An Agent Based Architecture
Francisca Losavio
LaTecS Laboratory
Centro ISYS, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Nicole Levy, Parinaz Davari
Laboratoire PRISM
Universite de Versailles St Quentin
E-Evaluation, E-Learning, Agent-Based Software Architecture.
A multi-agent architectural framework for evaluation in e-learning situations is proposed. The idea is to
enable e-learning students to detect precisely their weaknesses in some goals within a course program. A
course is composed of several objectives or goals to be mastered by students; a student can master some, but
not necessarily all of them. Each of these objectives are in turn composed of sub-objectives.
The architecture is focused as a tree of intermediate goals, where each node corresponds to a goal to be
mastered, as each of its sub-goals. The flexibility of the architecture being a major concern, the goals to
be mastered are dynamically defined based on the results of tests passed by the student. The corresponding
educational materials are searched on demand and they can be located anywhere on the Web. The quality
requirements of the architecture are specified and justified by a standard quality model. Our approach is
illustrated with a case study of a computer architecture course.
Architectural design is a stepwise process which
identifies the key strategies for the large-scale or-
ganization of software systems under development
(Krutchen, 1999). Functional components (derived
from functional requirements) and their crosscutting
concerns (components derived from non functional
requirements) must comply with the quality goals es-
tablished by the system requirements (Kiczales et al.,
1997) (Sousa et al., 2004). We propose and justify
an architectural framework that can be used in mul-
tiple domains related with problem solving, in par-
ticular, with scientific calculation and auto-evaluation
in education. The classical problem solving divide
and conquer strategy is transformed into a divide and
“reuse” approach. The basic idea is to reuse previous
results that are required in a particular problem solu-
tion. In an e-learning context, the results of an auto-
evaluation situation are the goals that the student has
to master with the corresponding educational mater-
ial and they can be located anywhere on the Web. The
flexibility of the architecture is crucial since the re-
sults must be dynamically obtained on demand. The
quality aspects of the overall architecture are speci-
fied using a standard quality model based on ISO/IEC
9126-1 (ISO/IEC, 2001). This work is part of the EEC
e-Forminfo project.
The goal is to apply the architecture to an auto-
evaluation platform for a continuous formation pro-
gram in the e-learning domain. Students in this edu-
cational program usually have incomplete knowledge
on the different subjects they have to master, but they
are not aware of these deficiencies. The evaluation
platform aims at both detect these weaknesses and
provide related e-learning material.
The goals are structured as a tree of intermediate
goals, where each node corresponds to a goal to be
mastered within an educational program, as each of
its sub-goals. Each node corresponding to a goal is
composed by the following information:
An Evaluation to determine whether the spe-
cific knowledge related to the node is mastered.
This evaluation depends on some required sub-
Educational program for a course, introducing or
referencing the sub-goals;
Educational documents (course literature, exer-
cises, references, etc.);
This document is structured as follows, besides this
introduction: Section 2 describes the requirements for
Losavio F., Levy N. and Davari P. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 408-411
DOI: 10.5220/0001255204080411
an auto evaluation system. Section 3 presents the ar-
chitecture and its justification. In section 4 a case
study on an evaluation example is presented. Some
related works are discussed in Section 5. Finally, the
conclusion provides final remarks and perspectives.
2.1 Requirements Specification
The aim of an auto-evaluation system is to help stu-
dents to detect their knowledge gaps or weaknesses
in order to orient them toward parts of the focused
course that they should learn more deeply. Such auto-
evaluation are to be done in particular, when prepar-
ing an examination. Each student is registered in a
group with a specific goal. To reach this goal the
student has to pass (master) several courses, which
in turn have specific goals. Advisors must have de-
fined the goals. The tutors are responsible for provid-
ing documental support and the evaluations for each
course. The courses are hierarchically ordered.
Students can be connected to Internet in two differ-
ent modes or situations: prepare for an exam (Train-
ing mode) and pass the exam (Evaluation mode).
Training mode: The student logs to the system
and selects a course or a specific goal among those
offered by the system. The system must propose to
the student some e-learning material corresponding
to the selected course goals. The student decides to
be evaluated either for the complete course or some
specific goal within the course. The system gener-
ates automatically a corresponding evaluation. The
student fulfills it. For each wrong answer, the system
points out the non mastered learning goals. There is
no time constraint in this mode; the student can spend
any time he/she wants to study and revise any goal.
He/she must also be able to restart a session in the
same state as he/she left.
Evaluation mode: The student passes the exam.
The system must check whether he has passed the pre-
required courses. The system corrects the exam and
adds the results to the student record. There may be
time constraints in this mode.
2.2 Non functional Requirements
Non functional requirements for this system are:
Actors communicate through a network browser.
Students must be precisely identified.
Course (and goal) documentation must be avail-
able, updated and retrieved on demand.
Courses (and goals) must be easily modified.
Evaluations (for goals) must be available, updated
and retrieved on demand.
Students must be offered a legible and customized
information on the goal or subgoals required.
Response-time is critical in the evaluation mode.
An architectural solution is proposed to fulfill the sys-
tem’s requirements discussed in the previous section.
The proposed architecture models the statical view
of a course as a tree of intermediate objectives or
goals. Each node corresponds to a goal to be mas-
tered by the student, together with mastering all the
sub-objectives required. Some evaluations provided
allows the system to detect the weaknesses in the mas-
tering of the precise goals. Lectures documentation
or bibliographical information can be retrieved when
a goal is not mastered as e-learning material (called
courseware in (Garro and Palopoli, 2002) and educa-
tional content in (Pankratius et al., 2004)).
The basic idea of our architectural framework is
the following: each node represents an objective of a
course, which is presented in a top-down decomposi-
tion, possibly introducing sub-objectives to be learnt
in turn. For a course objective, the system will pro-
pose one of the evaluations to the student. From the
results obtained by the student, the system will de-
duce the sub-goals not yet mastered. The system will
develop the tree introducing sub-objectives associated
to the new nodes required.
Since a natural idiom for encoding and execut-
ing goals is through software agents (Wooldridge and
Jennings, 1995), we propose to use a multi-agent style
for this architecture, and this choice will be justi-
fied on the basis of the quality requirements for each
3.1 Agents Model
We have identified three kinds of agents:
Course Agent: A Course Agent represents a
precise objective (a node) and its decomposition
into sub-objectives. It is statically defined (by some
tutor). It knows the course name or course program,
the required context of the e-learning situation and
the reference to an associated Evaluation Agent, all
the sub-goals to be mastered represented by their
respective Course Agent and references to some
e-learning material related to the goal.
Evaluation Agent: An Evaluation Agent repre-
sents a precise evaluation method. It is statically
defined (by some tutor). It knows the reference to the
Course Agent it will evaluate, the required context
of the e-learning evaluation situation, a method to
generate equivalent evaluations.
Student Course Agent: A student, to evaluate if
he/she masters a current course, will create a Student
Course Agent. This agent will know all the informa-
tion concerning his/her mastering situation concern-
ing the course.
3.2 Evaluating Algorithm
When some student wants to evaluate his/her knowl-
edge, he/she first looks for a course objective. The
corresponding Student Course Agent will be created.
This agent will start its own evaluation process.
1. The Student Course Agent looks for Course Agents
corresponding to the objective. The student may
then select one among those found.
2. The Student Course Agent asks for an evaluation
to the Evaluation Agent associated to the chosen
Course Agent.
3. The student fulfills the evaluation.
4. The corresponding Evaluation Agent corrects it and
delivers a result.
5. If it is totally correct the objective is said to be mas-
6. If some parts of the evaluation failed, then sub-goal
are not mastered and the Agent will create sub-
Student Course Agent associated to their respective
course agents.
7. The student will evaluated himself for all the intro-
duced sub-goals according to the same process.
8. The student can re-execute a new evaluation when-
ever he/she wants, even if the sub-goals are not said
mastered. When re-executing an evaluation, a new
list of sub-goals may be introduced.
Justification of the architecture: quality model for
the problem domain and analysis of the agents
quality responsibility
Modifiability: changeability . Both the Course and
the Evaluation agents are responsible of this goal
Functionality: interoperability, suitability, accu-
racy, security . Interoperability is a common prop-
erty of the agents in a multi-agent architectural
style, where data structure play a central role, such
as for example the standard XML for data ex-
change; the suitability or precise execution of the
required functions on the node, is accomplished by
the Student Course Agent; accuracy is the responsi-
bility of the Evaluation Agent; security is required
for the precise identification of the student for the
login functionality and will be performed by a ser-
vice of the multi-agent platform.
U sability : legibility and operability. They will
be provided by the corresponding GUI component
of the agents involved
Efficiency: time behavior (response-time) .Itis
also provided by the agents communication proto-
col of the multi-agent platform.
We use an Agent oriented architecture to achieve
these non functional properties. Agents hold extensi-
bility and flexibility, meaning that they can be easily
created, destroyed and modified.
Let us take as example an evaluation in Computer Ar-
chitecture to evaluate the knowledge about parameter
passing in assembly language programming. The im-
portant concepts to be mastered are the following:
Parameters are values that you pass to and from a
procedure. Two major mechanisms for passing data
to and from a procedure are studied: (i) pass by value,
(ii) pass by reference.
Let Search be a procedure needing as parameters
an array tab of at most 100 characters (representing
a long string), an integer n in [0..100] (representing
the size of tab) and a character ch (representing
the one to be searched in tab) and as result res an
integer in [0..101] (representing the address of the
first occurrence of ch in tab or n+1 if ch is not
found). Then the following question could be asked:
Give the instructions of the calling program to
put these parameters on the stack
The answers must be written in the following table:
The calling program
Call Search
For each answer to be given by the student, a set of
possible answers are defined. For example for answer
(a), the student can either give: push offset tab
or the two instructions lea bx,tab and push
In the same way, a possible list of errors are defined
and for each one, a set of badly understood parts of
the course. For example, again for the answer (a),
one possible error is ti give as answer push tab.
Then a bad understanding of the difference between
the address denoted by a variable and its value will
be detected and it will be recommended to study the
definition of a variable, the definition of the keyword
offset and the definition of the instruction lea.
We can imagine that when evaluating a student, if
the answer given is not found in one of the possible
answers defined, the system will send it to the tutor
who will complete the evaluation with a new possible
erroneous answer.
In the educational problem domain, two main ar-
chitectural styles emerges as solutions: services
oriented architecture (SOA) and multi-agent system
The SOA systems for Learning Technology are
based on the IEEE 1484 Learning Technology Stan-
dard Commitee (LTSC) with the participation of the
Educom’s Instructional Management System (IMS)
projet of the Global Learning Consortium, among
others (Farance and Tonkel, 1998).
Some platforms such as (Garro and Palopoli, 2002)
or (Fern
andez-Caballero et al., 2003) use MAS. In
(Garro and Palopoli, 2002), the agents help enrich-
ing, sharing and circulating organization knowledge
and make the organization dynamic and flexible.
andez-Caballero et al., 2003) introduces three
MAS in the architecture: The Interaction MAS, which
captures the user preferences. The Learning MAS
composes the contents for the user in accordance to
the information collected by the Interaction MAS and
the Teaching MAS offers recommendations of how to
enhance the layout of the Engineering course.
In our case, if we consider roughly an agent as an
autonomous software component requiring and pro-
viding services, we can establish a correspondence
between the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
style and the multi-agent style: the logical frame-
work properties correspond to the general properties
of the multi-agent style which are accomplished inter-
nally by the agents composing the evaluation system
(Course, Student Course and Evaluation Agents), the
data representation is expressed as an exchange facil-
ity that all the agents should accomplish to achieve in-
teroperability and the communication and interfaces
aspects concern the protocols used by the agents to
communicate among themselves and with its environ-
ment, which is responsibility of the platform used to
implement the style.
In this paper, we have proposed a multi-agent based
architectural framework to evaluate students knowl-
edge weaknesses in an e-learning context. Modifia-
bility (Flexibility to changes) is the main concern of
our multi-agent architecture, since it must respond to
dynamic changes: evaluation agents must be created
on demand for specific goals, a student may ask for an
evaluation for any goal in a course and static changes
on the proposed evaluations and on the e-learning ma-
terial can occur at any time. As a consequence, the
contextual properties of our agents must be designed
emphasizing the flexibility aspect. The usability as-
pect must be compliant to the standards imposed by
educational e-learning systems and could be solved
using web services or using a GUI agent. Functional-
ity and efficiency will also be considered within the
multi-agent platform implementing the framework.
Let us note that currently, the implementation is an
ongoing work.
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