Belkhir Abdelkader, Bouyakoub Fayçal M’hamed, Bouyakoub Samia
Faculté d’Electronique et d’Informatique,USTHB, B.P. 32 El Alia, Alger, Algérie
Keywords: SMIL, multimedia presentations, meta data, indexation, Dublin core, RDF.
Abstract: Facing to the multi-media explosion, it is necessary to develop new information access methods which
allow both fast and natural information access. To take into account this aspect for multimedia
presentations, it needs to implement a graphical interface facilitating the cross, the search and the
visualization of the medias. Moreover, this interface must answer the readers aspirations for both
conviviality and easy use. This article presents an interface paper for multimedia presentations and proposes
an indexing method for exploration on the WEB.
The research of video is a difficult task because it is
essentially about a time-dependent media. At one
instant 't', its visualization gives access to a part of
information, and doesn't permit to deduct the global
context. On the other hand, the sequential searching
on a video proves to be expensive in terms of time
(the length of the sequence can go until several
hours) and in resources (CPU time, bandwidth…). It
is therefore necessary to offer mechanisms
permitting a fast and efficient access to the
information contained in a video, without having to
cover it entirely.
Therefore, the implementation of a diffusion
video environment must take into account the
following points: the primitives of description of the
video, the organizational methods and the
implementation of a convivial interface.
Our solution, called "paper interface" was
developed in this way. It is a Web interface whose
appearance is inspired strongly from the principle of
the classic newspaper. A “paper interface” is a Web
page permitting to organize the videos in several
themes. The page associated to a given theme
contains, for every video, an image capture of this
video as well as the first lines of an associated
explanatory text. The organization and the page
setting of the interface are inspired from the
principle of the classic newspaper (setting in
columns, choice of the police of the text and
titles…), from where the appellation of paper
interface. This resemblance to the newspaper confers
to the interface a familiar and convivial aspect.
Section 2 presents our solution and its
implementation. In order to complete this solution,
section 3 provides a draft for indexing multimedia
presentations. We finish by a conclusion in section
The paper interface comprises a main Web page
permitting to present the different themes, and
containing some links toward the Web pages
associated to every theme. To every theme is
associated a folder containing the recordings video,
the associated explanatory texts, as well as the set of
the files necessary to the good performance of the
The choice of a Web solution is motivated by the
evolution of Internet and the success of the World
Wide Web making it a universal platform for
multimedia diffusion with least cost. On the other
hand, one of the advantages of the Web is its
capacity to separate the presentation of the
information from its content, in order to better
secure the system.
The proposed solution uses the HTML language,
jointly to ActiveX technology permitting to integrate
the ActiveX of RealOne Player to the paper
Abdelkader B., Fayçal M’hamed B. and Samia B. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 487-490
DOI: 10.5220/0001251904870490
A language of scripts permits to manipulate the
methods of the ActiveX. Our choice was about the
language Java Script because it permits to
manipulate the methods of the ActiveX of RealOne
Player, and assure a portability (inherited of the Java
language) on all platforms.
2.1 Why SMIL Language?
The format of specification used by the authoring
environment has an important role in the
implementation of the system, since the popularity
of the chosen language affects the possibilities of
diffusion of these presentations on a large scale,
notably on the Web, that’s what justifies the choice
of the HTML language. However, the absence of
synchronization mechanisms makes that HTML is
inappropriate to the modelling of synchronized
multimedia presentations where the temporal
component is predominant.
The interface paper integrates several
synchronized multimedia flows; it is obviously this
aspect of synchronization that justifies the choice of
the SMIL language (W3C recommendation) (W3C,
1998) as specification language within our
2.2 Implementation of the Paper
The principle of the paper interface consists in
presenting a description of the video in order to give
a preview on its semantic content. The chosen
primitives of description are a segment of the
explanatory text associated to the video and a picture
extracted from this video sequence.
The extraction of the text consists in extracting
automatically the first lines of the text associated to
the video, and to integrate them to the paper
However, we don't have a mechanism to capture
automatically the video picture. The proposed
solution is to create this picture artificially, using the
SMIL language and ActiveX technology. The zone
of the picture is in fact the display window of the
ActiveX integrated to the Web page. The principle
consists in starting, for every video, a specific SMIL
presentation (noted VideoCap) permitting to play the
video during one sufficiently short time interval (of
the order of 0.2 to 0.7 seconds) to capture the first
picture of it. We will keep this picture displayed
thereafter on the screen, what permits to get a frozen
picture. The VideoCap presentation is a SMIL
presentation generated automatically at the level of
the interface according to a preset model that will be
given thereafter.
These operations requires the automatic
generation of HTML code, jointly to Java Script
commands, and the integration of this code in the
Web page. The internal data structure of a page
associated to a given theme is a dynamic chart
defined in HTML. The internal organization of the
interface is illustrated by Figure 2.
The general mechanism of working is illustrated
by the following sequence:
- The HTML document representing the paper
interface contains an ActiveX control of
RealOne Player permitting to launch
automatically a specific SMIL presentation
permitting to capture a picture of the video,
noted "VideoCap.smi".
- The SMIL document "VideoCap.smi" permits
to play the video sequence "video.rm" during a
very short time (here 0.7s), and to keep the last
picture displayed on the screen thanks to the
attribute fill = "freeze." It contains a link
(element area) toward a Ram file "Lien.ram."
- The file "Lien.ram" is a RAM file whose first
line makes reference to the main SMIL
presentation permitting to play the selected
- The main SMIL presentation
"Presentation.smi" permits to play the selected
video. It contains a link (element area) toward
an external HTML page (informations.html)
containing informations concerning the video.
The files necessary to the interface working are
generated automatically by a software module "the
interface generator".
Figure 1: An example of the paper interface.
The interface generator is a software tool
permitting, from a video and an associated
explanatory text, to generate a new entry
automatically in the interface paper.
This module allows the creation of themes and
the addition of new presentations to an existing
theme. The solution rests on mechanisms of
automatic generation of HTML or SMIL code.
The implementation has been achieved in a
SMIL presentations diffusion system on demand,
where the customer can have a restricted right of
consultation, or have in more, a right of creation,
addition and deletion of presentations in the
interface paper, according to the type of terminal
used and to his statute. The spreading of our
interface paper in client/server architecture is based
on the requests exchange and SIP answers (Handley,
1999), which contain some SDP messages (Handley,
1998) that transport the useful information.
The integration of the paper interface to a
wireless video diffusion platform permitted to get a
complete video diffusion system on demand
answering the needs of the authors (insertion of new
presentations) and of the readers (paper interface
facilitating research and the visualization of the
medias). The layout and the choice of the fonts,
inspired from the classic newspaper, permit a good
legibility of the text, in order to adapt it to the
reduced display surface of the PDA.
However, in order to allow the users to reach
these presentations via the Web, it is necessary to
propose indexing mechanisms of these presentations
on the Web, and to permit their reference by
searching engines.
We will propose an approach of indexing of the
SMIL presentations within the interface paper.
Since some years, the progress in data processing
made that the Web became an immense field of
knowledge (Sénac, 1996). The important volume of
the numeric data and the diversity of their formats
makes that it becomes more and more difficult to
find information on the Web, even when this one
exists. In general, specialized software "the
searching engines", permit to explore the Web and
to automate the process of research. In order to make
the numeric data accessible to the users, it is
necessary to have information on the documents and
their semantic content. In the case of multimedia
documents, these information become indispensable;
otherwise these medias would be inexploitable by
the search engines (Hunter, 1998) (Hunter, 2001).
The solution proposed by the W3C is to use the
Meta data to describe the data contained in the Web.
The Meta data are used by the systems of content
management (CMS: Content Management Systems)
to publish, manage, search for, reuse, distribute and
to publish multiple contents (texts, pictures, video,
etc.) (Hunter, 2001).
The research made in this sense led to the RDF
recommendation of the W3C (Lassila, 1999). RDF
(Resource Description Framework) is a tool to
encode, exchange and reuse of the Meta data
structure. It provides the inter-operability between
the applications that exchange non comprehensible
information by the machines on the Web. It
increases the easiness of automatic treatment of Web
resources (Lassila, 1999) (Hunter, 1998). However,
RDF has some limitations: In the one hand, it’s
cannot refer to a portion of a media object; In the
other hand, the Meta data are defined in an external
file to the resource, whereas it would be preferable
to have some information at the level of the
resource, as in the case of the SMIL language.
3.1 Integration of the Meta Data in
the SMIL Documents
One of the major contributions of SMIL is the
possibility to integrate some Meta data within the
SMIL document.
We have seen that RDF didn't permit to reference
portions of continuous medias. The SMIL language
permits to get round this problem using the links of
navigation (the “anchor” element of SMIL 1.0 and
“area” of SMIL 2.0) with attributes “begin” and
“end” permitting to delimit the portion of the wanted
media. The use of these elements permits to assign a
Figure 2: Organisational structure of the paper interface.
reference toward a segment of presentation while
using the attribute “id” to identify the segment, and
the attribute “href” for referencing the segment.
SMIL permits in addition to refer to a temporal
part of the presentation, this part can be either a
simple media element (audio, video, text), or
composite (element “par” or “seq”), by associating it
to a unique identifier.
SMIL permits to reference the multimedia
content in an efficient manner, by permitting to
segment a media in several portions and associating
a description to each of them. However, the list of
attributes of the “meta” element stills open, therefore
this information cannot be exploited efficiently by
any search engine. The ideal would be to be able to
describe these informations in a standard manner
independently of the application domain.
We opted for a hybrid approach based on the use
of the attributes defined by the Dublin Core
Metadata Initiative (or rather one subset of these
attributes), in order to describe the Meta data in a
SMIL 2.0 document. The Dublin core is a set of
Meta data attributes defined in order to permits the
exchange of Meta data and the interoperability
between several domains of application.
The interface generator translates the
informations given by the author to Meta data, and
inserts them in the SMIL document thanks to the use
of the module of Meta data of SMIL 2.0. We defined
a model of Meta data containing a subset of the
elements of Dublin core.
Every Meta data will be translated to a meta
element, where the name of the property is an
element of the Dublin Core, preceded by "DC: " in
order to signal that it is about an element of the
Dublin Core (Powell, 2001).
The SMIL language being drifted from XML, the
integration of the elements of the Dublin Core
passes by the integration of the corresponding name
The elements of the Dublin Core permit to define
the Metas data associated to any domain of
application. These elements are both comprehensible
by the machines and by the users. However, in order
to assure a maximal compatibility, the Dublin Core
should integrate sets of predefined values associated
to every element. Some research are in progress at
the level of the DC (Hillmann, 2003) in order to
solve this problem.
The originality of our solution resides in its
simplicity of use. Indeed, thanks to a good
organization and a suitable layout, the user's
attention is carried quickly on the picture
representing the video; thereafter, the reading of
some lines of the associated text can help him to
decide, while giving him a global view of the
content. The use of this interface is intuitive, and
doesn't require any particular knowledge. Besides,
the proposed solution contains an automatic
mechanism permitting the generation and the
automatic update of the interface paper to a software
tool: the interface generator.
We also proposed a new approach of description of
the multimedia resources, based on the use of the
elements of the Dublin Core jointly to the SMIL
language. This solution, applied to the interface
paper, permits the indexing of the presentations and
their reference by the search engines, notably on the
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Metadata Standards to Video Indexing, Second
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Technology for Digital Libraries, Greece.
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Distributed Multimedia Presentation Archive using
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Sénac, P., 1996. Modelling logical and temporal
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