5.1 Implementation
To ensure portability and durability of solutions, all
components of the system are developed in Java. All
3D components are created with Java3D. The user
interface application communicates with the object
managers using CORBA.
When the network becomes complex, it may not
be easy for one administrator to ensure efficiently all
tasks. Therefore we plan to modify our system so
that two or more users can collaborate in order to
manage network.
Actually, the visualization application runs on a
laptop with a 1.8Gh processor. The graphic card is
an X200 series ATI. But the only requirement of our
application is an OpenGL or DirectX supported
card. As most current graphic cards support DirectX
this is not a big requirement.
Managing complex systems is always a great
challenge and the technology progress makes this
task more complex. We can see through the many
tools currently in use that their usefulness depends
not only on the visualization quality, but also and
mostly on their capability to model all resources to
be managed. Another important remark in creating
an effective visualization is that the metaphors
should not be chosen abusively in order to avoid
small interpretation problems or a possible complete
misunderstanding of the system. The connections
between the data must also be shown in order to
facilitate the understanding process because they
reflect the relational structures of the managed
We have developed a tool allowing users to
explore, in 3D, objects and their dependency
relationships. Instead of developing and
implementing new platform we have coupled our
tool with CAMELEON, a CORBA/java/CIM based
management system (SUMO, 2005). In order to let
users select and display interesting data or events the
tool will soon be associated with a query system
(using CQL – CIM Query Language). Another goal
is to refine the semantic aspects with views
In the future, the CIM_Indication class will be
exploited for system diagnostic. For example, we
plan to add 3D sounds that will attract the user’s
attention to a problematic event (errors, faults,
power downs…). Moreover, as Java3D loads a lot of
3D files, our tool will easily be modified to include
environmental models such as buildings. This will
allow the user to see the real location of the faulty
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