problem is cast in a hypothesis testing framework, linked to information theory. The
resulting classifier is based on the evaluation of the mutual information between the
audio signal and the mouths’ video features with respect to a threshold, issued from
the Neyman-Pearson lemma. A confidence level can then be assigned to the classifier
outputs. This approach results in the definition of an evaluation framework. The latter is
not used to determine the performance of the classifier itself, but considers rather rating
the whole classification process efficiency.
In particular, it is used to check whether a feature extraction step performed prior to
the classification can increase the accuracy of the detection process. Optimized audio
features obtained through an information theoretic feature extraction framework fed in
the classifier, in turn with non-optimized audio features. Analysis tools derived from hy-
pothesis testing, such as ROC graphs, establish eventually the performance gain offered
by introducing the feature extraction step in the process.
As far as the classifier itself is concerned, more intensive tests should be performed
in order to draw robust conclusions. However, preliminary remarks tend to indicate that
a hypothesis-based model can be used with advantage for multimodal speaker detection.
It would also be interesting to consider in future works the cases of simultaneous
silent or speaking states (cases 3 and 4 defined in sec. 3).
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