We hope to lead research into this area of ITIL,
assisting managers and organisations alike by
developing a holistic framework for evaluating the
benefits of ITIL for any organisation implementing
these best practice processes helping to guide future
service improvements. Things that need to be
considered are from what perspectives organisations
need to consider benefits - Management,
Technology, User or even to look back internally at
the effect on IT employees. Any framework must be
easy to use, comprehensive, flexible and relatively
prescriptive. It should combine objective and
subjective means of assessment. It should consider
benefits in the long term and short term and at
multiple levels of operation such as the process level
and higher management level. It should also be
useful for employees working with the processes,
process owners, upper management and of course
specific to ITIL itself.
Frameworks and methodologies need to be drafted
and tested against real life ITIL case studies and
discussed with industry experts, until workable
solutions to this problem are created. Our research
will attempt to follow this journey to create a
methodology and such a tool.
ITIL is a complex piece of best practice and
managers need to be careful when deciding if they
want to invest in these processes to get them up and
running in their organisations and IT departments.
Stricter guidance on ways of evaluating ITIL
implementations, and gauging the subsequent
benefits can only help organisations now and in the
future. Hopefully a new evaluation framework will
be designed and tested in the not too distant future.
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