José M. Rodríguez, AbdelBaset M. H. Awawdeh, Felipe Espinosa, Julio Pastor, Fernando Valdés
Department of Electronics, University of Alcalá, 28805 Alcalá de Henares-Madrid, Spain.
Miguel A. Ruiz, Antonio Gil
High Tecnology and Homologation Center, University of Alcalá, 28805 Alcalá de Henares-Madrid, Spain.
Keywords: Platooning using multi-agent systems, electronic implementation of MAS, AT91SAM7S256 guidance
application, nRF2401A communication module.
Abstract: In this work a low cost electronic solution adapted for control and communication of a convoy of electrical
vehicle prototypes based on multi-agent system -MAS- is presented. From the obtained results in previous
works, focused on mobile platforms with PC architecture and Bluetooth communication module, a new
electronic system has been designed based on the 32 bits microcontroller AT91SAM7S256 and the
communication module nRF2401A. With which, it obtains a greater integration of the final mobile
prototype and a greater communication capability between the devices connected in wireless network.
Road transport accidents and contamination as well
as traffic congestion have been some of the most
important problems to solve in the last years
(Ioannou, R, 2002; Zuylen, H. J., et al., 2000). Many
of the proposed solutions based on cooperative-
driving, especially vehicles platooning (Yamamura,
Y., et al., 2002), which is defined as a group of
vehicles whose actions in the road are coordinated
by means of communication to reduce platoon
oscillations and eliminate the so called “slinky
effect” or “string-instability” which refers to the
amplification of the peak of the error from vehicle to
vehicle up stream the last one.
This justifies the dedicated effort to realize
studies and projects in the platoon guidance field.
Such as: NAVLAB of Carnegie University (Gowdy,
J., et al., 1997), PATH related to University of
California (PATH, 1998; PATH, 2003),
PROMETHEUS handles a part of the “Eureka”
European program (Clarke, N., 1995), ARGO of
Parma and Pavia Universities (Broggi, A., et al.,
1999), PRAXITELE proposed by INRIA (Massot,
M.H., et al., 1999; Laugier, C., et al., 1999),
CHAUFFEUR (Chauffeur, 2006), CARTALK 2000
which brings up by the cooperation among
automotive electronics companies (Bosch, Siemens,
etc.) and Colonia and Stuttgart universities
(Reichardt, D., et al., 2002; Maihöfer, C., et al.,
2004), MIMICS carried up by university of Murcia
and Valencia Polytechnic School (Martínez-Barberá,
H., et al., 2003).
In 2002 the European Commission lunched an
initiative called CIVITAS (Civitas, 2002) to improve
the urban transport by means of innovators methods,
strategies, technologies and infrastructures. From
these is possible to emphasize:
a) Platoon of vehicles public or private, clean
and profitable as far as costs and energy, and the
necessary infrastructure.
b) Strategies of demand management based on
the access restrictions to the centric zones and other
sensible zones.
c) Innovators strategies for management of
mobility demand.
d) Integration of the transport management
systems and the associated information services.
In the Department of Electronics in University of
Alcala various works, in platoon guidance, have
M. Rodríguez J., M. H. Awawdeh A., Espinosa F., Pastor J., Valdés F., A. Ruiz M. and Gil A. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 202-209
DOI: 10.5220/0001216202020209
been realized in different aspects: on-line / off-line
trajectory generation and representation as a set-of-
points considering linear as well as non-linear
trajectory (Awawdeh, A.M.H., et al., 2004-a), multi-
agents system applied to vehicles platooning
(Awawdeh, A.M.H., et al., 2002; Awawdeh,
A.M.H., et al., 2004-b), lateral and longitudinal
control to ensure string-stability and to reduce lateral
and longitudinal oscillations (Awawdeh, A.M.H., et
al., 2004-c; Awawdeh, A.M.H., et al., 2004-d).
These works have been developed as a part of
COVE project, which deals with platoon
implementation (formation and driving) using multi-
agent system in transport contexts characterized by
great number of potential users where also
transportation units circulate with low speeds (less
than 40km/h). Such as: airports, historical-cultural
centres of millennial cities, thematic parks, business
parks, university’s campus, etc. In these cases, the
traffic ordination based on conventional vehicles is
problematic and even prohibitive. Furthermore;
because of the curvature variation in trajectory (soft
and hard variation), the tracking becomes more
important than vehicle’s velocity. For that; one or
more platoons formed by electrical vehicles have
been proposed. In those the first unit (the lead one)
drives the platoon to reach the asked station (stop
points), which has been solicited by user by means
of a cell-phone. As seen in figure 1.
Figure 1: Vehicles platooning attending to the user petition
of transport service.
It was shown that for identical vehicles, it is
impossible to achieve string stability for spacing
distance error using decentralized identical
controllers (Maziar, E., et al., 2004; Chaibet, A., et
al., 2005). For that, new control strategies and
architectures have been designed to communicate
Platoon’s members together, in order to get
information about the intentions of the lead vehicle
and the preceding one. Two of the most important
architectures that have been implemented in the
platoon guidance field are: layers architecture
(Varaiya, et al., 1994; Varaiya and Horowitz, 2000)
and agents’ architecture (Matsui, et al., 2000; Hallé,
et al., 2003). In layer architecture, the hierarchical
structure controls the vehicles, but in second
architecture each vehicle represented by one agent is
able to communicate with the others to achieve the
cooperative driving and the vehicle platooning.
The object of the mentioned works and
researches is vehicles platooning (guidance and
formation) in linear and cuasi-linear trajectory
(highways), where the lateral velocity is
approximately zero compared with the longitudinal
one. Nevertheless, the COVE project focuses on
transport scenarios where the non-linear trajectory
and the route selection are more important than the
speed. For that, new architecture has been carried
out including three agents for the followers and two
for the leader.
The rest of this paper has been structured in form
that: the second section presents the multi-agent
architecture developed for guidance and formation
platooning. The third part details the agent structure
and simulation tool designed for its evaluation.
Furthermore it details the interaction between
agents. The fourth part presents the novel low cost
electronic solution proposed to implement the MAS
based on the 32 bit microcontroller:
AT91SAM7S256. Summing up, part fifth is
dedicated to conclusions.
The platoon prototype under test is formed by full
automated followers and a leader remotely
controlled. This one deals with the trajectory
generation for the rest of platoon members, and the
linking-maneuvers organization such as splitting;
merging and following.
Figure 2 presents the control hierarchy designed
to realize the basic tasks of platoon guidance
(Awawdeh A.M.H et al, 2004-b). The leader control
logic must solve the trajectory generation based on
its actual location and the anticipated curvature, and
broadcasts this information to the rest of platoon
member, the decision making takes into account the
norms and the traffic conditions in addition to the
number of units in the platoon and, finally, the
possible communication with other leaders of other
convoys to guarantee safe displacements and the
traffic flow balance.
The followers control logic must give solutions
to the exchange of information relative to the state of
movement of the leader and other followers (the first
two followers and the preceding unit). Furthermore,
it has to govern the system of traction and direction
in order to reach individual stability as well as the
string one, without forgetting the platoon units
manoeuvres (splitting, merging and following). In
addition, the leader as well as the followers requires
information related to the mechanical characteristics
of each unit, supposing that its size can condition the
route and the convoy following, especially in
nonlinear trajectories. This kind of information has
been called mechanical performance as seen in
figure 2.
The approach used here for the agent design,
suggests that its intelligent behavior can be
generated by giving it the minimum symbolic
representation of its environment, in which these
symbolic representations are first order logical
formula or/and mathematical formula in the
trajectory generation case; lateral control execution
level and longitudinal one. In addition, the decision
making is implemented in some form of direct
mapping from situation to action. That is to say, the
decision function action is realized through a set of
behaviors, together with an inhibition relation
holding between these behaviors.
In this way, the agent’s behavior is determined
by the agent’s deduction rules (its “program”) and
the environment mathematical modeling (Awawdeh
A.M.H et al, 2004-b). For that, agent architecture
has been developed using a composition of three
ones: logic based; reactive and layered, as seen in
figure 3.
Cooperation layer (agent, layers) - deals with the
social interactions, i.e. , the rules that control and
“draw” the layer-to-layer, agent-to-agent
interactions, intra-platoon cooperation in the
follower’s circulation agent and inter-platoon
cooperation in the leader’s circulation agent.
Figure 3: Hierarchical architecture for trajectory;
navigation; and circulation agents designed for COVE
Figure 2: Hierarchical control of semi-autonomous platoon of vehicles using multi-agent system technology.
Knowledge layer (agent, layers) - deals with the
representation of the agent and its environment at
different levels of abstraction. In this way the
knowledge base is divided to three levels: highest
level represents the plans and actions of other agents
in the environment; the middle-level represents the
plans and actions of the agent itself; and the lowest
level represents “raw” information about the vehicle
and its environment.
Reactive layer - provides a possible immediate
response to the changes that occur in the
environment. It is implemented as a set of situation-
action rules.
World model- represents the relation between
perceptions and actions. In trajectory agent case,
lateral and longitudinal control which are presented
as a mathematical model; in navigation agent case it
presents the mathematical model of trajectory
generation adapted to the curvature. Finally, in the
circulation agent it presents the logical model of the
traffic rules, inter-platoon, intra-platoon and linking
Planning layer (agent, layers) – in the leader’s
and follower’s agents, it is responsible for
determining the agent goals and for the layers tasks
allocation. In addition, in a leader’s circulation
agent, it is responsible of the platoon formation plan
with other vehicles using the linking rules and of the
platoon performance information. Then, according
to this information, it plans split or merge tasks.
See-to-perception- represents the output of the
see function which is implemented in hardware and
software to obtain information about the vehicle and
agents environment. This perception is the
transformation of low-level raw sensor data into
higher-level (processed data) in order to make them
suitable for further processing by the navigation and
trajectory functions.
Commands-to-action – uses hardware and
software actuators (traction, steering, notification
signals, etc) to transform the agent commands to
percept action in its environment.
Finally, this architecture has been used to design
the leader agents and the follower agents. The
differences here among agents are the tasks of the
agent's layers, as indicated before.
To study and evaluate the behavior of the
proposed multi-agent system architecture, a
simulator with graphical-user-interface has been
designed to demonstrate a platoon of vehicles
guidance using MAS (Awawdeh, A.M.H., et al.,
2004-b). In addition, each agent’s behaviors and
actions have been designed as an individual program
that can be enabled/disable or active/inactive. These
agents are active depending on the operation mode
(platoon or free vehicle) and in the platoon case on
the members’ driving mode (full-automatic for
followers; and manual for platoon’s leader).
Figure 4 presents the block-diagram of
communication among agents, data base and
designed GUI. The communication is carrying up
through the global data base. Imagine that an agent
(i.e. trajectory agent) needs information from
another one (i.e. Navigation agent), the first send a
request message to navigation agent, the last one
claims the access to the database, once it is accepted
the navigation agent emits the data to the database
and sends an acknowledgment to the trajectory
agent. The access control program allows the
trajectory agent to copy this data once this agent has
the priority.
Figure 4: In-vehicle agents interactions and communications.
The algorithms and strategies designed by COVE
project group have been validated by means of
simulation tools (QT, Matlab, Simulink, and
Toolboxs), emulation, and laboratory tests. Using
the mentioned MAS architecture the computational
time was reduced to 30% of the time required
without this method.
As seen in figure 4, each agent has two parts:
hardware which represents the associated sensors
and actuators, and software part deals with the agent
actions and behaviours.
Communication and control represent the mainly
important tasks to address in the hardware
implementation of vehicles prototypes for
cooperative driving, especially for platoon guidance.
The first experimental test was carried out using ad-
hoc mobile platforms (i.e. ad-hoc electrical vehicles
prototype designed in the Electronics Department of
Alcala University, as shown in figure 5) (Awawdeh,
A.M.H., et al., 2005). The low and high level control
tasks are executed in a digital system based on PC.
For the communication among transport units a
commercial Bluetooth module (Module class 1,
Conceptonic Bluetooth USB Adapte, CBT 100U) is
Figure 6 shows the first hardware solution
implemented using personal computer architecture
(Pentium II), with external CPLD cards as interface
with power electronic cards. On the other hand, the
Bluetooth communication technology presents
various limitations, such as: reach distance 100m,
the maximum number of network’s nodes is 8 (1
master and 7 slaves). On the other hand, in the
‘piconet’ communication mode the master is the
necessary link among the followers communication,
These handicaps have been overcome with a
new proposal of hardware implementation based on
a 32 bit microcontroller - μC - (AT91SAM7S256)
and a transceiver (nRF2401A). This low cost
electronic solution achieves a high integration level
and improves the facilities of the mentioned
prototype version.
The Atmel AT91SAM7S256 (Atmel) is an
ARM7TDMI based High-performance 32-bit RISC
μC that includes: USB device interface, real-time
clock and clock generator, 4-channel PWM, 2 wire
interface, 8-channel 10-bit ADC, 256K bytes Flash,
64K bytes SRAM, high-density 16-bit instruction
set, IEEE 1149.1 JTAG boundary scan on all digital
pins. This μC supports a flexible Real-Time
Operating System (ARTX-ARM) including:
multitasking (which allows to manage several jobs
or tasks on a single CPU), Real-Time Control
(which allows to configure tasks so that operations
execute within a defined period of time), and Inter-
Task Communication (which allows to configure
communication between various tasks in the
Figure 6: Block-diagram of the first hardware architecture
Figure 5: First COVE Platform, based on PC hardware
architecture, used as prototype for platoon formation.
Another important device in this new electronic
solution for each unit platform of the convoy is the
nRF2401A, a RF transceiver highly integrated for
wireless communication. The entire transceiver
including all inductors and filters is integrated in a
single chip; the only external components needed to
make a complete RF system are a crystal and a
resistor. All configuration of the nRF2401A (Spark)
transceiver is done via a standard serial interface. It
can receive on 2 channels simultaneously. This
module allows to increase the communication rang
to 2km at least.
Figure 7 shows the most important tasks
developed by the μC concerning to the mobile
Thanks to the size and weight reduction of the
hardware architecture a new follower version is used
in COVE project (see Figure 8 and compare with
Figure 5).
The used vehicle prototype corresponds to
Ackerman structure type. For that, in the controllers
design the simplified model (bicycle model) has
been used (Matsui, et al., 2000; Maziar, E., et al.,
As mentioned before, control and communication
are the most important problems to solve related to
cooperative driving necessary for platooning
In this work, an improve version of electronics
architecture developed for the COVE project is
presented. The heart of this proposal is a 32 bit
microcontroller (T91SAM7S256), running a
multitasking RTOS. In this way the multi-agent
system designed by the research group is
implemented avoiding the use of PC as in the
previous versions. Besides, a transceiver
(nRF2401A) makes easy the wireless
communication among followers and leader, and
increase the network node-spacing distance.
The work described in this paper has been possible
by funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science: Project COVE (reference TRA2005-
Atmel, http://www.atmel.com/
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Figure 7: Scheme with the main signals involved in car-like mobile prototype control based on the AT91SAM7S256
Figure 8: Two sides of the new mobile prototype fo
platooning guidance used in COVE project.