Juha Puustjärvi
Lappeenranta University of Technology. Skinnarilankatu 34. Lappeenranta. Finland
Keywords: Learning object, Ontologies, Metadata, Learning object content models.
Abstract: Educational information systems should provide easy access to learning material. In addition learning
material should be linked in a way that the learner can easily access all required material. Unfortunately
current metadata standards and learning object content models do not support such features as they do not
capture enough semantics of learning objects. In this article we present the ontologies that give the
semantics for metadata descriptions, and thus support semantic querying and conceptual navigation of
learning objects. Semantic querying differs from traditional keyword based searching in that searching
expressions are based on ontologies, which describe the concepts of the domain in which learning takes
place. Semantic querying can also be used for content based integration of learning objects. Conceptual
navigation in turn means that named links can be used in navigating between learning objects. Named links
are analogous with the relationships in conceptual models.
During the past few years the term learning object is
widely used in the discussion concerning
educational information systems. Generally the term
is regarded as any entity, digital or non-digital, that
may be used for learning.
Educational metadata describes any features of a
learning object. Well-designed and sufficient
metadata facilitates the learners in retrieving
relevant learning objects and aids the educational
institutions to provide suitable information about
their instruction supply. Learning object metadata is
also needed for supporting the management of
collections of learning objects, and for supporting
the decision process of the learners in looking
educational resources.
To standardize learning object metadata specific
standards are developed. LOM (Learning object
metadata standard) (LOM, 2002) defines the
structure of a meta-data instance for a learning
object. However, it does not specify the granularity
of a learning object. Fundamentally a learning object
could be a sentence, a paragraph, a topic, a section, a
chapter, a lesson, a course or even a video stream.
Using the LOM it is possible to specify for example
the grade level of a course, typical learning time of a
course, the prerequisites of a course and the
relationships of learning objects.
Dublin Core (Dublin, 2002) is a widely known
metadata standard. Its metadata elements represent
syntactical metadata, i.e., they do not describe the
content of the target. Dublin Core also includes
metadata attributes that can be used in specifying the
relationship between resources. Thorough these
attributes it is possible to define for example that a
lecture is a part of a course (IsPartOf), a course is a
version of another course ((IsVer-sionOf), a
laboratory work requires certain software
(IsRequiredBy), and a course is based on another
course (IsBasedOn).
Both LOM and Dublin Core are metadata
standards. By following these standards one can
state for example that the course Introduction to
programming precedes the course Java-
programming and that the Java laboratory work is a
part of the course Java-programming. The problem
however, is that though they allow the specification
of the relationships between the instances of learning
objects they provide no means for modelling such
relationships. As a result, we cannot for example
express semantic queries like “Give me all courses
that precede the course Java-programming” or
“Give me all the components of the course Java-
programming”. Such queries require an ontology
that gives the semantics for the learning objects
metadata expressions.
Learning object content models in turn are
developed to increase the reusability of learning
objects. They are typically taxonomies, which
Puustjärvi J. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 365-370
DOI: 10.5220/0001239303650370
identify the components of learning objects.
However, a lack of learning object content models is
that they do not provide means for expressing the
semantics of the components of learning objects.
For example, using a learning object content
model we cannot specify whether a component, say
a course, deals with history or mathematics. And
therefore they do not allow semantic querying over
the components (e.g., querying the courses that deals
with discrete mathematics) and conceptual
navigation between the components. This is
regrettable since semantic querying and conceptual
navigation between learning objects would
significantly ease the access of learning objects.
In this article we present what kind of ontologies
are required for semantic querying and conceptual
navigation between learning objects. Essentially
semantic querying differs from traditional keyword
based searching in that searching expressions are
based on content ontologies, i.e., on the concepts of
the domain that the learning deals with. Semantic
querying is also useful tool in composing learning
objects based on their content. Conceptual
navigation in turn means that named links can be
used in navigating between learning objects. Named
links are analogous with the relationships in
conceptual scheme of databases.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
First, in Section 2, we give an overview of learning
object metadata standards and learning object
content models. We also illustrate the possibilities
these approaches give for expressing the
relationships of learning object instances. Then, in
Section 3, we motivate our approach by giving an
example of semantic querying and conceptual
navigation. After this, in Section 4, we show what
kinds of ontologies are required for semantic
querying and conceptual navigation. In particular,
three ontologies are presented: a content ontology,
an education ontology and an instance ontology. The
specification of these ontologies by XML-based
languages is considered in Section 5. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper by discussing the
advantages and limitations of our proposed
2.1 Metadata Standards
The notion of metadata (Najjar et al., 2003) has
variable interpretations depending upon the
circumstances in which it is used. Fundamentally,
metadata is data about data. It describes certain
important characteristics of its target. Equally
metadata can be described by meta-metadata, which
is descriptive information of the metadata itself. The
typical types of metadata that can be attached to
documents include document’s author, publisher,
publication date, language and keywords.
There are many organizations which standardize
metadata. The idea behind standardization is to
achieve interoperability between systems from
different origins. An important point in
standardization is that it does not impose a particular
implementation but rather a common specification
which establishes an opportunity for collaboration
by diverse groups.
Next we will shortly consider three well known
standardization efforts; Dublin Core, IMS and LOM.
Dublin Core (Dublin, 2002) is a widely known
metadata standard that has been developed since
1995. The metadata elements of the Dublin Core
represent syntactical meta-data, i.e., they do not
describe the content of the target. Originally, they
are intended to facilitate the discovery of electronic
resources from the Web. It includes 15 metadata
elements that describe the content, the intellectual
property rights and the instantiation of the object.
For example, the standard includes the following
elements: Creator, Date, Description, Subject, and
Language. Even though, the Dublin Core does not
include educational metadata elements, it has been
used as basis for many educational metadata
projects. On the other hand, proposals to extend the
standard by educational elements (e.g., Audience,
Interactivity type, and Interactivity level) have been
Dublin Core also includes metadata attributes that
can be used in specifying the relationship between
resources. Thorough these attributes it is possible to
define for example that a lecture is a part of a course
(IsPartOf), a course is a version of another course
((IsVer-sionOf), a laboratory work requires certain
software (IsRequiredBy), and a course is based on
another course (IsBasedOn).
IMS (Instructional Management System Project)
(IMS, 2002) is a consortium of several educational
institutions, commercial entities, government
agencies, and developers in the area of educational
information systems. Its main aim is to develop and
promote open specifications for facilitating online
distributed learning activities such as tracking
learner progress, reporting learner performance, and
exchanging student records between administrative
IMS has been a significant contributor to the
LOM. For example, it has introduced the use of
XML for representing metadata. On the other hand,
IMS uses the LOM as its basis for metadata
specifications. For example, IMS has contributed to
LOM by introducing best practice guides for
metadata developers and implementers.
LOM (Learning object metadata standard) (LOM,
2002) defines the structure of a metadata instance
for a learning object. A learning object is regarded
as any entity, digital or non-digital, that may be used
for learning. In addition, the standard facilitates the
sharing and exchange of learning objects by
enabling the development of catalogues and
inventories while taking into account the diversity of
cultural contexts in which the learning object will be
exploited. The goals of the LOM are to enable the
learners to search and use learning objects and
enable computer agents to automatically compose
learning objects to individual learners.
Using the LOM it is possible to specify for
example the teaching or interaction style of a course,
the grade level of a course, the difficulty of a course,
typical learning time of a course, the prerequisites of
a course and the relationships of learning objects’
2.2 Learning Object Content Models
Learning Object Metadata standard does not specify
the granularity of a learning object. Fundamentally a
learning object could be a sentence, a paragraph, a
topic, a section, a chapter, a lesson, a course or even
a video stream. A small and self-contained learning
object has a good chance of reusability. On the other
hand, the complexity of composing learning objects
increases as the amount of learning objects
Learning object content models are developed to
increase the reusability of learning objects. They are
typically taxonomies, which identify the syntactical
components of learning objects. Taxonomy is a
hierarchical structure (a tree) where the relationship
between a parent and its children has some
relationship (e.g., is part of).
The SCORM (SCORM, 2005) Content
Aggregation Model is a taxonomy which is
comprised of the following levels (Figure 1): Assets,
Sharable Content Objects (SCO) and Content
Aggregations. For example, text, images, audio and
other data that can be presented in the web client are
Assets. A Sharable Content Object is a collection of
one or more assets. In order to increase the
reusability of Sharable Content Objects should be
independent of its learning context. So it can be
reused in different learning experiences to fulfil
different learning objectives. A Content Aggregation
is a structure that can be used to aggregate learning
resources in an integrated unit such as course or
Figure 1. The structure of the SCORM Content Aggregation Model.
Content Aggregations
Sharable Content Objects Sharable Content Objects
Assets Assets
Figure 1: The Structure of the SCORM Content
Aggregation Model
Semantic querying and conceptual navigation allow
easy searching facilities of learning objects. Further
semantic querying can be used for automatic
composition of learning objects.
In order to illustrate semantic querying and
conceptual navigation let us consider the following
example. Assume that a learner wants to renew his
or her programming skills. Now, in order to find
appropriate course the learner performs the
following action.
First the learner asks the educational system to
display a content taxonomy Programming. Then the
system displays the taxonomy presented in Figure 2.
Then the learner chooses from the taxonomy the
concepts that should be included to the course, say
Object oriented programming, Java-programming
and C++ programming and returns them to the
system. The system then returns a course, say Object
oriented programming languages and provides links
for preliminary courses, lectures, exercises and
exercise solutions.
Object oriented
Figure 2. Taxonomy Programming.
Figure 2: Taxonomy Programming.
4.1 The Goal of Ontologies
An ontology is a general vocabulary of a certain
domain (Davies et al., 2002), and it can be defined
as “an explicit specification of a conceptualization”
(Gruber, 1993). Essentially the used ontology must
be shared and consensual terminology as it is used
for in-formation sharing and exchange.
Ontology tries to capture the meaning of a
particular subject domain that corresponds to what a
human being knows about that domain (Daconta et
al., 2002). It also tries to characterize that meaning
in terms of concepts and their relationships.
Ontology is typically represented as classes,
properties attributes and values. So they also provide
a systematic way to standardize the used metadata
Ontology languages provide representational
entities without stating what should be rep-resented,
i.e., they do not commit to any particular domain
(Antoniou and Harmelen, 2004). For example the
ER-model (Ullman &Widow, 1998), RDFS (RDFS,
2005), ODL (Ullman &Widow, 1998), UML,
DAML+OIL (DAML, 2005) and OWL (OWL,
2005), which define concepts such as entities or
objects, attributes and relations, are ontology
A salient feature of ontologies is that depending
on the generality level of conceptualization, different
types of ontologies are needed. Each type of
ontology has a specific role in information sharing
and exchange.
4.2 Content Ontologies
The purpose of the content ontology is to describe
the concepts of the domain in which learning take
place. So, the content ontology may for example
describe the concepts related to mathematics, history
or to computer science. To illustrate content
ontologies a simple content ontology Programming
is presented in Figure 3.
Object oriented
Figure 3. Content ontology Programming.
4.3 Education Ontology
Education ontology captures the entities that are
related to learning. In addition it captures the
relationships of the entities. It has a similar function
as database scheme defined by data definition
languages (e.g., ODL (Ullman & Widom, 1998)). A
difference, however, is that education ontology is
presented by ontology languages and thus it provides
syntactically and semantically richer means than
database definition languages.
In Figure 4, an Education ontology is presented.
It captures entities that are related to learning in
universities. It is presented in a graphical form but it
can also be presented in OWL. In the figure, a
relationship (property in OWL terminology) related
to the object (Class in OWL terminology) “course”
is “precedes”. In OWL one can specify that this
property is transitive. So, for example if Course A
precedes Course B and B precedes Course C, then
the system can infer that also Course A precedes
Course C. This is one feature that can be defined in
ontology languages but not in the data definition
languages developed for databases.
Figure 3: Content Ontology Programming.
professor assistant
lectures supervises
isSuclassOf isSuclassOf
Figure 4. An Education ontology.
It captures entities that are related to learning in
universities. It is presented in a graphical form but it
can also be presented in OWL. In the figure, a
relationship (property in OWL terminology) related
to the object (Class in OWL terminology) “course”
is “precedes”. In OWL one can specify that this
property is transitive. So, for example if Course A
precedes Course B and B precedes Course C, then
the system can infer that also Course A precedes
Course C. This is one feature that can be defined in
ontology languages but not in the data definition
languages developed for databases.
4.4 Learning Instance Ontologies
Learning instance ontology describes the instances
of learning objects. In our graphical representation
(Figure 5) the types of each instance are also
described in the ontology. In addition the subject of
each instance can also be defined. Type is defined
by connecting an instance to the learning object
ontology (typeOf edges) while subject is defined by
connecting the instance to the content ontology
(subjectOf edges).
Learning instance ontology deviates from
content ontology and learning entity ontologies in
that it is described by the content creator (e.g. a
teacher). In other words a content creator annotates a
learning instance according to the concepts
presented in content and education ontology.
Figure 5. An example of an instance ontology.
to Java
Course book
to programming
Department of
Computer Science
Each instance in the instance ontology in Figure 5 is
presented by an oval, and corresponding objects
(classes in OWL) are presented by a rectangle, and
they are connected by the typeOf-edge. The content
of an instance is represented by edge subjectOf edge
to an item of the content ontology which is presented
inside of circle.
The instance ontology of Figure 5 describes that
Java programming and Introduction to
programming are instances of the object (class in
OWL) Course and both courses belong to the
Department of Computer Science, which is an
instance of the object Department. The “precedes”
edge (property in OWL) between the courses Java-
programming and Introduction to programming
indicates that before the execution of the course
Java-programming the course Introduction to
programming must be executed. The ontology also
indicates that the course book Introduction to Java is
associated to the course Java-programming.
We now give a short introduction to the XML-based
languages that we are using in specifying learning
object ontologies.
RDF provides a means for attaching semantics
(e.g., metadata values) to objects (e.g., to Java-
course). So it nicely adapts for specifying the edges
in ontologies. For example, the description (see
Figure 5) “The subject of Java-course is Java-
programming” can be expressed in a RDF-statement.
The relationship of XML and RDF is that XML
Figure 4: An Education Ontology.
Figure 5: An example of an instance ontology.
provides a way to express RDF-statements. In other
words, RDF is an application ox XML.
Fundamentally, RDF defines a language for
describing relationships among resources in terms of
named properties and values. It however, provides
no mechanisms for describing these properties, nor
does it provide any mechanisms for describing the
relationship between these properties and other
resources. That is the role of RDF vocabulary
description language RDF schema (RDFS, 2005). It
defines classes and properties that may be used to
describe classes, properties and other resources.
Hence, there is a straight correspondence between
RDF schema and object oriented design.
OWL Web Ontology Language (OWL, 2005) has
more facilities for expressing meaning and
semantics than XML, RDF and RDF Schema, and
thus OWL goes beyond these languages in its ability
to represent machine interpretable content of the
ontology. In particular, it adds more semantics for
describing properties and classes, for example
relations between classes, cardinality of
relationships, and equality of classes and instances.
For example, the graphical representation “Object
oriented programming is a synonym for OO-
programming” in Figure 3 can be expressed in
Educational information systems should be designed
in a way that they provide easy access to learning
objects. Well-designed and sufficient metadata
facilitates the learners in retrieving relevant learning
objects and aids the educational institutions to
provide suitable information about their instruction
To standardize learning object metadata specific
standards, such as the LOM, are developed. The lack
of the LOM, as with all metadata models, is that it
does not provide semantics for the metadata items
As a result, many useful learning object retrieval
methods such as semantic querying and conceptual
navigation cannot be implemented in educational
information systems that are based on metadata
By introducing sharable learning object
ontologies we can specify the semantics of the
metadata items. In order to give a semantics for
metadata items, we have represented a simple
ontology, called educational ontology. Further in
order that we can specify the content (subject) of an
educational material (e.g., a course) we have given
an example of a content ontology. We have also
introduced instance ontologies. Through an instance
ontology we can tie learning instances to the objects
of the education ontology and to a content ontology.
The main gain of our proposed ontologies is that
they provide a conceptual model on which semantic
querying and conceptual navigation can take place.
Semantic querying can also be used for content
based integration of learning objects. So they can
also be used for extending the function of learning
object content models which compose learning
object components solely based on their structure
without considering their content.
A drawback of our approach is that it burdens the
content creator (e.g., a teacher) in that he or she has
to annotate learning material according to the
ontologies. However, it is turned out that computer
support can alleviate this function in many ways.
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