responsibility, which permits that students may
manage their own learning process. Thus, a balance
should be sought between individual and shared
responsibilities in collaborative work. Sorensen
(2003) has suggested that cooperative work allows
participants to acquire introspection and to develop
meta-reflective abilities, which contribute to work of
a higher quality. It also leads to development of an
argumentative speech that contributes to the
development of knowledge (Weinberger & Fischer,
The use of telematic tools may stimulate the
generation of cooperative procedures as it
emphasizes interactions in which participants
actively cooperate in the learning process, namely
through group discussion of questions and solving of
problems. This leads to the attainment not only of
specific objectives of the learning process, but also
of social and cognitive aims.
On the other hand, one of the main concerns of
internet training models regards the credibility of all
learning process, as it takes place online. This matter
has been dealt with by several authors. For instance,
Osuna and Almenara (2002) suggest that the main
limitation of online training is related to the
evaluation process and to virtual accreditation.
In spite of the relation between evaluation and
accreditation, evaluation should be continuous;
being an activity that involves procedures, it is not
exclusively a technical action, as it is a human action
that involves several ethical and moral values.
Accreditation always refers to the final product and
may be achieved through assurance of face-to-face
Insecurity regarding the evaluation of online
teaching is related to the novelty of this kind of
training and to the constant evolution of technology.
Even though some of the strategies of evaluation
used in face-to-face and distance learning are
similar, it has to be taken into account that new
technologies (internet and multimedia) always
impose new ways of understanding the process of
teaching and learning and, consequently, new means
of evaluation that are based both in synchronous and
asynchronous communication resources (Cabero &
Gisbert, 2002; Osuna & Almenara, 2002). It was
also suggested (Cabero & Gisbert, 2002; Osuna &
Almenara, 2002) that online evaluation should
generate multiple opportunities so that a constant
feedback exists with regards to the work developed
by the student, and that it should always involve
evaluation planning, taking into account several
features, such as various means of coherent
evaluation, and taking advantage of multimedia
educational material; it should also promote
bidirectional communication between teacher and
student and immediate feedback; define types,
strategies and objectives of the evaluation
(summative, formative, auto and hetero-evaluation,
time of evaluation) and use several strategies and
methods in an articulate way.
It is thus important to understand, in our context
of training, how telematic tools help in judging the
quality of a performed task, so that decisions may be
taken, and how these tools contribute to the
certification process. It is also relevant to assess the
benefits to the training process brought about by
their use. As the communicative interaction between
participants is important for the real consolidation of
learning, it is of interest to understand how the use
of telematic teaching strategies may contribute to a
supported learning. It is also relevant to understand
how to give credibility to online training models and
which would be the most adequate means of
evaluation to use. As such, it is very important to
study models of training of teachers that present
these features, even more as our society is
increasingly a technological one, and as the social
interaction between participants is essential for the
development of a true sense of learning community
among users.
The main aim of this work is to assess the major
difficulties and advantages of the usage of telematic
tools in the context of the initial training of teachers,
and to identify the main issues to be taken into
account regarding their use in our model of online
We will try to elucidate several questions: how
does the use of telematic tools contribute to the
online training process? How does its use contribute
to a more responsible and conscious evaluation of
the training process? What could be its role in the
establishment of social relationships? What benefits
would it add to in class training?
The herein presented work is part of a vaster
research project on an online teachers’ training
model, which involved the creation of an online
community and the participation of teachers in train
from the Physics and Chemistry Teaching Course of
the University of Azores as well as their supervisors.
The participants were being trained in schools from
different islands of Azores Archipelago. The study
also included a general supervisor from the
University of Azores. The use of internet allowed
the discussion of several matters of interest for the
training of the teachers to be, not only among them,
but also with the school and the University