5 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, non-linear attractor dynamics was used as a tool to design a distributed
control architecture that enables a team of three robots to transport a large object. It was
assumed that the robots have no prior knowledge of the environment. The choice of the
control variables and parameters have taken into account the physical mobile robots at
which the architecture will be implemented. The amount of information communicated
among robots is minimal. The overall control system is flexible, since planning solu-
tions may change based on changes in sensed world and/or communicated information.
The leader broadcast its heading direction and path velocity (codified in 2 bytes) and
each helper share among them 3 values represented by 3 bytes. The control architec-
ture was evaluated through computer simulations. The global behavior is stable and
trajectories are smooth. Very important, the ability to avoid collisions with either static
or dynamic obstacles have been demonstrated. Future work consist on implementation
and validation on the physical robots.
This work was supported, in part, through grant POSI/SRI/38051/2001 from the Por-
tuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), FEDER and PRODEP III. We
wish to thank to W.Erlhagen, S.Monteiro, L.Louro, N.Hip
olito, A.Moreira, T.Machado.
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