Modular Statistical Optimization and VQ Method for
Image Recognition
Amar Djouak, Khalifa Djemal, Hichem Maaref
IBISC Laboratory
40 Rue du Pelvoux, 91025 EVRY Cedex.
Abstract. In this work, a modular statistical optimization method enriched by
the introduction of VQ method dedicated to obtain the effectiveness and the op-
timal comuting time in image recognition system is poposed. In this aim, a
comparative study of two RBF and an SVM classifiers are carried out. For that,
features extraction is made based on used image database. These features are
gathered into blocks. The statistical validation results allow thus via the sug-
gested optimization loop to test the precision level of each block and to stop
when this precision level is optimal. In the majority of the cases, this iterative
step allows the computing time reduction of the recognition system. Finally, the
introduction of vector quantization method allows more global accuracy to our
1 Introduction
Image recognition is an extensively researched field that has seen many successes but
still many more challenges. One such challenge concerns the great images sets man-
agement wich becomes increasingly complex and expensive in term of computing
time. Also, the semantic richness of these images requires a powerful representation.
These reasons make that the obtaining of the compromise between effectiveness and
optimal computing time is considered as a real challenge. For this purpose, automatic
image recognition in computer vision is a crucial problem, especially if one deals
with heterogeneous images. Considerable efforts have been paid to this problem and
rather promising results, both theoretical and experimental, have been obtained [1, 2,
3] . However, even the most efficient techniques are unable to recognize an image
without errors [4]. Indeed, the similarity search between a request image and the
database images require to understand, find and compare information without inevi-
tably having directly recourse to their contents. Indeed, the image features can be
seen as being structured data, which describe this information, and which can be
applied to all comparison types. This quantification concept is generally interpreted as
classification of features vectors extracted from treated images. We deduce two great
steps, which constitute the traditional way of image recognition process, the features
extraction step that allows to have an image representativeness and the features vec-
Djouak A., Djemal K. and Maaref H. (2006).
Modular Statistical Optimization and VQ Method for Image Recognition.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing, pages 13-24
DOI: 10.5220/0001224600130024
tors classification step which allows to obtain a similarity measure between the re-
quest image and the database images. Several features extraction techniques are de-
veloped and used in images recognition systems. The extracted features vary from the
low to the high level image description (color, shape, geometry, semantic knowl-
edge... etc) [5, 6, 7]. These techniques often differ by their results quality obtained in
various applications. Their generalization is thus very difficult to implement since
they were initially developed for specific applications. Since one is interested in this
work in the heterogeneous images recognition, the use of only one features category
can carry out to erroneous results. As for the features extraction, several classification
techniques are used. The majority of these methods [8, 9, 10, 11] have a weakness to
manage high dimension data. That generates consequent computing times and less
precise results. The classification methods based on learning concept [12, 13, 14]
permit to obtain better computing times and more precise results. A specific fea-
tures combination is used in [15]. This choice is justified by the fact that this combi-
nation allows to obtain the best possible images representativeness, which is robust to
the geometrical variations and noises deterioration. In fact, the chosen features in-
clude low-level, wavelet transform and Trace transform features. For classification
step, the radial basis functions (RBF) networks and support vector machines (SVM)
were selected. This choice is justified by the faculty of these two classifiers to obtain
good classes separability and by their effectiveness in term of computing time.
Moreover, these techniques permit to have fluidity and processing simplicity, which
make that they are appropriate to real time applications like image recognition and
search field. Generally, the great challenge of any classification technique is to solve
the high dimensionality problems. Indeed, the data coming from concrete training
problems often appear in high or very high dimension: i.e. that a great number of
variables was measured for each training example. Moreover, the we proposed an
image search method based on great number features extraction. The extracted fea-
tures gave good images representativeness, but the generated high dimensionality on
the classification step deteriorated the global images recognition system. For this
reason, a resolution of high dimensionality problem tool is essential to be able to
obtain a system that ensures a compromise between precision and computing time. In
this paper, we propose a novel architecture based on an optimal features use that is
able to obtain an acceptable precision rate during an optimal search time. In section 2,
the modular statistical optimisation is detailed. Its architecture is presented and com-
pared to classical one. In section 3, the used vectorial quantization is exposed and
discussed. The experimental results obtained with an heterogeneous image DataBase
are presented and discussed in section 4. Indeed, this section presents a comparative
study of obtained results with modular statistical optimisation, vector quantization,
and the combination of both.
2 Modular Statistical Optimization
The idea to introduce a system optimization tool was essential when one realized
during the carried out tests that the use of all extracted features could be heavy to
manage. Indeed, more features vectors dimensions are significant more the classifier
has difficulties for their classification. The traditional way that one followed in [15]
and that one finds in many CBIR systems is a diagram which consists of the use of all
extracted features in the classification step. Unfortunately, this method presents a
great disadvantage, by using all features the classifier manages a great dimensions
number. That involves a consequent computing time what creates a real handicap for
great images databases. In fact, this problem which is the direct result of the high
dimensionality problem was the subject of several works which led to cure it. In [16]
the authors proposed a technique which allows when that is possible to reduce the
SVM training time by using the vectorial quantization technique. The principal idea
was to use the vectorial quantization to replace the training basis by a reduced one. In
the same philosophy, and in order to solve this problem, the proposed architecture of
figure 1 is based on a feedback loop procedure. The principal idea of this architecture
is that instead of using all features in the classification step, one categorizes them on
several blocks or modules and after one tries to obtain the optimal precision with the
minimum of blocks.
2.1 Modular Features DataBase
The introduced modular features database in our proposed architecture (Figure 1)
includes classical features (the two co-ordinates of the image segments medium, the
image segments length, the segment angle compared to the horizontal axis, the gradi-
ent norm average calculated along each segment, the gray levels average of the areas
on the right and on the left of the segments, areas internal contrasts on the left and on
right of the segments, directed differences between the gray levels in the left and right
areas of the segments, the close segments list of each segment), color histograms
features, wavelet transform features (texture features and rotation invariance by
wavelet transform) and finally rotation translation and scaling invariance by Trace
transform. Using all these features one formed four features modules which one can
describe as follows: The first module (b1) gathers the classical features, the second
module (b2) gathers the color features, the third module (b3) the wavelet transform
features and finally the fourth module (b4) the Trace transform features. The follow-
ing table (figure 2) summarizes the obtained features blocks (B1 to B6) by combining
the exposed features modules (b1 to b4). These blocks were used during the experi-
mental tests.
Fig. 1. Modular statistical architecture.
In figure 3, one can see a sample image with its 4 extracted features blocks.
Modular features DataBase
B1 B4 B2
0 τK K-δ
Request image
Kappa measure
Images DataBase
Error rate
b1 b1b2
Features Blocs B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
b1 b1b2 b3 b1b2b3 b4 b1b2b3b4
Fig. 2. Used features blocks table.
2.2 Classification
The classification block is the tool that makes it possible to obtain a similarity meas-
ure between the database images features vectors and the image request one. In our
application, one used three algorithms, two for RBF and the third for SVM.
2.2.1 RBF Classifiers
Among existing neural networks, one can quote RBF classifier (radial basis function)
which is one of the most used feedforward networks. That is due to the fact that it
uses the local classification principle based on local kernel functions. These functions
give useful answers for restricted field values, their influence field. The kernel func-
tions concept is very significant because they solve the classes separability problem
for the no linearly separable cases. Also, RBF networks can also be built extremely
quickly. This last point is very important for our application, which requires a fast
and simple classifier. In this work one has used two RBF algorithms. The first one is
the RCE algorithm (restricted coulomb energy) introduced by Reilly, Cooper and
Elbaum [17]. This algorithm is inspired by the system particles loads theory. The
algorithm principle is based on the modification of the network architecture in an
iterative way during the training. The intermediate neurons are added only when that
is necessary. The second algorithm is the DDA algorithm (Dynamic Decay Adjust-
ment) [18] which uses at the same time the evolutionary structure of the RCE algo-
rithm and the management possibility of each prototype radius individually. This
radius is related to its closer neighbors. Moreover, a conflict problem exists at the
training phase with the RCE algorithm. This problem is solved with DDA algorithm
with the use of two thresholds instead of one for the RCE algorithm.
2.2.2 SVM classifiers
The SVM algorithms were developed in the Nineties by Vapnik [14]. They were
initially developed for supervised binary classification. They are particularly effective
because they can solve great features numbers management problems. They ensure a
single solution (not local minimum problems as for neural networks) and they pro-
vided good results on real problems. Geometrically, the SVM are the closest vectors
to the optimal hyperplane that separates the two classes internal representations space.
The algorithm in its initial form amounts seeking a linear decision border between
two classes. But this model can be considerably enhanced while being projected in
another space, which makes it possible to increase the data separability. One can then
apply the same algorithm in this new space in order to obtaining a non-linear decision
border in initial space. In this work, one uses LS SVM algorithm (least squares SVM)
[19]. This algorithm is based on a different optimization criterion formulation. In-
deed, it based on a least square transformation which transforms the problem into a
Fig. 3. Obtained features blocks for a sample image.
simple linear problem. Also, LS SVM algorithm proposes a linear resolution of the
problem equations to be optimized without using the complex standard SVM quad-
ratic programming. This choice is justified also by its implementation simplicity; its
good separation effectiveness and its optimal computing time.
2.3 Statistical Optimization
Our architecture is mainly based on Kappa measure [20], which is computed from
obtained confusion matrix after classification step. Indeed, this measure is the tool
that allows validating obtained classification results with each introduced features
block. Also, this measure determines the total agreement between classification re-
sults. Theoretically, the equation (1) makes it possible to determine Kappa value K,
where P
is the observed probability and P
is the expected probability [20].
In our case, this agreement depends on the found images precision rates for all re-
quest images constituting the test database. A one confusion matrix is obtained and
then only one Kappa value for each introduced features block. One can thus summa-
rize the modular statistical procedure as follows: For a given request image one intro-
duces to classifier the first features block B1. One calculates the Kappa value of the
segments length
co-ordinates of
segment average
segment angle
gradient norm
transform features
b1 b2 b3 b4
Trace feature
corresponding confusion matrix. If this value is included in a given interval, one
estimates that the result is good, the search for similar images is finished. But if the
obtained Kappa value is not included in this interval, then the feedback loop is acti-
vated, which implies the use of another block. These steps are repeated until one
obtains a Kappa value included in the considered interval. The selection criteria
which one used to fix the interval thresholds is based on the following methodology:
After experimental obtaining of the real precision results which based on the good
found images number for each request image, one determines a P
parameter ob-
tained as follows: P
= real obtained precision rate/ 100 (currently, obtaining P
done in experiments, but it could become automatic). This parameter is used to cal-
culate the error rate τ = 1- P
It should be noted that for each features block one
obtains only one error rate value. In the same way, for the same features block one
obtains only one Kappa value calculated from the corresponding confusion matrix.
Thus, the product (τ. Kappa) is the parameter which one introduced to create relation
between the experimental obtained results and statistical estimates provided by Kappa
measure. The following condition is to be satisfied to validate or not the expressed
precision at the classifier output each features block: 0
K- δ
. Where τ is the
error rate value calculated in experiments for each introduced features block. K is the
calculated Kappa value from confusion matrix corresponding to each introduced
features block. δ
is a constant number equal to N.K. N is fixed according to the
desired precision (generally N[0.9, 1[). Finally, it should be noted that proposed
architecture could not guarantee a computing time reduction. Indeed, for disturbed
images or which have a great semantic complexity, it may be that one has recourse to
several iterations until coming to the use of the last block which gathers all extracted
features. In this case, one will not gain in time computing but one will be certain for
this case, the use of all features was a need. In other words, one not gain in time but
one gain in term of data classification optimality because one does not use more data
that it is necessary for classification.
3 Vector Quantization
Generally, compression by Vector Quantization (VQ) accepts an input vector X of N
dimension and replaces it by a vector y having with more same dimension belonging
to a dictionary which is a finished vectors codes set, also called classes, or barycen-
tres since those are calculated by an iterative average of vectors X. The quantification
step (according to a dictionary built starting from a training set) rests on the KNN
method : a vector X to be classified will be affected with one of the classes under
the condition which this assignment generates the smallest distortion. However, this
assignment implies a binary choice, i.e. vector X must necessarily belong to the class
to which the barycentre is its nearer close (according to Euclidean distance ). This
assignment rule can appear too idealistic whenever the distances between vector X
and two barycentres are very close. In this case, one or the other of these barycentres
could be appropriate, according to one or more criteria which can be based on some
statistical properties or criteria others that the only Euclidean distance. In our work,
the vector quantization will be useful to making it possible to standardize the features
distribution in the images/ features tables. The aim of this standardization is to bal-
ance the influence of each feature type. Indeed, the bias data problem could deterio-
rate of global system accuracy. Moreover, vector quantization is used in this paper to
reduce data dimensionnality generated by the great nember of used features. One can
find the same philosophy is [16]. Lebrun and all were used VQ technique to reduce
generated high dimensionnality by using SVM classifiers.
The principal idea is to train the SVM classifier on a representative basis of the initial
Database, but with a reduced examples number. LBG algorithm [16] (used in diction-
ary construction step) is applied in order to reduce this examples number. The aim is
to reduce the training time and to obtaind a quick rejection of the bad parameters for
the model choice. The training base size increases with each iteration, until the
improvement of the classification rate improvement becomes lower than a chosen
4 Experimental Results
In this section, a comparative study of three classifiers (RBF-RCE, RBF-DDA and
LS-SVM) is carried out and that by using the architecture based on modular optimiza-
tion which one proposed. These three classifiers were applied to the images features
blocks in order to recognize images in heterogeneous images database case. For that,
one used the features blocks which one mentioned previously. The objective being to
reduce when that is possible the image retrieval system computing time. Also, an
other comparative study is carried out between modulat stististical optimisation and
vector quantization method wich is used for high dimensionality reduction in [16].
Finally, the results of the combination of both is exposed and show a small improve-
ment of obtained accuracy. The obtained results in this section are based on the ex-
tracted features from the image database with 1000 images. A sample of those images
is given in figure 4. Statistical optimization thus allows a precision comparative
evaluation of each of the three used classifiers. The figure 6 graphs are an obtained
error rates representation with samples of requests images test database. Those rates
are given after a recall processing for each image.
Fig. 4. Sample of used heterogeneous image database.
4.1 Comparative Study Results of the Three Used Classifiers
With the same images features, and with using our proposed architecture for each one
of the three chosen classifiers (RBF RCE, RBF DDA and LS SVM classifiers), one
obtained the precision results shown in figure 5. With RBF-RCE, one notices the
modular architecture utility for requests images 1 and 2 since one obtains a null error
rate with the use of the first block (classical features). The requests images 3, 4, 5
and 6 results show well the features modules iterative addition influence on the pro-
gressive improvement of the corresponding error rates. It is also noticed that for all
used requests images one arrived at an optimal result without using all features mod-
ules (figure 5). With RBF-DDA, one notices the same phenomenon with an obtained
result improvement. Indeed, it is noticed that one arrived more quickly at an optimal
result for requests images 3, 4 and 6 (figure 5). With LS-SVM, one obtains the best
results among the three algorithms. Indeed one notice on figure 5 that there was more
speed to obtain a null error rates in the request image 5 case. Then, one deduces that
modular optimization made it possible to obtain an optimal result with the three used
classifiers without using inevitably all extracted features. However, one notices a
greater convergence to optimal result using SVM classifier. This superiority is ex-
plained by the SVM superiority to manage features vectors great dimensions.
(A) (B) (C)
Fig. 5. Obtained error rates for each classifier. (A): Obtained error rates for RBFRCE classifier,
(B): Obtained error rates for RBFDDA classifier, (C): Obtained error rates for LS SVM classi-
4.2 Comparative Study Results Between our Method and Vector Quantization
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method, an experimental com-
parison is carried out between the obtained results with modular statistical optimisa-
tion and those obtained with a very used method in the dimensionality reduction ap-
plications: the vector quantization method (VQ). To this end, we used the VQ algo-
rithm in order to reduce dimensions of our features vectors. That is done in an itera-
tive way, according to figure 6. This table presents the columns number of the dic-
tionary obtained at each VQ iteration. The dictionary construction depends on the
initial features number in the features basis (32 in this study).
Fig. 6. Dictionary columns number for each iteration.
In figure 5 (c) and figure 7, one notices lower error rates with the first VQ iteration in
comparison with those obtained with our approach.
That is explained by our random choice of initial features blocks in our approach. In
VQ method, initial data choice is more optimal because it is based on specific proc-
essing. As an example, for the request image 3, one obtained an error rate of 50%
VQ iterations Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Iteration 5
Columns number 2 4 8 16 32
using the first features with modular statistical optimization, while with the first itera-
tion of the VQ one obtained an error rate of 20%. However, one notices a faster con-
vergence in the case of the use of modular statistical optimization after the first choice
of the features block. Indeed, for the request image 3, one obtained the same error
rate (20%) for second iteration QV and for the second choice of features block within
the modular statistical optimization. Then, the vector quantization is more precise in
the first iterations than modular statistical optimization since it is based on a method
of successive divisions which gives convergence towards the optimal result in the
first iteration. On the other hand, modular statistical optimization converges more
quickly after the first chosen block. Moreover, in term of time processing, one can see
in figure 8 that our method is faster than classical method wich is based on use of all
images features in the same time. Also, one can see that our approach is slightly faster
than VQ method because our method don’t require a sorting features algorithm like
used LGB algorithm wich is used in global VQ algorithm.
Fig. 8. Processing time diagrams: With vector quantization, (b): With modular statistical opti-
misation, (c): With classical approach.
However, our approach is limited because the modular statistique optimisation is
applicable only if the request image is also an image of used DataBase. In other
words, our approach is not yet able to reduce the processinf time of the global system
with a request image wich is not present in image DataBase. Nevertheless, it is very
useful in various fields such as police research files, medical imagery, satellite im-
agery...etc. We note that the computing time considered in figure 8 does not take into
account the computing time relative to DataBase images features extration. This step
is an off line operation. Finally, we specify that obtained precision rates shown in
figures 5 and 7 characterize our architecture performances with a sample of 20 im-
ages among the 1000 images of global DataBase. However, other partial results ap-
prove the results presented in this paper and will be presented in a future work.
Fig. 7. Obtained error rates with vectorial quantization using LS SVM classifier.
4.3 Combination Results
The principle of this combination is as follows: we keep the same modular features
base of section 2.1, we apply the vector quantization method to each module which is
solicited by the modular statistical optimization loop. That brings back to a new
reduced confusion matrix and a new Kappa value. The modular statistical optimiza-
tion procedure remains the same one and the loop will stop when the obtained error
rate is minimal. The proposed architecture is thus based on two data space reduction
steps. This double reduction makes it possible to present the most optimal data input
to classification step. In figure 9, we can note the added value of this space data dou-
ble reduction. Indeed, the precision rates are appreciably better with comparing them
with figure 5 (c) and figure 7. Moreover, we need other tests to validate these first
results. Finnally, we note that the final results depend mainly on the images quality
beause the vector quantization method is based on the features vectors representative-
ness. In the contrary case, the desired complexity reduction is not guaranteed and it
is extremely probable that the iterative process uses all the data relating to the fea-
tures blocks without arriving at an optimal result.
Fig. 9. Combination results with SVM classifier.
5 Conclusion
We propose in this work a statistical modular architecture dedicated to the images
recognition systems. In fact, an extraction of used images database is carried out.
These features are gathered into vectors, which are used as classifier inputs. A modu-
lar features database is then built by gathering the features previously extracted into
blocks. Statistical optimization thus makes it possible via an iterative step to intro-
duce these blocks one by one and to stop the process when the precision error rate
reaches the desired minimum. The interest of this method is that one is not obliged to
use all extracted features to obtain optimal result, which enables us to optimize in
much cases the total system computing time. In the contrary case, and if one does not
gain in time reduction, one gains in optimality because one is certain to have not to
use more data than it is necessary to obtain the optimal result. The outcomes in com-
parative study based on the use of two classifiers kinds show the SVM superiority
compared to RBF networks. That is explained by their great capacity to manage great
information quantities and their separability fluidity. Moreover, a comparative study
is carried out between our proposed approach and vector quantization method, and
obtained results show the effectiveness of our method as well in the precision crite-
rion as in the computing time one. However, our approach is not yet able to reduce
the processinf time of the global system with a request image wich is not present in
image DataBase. Nevertheless, it is very useful in various fields such as police re-
search files, medical imagery, satellite imagery...etc. finally, a double dimension data
reduction strategy is proposed basing on the simultaneous use of modular statistical
iptimisation and vector quantization method. Preliminary results show an improve-
ment of obtained results. Moroevere, more tests are necessary to confirm this obser-
vation. Finally, we project in the future to automate error rate obtaining thus opera-
tion that is necessary to fix the statistical optimization interval and permit to our ap-
proach to be applyed to the requests images which are not presents in initial Data-
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