in which only the few most probable analyses are kept due to mem-
ory limitations. In garden path sentences the fact that the human reader has cut low
probability structures leads to reanalysis, indicated by longer human reading times and
by re-reading in eye tracking experiments.
[2] show that statistical modeling not only allows us to model which sentences hu-
mans find difficult to analyze, but equally why we parse the majority of sentences with
little effort and mental load but high accuracy. [1] offers a first probabilistic psycholin-
guistic parsing model. As with other psycholinguistic models, however, its syntactic
coverage, scalability and performance remain unclear and unproven. [4, 3] is the first
broad-coverage psycholinguistic parsing model, aiming at closing the gap between lan-
guage engineering and psycholinguistics. Their approach is psycholinguistically ap-
pealing as it is left-to-right incremental and as it calculates local decision probabilities,
emphasizing parsing as a decision process. While broad-coverage and performant, the
Schneider G., Rinaldi F., Kaljurand K. and Hess M. (2005).
Closing the Gap: Cognitively Adequate, Fast Broad-Coverage Grammatical Role Parsing.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 178-184
DOI: 10.5220/0002574901780184
layered approach of cascaded Markov models is not a full parsing approach. We present
a full parsing approach similar in spirit to [3]. The paper is structured as follows: we
first take a psycholinguistic (section 2) and then a language engineering perspective
(section 3) on our parser. Then we discuss evaluations and applications (section 4).
2 Psycholinguistic Adequacy
The Probability Model We explain Pro3Gres’ probability model by comparing it to
Collins’ parser Model 1 [5]. [6] discusses this relation in more detail. Both Collins’
Model 1 and Pro3Gres are mainly dependency-based maximum-likelihood (MLE) sta-
tistical parsers parsing over heads of chunks. Collins’ MLE and the Pro3Gres MLE can
be juxtaposed as follows
. Collins’ MLE estimation: P (R|ha, atagi, hb, btagi, dist)
#(R, ha, atagi, hb, btagi, dist)
#(ha, atagi, hb, btagi, dist)
Main Pro3Gres MLE estimation [7]: P (R, dist|a, b)
p(R|a, b) · p(dist|R)
#(R, a, b)
, a, b)
#(R, dist)
The psycholinguistically most relevant differences are: (1) The co-occurrence count in
the MLE denominator is not the sentence-context, but the sum of competing relations.
For example, the object and the adjunct relation are in competition, as they are licensed
by the same tag configuration. Pro3Gres models attachment probabilities, local decision
probabilities like [1, 3], in accordance with the psycholinguistic view of parsing as a
decision process. (2) Relations (R) have a Functional Dependency Grammar definition
[8], including long-distance dependencies (see section 3). Grammatical Relations are
psycholinguistically intuitive and easily mappable to predicate-argument structures.
Incrementality and Parallelism Some authors (e.g. [9]) argue that left-to-right incre-
mentality needs to be strictly imposed, others favour a deferring approach in which
structures are not fully connected at all times [10]. [11] has shown that dependency
parsing cannot be fully incremental, but is so in the majority of cases, and delays are
typically very short.
An issue related to incrementality is the question whether alternative analyses should
be considered at the same time (parallel) or defered to a later stage (serial), e.g. by
means of backtracking. Computational parsing models are usually based on some form
of dynamic programming algorithm, and hence are parallel in nature. Traditionally,
psycholinguistic parsers are serial like e.g. the shift-reduce algorithm, equating psy-
cholinguistic re-analysis and backtracking of the algorithm in garden path situations.
The CKY algorithm, which we use, can be seen as parallelized shift-reduce. [1] dis-
cusses that garden-path phenomena can also be modeled with a parallel architecture,
and that some psycholinguistic results argue for parallel parsing [12,13].
R= Gram. Relation; a, b = head lemmas, atag, btag = their POS tags, dist = distance (chunks)
Modularity The issue of modularity is a fiercely debated topic in the sentence process-
ing literature. [14] argue for a pre-syntactic module that is responsible for lexical cat-
egory decisions. They show that a unique categorial label is initially preferred, which
leads to augmented reading times in garden path situations. If we follow their argument
then a tagging preprocessing step and a chunking preprocessing step [15] is psycholin-
guistically adequate in addition to increasing the parsing efficiency.
Traces In the Mind? [1] argues in favour of a traceless theory, which has the advan-
tage of being representationally more minimal and not positing empty categories in the
mind. We follow his argument (see section 3). A traceless theory also allows for a mod-
ular analysis of e.g. passives, in which no increased memory load or reading times for
constructing a trace is reported. The issue whether traceless theories are psycholinguis-
tically preferable remains contested, however [16].
Re-analysis Sample Experiment A sample experiment focusses on garden path situa-
tions. In them, a locally most plausible interpretation needs to be revised due to sub-
sequent text data so that a globally possible interpretation can be found. In a statistical
parser this is conveyed by a locally relatively unlikely interpretation becoming the most
likely one at a later stage. If we parse using short beam lengths, locally least probable
analyses get lost. Without a repair mechanism such as backtracking the globally correct
interpretation cannot be reached when using the short beam
. In a widely used 500 sen-
tence evaluation corpus ([17], see 4), although true garden path sentences are rare, 13
sentences get less correct analyses in the short beam scenario, e.g.
[the Meiner administration]
[the Republican]
[State Senate]
[the blame]
Comparing the parse chart entries reveals that an object relation between controlled (at
position 6) and Senate (at position 7) is about 20 times more likely than an adjective
relation. The chart spans from Republican (position 5) to Senate (position 7) leading
to the correct global span additionally include the rare nchunk relation a relation
that corrects chunking shortcomings. The chart entry containing a subject relation to
Republican and an object relation to Senate is 210 times more likely than the nchunk
plus adjective reading that leads to the globally correct span. If aggressive pruning
such as short beam is used at this stage, no global span can be found by the parser: the
parse fails, corresponding to a situation that triggers a human parser to re-analyse.
3 Fast and Robust Grammatical Role Parsing
From a language engineering perspective, Pro3Gres has been designed to keep search
spaces and parsing complexity low while only taking minimal linguistic compromises
[18] and to be robust for broad-coverage parsing [19]. In order to keep parsing complex-
ity as low as possible, aggressive use of pruning, shallow techniques and context-free
parsing is made.
We used 6 alternatives per span as a normal beam and 2 alternatives per span as a small beam
Pruning As predicted by [1, 2] parsing speed increases tremendously while the per-
formance is hardly affected until extreme pruning parameters are used (see section 4
for evaluation details). Exploring aggressive pruning strategies bridges the gap between
full parsing and deterministic parsing by e.g. [20].
Tagging and Chunking Low-level linguistic tasks that can be reliably solved by finite-
state techniques, tagging and chunking, are handed over to them [15,18]. Such an ap-
proach implements the modular hypothesis introduced by [14]. Parsing takes place only
between the heads of chunks, and only using the best tag suggested by the tagger. In a
test with a toy NP and verb-group grammar parsing was about 4 times slower.
Hand-written Grammar Combining a hand-written grammar with statistical disam-
biguation reflects our view of grammar as rule-based competence and disambiguation
as statistical performance. Writing grammar rules is an easy task for a linguist, particu-
larly when using a framework that is close to traditional school grammar assumptions,
such as Dependency Grammar (DG) [8].
Long-Distance Dependencies Treating long-distance dependencies is very costly as
they are context-sensitive. Classical statistical Treebank trained parsers thus fully or
largely ignore them. [21] presents a pattern-matching algorithm for post-processing the
Treebank output of such parsers to add empty nodes expressing long-distance depen-
dencies to their parse trees. Encouraging results are reported for perfect parses, but
performance drops considerably when using parser output trees. We have applied struc-
tural patterns to the Treebank, patterns similar to [21]’s but relying on functional labels
and empty nodes thus reaching near-full precision. We use the extracted lexical counts
as training material. Every dependency relation has a group of structural extraction pat-
terns associated with it.
Movements are generally supposed to be of arbitrary length, but a closer investiga-
tion reveals that many types of movement are fixed and can thus be replaced by a single,
local dependency. This is most obvious for passive and control, but [7] explains how
most long-distance dependencies except for complex WH-movement can be modeled
locally in DG
. The resulting DG trees are flatter which has the advantages that less and
less sparse decisions are needed at parse-time, and that the costly overhead for dealing
with unbounded dependencies can be largely avoided.
4 Evaluations and Applications
Pro3Gres has been evaluated widely, using dependency-oriented evaluation [17]. We
report results on the 500 sentence Carroll corpus [17] and on 100 random sentences
from the BioMedical GENIA corpus [22] in 1. Results on the GENIA corpus are partic-
ularly good because near-perfect terminology and thus improved chunking information
is available, other evaluations are affected by remaining mapping problems, e.g. differ-
ing grammar assumptions, imperfect tagging and chunking.
We use a mildly-context-sensitve TAG approach for complex WH-movement
Table 1. Percentage results of evaluating on Carroll’s test corpus and on GENIA on subject,
object and PP-attachment relations
Percentages on CARROLL Subject Object noun-PP verb-PP
Precision 91.5 90.3 70.5 72.5
Recall 80.6 83.4 64.0 86.4
Percentages on GENIA Subject Object noun-PP verb-PP
Precision 90 93 85 82
Recall 87 91 82 84
Pro3Gres has been used in a number of Text Mining applications over Biomedical
literature. In [23] we describe experiments over the GENIA corpus, aimed at detect-
ing domain-relevant semantic relations. GENIA [22]
is a corpus of 2000 MEDLINE
abstracts. Pro3Gres is the core component of the applications targeted within the On-
toGene project (, which aims at evaluating the hy-
potheses that high-precision hybrid parsing technologies have reached a sufficient level
of maturity to become usable in practical large-scale Text Mining efforts. A significant
early result has been the release of DepGENIA
: a corpus of Dependency Annotations,
which is an enriched version of the GENIA corpus, built using Pro3Gres. Applications
of Pro3Gres for Question Answering (QA) and Knowledge Management are discussed
in [24,25].
5 Conclusions
[26] compare speed and accuracy of [5] to a robust LFG system based on [27]. They
show that the gap between probabilistic context-free parsing and deep-linguistic parsing
can be closed. A conclusion that can be drawn from their and our work is that research
in simplifying, restricting and limiting Formal Grammar expressiveness is increasingly
bridging the gap between probabilistic and formal grammar-based parsing, between
shallow and full parsing, and between deterministic and non-deterministic parsing.
We have presented a widely applied, fast robust broad-coverage and deep-linguistic
parser that contributes to bridging these gaps. We have argued that it is largely cogni-
tively adequate and thus additionally contributes to bridging the gap between psycholin-
guistics and language engineering.
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