of domain entities (e.g., (Strom and Yemini, 1986)
and (Bierhoff and Aldrich, 2005)) can help to build
models for personalisation.
In addition, it will be interesting to identify further
module patterns. As more applications are developed
using CCM, the understanding and support of com-
mon application issues will improve. We plan to build
a library of such patterns.
In this paper we have presented our Conceptual Con-
tent Management approach to compose complex in-
formation systems from smaller, generated modules.
The generation is based on a CCM model used as
input to the compiler framework. CCM has a num-
ber of benefits: Due to the highly structured nature
of such systems and the possibility of dynamically
generating new modules, systems are able to substan-
tially support schema personalisation and evolution.
CCM facilitates reuse of code as modules are freely
combinable. Knowledge about system implementa-
tion is codified in the generators and can be reused
in different project instances and phases. Larger
real-world projects have shown that the proposed ap-
proach works well in practice. Even though problems
remain—mainly in generating user interfaces and in
integrating of manually written system code—system
generation has enabled us to deliver quickly complex
information systems in the context of changing and
evolving domain models.
We would like to thank our colleagues of the art his-
tory departments in Berlin, Bonn, Hamburg, and Mu-
nich for providing us with many insights in the ap-
plication projects. Furthermore, we would like to
thank Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft (DFG) for
its grant on the WEL-GKNS project.
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