Content-Adaptive Data Fusion
Paul Bao
, Le Thanh Hai
Information Technology, University of South Florida, USA
School of Computer Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Abstract. We propose a novel image fusion scheme based on independent
component analysis in which image / information is fused aimed at information
maximization. In the scheme, a novel algorithm is presented which, based on
specific fusing images, determines adaptively a specific weight for linear fusion
of images using ICA. The scheme is established on the ICA maximum informa-
tion principles and offers an efficient and adaptive image fusion process with
the robustness under various fusion situations.
1 Introduction
Image fusion is to combine images of an underlying scene captured by multiple
sensors to synthesize a composite image. Different sensors provide different
information about the scene and are effective in different environmental conditions.
The aim of image fusion is to create a fused image which not only is visually
acceptable (figure 2 shows a misaligned face fusion) by the human visual system
(HVS) but also captures maximum amount of the information offerred by the images
generated from different sensors. A TV and IR image fusion system is illustrated in
figure 1.
Fig. 1. TV & IR Image fusion.
2 Image Fusion Schemes
There are a number of approaches to image fusion, most of which are often classified
into pixel-based or feature based-approaches.
The first and simplest image fusion method is the fusion-by-averaging in which the
fused i
mage is synthesized by averaging corresponding pixels of the sensors images.
Bao P. and Thanh Hai L. (2006).
Content-Adaptive Data Fusion.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification, pages 23-32
An advantage of fusion-by-averaging is that it is very computationally effective.
However, averaging works poorly when feature mismatching occurs in fusion im-
A more popular pixel-based image fusion technique is PCA-based image fusion.
The technique makes use of Principle Component Analysis to decompose the images
into principle components and the PCs are fused together to obtain the PCA fused
image [1-2].
Feature-based image fusion schemes transform images into features such as edges,
and perform fusion in the feature domain. Since different features are important at
different levels of resolution, multi resolution representations of images are normally
generated. And fusion in feature-based techniques is carried out on the multi resolu-
tion pyramid [3].
Fig. 2. An example of misaligning face images.
Fig. 3. Multi scale Decomposition of images.
One of the most popular feature-based schemes is the Laplacian pyramid technique.
In Laplacian pyramid fusion approach, a Gaussian multi-scale pyramid is built for
each image. Then a Laplacian transformation is applied on the Gaussian pyramids to
form Laplacian transformed pyramids of images. Fusion is then applied on Laplacian
pyramids to obtain the fused Laplacian transformed pyramid. By exploiting the per-
fect reconstruction characteristic of Laplacian transform, a fused image can be ob-
tained from the fused pyramid using an inverse Laplacian transform. Over the years,
there has been numerous enhancement added to the original scheme [5]
Toet et al. [4] introduced a contrast based image fusion technique which preserves
local luminance contrast in the sensor images. The technique is based on selection of
image features with maximum contrast rather than maximum magnitude. It is moti-
vated by the fact that the human visual details to a human observer. The pyramid
decomposition used for this technique is related to luminance processing in the early
stages of the human visual system which are sensitive to local luminance contrast.
Fusion is performed using the multi-resolution contrast pyramid.
Wavelet based image fusion techniques, as shown in figure 3, has been a focus
recently. The wavelet transform decomposes the image into baseband at the coarsest
scale and highbands at different scales. The baseband contains the average image
information whereas the various highbands contain directional information due to
spatial orientation. Higher absolute values of wavelet coefficient in the highbands
correspond to salient features such as edges, lines, etc. Li et al. [6] performed fusion
in the wavelet transform using a selection-based rule, while Wilson et al. [7] sug-
gested an extension to wavelet-based fusion using a perceptual-based weighting.
While a number of image fusion approaches has been proposed, the issues of retain-
ing information in the fused images has rarely been touched.
3 ICA Analysis and Image Fusion
Different types of sensors provide different types of information. In some cases, some
information (redundant information) is provided by several types of sensors; in other
cases, some information (complementary information) is produced uniquely by one
type of sensor. In terms of information, the aim of image fusion is twofold: on one
hand it aims to improve reliability (by redundant information), and on the other hand,
it tries to improve capability (by making use of complementary information). Hence,
the problem in image fusion is how to ensure the fused image retains the maximum
information from the original images (figure 4).
Fig. 4. Information in Image fusion.
ICA-based image fusion promises to provide maximum information, in comparisons
to other linear fusion of images (even to its sibling PCA) and offers some interesting
aspects on fused images.
Independent components analysis (ICA) is a mathematical method for separating a
signal into its most probable additive subcomponents supposing the statistical inde-
pendence of the source signals. In real environment, different signals are often statis-
tically independent and ICA techniques can be applied to separate original signals
from a mixture of those signals. ICA is closely related to Blind Source Separation
(BSS) techniques.
ICA is often considered developed from Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
PCA is a way of identifying patterns in data, and expressing the data in such a way as
to highlight their similarities and differences. Since patterns search in high-
dimensional data set is extremely difficult, where the luxury of graphical representa-
tion is not available, PCA is a powerful tool for analyzing data. Figure 5 provides a
graphical representation of a two-dimensional data set and its 2 principle components
Fig. 5. An example of Principal Analysis.
Generally if the data has dimensions, we will have principle components. The
components can be expressed as vectors (eigenvector) in the data space. And PCA
techniques ensure all the eigenvectors are perpendicular.
n n
The principle components will give us the original data solely in terms of the vec-
tors we chose. Our original data set has two coordinates, represented by . It is
possible to express data in terms of any two axes. If these axes are perpendicular, then
the expression is the most efficient. This was why PCA techniques ensure that eigen-
vectors are always perpendicular to each other. Thus, we represent data in the space
of the two eigenvectors instead of .
),( yx
),( yx
Theoretically there are two (principle) components, but it is possible ignore compo-
nents of lesser significance. In such cases, some information is lost, but if the eigen-
values are small, not much is being lose. The advantage is that the final data set will
have fewer dimensions than the original. In fact, this is the whole concept of PCA
based data compression.
It has been noted that the eigenvector with the highest eigenvalue is the principle
component of the data set. In our example, the eigenvector with the larges eigenvalue
was the one that pointed down the middle of the data. It is the most significant rela-
tionship between the data dimensions.
When all the principal components are retained (no compression), the PCA model is
invertible. Once the principal components
have been found, the original observa-
tions can be readily expressed as their linear functions as
, and also
the principal components are simply obtained as linear functions of the observations:
Both PCA and ICA approaches try to extract components out of a signal; however,
there are essential differences between them. PCA is a purely second-order statistical
method where only co-variances between the observed variables are used in the esti-
mation, assuming that the observed variables are Gaussian and also uncorrelated,
which also implies the independence in the case of Gaussian data.
Contrast to PCA, ICA is a similar generative latent variable model, where the fac-
tors or independent components are assumed to be statistically independent and non-
Gaussian – a much stronger assumption that removes the rotational redundancy of the
PCA (factor analysis) model.
Given a mixture of components (signals), extraction of the independent components
(independent signals) from the mixture can be accomplished based on either of the
following approaches:
Nonlinear decorrelation
Components and are independent if the components and are uncorre-
lated, and the transformed components and are uncorrelated, where
and are some suitable nonlinear functions.
yg )(
()g ()h
The question is: what are suitable functions? The answer can be explored using the
principles of estimation theory and information theory. Estimation theory proposes
maximum likelihood method whereas information theory recommends the use of
mutual information as the measures for independence. It is proven as expected that
mutual information and maximum likely-hood are innately connected.
The second approach is based on the following that according to the central limit
theorem, sums of non-Gaussian random variables are closer to Gaussian than the
original ones. Therefore, if we have a linear combination
of the ob-
served mixture variables (which, due to the linear mixing model, is a linear combi-
nation of the independent components as well), this will be maximally non-Gaussian
if it equals to one of the independent components. This is because if it were a real
mixture of two or more components, it would be closer to a Gaussian distribution,
due to the central limit theorem [8].
Thus, the problem of extracting independent components is equivalent to finding
the local maxima of non-gaussianity of a linear combination
under the
constraint that the variance of is constant. Each local maximum gives one inde-
pendent component.
To measure non-Gaussian practically, we could use, for example, the kurtosis, a
higher-order cumulant, which is a form of generalizations of variance using higher-
order polynomials. Cumulants have interesting algebraic and statistical properties,
leading to their essential roles in the theory of ICA.
Bell et al [9] proposed using entropy as the measurement of information.
*log( )
p= p
And the gradient training rule has been proven to be
(1 2 )
Δ∝ +
The inspiration behind the ICA-based image fusion can be illustrated in figure 6. In
the figure PCA approaches shows vertical projection. While the projection shows the
principle component of the randomness, the clustered structure of the data will com-
pletely be lost. In fact, clustering structure is not visible in the co-variance or correla-
tion matrix on which PCA is based. ICA promises to overcome these problems.
Fig. 6. What is interesting linear fusion?
Bell et al [10] reported an approach in which images can be expressed as a
combination of independent components. Mathematically we have:
where I is the transformed signals of the image, C is the independent (information)
components of the image and W is the trained weights, respectively.
If we apply ICA onto the mixture of two fusing images, we will have
12 1 2
(| ) * |
Consider a linear fusion of images, we have
12 1
(* * ) * * *aI bI W aC bC+= +
The simple transformation shows that linear fusion of images actually equal to the
fusion of information (Independent Components) from both images. From the per-
spective of information, the fusion is mainly aimed at retaining maximum information
from original images.
Linear image fusion is not only the fusion of information; it also offers the superb
efficiency computation and ensures the output of fusion will be a visually acceptable.
However, as evidenced in fusion-by-averaging, a linear fusion scheme using fixed
weights would be ineffective in producing good results for diverse fusing images.
Therefore an algorithm, which can dynamically adapt to the fusing images and adjust
the weights so that maximum information can be retained from fusing images, is in
need, motivating the design of the ICA-based image fusion. The framework of the
ICA-based image fusion is briefed as follows and illustrated in figure 7.
1. Transform original images to signals (each image become one signal 1xN)
2. Combine all signals (images) into one mixture of signals (nxN: n: number of im-
3. Running ICA on the mixture of signals to gain the highest entropy (most informa-
tion) signals output
4. Retransform the calculated signals to become algorithm’s output fused image.
Fig. 7. ICA in image fusion concept.
The proposed ICA approach in image fusion has the following advantages. The
fused image retains the maximum information from the fusing images. As discussed
in section 3, the ICA algorithm ensures that each extracted output is the local maxi-
mum of entropy or maximum of information. The characteristic is obtained based on
adaptive neural network training using the fusing images as training inputs which
leads to the second advantage of the proposed method.
The linear combination weighting of fusing images is determined adaptively de-
pending on specific given fusing images. This gives the approach great effectiveness
in solving the fusion problem dynamically and ensures that a maximum information
fused image will be produced regardless of fusing images.
The method also provides an efficient solution to the image fusion problem. As we
can see, the ICA training is the most expensive part of the fusion scheme. The ICA
training performance is largely dependent on the number of images to be fused. For-
tunately, the number of fusing images is normally limited at 2-3 images. At un-
optimized code and learning step size, the algorithm usually takes less than a minute
to produce the fusion result. It can also be expected that for the video fusion, the ICA
training may be performed only for each of Group of Pitcures to determine the fusion
weights, aimed at achieving a realtime video fusion performance.
4 Experimental Results
We have used a simple ICA algorithm for the image fusion of various types of im-
ages, including facial images (with and without glasses), remote sensing & surveil-
lance images, multi focus images. The visual comparisons of pre-fused and post-
fused images are given in figure 8.
The right most images are the fusion results of the two
corresponding left side images
Fig. 8. Fusion images using ICA.
The fused images by the proposed ICA approach are compared to those produced by
other approaches. The criterion for comparison is the entropy, calculated by equation
(1), of fused images. The fused images as well as Matlab implementation is available
on our website. As showed in figures 9 and 10, ICA outperforms performance other
linear fusion approaches such as averaging or PCA. While for other feature-based
approaches, ICA performance is competitively comparable. The visual comparisons
between the ICA-based fusion scheme and several other fusion techniques, namely,
PCA-based, averaging, Laplacian, contrast-based and wavelet-based fusions, are
shown I figure 11.
Air View 03 Fac es Learning Faces 2 660-2-1-2 Pepsi Table
Image 1 Image 2 ICA result
Averaging PCA result
Fig. 9. ICA vs. averaging & PCA.
5,00E +00
Air Vie w 03 F a c e s Learning Faces 2660-2-1-2Pepsi Table
ICA r esult Wavelet r esult
Laplaci an r esul t Constrast r esul t
Fig. 10. ICA vs. feature based approaches.
5 Conclusions
We proposed a novel image fusion scheme based on optimizing the weighting of the
fusing images using ICA. It is showed that images are combination of the
independent components and that the r fusion retains information from all the fusing
images. A novel algorithm is presented which, based on specific fusing images,
determines adaptively a specific weight for the linear fusion of images. The algorithm
is based on ICA maximum information principles and provides a fast and efficient
process to the problem of image fusion. The adaptive training offers the effectiveness
in achieving excellent fused image and shows the robustness of the scheme under
various fusion situations.
1: Original IR Image 2: Original TV image
3: PCA fused image 4: Averaging fused image
Fig. 11. Visual comparision of results.
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