study are encouraging, we need to develop a larger and independently labelled test
corpus to provide clearer quantitative analysis of system performance. We will use this
to develop and explore the effectiveness of extended schemes to measure arousal and
valence, such as those introduced in [4] which incorporate visual motion activity and
density of shot cuts from the video stream as components in the arousal measure, and
to explore methods for identifying dominant emotions.
In our ongoing work we are extending our study to compare our automatic audio
annotation with the affect labels generated in [7] using the manual audio descriptions.
Results of this comparison may lead to methods of effectively combining the alternative
annotation schemes to provide richer or more reliable affective labelling. We also plan
to explore the use of affect annotation in the automatic comparison of multimedia docu-
ments for both retrieval and classification applications. This information might be used
to recommend items that a user might like, for example movies with similar structure
to those that they have viewed previously.
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