There are a substantial number of indicators that
seem to show that e-commerce systems development
would benefit from a RAD approach. These are
discussed below.
Primarily, by their very nature, e-commerce
systems are business-oriented software systems.
They support a number of business processes which,
as indicated by Martins (Martine, 1991), tend to be
dynamic. Clearly, decreasing the timespan in such
projects would reduce the likelihood that clients’
requirements will change in the time it takes for a
system to be developed. Participants in our industry
survey unanimously agreed that customers’ require-
ments are highly flexible and are likely to change
quite often. Cases in which a client sticks to initial
requirements without making changes are rare.
Our industry interviews show that most e-
commerce systems are developed within six
months. 60% of participants claim that their systems
take no longer than three months to develop. Kerr
(J. Kerr, 1994) points out that if a business application
can be modularized in a way that enables each major
function to be completed in less than three months, it
is a candidate for RAD.
E-Commerce users can be very unforgiving. For
example, in our study of 350 online shoppers, it
was discovered that only 18.4% of shoppers would
remain unconditionally loyal to their site if it suffered
performance problems. High quality and reliability
is therefore important in e-commerce systems. The
RAD approach promotes reuse of components as
these would have already been tested. Also, new
components must be tested and all interfaces must be
fully exercised (Pressman, 2000).
In the course of our research, we also delved
into cases where RAD is likely to fail and analysed
whether e-commerce systems would also be vulnera-
ble in this area. This is discussed below.
Butler (Butler, 1994) lists four potential points of
failure for RAD. Two of them are technical whilst
the other two are more to do with human nature and
commitment issues. Firstly, Butler stresses that not
all types of applications are appropriate for RAD.
In order for a system to be compatible with RAD, it
needs to be modularisable. This does not pose a prob-
lem with e-commerce systems because by nature,
they are modularised into high-level components
such as online catalogues, shopping carts, customer
support mechanisms, and so on (E. Cachia, 2005).
A second potential technical point of failure is the
level of technical risk within a project. If technical
risks are high, RAD would not be the appropriate
life-cycle (Butler, 1994). Our industry interviews
reveal that most e-commerce systems make use of
standard technologies and do not carry high technical
The non-technical two potential points of failure
mentioned by Butler are as follows. Firstly, RAD
developers and customers need to be committed to
the rapid-fire activities necessary to get a system
complete in a much abbreviated timeframe (Butler,
1994). This is dependant on the people involved in
individual projects and cannot really be characterised
on the basis of the type of system being developed.
Therefore, e-commerce systems suceptibility to this
point is on the same level as any other type of system.
Finally, Butler points out that RAD requires sufficient
human resources to create the right number of RAD
teams. Although this too depends on particular
circumstances, there is some evidence to show
that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) tend to
dedicate more human resources to existing traditional
business, even when developing new e-commerce
systems because that is what currently earns them
money (J.H.Y. Yeung, 2003). This suggests that
development of systems for SMEs may not always
be appropriate for RAD integration. However, this
depends on individual situations and a customer’s
commitment to the e-commerce project.
The arguments presented in this section clearly in-
dicate that e-commerce systems are likely to be highly
suitable candidates for rapid application development.
In the section 2, we showed that e-commerce systems
are well suited for rapid application development.
However, it is also being argued that RAD does not
do a good enough job for e-commerce systems as it
stands. One might suggest that development teams
should simply utilise the existing RAD methodology
as-is, as opposed to creating an RAD-based frame-
work specifically tailored for e-commerce systems.
However, in 2004, Cachia (E. Cachia, 2004) showed
that e-commerce systems differ significantly from
other types of systems. The characteristics that
separate e-commerce systems from other types of
systems are as follows.
Firstly, e-commerce systems tend to be content
driven. Most, if not all, e-commerce systems would
need to be connect to a data source from which the
resulting web pages would be constructed. A typical