Alexandre Bergel, Robert Hirschfeld, Siobhán Clarke, Pascal Costanza
Aspect composition is still a hot research topic where there is no consensus on how to express where and when aspects have to be composed into a base system. In this paper we present a modular construct for aspects, called aspectboxes, that enables aspects application to be limited to a well defined scope. An aspectbox encapsulates class and aspect definitions. Classes can be imported into an aspectbox defining a base system to which aspects may then be applied. Refinements and instrumentation defined by an aspect are visible only within this particular aspectbox leaving other parts of the system unaffected
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Bergel A., Hirschfeld R., Clarke S. and Costanza P. (2006). ASPECTBOXES – CONTROLLING THE VISIBILITY OF ASPECTS . In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 1: ICSOFT, ISBN 978-972-8865-69-6, pages 29-35. DOI: 10.5220/0001316800290035
in Bibtex Style
author={Alexandre Bergel and Robert Hirschfeld and Siobhán Clarke and Pascal Costanza},
booktitle={Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 1: ICSOFT,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 1: ICSOFT,
SN - 978-972-8865-69-6
AU - Bergel A.
AU - Hirschfeld R.
AU - Clarke S.
AU - Costanza P.
PY - 2006
SP - 29
EP - 35
DO - 10.5220/0001316800290035