Another important device in this new electronic
solution for each unit platform of the convoy is the
nRF2401A, a RF transceiver highly integrated for
wireless communication. The entire transceiver
including all inductors and filters is integrated in a
single chip; the only external components needed to
make a complete RF system are a crystal and a
resistor. All configuration of the nRF2401A (Spark)
transceiver is done via a standard serial interface. It
can receive on 2 channels simultaneously. This
module allows to increase the communication rang
to 2km at least.
Figure 7 shows the most important tasks
developed by the μC concerning to the mobile
Thanks to the size and weight reduction of the
hardware architecture a new follower version is used
in COVE project (see Figure 8 and compare with
Figure 5).
The used vehicle prototype corresponds to
Ackerman structure type. For that, in the controllers
design the simplified model (bicycle model) has
been used (Matsui, et al., 2000; Maziar, E., et al.,
As mentioned before, control and communication
are the most important problems to solve related to
cooperative driving necessary for platooning
In this work, an improve version of electronics
architecture developed for the COVE project is
presented. The heart of this proposal is a 32 bit
microcontroller (T91SAM7S256), running a
multitasking RTOS. In this way the multi-agent
system designed by the research group is
implemented avoiding the use of PC as in the
previous versions. Besides, a transceiver
(nRF2401A) makes easy the wireless
communication among followers and leader, and
increase the network node-spacing distance.
The work described in this paper has been possible
by funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education
and Science: Project COVE (reference TRA2005-
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