Picture ID Authentication Using Invisible Watermark
and Facial Recognition Features
Wensheng Zhou
and Hua Xie
Information Systems Sciences Lab, HRL Laboratories, LLC, 3011 Malibu Canyon Road,
Malibu, CA 90265, USA
Signal and Imaging Processing Institute, Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
Abstract. Picture ID authentication is very important for any identification
verifications and extremely critical for homeland security. Here we propose a
unique picture ID authentication apparatus which combines invisible water-
mark embedding and detection technology with facial recognition techniques.
To demonstrate this apparatus, we implemented a system that is capable of fast
and secure verification on the integrity and authenticity of ID documents with
face images for Boeing. The proposed invisible watermarks tolerate most-
common attacks such as recompression. We believe with only minor im-
provement this picture ID authentication system can be deployed in real envi-
ronment at airports and country borders.
1 Introduction and Motivation
As technology advances, more and more digital equipments are readily available to
provide easy and convenient ways to generate, manage and distribute digital contents
and information. However, digital-format contents are easily modified without no-
tice. As a result, seeing is no longer absolutely a believing [1]. How to protect the
copyright and integrity of the digital content is becoming increasingly important and
challenging, not only for digital content providers, but also for digital content con-
Besides, broadband networks, such as next-generation satellite system, also pro-
vide an ideal platform
to achieve the cost effective delivery of large volume of digital
data. The Digital Cinema (DC) project [2,3] that targets to deliver high-resolution
movies to theaters is a prime example of such endeavor. However, it lacks the key
security component to protect the authenticity of the distributed data from video
frame swapping and image editing and to deter and track illegal pirating.
This lack of security not only causes huge financial loss in commercial world, but
becomes serious security issue in identification documents. In fact, identity theft
and fraud have been growing rapidly worldwide. There were over 700,000 cases of
identify theft in 2002. After 9.11, from homeland security point of view, identifica-
tion verification becomes even more urgent. Each identity contains personal informa-
Zhou W. and Xie H. (2005).
Picture ID Authentication Using Invisible Watermark and Facial Recognition Features.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 12-21
DOI: 10.5220/0002579100120021
tion, identity photo, and so on. The original identity needs to be protected from al-
terations, and at the same time, the identity needs to be authenticated. It is a challenge
to come up with smart and secure ID cards and passports to make sure that terrorists
can’t fool security staffs at the borders, airports and any entry to the country that
requires identity checkups.
So in this paper, we designed and implemented a face image content authentication
protection apparatus and an automatic face verification and restoration system. It
provides content integrity preservation, verification, and protection, especially for
video and image contents. The technology is also applicable to intrusion detection
system to detect any content modification, identification authentication, copy tracking
and unauthorized usages. This work applies security and digital copy management
with state of the art watermark technologies to correct these problems. The homeland
security will see this work very useful because it is created to protect the true content
of the identity photos. Under any case, for any the fraudulent IDs, there is a water-
mark which is corresponding to the true identity and it helps to detect out the fraudu-
lent ID.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the related work on the sub-
ject and gives a brief introduction of the contribution of this work. Section 3 charac-
terizes the proposed authentication service and authentication algorithm. In particular,
facial recognition features using Eigenface as an invariant property of authentication,
and an indication of how authentication algorithm embedding are presented. The
design of the authentication detection system is given in Section 4. Experiment results
and discussion are given in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper.
2 Related Work and Contribution
2.1 Related work
Traditional digital signatures, which utilize cryptographic hashing and public key
techniques, have been used to protect the authenticity of traditional data and docu-
ments [4]. However, such schemes protect every bit of the data and do not allow any
data manipulation or processing, and it is also hard to tolerate printing and scanning,
which are critical procedures for ID creations.
Paper [1] surveyed the most current multimedia authentication technologies and
their applications. Hard authentication rejects any modification to a multimedia sig-
nal, which is apparently suitable for applications in ID documents that involve A/D
signal conversions. However, multimedia signals that are modified yet retain their
original perceptual quality and/or semantic content are desired in such applications.
Zhu et. al. [5] describes algorithms that accept only manipulations that preserve the
perceptual quality. Papers [6-10] address the content-based authentication by using
computable feature vector that can capture the major content characteristics from a
human perspective. However, all these papers use very heuristic features to represent
the semantic content of the original multimedia content, such as block histograms [6],
averages [7], lower-order moments [8] or image edges [8,9] and zero-crossings [10].
None of their methods addresses the content-based authentication by preserving both
perceptual and semantic contents yet, especially for ID documents. Wu [11] presented
a content-based multimedia authentication system by combining some of the best
features of the feature-based and hash-based authentication algorithms. Bartolini et.
al. [12] studied the image authentication techniques for surveillance applications.
2.2 Contribution of this work
Our proposed work develops an authentication watermark algorithm that is designed
to verify the integrity of the cover digital content in which it is embedded. Here we
especially try to embed authentication watermark to protect the ID documents, such
as passport and other personal ID for enhancing homeland security, and student ID
and drivers’ licenses for verification applications. We are the first to take the novel
approach to combine the facial recognition technique with identification document
content protection mechanism. The uniqueness and invariant property of Eigenvec-
tors of the Eigenfaces make them perfect to serve as authentication watermark key.
The invisible watermark embedding/detection using this novel technique tolerates
most-common attacks.
This technique differs from traditional digital signatures and some of the pervious
image authentication algorithms in that (1) It uses invisible watermarking, which is
imperceptible to human eyes and becomes an integral part of the image, rather than
an external signature. (2) It incorporates facial features for unique watermark embed-
ding for each specific face in ID documents. It can also combine other biometric
information (i.e., handwriting and finger-printings) with watermarking for additional
security. (3) It provides robustness. It allows some predefined acceptable manipula-
tions which don’t hurt any facial recognition. Also the watermark is robust in printing
and scanning processes. (4) It is a secure authentication. Each authentication water-
mark is identified with a unique secret key. (5) It provides flexible verification
method and can automatically recover the corrupted face image for ID documents.
This developed system has flexible and self- verification capabilities, and could con-
duct both machine readable verification using advanced digital camera and scanners,
and Network-based verification via databases and servers.
3 Digital ID Document Authentication System
ID Documents are a hybrid of text, pictures, images and graphics. Fig. 1 depicts a
digital document authentication system that protects digital contents in either stand-
alone or distributed environment. This authentication method for ID images mainly
has two distinguished features: (1) it protects the content of the standard face images
for ID documents; and (2) it supports the robust and accurate authentication verifica-
tion of the protected content even after IDs are scanned or reprinted. The first charac-
ter requires effective face recognition feature vector extraction method for image
content protection. The second character requires robust and effective watermark
embedding and detection methods.
Fig. 1. Digital Document Authentication System which protects generated and distributed
digital contents
3.1 Eigenface vector extraction
Eigenface is a well-known Principle Component Analysis (PCA) based face recogni-
tion algorithm developed by researchers at MIT [1
3]. The calculus of the Eigenface
is supported on the statistical method of
principal components. The analysis tries to
generate new variables, using an initial data matrix as a point of departure in such a
way that these variables can express more structural variability of the first matrix.
Specifically, the matrix of the resultant variables is now orderly, so that all the vari-
ables are not correlated. The first variable contains the most variability of the initial
group, and the second variable has the second most variability and so on. It can be
proved that the transformation of the initial matrix that is required for the fulfillment
of these conditions depends on the matrix of Eigenvectors that are associated with the
Eigenvalues of the original data matrix. It means that the matrix of Eigenvectors de-
termines the rotation to which the initial variables have to conform in order to per-
form the previous conditions.
Though the mathematical underpinnings of Eigenfaces are complex, the entire al-
gorithm is simple and has a structure quite amenable to streaming. Training images
are represented as a set of flattened vectors and assembled together into a single ma-
trix. The Eigenvectors of the matrix are then extracted and stored in a database. The
training face images are projected onto a feature space, called face space, defined by
the Eigenvectors. This captures the variation between the set of faces without empha-
sis on any single facial region such as eyes or nose. The projected face space repre-
sentation of each training image is also saved to a database. To identify a face, the test
image is projected to face space using the saved Eigenvectors. The projected test
image is then compared against each saved projected training image for similarity.
The identity of the person in the test image is assumed to be the same as the person
depicted in the most similar training image. An example of face Eigenfeature extrac-
tion is shown in Fig. 2. A re-implementation of the Eigenfaces algorithm from re-
searchers at Colorado State University [1
4] was used in this research.
Once eignefaces E[e
, e
, …e
] are established, we can always decompose a face
into a projection vector over the Eigenspace, v
=<I, e
>, and V=[v
, v
, …, v
] is the
Eigenvector of the face image over the Eigenfaces.
Fig. 2. Facial feature using Eigenfaces
Because Eigenfaces serve as basic elements of original faces, which allows each
face to project itself to the Eigenfaces and the generated Eigenvectors have invariant
properties of each face, we can use the Eigenface vectors as watermark keys of each
identification card. In this work, we used the quantized facial features to serve as
watermark keys, and embedded the watermark keys into the wavelet transformed face
images for authentication purpose with joint wavelet compression and authentication
watermark [15, 16, 17]. The invariant Eigenface and Eigenface vector properties
provide a solution to two major challenges in developing authentication watermarks
(a.k.a., integrity watermarks): how to extract short, invariant, and robust information
to substitute fragile hash function; and how to embed information that is guaranteed
to survive quantization-based lossy compression to an acceptable extent. Further-
more, the authentication watermarks not only serve as authentication purpose to ver-
ify the integrity of the face images, but also serve as the recovery bits for recovering
approximate face values in corrupted IDs. This authenticator utilizes the compressed
bitstream, and thus avoids rounding errors in reconstructing transform domain coeffi-
cients. At applications, the watermark can be embedded while the IDs are created.
When the IDs or any other authenticated documents are distributed through network
or other medias, an authentication verifier can automatically detect the face’s Eigen-
face vectors, and compare them with watermark embedded somewhere in the image.
If they are matched, the ID is authentic. Otherwise, the original face image can be
restored from the face database based on the watermark key. The key point here is
that we can embed invariant watermark bits in interesting locations that are specific to
the quality of the image to allow convenient and robust watermark detection.
3.2 Watermarking embedding method with facial features
Fig. 3. Watermark key extraction via Eigenface vectors for photo ID authentication
In this demonstrable authentication system, we utilized cutting-edge face recogni-
tion technologies to help us to protect the most important features of the human being
faces. We extracted facial features by decomposing the face picture into Eigenvectors
over the Eigenfaces in the view-based and modular Eigenspaces for face recognition.
Then we quantized these features into digital values to be embeded to watermark.
HRL-developed watermark technologies [3] can be used as watermark embedding
and detection method within any other spaces of the picture ID, such as signature area
to demonstrate its effectiveness for verification and robustness against several attacks.
Each watermark pattern is unique and robust to the specific face; and the watermark
bits are embedded in the special features of DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform)
magnitude domain of the original image due to the advantages of rotation and scaling
invariance. The mechanism is novel in that watermark created in the DWT domain
for digital images allows robust detection and self-verification. Uniqueness of the
watermark means that given a digital picture ID, the watermark can be identified as a
unique label of the ID. We designed the watermark payload to be big enough to
satisfy the uniqueness of watermark in digital picture ID protection applications.
Besides, the wavelet-based watermark can be created dynamically according to the
time and places of display so that the digital watermark can protect the multimedia
content. Furthermore, watermark detection can be oblivious without original data: if
the picture was detected as unauthentic, the possible authentic picture can be recon-
structed out from the extracted watermark information and the engenspaces trained
from existing face databases. Watermark Embedding Algorithm includes the follow-
ing steps:
1). Extract facial features as described in section 3.1.
2). Conduct Feature quantization. Currently we are using uniform quantization (8-
bits), and it can be improved by optimizing quantization with minimizing quantiza-
tion error. Normally, increasing information rate (payload) for watermarking will
increase watermark bits that are embedded, and thus make it more robust to printing
and scanning processes, which is very important for watermark verifications using
digital cameras and making picture IDs with our current watermarking authentication
3). Apply the blind wavelet based digital signature for image authentication
method. Here we used methods in [2, 3], and we also applied the method developed
by Xie, et. al. [15, 16, 17] and the procedure is shown in Figures 3 and 4 and de-
scribed next. Refer to paper [15, 16, 17] for more details.
Fig. 4. The watermark engraving structure
To assure robustness, the watermark bit sequence is embedded into the low-
frequency band of the wavelet image representation with a sliding and non-
overlapping 3x1 running window as illustrated in Fig. 3 and 4. A watermark bit is
etched at each sliding location. Elements within the window are denoted as b
, b
, b
which are the coefficient values at locations with coordinates (i - 1; j), (i; j), (i + 1; j).
The corresponding rank-ordered coefficients are denoted as b
<= b
a nonlinear Rank-order based transformation algorithm [15, 16, 17]is used that
changes the median of these coefficients in the window area to b’
= f (
, b
, b
x), where x is the watermark bit to be embedded, and the remaining coefficients are
the same. To determined b’
, as shown in Fig. 4, we first divided the range [b
] into M intervals with interval step to be S
as a tuning value, and MS
- b
. As b
falls into the region [l
, l
], then b’
= l
when k is odd and x=1 or
k is even and x= 0; or b’
= l
when k is even and x=1 or k is odd and x= 0.
4 Watermark Detection and Image Authentication Verification
At the detection or receiver side, watermark extraction procedure is shown in Fig. 5,
and it is an inverted process of Section 3.2. A 3x1 window is shifted through the
received wavelet transformed image, and a sequence with elements: B
and B
is obtained. The watermarked bit associated with the window at each location is ex-
tracted as: x = arg min | B
- f(a; b
; x)| where x is within (0,1) and is the
possible value of the watermark sample and B
= b
, B
= b
The need of the
original image for retrieving the signature is removed since the invariance of rank-
ordering is utilized to memorize the hidden information bit. Shifting the decoding
window throughout the entire watermarked image, the entire embedded watermark
sequence V’ is retrieved. The received image is also needed to calculate the Eigenvec-
tor features V of the face image on the ID as described in Section 3.1. Authentication
verification is executed by comparing it with the message bits carried by the water-
mark. Threshold is experimentally chosen as to maximize the detection accuracy of
the authentication performance.
Fig. 5. Watermark detection and face ID authentication
5 Experimental Tests and Discussion
Using the method described in Section 3 and 4, we have an automatic verifiable ID
system. If any watermark does not match with the intrinsic face image Eigenvector
feature, we may use the detected watermark that should be equivalent to Eigenvector
values to get the true face image restored, and it is as shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 6. Watermark detection and face ID authentication
In this research, we first trained the system with about 100 sample faces with
slightly angled face images. After watermark embedding, we did two types of test.
First we switched the face image on the photo with no angle at all, and then we
switched the face image to a different person’s photo with no angle, and the system
can recognize the right person’s image, authenticate the ID and restore the corrupted
one with a right face 100% under no further deterioration of the ID image’s quality.
Our system works for common attacks in digital image watermarks such as JPEG
image recompression. However, we need to further validate our proposed algorithm
and system with other attacks in digital image watermarks, image resizing, cropping,
scaling and so on. Our demo and experiments show that our watermarking can sur-
vive some attacks up to such a promising level that the altered picture ID will inevita-
bly be unacceptable.
6 Conclusion
In summary, we have developed a picture ID image authentication prototype using
watermark to further protect multimedia content. The main novelty of our technology
is to combine biometric information (face recognition techniques) with watermarking
for secure ID document authentication. The decision rule of the watermark signa-
ture, which is uniquely assigned to the whole image based on the face image’s unique
and invariable feature vectors, makes the detection of the authentication watermark
and the restoration of damaged face image robust. There are a wide variety of valu-
able applications for our watermark techniques. For example, watermarking tech-
niques can also be used for stegnography and stegnoanalysis, covered channel com-
munications and other security issues in secure information dissemination and home-
land security applications. In the future, we will further study the robustness of this
technique against A/D and D/A conversion.
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