other user and the communication can be encrypted
in order to avoid malicious eavesdropping or
dangerous attacks.
Inside a PKI, certificates management is
submitted to a specific authority: the Certification
Authority (CA). The CA guarantees the identity of
every entity belonging to the PKI, by furnishing,
publishing, revoking and suspending Digital
Certificates. The CA has a database (repository)
containing all the released certificates together with
their status (active, suspended, revoked). SSC
assures authentication of both data flow and actors
and at the same time it protects sensitive data,
infrastructure resources and information on user
terminal and personal/financial data.
Security mechanisms are applied on the links
between the terminal and the SB and in some cases
between SB and VASP. This is done in order to
avoid illegal use of contents and services and
unlawful eavesdropping to the users whereabouts
and actions. The security feature also protects the
system infrastructure from any hacking activity and
prevents even registered system users, system
administrators and technicians from the ability to
access personal data collected about any other user
of the system. The SSC interacts directly and/or is
the intermediary toward the SB and VHE for
granting high level security and trust.
The authentication mechanism validates the right
to use the entity that is accessing the system, either
when the access is originated by the users, by the
terminal applications, or by the system’s initiative
via the token. The administrator of the system is able
to remove and prevent usage by terminals that have
been marked as stolen.
The adoption of the secure VPN allows to tailor
the service delivery according to different usage and
access to the system community. At the same time,
the exploitation of a secure VPN allows us to
distribute the whole infrastructure all over the
Internet, with no cost impact due to leased lines.
The token is the passport for gaining entry in this
service infrastructure, allowing to access the same
resources in the same way, irrespectively of
operating systems and adopted terminals.
Testing activities has been carried out in a multi-
service and multi-platform environment, involving
many different users and access devices (PC, PDA
and kiosk). Two types of tests have been conducted:
a portability test, where a single user accesses the
platform several times with different devices; a
personalization test, where different users access the
platform with the same device.
Several service scenarios were considered, such
as students requesting University certification of
their scholastic carrier (with all data about their
exams), to be downloaded and stored on the chip,
but also citizens wishing to pay for their children the
school canteen fee. Figure 5 reports some snapshots
of the system output on different devices. As a
matter of fact, a Common User Interface has been
designed following the User Centred Design
approach (Carroll, 1995, Andreadis et alii, 1997).
According to this approach, we have carried out
three iterative cycles of the following tasks: user
requirements analysis – feedback to the designers –
new implementation – user evaluation. As a result, a
simple but efficient user interface has been achieved,
allowing a user-friendly service interaction that has
been positively evaluated by different groups of
users involved in the testing.
Figure 5: service output for kiosk and PDA.
Referring to personalization, several tests have
been performed, to provide users with the chance to
define preferences in terms of both services and user
interface. As for services, every single user is
allowed to create his profile only with the services
he is interested in. On the other side, several efforts
have been devoted to user interface customizations,
allowing users to modify many interface parameters
(font color, type and size, background color, menu
colors, etc.). Some default settings have been
defined to match specific needs of some groups of
user. In particular, low-vision user requirements
have been taken into account by designing a default