Table 1: The average and the standard deviation of estima-
tion errors over 130 steps.
before after
modification modification
average [cm] 0.268 0.0394
deviation [cm] 0.102 0.00739
anteed. With this modification, errors involved in the
parameters before the modification are drastically re-
duced and, therefore, significant improvement of ac-
curacy in estimation for a long trajectory is realized,
with keeping the method incremental.
The proposed method focuses on the fixation point
for evaluating geometrical consistency, however, us-
ing other feature points together may improve estima-
tion accuracy further. An adaptive application of the
bundle adjustment, i,e., effectively selecting steps to
which the local bundle adjustment is applied, will be
promising to reduce computational cost. These inves-
tigations are our future direction.
This work is in part supported by Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Cul-
ture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan under
the contract of 13224051 and 18049046.
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