provides key concepts for the requirements
specification in the Web domain, such as specific
use cases: navigation use case and Web process use
case; specific activities such as browse, search and
user transaction; and structural elements such as
content, node and user interface of Web systems.
We define a common modeling language – a so-
called UML profile – to express these Web
requirements concepts. A modeling language with
Web specific constructs has the advantage of
producing compact but semantically rich domain
specific models. The additional advantage of a UML
profile is the tool support given by UML generic
CASE tools.
The disadvantage of such a common modeling
language is the high probability that Web
methodologies that already cover requirements
engineering tasks will not replace the own notation
and techniques in use by now. In contrast, methods
that do not address requirements specification, can
easily integrate the presented approach. However,
we show that a mapping between elements of the
metamodel and the modeling elements of the
methodologies of the first group is possible.
A consensus would offer therefore the
application of model transformations based on the
model-driven development (MDD) principles. For
example, the development of a Web system could be
started using a graphical notation like activity
diagrams proposed by UWE or UIDs of OOHDM,
which are more intuitive to provide an overview of
the Web system to be built. Afterwards, the visual
models are transformed into a set of NDT formatted
specifications, in order, for instance, to allow further
modeling of details needed in next phase of the
development process.
Subject to future work will be the specification
of relations and transformations among the elements
of the metamodel of Web requirements and the
modeling elements of the different methodologies.
For the specification we will use QVT (OMG-QVT,
2005), which is an OMG standard for model-to-
model transformations.
For tool support, we plan to integrate
transformation facilities among NDT and UWE or
NDT and the modeling language defined in this
paper for Web requirements (WebRE) into the
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