Towards an integration of Security Requirements into
Business Process Modeling
Alfonso Rodríguez
, Eduardo Fernández-Medina
, Mario Piattini
Universidad del Bio Bio, Departamento de Auditoría e Informática,
La Castilla S/N, Chillán Chile.
Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Departamento de Informática,
Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, España.
Abstract: Bus
iness Processes are considered as an essential resource for
companies to optimize and assure their quality by obtaining advantages with
respect to their competitors. Consequently, Business Process Modeling
becomes relevant since it allows us to represent the essence of the business.
A notation to model businesses must be able to capture the majority of the
requirements of the business. We have had the opportunity to check that
security requirements have been scarcely considered in nowadays’ most used
notations to model business processes. In this work, we will present the
security aspects that can be modelled from the business experts’ dominion
and that have been scarcely studied in the business process modeling, a
review of the main notations used for modeling and a proposal to represent
security requirements considering the knowledge of the experts in the
1 Introduction
Business Processes, considered as a set of procedures or activities which collectively
realise a business objective or policy goal [30], form the essence of contemporary
organizations’ competitiveness. Each phase of the construction of business processes
becomes, therefore, especially relevant. Among these phases, the requirements
specification, considered as a process that effectively facilitates the necessary
communication between the different parts involved in the process [20], allows us to
rather ensure that the business process will be useful and functional for the objectives
of the organizations.
However, the notion of security is often neglected in business process models,
witch usually concentrate on modeling the process in a way that functional
correctness can be show [3]. This is due to the fact that the expert in the business
process dominion is not a specialist in security [14]. Furthermore, the requirements
engineers are not trained at all in security and the that have been trained have only
been given an overview of security architectural mechanisms such as password and
encryption instead of the actual
security requirements [10]. Nevertheless, many
security aspects can be modelled from the user or the business analyst view since
studies show that it is common that end users are able to express their security needs
Rodríguez A., Fernández-Medina E. and Piattini M. (2005).
Towards an integration of Security Requirements into Business Process Modeling.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 287-297
DOI: 10.5220/0002579402870297
at this level [18]. Consequently, during the modeling phase, the process owners
should face the security requirements as well [23].
Our proposal will allow business analysts to early specify security requirements
without having to deeply study implementation and/or architecture aspects. We think
that an appropriate notation will facilitate this task; hence, we have extended the
notation proposed by the Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) by
incorporating into it some security aspects that are comprehensible and adequate.
The paper is organized as follows: in section 2, we will present the business
process security model considering the main notations used in the industry. In section
3, we will show the extension we propose for being able to represent security
requirements from the business analyst perspective and finally, in section 4 we will
present an example to appreciate the application of our proposal.
2 Business Process Security Model
In spite of the importance of security within business processes, business process
security modeling presents two main problems. On the one hand, the modeling itself
has been considered inadequate since those who specify security requirements are
requirements engineers that, accidentally, have tended to replace them by specific
restrictions of architecture [10]. On the other hand, security has been integrated very
late, often during the actual implementation of the process [3] or even later, during the
system administration phase. This can be partly explained by the fact that although
security is a transversal aspect that early affects the components of an application, it is
not properly understood and besides there is a lack of tools that support security
engineering [17].
However, it is more or less obvious that an approach oriented to the process
should also take into consideration security information in the business process
management [1]. In this sense, to model security within a business process will imply
to capture security requirements. This should be performed considering the following
perspectives: Static, about the processed information security, Functional, from the
viewpoint of the system processes, Dynamic, about the security requirements from the
life cycle of the objects involved in the business process, Organizational, used to
relate responsibilities to acting parties within the business process and the Business
Processes perspective, that provides us an integrated view of all perspectives with a
high degree of abstraction [14].
On the other hand, although the functional requirements of security tend to vary
between applications of different types, it cannot be said the same thing about security
requirements since any application at a high level of abstraction will have the same
class of valuation and potentially the same vulnerability of its assets [11]. That is the
reason why the most appropriate security requirements to be represented are those
that are of the same type for all organizations since at this level we are not thinking
about implementation. In addition, it is clear that the early identification of
requirements, in this case, security requirements will allow us to save development
and maintenance costs, so, it is obvious that it will be very useful to have a notation in
which it is possible to specify security requirements.
Our proposal is based on two fundamental points. On the one hand, it is necessary
to establish what notation will be used and on the other hand, it will be necessary to
decide about the security requirements that will be considered.
2.1 Notations for Business Process Modeling
In business process modeling, the main objective is to produce a description of reality,
for example, the way in which a commercial transaction is carried out to understand
and eventually modify it with the aim of incorporating improvements into it. As a
consequence, it is important to have a notation that allows us to model the essence of
the business as clearly as possible. This notation must allow us to incorporate
different perspectives giving place to different diagrams in which rules, goals,
objectives of the business and not only relationships but also interactions are shown
[8]. A great part of the success of the modeling has to do with the ability to express
the different needs of the business as well as to have a notation in which these needs
can be described. This is why when choosing an approach and/or notation, the
properties of the object to be modelled must be taken into account, in other words, the
business process, the environment features and the underlying reasons for the use [5].
Among the techniques that have been used for business process modeling are the
following ones: flow diagrams, the family of techniques known as IDEF (Integration
Definition for Function Modeling), Petri Nets, simulation, techniques based on
knowledge (artificial intelligence) and Role Activity Diagrams [13].
At present, and according to the state of the business process modeling industry
[19], it is possible to identify the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [21] and the
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [7], among the main standards, thus,
we will focus our analysis on both of them.
The use of UML is very spread in relation to business process modeling[8, 16-18,
27], since it is a consolidated language, easy to learn and it allows a fluent
communication between the different actors about the model. However, UML has
three problems that can undermine the business process modeling [12]; since (i) as
UML has not been designed to model business processes, it may occur that some
modeling aspects are not appropriately dealt with or are studied with a different
orientation from the one needed by an expert in the business domain. On the other
hand, (ii) UML takes it for granted an approach oriented to objects in the business
process conception in which business objects should have been defined earlier, thus
limiting the view of the process oriented to the business in which first of all, control
and message flows are identified and then business modeling objects are implicitly
defined. Finally, (iii) UML is usually more oriented to system architects and software
designers due to the fact that it has been developed to facilitate the creation of
software thinking of a mainly technique audience.
Regarding BPMN, it is a new proposal whose notation considers a unique diagram
for the representation of processes, Business Process Diagram (BPD). This diagram
was designed to facilitate its use and understanding and to offer an expressive force
that allows us to model complex businesses by assigning them in a natural way to
execution languages such as BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language For
Web Services). To do so, the notation is supported by a modeling language, Business
Process Modeling Language (BPML) and a query language, Business Process Query
Language (BPQL) [22].
In this paper, we will use BPMN because we consider that, although there are
several reasons to use this notation [22], the most important one is that it offers us a
modeling technique that is quickly understood by all users of the business, from
business analysts that make drafts of the processes to technical developers that are
responsible for the technological implementation of those processes and finally
business people that will manage and control those processes. Moreover, it creates a
standardization that connects design with implementation of business processes [7,
2.2 Security requirements in the business process modeling
To model security requirements within business processes, we have to pay attention to
two aspects that we think that are important. First of all, we do not have to forget that
the individual who models the process is an expert in the business dominion and
therefore, he/she has an idea of security without any kind of technical expression and
perturbations that somebody who is thinking in the implementation or in
technological solutions will have. Secondly, and for the same reason, we have to
consider the part of security that is most agreed by non specialist users and whose
meaning and representation is more or less standard.
The works related to security specifications developed by experts in the business
dominion are: (i) scarce [3, 14, 18], (ii) oriented to security in the transaction [25] or
(iii) are directly focused on information systems in general [28]. Therefore, and taking
into consideration that business processes have a close relationship with workflow
[24, 29], we have paid special attention to security and workflow works, [2, 6] and
workflow management systems works (WfMS) [15]. We have realized that most of
these works emphasize access control, defining it as identification, authentication and
authorization according to the conditions specified in the taxonomy of factors and
subfactors of security quality [11] through the use of access based on roles, RBAC [4,
6, 9, 26].
Consequently, and taking into account the fact that security requirements must be
easy to assimilate by business analysts and have, at the same time, a clear meaning for
security experts, we have considered the following ones: (i) access control, which
must be considered as the degree to which the system limits access to its resources
only to its authorized externals
, (ii) security auditing, which is the degree to which
the security personnel will collect, analyze and inform about the state and use of the
security mechanisms and (iii) privacy which is the degree to which unauthorized parts
are avoided from obtaining sensitive information
[10, 11].
For example; human users, programs, processes, devices or other systems
For example; identity of users, data or private communications
3 BPMN Extension for security modeling
To capture security requirements within the business process modeling, it is useful to
have a notation that must be supported by a set of graphical concepts that allows us to
represent the security semantics [14]. As we have previously indicated, BPMN offers
us an orientation to the business analyst domain since it represents an opportunity to
capture security requirements at a level of abstraction that, in our opinion has not been
considered enough. BPMN does not explicitly consider mechanisms to represent these
requirements. However, among the set of symbols used for the construction of the
BPD [7], Artifacts can be used to express such requirements. Artifacts were designed
to extend the modeling basic notation by adding them the possibility of representing
specific situations [31]. They are composed of Data Objects that allow us to show the
data required or produced by the activities, Groups that allow us to put together
several activities in order to make analysis easier or improve documentation and Text
Annotations that allow us to provide additional information for BPD reading. In spite
of the fact that artifacts can be used to express security requirements, we consider that
an explicit identification of them will facilitate modeling and will help us to obtain a
better interpretation by security specialists.
The mechanism of extension stated by BPMN lets us add marks or indications to the
already defined graphical elements [7]. In our proposal (see Figure 1), we have
associated a symbol to represent each security requirement in a relatively standard
The representation of these security requirements within a business process performed
by business experts will be understood as the need to incorporate (through the systems
development process) the mechanisms and the technology that allow us to satisfy the
intention of access control, security audit and privacy that has been specified.
Fig. 1: Notation associated with security requirements
The BPD elements about which we propose to consider the security requirements
representation are shown in Table 1. The highlighted rectangle that we have
incorporated into the BPD notation indicates the place in which the security
requirement must be specified.
Table 1. BPD elements incorporating security requirements.
Element Notation
Pool: It represents an actor or a role within a business process.
Graphically, it is an interval containing other BPD elements such
as an Activity
Lane: It corresponds to subdivisions of a Pool that are
extended throughout this Pool in a horizontal or vertical way.
Lane is used to organize and categorize Activities.
Activity: It is the generic term used to identify the work
performed by a company. This category includes processes,
subprocesses and tasks.
Message Flow: It corresponds to the information transferred
during a business process between two Pools that are able to
send or receive messages. A Message Flow can be
represented between two activities as long as they are located
in two different Participants.
Data Object: It provides information
about what the process performs. Data
objects can be represented as
documents, data and other objects that
are used and updated by the process.
Generally, they are shown associated to
Activities or Sequence Flows.
Artifact: It is used
to provide additional
information about a
business process and
it has not influence
in the sequence or
flow of this business
Group: It is a visual mechanism that
joins elements of a business process. Its
main purpose is to highlight certain
sections of the diagram with the aim of
documentation and/or analysis.
Now, we are going to describe the relationship between each one of the BPD elements
(see Table 1) and the requirements of access control, security audit and privacy.
Pool/ Lane: These elements will be described together since both of them specify
roles. As Pool and Lane include other BPD elements in which security
requirements can be also indicated, it is necessary to verify the coherence existing
between the specifications performed in Pool or Lane and the elements they
Access Control: It indicates that, for this particular business process, the
activities associated to Pool or Lane are more sensitive. Hence, it is necessary
to intensify access control mechanisms. Such specification must be
complemented with Text Annotation to indicate the required security degree
(high, medium, low)
Security Auditing: It indicates that all events related to Pool or Lane will be
registered for a further analysis in relation to security auditing. If Text
Annotation is used, the security auditing will be limited only to the events
there indicated.
Privacy: This security requirement indicates the need to avoid that
unauthorized parts obtain sensitive information (for example the identity of
Pool or Lane). It is necessary to add information through the Text Annotation
in which the desired degree of protection of privacy will be specified (high,
medium, low).
Activity: When any security requirement is specified for this BPD element, we
have to pay attention to the security specifications of the elements that contain this
Activity. (Pools, Lanes, Groups or other Activities). At the same time, we have to
pay special attention to the specifications existing between the elements that an
Activity contains (other Activities or Data Objects). Our purpose here is to
maintain coherence within the security requirements specifications.
Access Control: It indicates that access to the execution of the activity must be
limited. This security requirement is valid only if the Pool or the Lane that
contain the Activity have not access control specification. The access control
specification must be complemented with Text Annotations in which the
required security level is specified (high, medium, low).
Security Auditing: It indicates that it is required to register the events taking
place in the Activity. If Text Annotation artifact is used to indicate the events
about which the security auditing will be performed, we will understand that
the security auditing is limited only to those events that have been indicated
Privacy: This security requirement will not be represented in an Activity since
we do not think it is very concrete in relation to the abstraction level in which
these specifications are being carried out.
Message Flow: The security requirements that are specified for this element are
related to the content, origin, and destination of the Message Flow.
Access Control: The indication of this security requirement must be interpreted
as the need to protect the Message Flow. This implies that Pools must be
validated when the message flow is sent and received. It must be
complemented with Text Annotation to indicate the required security degree
(high, medium, low).
Security Auditing: The indication of this security requirement implies that we
are aimed at registering all events related to Message Flow sending and
Privacy: It establishes the need to protect the identity of participants and the
confidentiality of the Message Flow content. It must be complemented with
Text Annotation to specify the required degree of protection (high, medium
Required security abstract levels that represent the higher or lower criticality noticed by the
business analyst regarding access control or privacy depending on each particular case.
Data Object: The security requirements for this element are related to the content
of the Data Object.
Access Control: This security requirement is not directly specified on Data
Object. Access Control can be extended from the specification performed in
the Pool or Lane containing it through the activities that send or receive it.
Security Auditing: The indication of this security requirement implies that all
events related to the sending or reception of the Data Object must be
Privacy: It establishes the need to maintain the confidentiality of the Message
Flow content. It must be complemented with Text Annotation to specify the
required degree of protection (high, medium, low).
Group: According to its definition, a Group can include any of the BPD elements
described in Table 1. For this reason, the indication of security requirements
performed on Group will spread to all elements involved by it. In such a case, we
must consider the particular specifications of each element that it groups in order
not to produce either inconsistencies or contradictions.
4 Case study using the proposal of extended BPMN
In Figure 2, it is shown an example of a BPD that has been specified using BPMN.
This example describes a process of acceptance, review and preparation for the
publication of papers prepared by the students of the Audit and Computer Science
Department, of the Faculty of Business Science at the Bio Bio University. With these
papers, every year it is edited a journal containing the best papers that have been
prepared in that year. In this business process, it is described the way to carry out the
process in an electronic way incorporating the security requirements into it by using
the proposed extension.
The business analyst describes a process that is basically carried out by three
Pools: The first one is Student, who prepares papers to be sent to the journal and
eventually corrects the papers if it has been accepted. The second one is Editor who
prepares the papers that will be sent to be reviewed, removes authors’ information and
add a guide line for evaluation, orders papers according to the obtained qualification,
eventually sends papers that have been accepted to be corrected and prepares a draft
with the papers that will be published. The last one is Reviewer who, in seven days
time, will have to review the papers to complete an evaluation guide line and send
them back to Editor together with the completed evaluation guide line.
The business analyst has considered it appropriate to include aspects related to
security into the business process modeling. To do so, he/she uses the proposed
extension, incorporating access control security requirements into the message flow
generated between Student/Editor and Editor/Reviewer. This means that Pools must
be validated for message flow to be sent and received. Furthermore, access control
has been specified on the Activity “Review of corrections” performed by the Student,
thus limiting the execution of this activity only to Student Pool. It has been specified
security auditing on Editor Pool, thus indicating that we want to emphasize the
sending/reception of message flow, the activity that this Pool has and the execution of
processes “to prepare papers for review”. At last, privacy has been specified on
Reviewer Pool, indicating that the degree of protection must be high, which means
that his/her identity must be protected.
In spite of the fact that security requirements must have a concrete expression in
the business process implementation, we think that this is a first stage that should be
defined. From this definition, it will be possible to establish the correlation between
specification and implementation at this level.
Fig. 2. Business Process for the electronic preparation of journal of the Audit and Computer
Science Department.
5 Conclusions
Business process modeling is gaining importance due to the impact it can have on
companies’ competitiveness. Our work considers that we should pay more attention to
the business requirements specification at the high levels of abstraction because we
think that the problem must not be only focused on a good solution based on IT.
Security is one of the aspects that has been considered closer to the implementation of
the business itself. We believe that the business process performance could be
improved if security requirements are early captured. We have proposed a BPMN
extension that provides business experts with an efficient vehicle to express security
requirements. Future work should deeply study aspects related to use another
notations (e.g. UML 2.0), and to the interpretation and implementation of security
requirements by experts.
This research is part of the following projects: MESSENGER (PCC-03-003-1)
financed by the “Consejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla-La Mancha” (Spain), CALIPO (TIC2003-07804-C05-03) and RETISTIC
(TIC2002-12487-E) granted by the “Dirección General de Investigación del
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología” (Spain).
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