5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have introduced a practical QoS provisioning which makes DiffServ
over node-disjoint multipath routing protocol for MANETs to overcome the short-
comings of the best-effort model. We also present a solution about a reliable multi-
path routing and resource management for QoS issues of real-time multimedia appli-
cations in ad hoc networks. The performance evaluation and comparison between
NDMR and MQRD are studied by extensive simulations using OPNET Modeler.
Simulation results show that MQRD achieves better performance than NDMR by
providing end-to-end QoS support in MANETs. We can conclude that MQRD has a
good potential to serve as a QoS model to provide real-time multimedia applications
under the dynamically changing environment of ad hoc networks.
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