Esteban Meneses
Computing Research Center - Costa Rica Institute of Technology
P.O.Box 159-7050, Cartago, Costa Rica
Web mining, local web, web clustering.
There is much to say about the structure and composition of a local web. Identification of authorities, topics
and web communities can be used to improve search engines, change a portal design or to develop marketing
strategies. The Costa Rican web was chosen as a test case for web mining analysis. After the study we
obtained several descriptors of the web as well as the answers to typical questions like how many pages on
average a site has, which file type is preferred for building a dynamic site, what is the most referenced site,
which sites are similar, and many more.
The World Wide Web is formed by an unusual and het-
erogeneous set of elements. This property makes the
web an important and flexible mechanism for commu-
nication and information storage, but makes its analy-
sis hardly easy. Luckily, many recent research efforts
have been focused on how to overcome this challenge
and provide a set of descriptors from a local web.
This paper presents the results after the analysis of
the Costa Rican web. This subset of the global web is
formed by every page in a site on the .cr domain.
Many interesting facts can be discovered from this
collection. Things like what is the most referenced
site, what is the site with more outgoing links, which
sites compose the core of the web, how old are web
pages, what is the most common file type for dynamic
pages, which site is similar to some given web site,
and many more, can be revealed by applying several
web mining techniques.
When studying a collection of web pages, it is
fundamental to analyze it in two dimensions: web
structure and web composition. The former provides
the intricate form on which web pages and sites are
linked, while the latter offers some description about
the topics covered in the web pages or sites. Also, the
HTTP protocol generates lots of information with ev-
ery web transaction. All these statistics are relevant to
describe the collection in a physical sense.
The data obtained from the analysis can be ap-
plied to a variety of processes: construction of web
crawlers, improving web browsing and searching, de-
sign of web portals, optimization for web servers, fo-
cusing a marketing strategy, among others.
The results presented in this paper were generated
using a couple of tools. The Wire set of tools (WIRE)
for web mining and analysis and Effimining (PRE-
DISOFT) for web site clustering. Also, it was nec-
essary to develop miscellaneous tools for extracting
information from web pages.
However, in the Kl
a research project at the Com-
puting Research Center of the Costa Rica Institute of
Technology, we are currently developing several tools
for web mining in the MS .net platform which are
focused on mining a local web. The final objective is
to construct a portal for web searching and web col-
location analysis.
Section 2 introduces the topic of web mining and
many core concepts related with the statistical de-
scriptors of a local web. After that, section 3 presents
the results of the analysis made on the Costa Rican
web. These statistics can serve as an example of what
can be known from a subset of the global web. Sec-
tion 4 presents some experiments done when cluster-
ing some of the Costa Rican web sites. Here, the inter-
est will be focused in the representation used as well
as the different strategies for grouping the elements
of a collection. Finally, section 5 offers some conclu-
sions and future work.
Meneses E. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 414-421
DOI: 10.5220/0001249504140421
This section surveys the basic principles on which
web mining is based. These fundamentals come
from many disciplines: data structures, information
retrieval, formal languages, parsing theory, statistics
and many more.
The analysis of a web page collection usually im-
plies at least two dimensions: structure and compo-
sition. The first refers to how pages are linked and
that gives a means for authority. The latter is related
with the content of a page. These two dimensions are
orthogonal and both are usually taken into account in
any analysis.
2.1 Structure
The web or a fraction of it can be seen as a big di-
rected graph. If every page is considered as a node
and a hyperlink from a url to another is considered
as a link, then every collection of web pages is a di-
rected graph, not necessarily connected. However, if
sites are considered as nodes, then the same is true.
As a graph, all the theory around it can be ap-
plied. Then, shortest paths can be found from a url
to another, cliques can be discovered, cycles found,
strongly connected components detected, you name
Figure 1: Macrostructure of the Web.
Figure 1 shows the macroscopic structure of the
web (Castillo, 2004). It is important to define the fol-
lowing components:
MAIN: is the set of the biggest strongly connected
component in the web graph. It can be divided into
MAIN-IN if sites are linked from IN, MAIN-OUT
if sites link to OUT. MAIN-MAIN is the intersec-
tion of both sets and MAIN-NORM is the rest of
set MAIN.
IN: is the set of all sites not in MAIN that link some
site in MAIN.
OUT: is the set of all sites not in MAIN being
linked from MAIN.
TUNNEL: is the set of all sites linked from IN and
that link to OUT.
TENTACLES: sites linked from IN or that link to
OUT, but not both. Tentacles-IN is the set with sites
that follow the first condition while Tentacles-Out
is the set of sites following the second condition.
ISLANDS: is the set of sites that neither are linked
from IN nor link to OUT.
This characterization of web sites is important
since it can give a measure of how important and old
a site is. The most important part of a web is in set
MAIN, it is the core of the web. Sites in IN are most
likely new sites linking to big and important sites.
Sites in OUT are typically old sites without mainte-
nance. It is clear that sites in ISLANDS are probably
not important because are separated from the rest of
the graph.
Continuing with the graph structure, the degree of
a node is calculated by the number of links this node
has. The in-degree is the number of incident links
(reach the node) and the out-degree is the number of
links going out the node. The first value is usually im-
possible to calculate, because it can not be established
how many people link some site. The second value is
easy to obtain given a parsing of the HTML code.
The granularity of all this analysis can be selected
between sites and pages. The structure of links from
web pages form a graph where the pages are nodes
and there is a link between two pages if there is a hy-
perlink in the HTML code. Analogously, the structure
of web sites can also be a graph if nodes are consid-
ered as sites and there is a link between two sites if
there is a page in one site linking a page on other site.
In this paper both approaches were taken, but it will
be clear which one is used in each descriptor.
The number of incoming links and outgoing links
in a web collection typically follows a power law.In
this case the probability that a page has value x for
some of the outlined characteristics is directly propor-
tional to:
Where k is the parameter of the distribution.
2.2 Composition
A web collection can be also analyzed according the
content of their documents. This approach follows a
typical information retrieval style where documents
are represented in a multidimensional space. Thus,
every document is seen as a vector, where entries cor-
respond to terms. The most frequently used model is
the TF-IDF.
TF stands for the term frequency and it is simply the
number of times term t occurs in document d. It can
be scaled in a variety of ways to normalize document
length and to obtain TF(d, t).
IDF is the inverse document frequency. Not all axes
are equally important. Coordinates corresponding to
function words like a, an and the will be large and
noisy irrespective to the content of the document. IDF
tries to scale down the coordinates of terms that occur
in many documents. There are also many ways to cal-
culate IDF (t) (Chakrabarti, 2003).
Finally, the model joints each of the last computa-
tions in some way, a classic formula is:
= TF(d, t )IDF (t)
Where d
is the coordinate of document d in dimen-
sion t.
Nevertheless, there is a couple of important pre-
processes made in the composition analysis. The first
one is the elimination of common words that add lit-
tle to the semantic of the document. They are called
stopwords and many prepositions fall in this set. After
stopword removal a typical action used is stemming,
which consist in transforming every word to its lex-
ical root or stem. For example, all following words
{apply, applying, applies} will fall in the
stem appl.
Costa Rica is one of the seven countries that form
Central America. It has a population around 4.5 mil-
lion people and according to UNCTAD it is the sec-
ond country in Latin America where most people use
Internet (Chile is the first). Given that, is sounds in-
teresting to study and characterize the web in Costa
Rica. This work was inspired by a study made by our
Chilean colleagues (Baeza-Yates, 2003).
For measuring and extracting all the required in-
formation about the Costa Rican web, the Wire set
of tools (WIRE) was used. WIRE is an open source
crawler, repository and analyzer focused on schedul-
ing techniques for crawling (Castillo, 2004). Wire
was run on a Pentium 4 machine with 256 Mb RAM
and 256 Gb on hard disc. The total crawling took ap-
proximately 4 days.
In this section, the results Wire found for the doc-
uments and sites will be presented . It will include
characteristics as size, age, structure and languages.
The search space was delimited to the Costa Rican
web, defined by all documents within the .cr do-
main (other definitions of Costa Rican web are also
possible). For extracting all site names ending in .cr
several sources were crawled: Netcraft (NETCRAFT)
which is a site with lots of information about web
servers around the net, ODP (ODP) the Open Direc-
tory Project which lists many interesting pages and
Google search engine. All this should be done given
that the local NIC (CRNIC) was unable to publish the
complete site list due to security reasons.
3.1 Documents
The first thing to note is that the total crawled pages
were near seven hundred thousand, which is smaller
if it is compared with the 3 million pages Chilean web
(Castillo, 2004). Table 1 shows a summary of pages
in the Costa Rican web. It can be seen that there are
few duplicates among pages and that Costa Rican web
is mostly static.
Table 1: Summary of Costa Rican web pages.
Total pages 731,171 100%
Unique 711,504 97.31%
Duplicates 19,667 2.69%
Static 542,247 74.16%
Dynamic 188,924 25.84%
Also, it is a web composed by mostly new docu-
ments. Almost one of every five pages has less than
12 months, but this stands for half the pages whose
age was known (some web server doesn’t return the
age of document). Figure 2 shows the distribution of
age for pages.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fraction of pages
Document age in Years
Figure 2: Age of pages.
These results are consistent with the ones found in
(Castillo, 2004) from the Chilean web. Another ex-
pected result was the number of incoming links, as
shown in figure 3.
The number of incoming links is calculated within
the collection, counting how many hyperlinks point to
some page. This measure is important as a means for
authority. However, as it was mentioned in section 2 it
follows a power law, meaning that the probability for
a page to have an incoming degree equal to x is pro-
portional to
. Figure 3 presents this result. The
value 1.66 is exactly the same to its analogous value
for Chilean web. As this value gets smaller, it is easier
to find a page with higher incoming degree. The less
this parameter, the more biased the distribution is.
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Fraction of pages
Number of incoming links
k/x^1.66 in [10,1000]
Figure 3: Incoming links.
On the other side, the PageRank measure (Page,
1998) discriminates pages according to their author-
ity. It is a measure of how important a page is. Fig-
ure 4 shows the power distribution for pages accord-
ing to their PageRank. In this case the parameter is
a standard one, 1.85. This result is a little bit bi-
ased, but represents the reality in the web: few pages
are very authoritative. Another measure for authority
in the web is the one called HITS (Kleinberg, 1999).
This algorithm classify pages into two groups: hubs
which references other important pages and authori-
ties which are referenced by many other pages. How-
ever, HITS creates a fuzzy classification of pages be-
tween these two categories. Thus, every page has its
hub score and its authority score. The value for the
power distribution of the hub score is 1.87, while
the one for the authority score is 1.85. These values
of parameters were also expected.
Besides all those measures for structure, a sim-
ple but interesting counting measure can determine
which technology for cgi pages is dominant. Figure
5 presents a chart with all these technologies accord-
ing to their percent of presence in the Costa Rican
web. As it can be seen PHP dominates the construc-
tion for dynamic pages, followed by ASP and then for
Another statistic regarding the language of the doc-
uments is that English is dominant over Spanish in the
web pages. In a sample taken by WIRE, 72.58% of
web pages were in English, while only 26.51% were
in Spanish.
1e-07 1e-06 1e-05 1e-04 0.001 0.01 0.1
Fraction of pages
Page rank
k/x^1.85 in [5e-6,5e-5]
Figure 4: PageRank.
Figure 5: Extensions cgi.
3.2 Sites
In the Costa Rican web every domain must be col-
located into one of the following categories: .co or
commercial, .or or organizational, .fi of finance,
.ac or academic, .go or governmental, .ed or edu-
cational and .sa or health. The first level domain is
restricted, few sites lay into such privileged domain.
According to Costa Rica NIC (CRNIC) there are
around 5000 sites in all categories. The initial list
for crawling contain less than 3000 sites. However
it doesn’t seem to be a problem, given that half the
sites are working and from the ones working half have
more than one page (Castillo, 2004).
As it was reviewed in section 2 the web can be
thought as a directed graph. Graphical visualizations
are always good to see. Figure 6 shows the graph for
all sites present in the Costa Rican web crawled by
Wire. Every point stands for a site and the most ref-
erenced sites are located in the center of the figure.
Watching this representation it is easy to get an idea
of how intricated the web structure is.
A more clear representation is found in figure 7
Figure 6: All sites graph of Costa Rican web.
where the minimum spanning tree has been drawn.
The center for any star correspond to a very impor-
tant site which is linked to many others. This can be
because its authority or hub condition. For example,
the center of the big star correspond to the Univer-
sity of Costa Rica (which will be mentioned below).
These two figures were generated using LGL software
Besides the structure of web, there are more tacit
things to observe. A few basic statistics are shown in
table 2. The total number of sites ”alive” is 2,152.
The average number of pages per site is more than
ve hundred, which means sites are big, but not so
complex given that the depth average is less than four
levels. Also, average site is not big in size, given that
less than 5MB are enough to contain it all.
Table 2: Site summary.
Number of sites ok 2,152
Average internal links 3,957.65
Number of sites with valid page age 1,682
Average pages per site 514.96
Average static pages per site 325.85
Average dynamic pages per site 189.11
Average of age of oldest page in months 18.91
Average of age of average page in months 12.83
Average of age of newest page in months 10.12
Average site size in MB 5.53
Average site max depth 3.12
Average in-degree 2.02
Average out-degree 2.02
Figure 7: All sites minimum spanning tree of Costa Rican
Table 3: Top 5 sites according to number of documents.
Top sites by count doc count doc 100,000 100,000 100,000 88,313 76,031
Following those statistics some questions arise al-
most immediately, like what is the ranking of sites?.
It depends on what it is considered. Tables 3, 4 and 5
presents three rankings according to number of docu-
ments, incoming degree and outgoing degree, respec-
The first three places of table 3 have 100,000 doc-
uments because this was the maximum documents
crawled by site. The first two places in this table are
sites with an online calendar technology for showing
events for every day of year. This software creates
an html for every day and then the number of web
pages counted are huge, reaching easily the limit of
web pages crawled for a site. The third site is an im-
mense site with thousands of documents, located into
the University of Costa Rica. The fourth place is also
located on the University of Costa Rica and contains
big online manuals for doing math typesetting.
In table 4 the first three places are national uni-
versities of Costa Rica, which tend to be authorita-
tive enough according to (Castillo, 2004). The very
first place correspond to the University of Costa Rica,
Table 4: Top 5 sites according to in degree.
Top sites by in degree in degree 138 84 62 55 53
Table 5: Top 5 sites according to out degree.
Top sites by out degree out degree 165 156 126 117 102
which is the oldest and biggest university in Costa
Rica, formed by many faculties and research centers.
The second and third places are also public univer-
sities, which group several departments. The fifth
place is the National Biodiversity Institute, which is
very important for Costa Rica, a country in the top 20
countries with more biodiversity in the world.
In the other hand, web directories, like the first
two places in table 5 act as hubs in the web. The
third place in this table represents an instance of the
government of Costa Rica that link many other de-
partments. The fifth place correspond to RACSA,
which centrally administers the internet service in
Costa Rica.
The same as PageRank is calculated for documents,
SiteRank can be calculated for sites. Figure 8 shows
the distribution for sites according to their SiteRank.
The parameter for the power law is 1.81 which again
represents an expected parameter.
1e-07 1e-06 1e-05 1e-04 0.001 0.01 0.1
Fraction of sites
k/x^1.81 in [1e-6,1e-4]
Figure 8: SiteRank.
Recalling what was discussed in section 2 regard-
ing location of sites in the graph, table 6 presents
some measures for each component. It can be seen
that the principal component has 336 sites, which
represents almost the 15% of total sites alive. Also, it
is interesting to note that the IN component has few
sites, but the OUT component has many sites for a
suspicious big old web section. Also, the ISLAND
size is huge, meaning that a big portion of the web is
disconnected from the core.
Table 6: Graph component sizes.
Component name Number of sites Percent
MAIN NORM 107 4.97%
MAIN MAIN 84 3.90%
MAIN IN 36 1.67%
MAIN OUT 109 5.07%
IN 100 4.65%
OUT 388 18.03%
TIN 22 1.02%
TOUT 28 1.30%
ISLAND 1,278 59.39%
Last but not least, it can be analyzed which are the
domains that are more commonly referenced by sites
in the Costa Rican web. Figure 9 shows the top do-
mains referenced from sites in Costa Rica. The .cr
domain is the most referenced because is the same
domain. Domain .com is the second one and Ar-
gentina (.ar) domain is the third one, followed by
Brazil (.br).
Figure 9: Top level domains.
This section discusses the alternatives for clustering
web objects and presents a method for clustering sites
using the classic vectorial representation. Some visu-
alizations of results are also showed.
4.1 Approaches
The utility of clustering for text and hypertext in-
formation retrieval relies on the cluster hypothesis,
which states that given a suitable clustering of a col-
lection, if the user is interested in document d,heis
likely to be interested in other members of the cluster
to which d belongs to (Chakrabarti, 2003). There are
many alternatives for clustering web objects: pages or
sites (Chakrabarti, 2003; Jain, 1999).
The Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC)
starts with all the documents and successively com-
bine them into groups within which interdocument
similarity is high, collapsing down as many groups
as desired. This kind of clustering is called bottom-up
or agglomerative.
On the other side, a very well known top-down
method is k-Means, where the user preset a number
k of desired clusters. The initial configuration is arbi-
trary, consisting of a grouping of the documents into
k groups and k centroids computed accordingly. The
basic step is moving to the nearest centroid for every
document. Then centroids are again calculated and
the algorithm follows until no change is made on the
assignment of document to clusters.
Although HAC and k-Means are very simple and
fast, many other algorithms have been presented: self
organized maps, multidimensional scaling, latent se-
mantic indexing, probabilistic approaches, through
summarization (Shen, 2004), hyperlink-based (He,
2001), partitioning-based (Boley, 1999) and many
However, all these techniques were developed un-
der the scalar vector space model. Here, documents
are represented as vector in multidimensional Eu-
clidean space. Each axis in this space corresponds
to a term (token). Such representation makes possible
the TF-IDF model.
Apart from these techniques based on composition,
there are other techniques for web clustering based on
structure, which applies graph theory for building the
clusters (He, 2001).
4.2 Web Site Clustering
This section provides the results for clustering web
sites using a standard vectorial representation, as the
one proposed in section 2 for TF-IDF model. We se-
lected 16 sites from the top 20 sites according to their
SiteRank. This set contains scientific sites, business
sites, universities sites and one sport site. For each
site, 10 random web pages were crawled and from
these 10 pages a vector is obtained for representing
each site.
Using the 160 crawled pages, the 200 most com-
mon tokens were identified, after stopword elimina-
tion and stemming application. Then, a normalized
200 long vector is associated for each site. This nor-
malization doesn’t take into account the IDF part of
the TF-IDF model. With this representation we ap-
plied the HAC procedure, discussed in the previous
Nevertheless, for visualization purposes, a PCA
(Principal Component Analysis, a dimension reduc-
tion technique) was applied to our web site database.
Figure 10 shows the result after a discrete PCA (Bun-
tine, 2004) is applied. This 2D graphic shows how
web sites are distributed and it can be seen that on the
upper right corner are located the universities and sci-
entific sites, while the business sies are on the bottom
right corner.
Figure 10: Principal component analysis for web sites.
Figure 11 presents the dendogram resultant from
the HAC procedure. Again, the scientific sites are lo-
cated in the bottom branch on the tree, while the busi-
ness sites are located in the middle branch.
Figure 11: Hierarchical agglomerative web site clustering.
Both figures were generated using Effimining prod-
uct of Predisoft (PREDISOFT).
This work is part of the effort done in the Kl
a research
project, which is under development in the Comput-
ing Research Center at the Costa Rica Institute of
Technology. Its website is
a is focused on characterize the Costa Rican web,
based on its structure, composition and clustering. All
this knowledge can be applied to develop several tools
for improving the web experience. A new search en-
gine has been developed under the MS .net tech-
nologies. It will be available soon at
In this paper it has been showed that Costa Rican
web has around seven hundred thousand documents.
Most of them are static and relatively new. Almost
82% of documents are html text. Distributions of in-
coming links, outgoing links, pagerank, hubrank and
authorityrank follow expected power laws.
It was also presented a clustering of 16 sites of
Costa Rican web according to their popularity. This
technique builds a classic vector for each site and then
applies a HAC or k-means for clustering. Currently,
we are working on a symbolic representation for web
sites, using histograms (Rodr
ıguez-Rojas, 2000) for
measuring the frequency of terms in different axis of
a web document: text, title, links and bold. Symbolic
representations of web objects are not new, Schenker
et al have been applied a graph representation for clus-
tering web documents (Bunke, 2003).
The author would like to thank several people that
help in the construction of this paper: Dr. Oldemar
ıguez-Rojas for his guidance in the very first ex-
periments on symbolic web clustering, Dr. Carlos
Castillo for his help using WIRE system and Dr. Fran-
cisco J. Torres-Rojas for his support in the establish-
ment of the Kl
a research project.
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