Yohei Sakurai, Soichiro Miyazaki, Masanori Akiyoshi
Osaka University
Yamadaoka 2-1, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Web bulletin board, Natural sentence input, Question articles, Cosine similarity index.
This paper proposes a method for retrieving similar question articles from Web bulletin boards, which basically
use the cosine similarity index derived from a user’s query sentence and article question sentences. Since these
sentences are mostly short, it is difficult to distinguish whether article question sentences are similar to a user’s
query sentence or not simply by applying the conventional cosine similarity index. In an attempt to overcome
this problem, our method modifies the elements of the word vectors used in the cosine similarity index, which
are derived from a sentence structure from the viewpoints of common words and non-common words between
a user’s query sentence and article question sentences. Experimental results indicate that our proposed method
is effective.
Web bulletin boards have been used in several do-
mains, where chat-style sentences are published as
they are, and often including useful information such
as consumers’ genuine opinions in the contributed ar-
ticles. However, users who want to obtain informa-
tion cannot at present efficiently inspect articles con-
taining that information in bulletin boards; there are
simply too many articles on Web bulletin boards.
Users generally retrieve by keyword or narrowly
searched articles, judging whether an article includes
necessary information by reading its title or first sen-
tence. Users must sometimes inspect articles includ-
ing irrelevant information, too. As a result, it takes a
lot of time for them to judge whether the articles are
indeed useful.
In this research we propose a method for retriev-
ing similar question articles to a query by natural sen-
tence input to improve retrieval accuracy. Recently,
as information retrieval technology (Ohtsuka, 2004;
Kishida, 1997; Mochihashi, 2004) has improved,
various methods for judging similarity of sentences
have been developed. As a natural sentence input,
A question-answer system (Sasaki, 2002; Tamura,
2005) that retrieves the answer of the input in the doc-
ument has also been exammed as a natural style of
sentence input. However, these studies only deal with
formal sentences like those in newspapers.
A question article on a Web bulletin board is a form
by which a question asked in the first contribution,
and the answers are given in following contributions.
Similarity judgments by conventional methods that
only match words are, however, insufficient because
the retrieval query sentence and the article question
sentence are short.
Consequently, in this we research consider not only
matching of the words in the retrieval query sentence
and the article question sentence, but also the struc-
ture of the sentence. As a result, the accuracy of sim-
ilarity judgment is improved.
In Section 2, we describe the problems with the re-
trieval method using natural sentence input. In Sec-
tion 3, we described a the question sentence retrieval
method that applies co-occurrence information about
non-common words and concrete procedures to solve
the problem. In Section 4, the proposed method and a
conventional method are compared by retrieving prac-
tical data in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the
proposed retrieval method. Section 5 provides a sum-
2.1 Question Article Retrieval
A question sentence might be included in the first con-
tribution of an article on a Web bulletin board, and
users judge whether the article includes the required
information by reading it. In this paper we research
propose a retrieval method that judges similarity to
Sakurai Y., Miyazaki S. and Akiyoshi M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 238-243
DOI: 10.5220/0001315202380243
the user’s input retrieval query sentence by using the
question sentence in the first contribution. Figure 1
shows an outline of the proposed retrieval method.
Figure 1: Overview of question article retrieval by natural
sentence input.
The question article database of a Web bulletin
board is composed of a pair comprising the question
article and the article question sentence, which is a
set of sentences extracted from the first contribution
(Skowron, 2005; Li, 2002). The flow of the retrieval
procedure is shown below.
Step 1 A user inputs the retrieval query sentence.
Step 2 The input question sentence is analyzed in the
morpheme, and the nouns are extracted.
Step 3 The articles, i.e. candidate articles, are re-
trieved from the question article data base by using
a set of extracted nouns.
Step 4 It is judged whether the question sentence in
the candidate article is similar to the retrieval query
Step 5 As a result of the similarity judgment, users
receive the article question sentence and question
articles in order of their similarity to the question,
with the most similar at the top.
The system proposed here extracts the article ques-
tion sentence from the first contribution as prepro-
cessing, then judges whether the retrieval query sen-
tence is similar to the article question sentences.
2.2 Features of a Targeted Bulletin
Since the contribution articles by consumers are pub-
lished as they are and they are not wellformed with
respect to sentences, Web bulletin boards have certain
special characteristics. The description characteristics
of question sentences are shown below.
Description characteristic 1 Though questions may
have the same content, the sequence of their words
may be different.
Description characteristic 2 Though the questions
may have the same content, their length may be dif-
Ex. 1 How convenient is it to write mail with the
Ex. 2 On the SH901ic, is it possible to input T9
input and the bell when a character is input ?
In “description characteristic 1, it is necessary to
judge similarity without depending on the sequence
of the words. In the examples of “description charac-
teristic 2,” both questions are about convenience when
mail is written. The first question (Ex. 1) is a vague
one, while Ex. 2 asks a question about character in-
put. It is necessary to judge the sentence without de-
pending on the sequence of words and the length of
the sentence (number of words). Here we judge sim-
ilarity by the modified cosine similarity index. Next,
the problem of solving similarity judgments of the
retrieval query sentence and the article question sen-
tence is described.
2.3 Judgment by Cosine Similarity
Figure 2 shows the calculationdefinition of the con-
ventional cosine similarity index. The cosine similar-
ity index considers the retrieval query sentence and
the article question sentence to be a set of words, and
puts them into the word vector of n dimensions. The
similarity index between sentences is calculated at the
angle of the word vector.
The cosine similarity index tends to be high when
there are a lot of words common to both the re-
trieval query sentence and the article question sen-
tence. However, common words are in fact few be-
cause the sentence length is generally short on Web
bulletin boards. Therefore, a mostly low cosine simi-
larity index is calculated, and judgement is often erro-
neous. In the example of Fig 2, it is difficult to judge
whether the article question sentence is similar by this
cosine similarity index.
In Fig 2, “kisyu, “henkou, and “miniSD” in a
Japanese article question sentence are common words
for the retrieval query sentence. However, it is diffi-
cult to judge similarity from the cosine similarity in-
dex in cases where only the term frequency of words
is considered.
Therefore, we introduce not only the words but also
the structure of the sentence for this similarity cal-
Figure 2: Example of difficulty in similarity judgment that
uses cosine similarity index.
culation. The values of the word vector of the re-
trieval query sentence and the article question sen-
tence are, consequently, modified, improving similar-
ity judgment by the cosine similarity index.
3.1 Approach for the Problem of
Few Matching Words
Here, we propose similarity judgment based on the
modified cosine similarity index. Erroneous similar-
ity judgement is caused by few matching words be-
tween the retrieval query sentence and article ques-
tion sentence. The value of the word vector needs to
be modified in consideration of structural similarity
among sentences.
In similarity judgment of the retrieval query sen-
tence and the article question sentence, it is neces-
sary to judge whether the query sentence is similar
to the article question sentence with the same com-
mon words. In Fig 3, though the article question sen-
tence has the same common words, article question
sentence 1 is similar to the retrieval query sentence,
whereas sentence 2 is not similar in Japanese. Since it
is difficult to judge similarity by only common words
in both sentences, the system pays attention to non-
common words.
Figure 4 shows an example of modifying the value
of the vector in consideration of the sentence struc-
Figure 3: Example of similarity judgment of article ques-
tion sentence in case common words are same.
ture. The upper part of figure 4 shows the structural
similarity of the sentence that the person has judged.
Phrases with similar structure often have the same
meaning, so in this study we use the partial struc-
ture of sentences composed of pairs comprising com-
mon words and non-common words of the retrieval
query sentence and the article question sentence. In
the lower part of Fig 4, it is judged that the sentence
structure “meka” and “kisyu” of the retrieval query
sentence is similar to the sentence structure “w11h”
and “kisyu” in the article question sentence. The sim-
ilarity index is improved by modifying the vector ele-
ment of non-common words included in the structure
of the retrieval query sentence to .
Figure 4: Example of modifying word vector based on sen-
tence structure.
Conversely, there are words that cannot apply to
word matches or structural similarities of sentences.
These words are considered to suppress the similarity
of sentences. As shown in Fig 4, the non-common
word “ikou” in the article question sentence is not
included in the structure of the sentence composed
of common words and non-common words. Non-
common words in the article question sentence are as-
sumed not to be related to words in the retrieval query
sentence. In this case, the similarity index is reduced
by modifying the word vector element of the retrieval
query sentence to (< 0).
By using the structural feature, some elements of
the word vector are modified to augment or suppress
the similarity. Then, we have to solve the following
problems of modifying the word vector.
A comparison method for sentences composed of
common words and non-common words of the re-
trieval query sentence and the article question sen-
A calculation method for the value when the word
vector is modified
3.2 Comparison of the Structures of
Sentences that Consists of
Common Words and
Non-Common Words
Here we consider the structures of sentence composed
of common words and non-common words. The com-
mon and non-common words are all nouns.
The structure of a sentence is decided by using the
dependency analysis tool “ Cabocha.
The structure
of the sentence the person used for the similarity judg-
ment in Fig 4 is decided with a dependency analysis
tool. The definition of the structure in the sentence,
including common and non-common words is as fol-
lows when the dependency analysis is used.
A clause including common words qualifies a
clause with non-common words.
A clause including non-common words qualifies a
clause with common words.
The sample tree structure output, which is the de-
pendency analysis result of the retrieval query sen-
tence, is shown in Fig 5. The structures of the sen-
tence determined from the above-mentioned defini-
tion are two of the pairs “meka”and “kisyu, and
“miniSD”and “kopi”.
Figure 5: Dependency analysis result of retrieval query.
http://chasen.org/ taku/software/cabocha/
The structure of the retrieval query sentence is de-
cided as shown above, however, the dependency anal-
ysis is not applicable because the style of the article
question sentence is not wellformed. Therefore, it is
impossible to determine the sentence structure of the
article question sentence with a dependency analysis
Common words are considered to be included in
the article question sentence. If a word related to
non-common words of the retrieval query sentence
is included in the article question sentence, it is as-
sumed that the structure of the retrieval query sen-
tence is included in the article question sentence. If
so, the structural similarity of the sentences is com-
pared using the relation between words with the co-
occurrences.The co-occurrences of a word is when the
two words exist simaltaneously in the same sentence.
The co-occurrence dictionary for the word is automat-
ically produced beforehand from all the article ques-
tion sentences.
Figure 6 shows a comparison of the structure of
the retrieval query sentence and the article question
sentence. In this figure, it is noted that “meka, and
“kisyu” in the structure of the retrieval query sen-
tence are decided by the dependency analysis, and it
is judged that the partial structure of the sentence is
similar because non-common the word “w11h” co-
occurs with “meka” in the article question sentence.
Moreover, two or more words co-occur, such as the
non-common words “ongaku, “mubi, and “tensou”
in the article question sentence, with “kopi” of the
non-common words ub the retrieval query sentence.
In this case, the three partial structures “miniSD” and
“ongaku, “miniSD” and “mubi, and “miniSD” and
“tensou” in the article question are assumed to be sim-
ilar to “miniSD” and “kopi” in the retrieval query sen-
Figure 6: Comparison of sentence structure including sen-
tence of common words and non-common words by co-
occurrence of word.
If non-common words of the article question sen-
tence did not co-occur with all non-common words
of the retrieval query sentence in the comparison of
the sentence structure, we consider the word that sup-
presses the similarity of the retrieval query sentence
and the article question sentence.
3.3 Modification of the Word Vector
3.3.1 Modification of the Word Vector by the
Structural Similarity of Sentences
The word vector of the article question sentence is
modified close to the word vector of the retrieval
query sentence when the sentence structure of the re-
trieval query sentence are similar to the structure of
the article question sentence.
In our research, the co-occurrence of a word is used
to find a sentence structure that is similar to the struc-
ture of the retrieval query sentence in an article ques-
tion sentence. It is thought that the higher the level
of co-occurrence, the more similar the sentence struc-
ture. Therefore, the co-occurrence index is used as an
index when the value of the vector is modified. Co-
occurrence index C
of non-common words W
the retrieval query sentence and non-common words
in the article question sentence are defined by the
following formula.
= Co occurrence sentences number
of word W
and word W
= All sentences number)
Figure 6 shows that two or more non-common
words in an article question sentence might co-occur
with non-common words of the retrieval query sen-
tences. Normalization is necessary to modify the vec-
tor when the vector is modified with the word’s co-
occurrence. Then, value of the word vector is normal-
ized with the maximum 1. The modification expres-
sion for the word vector is defined as follows: , where
is a modification value. This value is used when
the word W
vector in the retrieval query sentence is
corrected. X
is the average of the co-occurrence in-
dex of non-common word W
in the retrieval query
sentence and non-common words in the article ques-
tion sentence. The bigger the value of X
, the higher
the value of α
1 + e
Q n
Q : Number of article question sentences
n : Number of non common words of
art icle question sent ences that
co occur to W
3.3.2 Modification of the Word Vector by a
Word That Suppresses the Similarity of
A word that does not co-occur with non-common
words of the retrieval query sentence is considered
to suppress the similarity of the sentences with re-
spect to non-common words of the article question
sentence. The value of the word vector in the re-
trieval query sentence is modified so that it diverges
from the word vector in the article question sentence.
The more common words are in the retrieval query
sentence and the article question sentence, the more
similar both sentences tend to be. Thus, it is thought
that the smaller the number of common words is, the
higher the possibility that the retrieval query sentence
is not similar to the article question sentence. The ex-
pression that modifies the word vector of the retrieval
query sentence is defined as follows: , where β
non-common words of the article question sentence
is a modification value of the vector corresponding to
word W
Number of common words
To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method,
we retrieved by using the retrieval query sentence
1,162 article question sentences from Web bulletin
boards in order. All the retrieval results were sorted
using results of the cosine similarity index. The
data for correct question article sentences were con-
structed manually in advance. Since in this paper we
aim to improve a user’s retrieval accuracy, we per-
formed the evaluation in according to the number of
correct question article sentences in the top 10 re-
trieval results, and the distribution of the top 20 cor-
rect question article sentences.
4.1 Comparison of Top 10 Correct
Question Article Sentences
Tables 1 below shows the results for the number of
correct question article sentences in the top 10 re-
trieval results. The result was better than the con-
ventional cosine similarity index obtained for all
the queries in the top 10 correct question article
sentences, thus confirming the effectiveness of this
method. We obtained the same result as the con-
ventional cosine similarity index in query (7) because
there were few correct question article sentences.
Furthermore, there were few correct question arti-
cle sentences in the top 10 for the number of correct
Table 1: Number of correct question article sentences
@@@@@ in the top 10 retrieval.
Query number (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Correct sentences 10 24 7 10 15 37 2
Proposed method 4 2 3 1 2 5 1
Conventional method 1 0 1 1 1 3 1
question article sentences. It is preferable that correct
question article sentences are all ranked highly. This
is a problem to solve in the near future.
4.2 Comparison of Emergence
Distribution of Correct Question
Article Sentences in the Top 20
The emergence distribution of the correct question ar-
ticle sentences for the cosine similarity index in the
top 20 is shown in the following figures 7 and 8. The
arrows in the figures indicate a change in the correct
question article sentences’ order in the top 20. The
order of all the correct question article sentences un-
der the conventional cosine similarity index has im-
proved in Fig 7, while in Fig 8, the correct question
article sentences in the top 20 and under the conven-
tional cosine similarity index move within the top 20.
The cosine similarity index thus improves, and the
correct question article sentences move to a higher
rank. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed
from both results. Consequently, we found that the
Figure 7: Correct question article sentences’ distribution in
the top 20 of query (1).
Figure 8: Correct question article sentences’ distribution in
the top 20 of query (6).
incorrect question article sentences in subordinate po-
sitions occasionally exceeded the similarity index of
high-ranking correct question article sentences when
using the conventional cosine similarity index. Our
future work is to more effectively suppress the simi-
larity index in the question sentence of incorrect arti-
In this research we proposed a retrieval method to
present articles that include similar question sen-
tences to retrieval query sentences input by bulletin
board users. We found that in similarity judgments of
the article question sentence in the first contribution of
the question article and the retrieval query sentence,
not only word match but also the structure of the sen-
tence are considered. The value of the word vector
of the retrieval query sentence and the article ques-
tion sentence is modified, making possible a similar-
ity judgment by the cosine similarity index.
The proposed technique was applied to 1162 ques-
tion sentences from articles on Web bulletin boards
with manual query retrieval. The results were evalu-
ated using the number of correct question article sen-
tences in the top 10 and the distribution of correct
question article sentences in the top 20 retrieval re-
sults sorted by the results of the cosine similarity in-
dex. The results confirmed that the proposed method
is better than the conventional one for all retrieval
query sentences.
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