sociated to each object detected in the scene) is very
small, not decreasing the capability of the robot to re-
act in real-time.
In order to check the performance of the robot when
wandering in its working-environment using the sens-
ing and control subsystems discussed here the robot
is programmed to wander around the lab, avoiding all
the obstacles it detects.
The robot used for it is a Pioneer2 mobile robot
with an onboard computer based on the Intel Celeron
650 MHz processor, having 508 Mbytes of RAM
memory. A Logitech web camera is also available
onboard the robot. The image capturing program in
java grabs the images that are at most 320x240 pixels
bitmaps at 5 fps in Linux platform.
An analysis of all the actions the robot has taken
shows that it was effectively able to avoid the obsta-
cles that appeared in its way, as expected, using the
time-to-contact based sensorial information.
As mentioned above, the robot acquires image
frames continuously at the interval of 200 ms, the cal-
culation of the optical flow vectors plus the calcula-
tion of the new heading angle is compatible with the
rate of acquisition of images, thus showing that the
use of optical flow for this kind of sensing is suitable.
In order to synchronize the calculation with the image
acquisition time, an image of 240x180 pixels is used.
New agents have been implemented based on the
Acromovi architecture to make feasible that the robot
can navigate in an environment using the optical flow
technique. These agents have been implemented
taking into account the limited computational setup
available onboard the robot.
The experimental results have shown that the robot
is effectively able to avoid any obstacle, in real-time,
based only on the information from the optical-flow
and the time-to-contact agents.
Regarding the future work to do with the described
system, first, sonars will be also used to distinguish
those situations in which an object is too close to the
robot and permits the robot to realize the evasive ma-
noeuvre. Another important improvement is to try to
change from the wander behaviour to a most reliable
navigation, following a specific path or trying to get
to a specific point in the working-environment.
It is important to try of reducing the time consump-
tion by the calculation of the optical flow. For that,
it can be used new methods faster than the used in
this work. One possible option that implies a little
variation over the original method is the described in
(D.F. Tello, 2005). So, with a few changes it is pos-
sible to get a system faster and capable to react in a
more reliable way to changes in the environment.
Finally, this work can be extended to a team of
robots that can cooperate so that a certain robot with-
out the needed resources could navigate using the op-
tical flow technique can do it. This can be possible
thanks to one of the advantages of the Acromovi ar-
chitecture, the possibility to share resources among
the robots of the team.
Support for this research is provided in part by ”Min-
isterio de Educaci
on y Ciencia”, grant DPI2005-
08203-C02-01, and by ”Generalitat Valenciana”,
grant GV05/137.
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