Luis Eduardo Rodriguez Soto
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan
Cheng-Yuan Liou
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan
Self-Organizing Maps, Q-learning, Hierarchical Control.
In the present paper we propose a motor control model inspired by organizational priciples of the cerebral
cortex. Specifically the model is based on cortical maps and functional hierarchy in sensory and motor areas
of the brain. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) have proven to be useful in modeling cortical topological maps
(Palakal et al., 1995). A hierarchical SOM provides a natural way to extract hierarchical information from the
environment, which we propose may in turn be used to select actions hierarchically. We use a neighborhood
update version of the Q-learning algorithm, so the final model maps a continuous input space to a continuous
action space in a hierarchical, topology preserving manner. The model is called the Hierarchical Map Forming
model (HMF) due to the way in which it forms maps in both the input and output spaces in a hierarchical
1.1 Cerebellar Organization
Modular organization is the norm in the cerebral cor-
tex, which is divided into specific dedicated areas. For
example, there are areas dedicated to visual process-
ing, auditory signal processing and somato-sensory
processing (Muakkassa and Strick, 1979; Palakal et
al., 1995). These specific dedicated areas within the
cortex are referred to as cortical maps. Another or-
ganizational principle in the cerebral cortex is hier-
archical processing, most vastly studied in the visual
regions. Areas dedicated to motor commands have
also been shown to be organized in a hierarchical
manner. This organization in the brain is not genet-
ically pre-defined and may come about through self-
organizing principles. Our work is also inspired by
the work of (Wolpert and Kawato, 1998) and their
modular selection and identification for control (MO-
SAIC) model The MOSAIC model is based on mul-
tiple pairs of forward (predictor) and inverse (con-
troller) models. Their architecture learns both the in-
verse models necessary for control as well as how to
select the set of inverse models appropriate for a spe-
cific environment. Learning in the architecture, origi-
nally driven by the gradient-descent method, has been
later implemented by other learning methods such as
expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, and other
reinforcement learning methods. Their model is mo-
tivated by human psychophysical data, from which
it is known that an action selection process must be
driven by two different processes: a feedforward se-
lection based on sensory signals, and selection based
on the feedback of the outcome of a movement. The
basic idea behind the MOSAIC model, is that the
brain contains multiple pairs of forward (predictor)
and inverse (controller) models wich are tightly cou-
pled during both learning and use. We studied the
MOSAIC model and wanted to produce a a similar
model but one which acquires the relation between
predictors and controllers through self-organisation
principles, in order to reflect the existence of the brain
maps found in the cortex. Our model combines two
different learning techniques to imitate the organized
structure of the brain, with the purpose of producing
a biologically plausible control algorithm. The cur-
rent work is a work a progress, and the results pre-
sented here are from preliminary tests, and involved
the learning of actions, mapping from an input space
to an output space. Further testing will measure the
robustness of the system described in motor control
Eduardo Rodriguez Soto L. and Liou C. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 167-172
DOI: 10.5220/0001221801670172