A Case-Based Reasoning Task Model
Cristina Wanzeller
Departamento de Informática, Escola Superior de Tecnologia, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Campus Politécnico, Viseu
Orlando Belo
Departamento de Informática, Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Portugal
Keywords: Web Usage Mining, Case-Based Reasoning, Processing model, Clickstream Da
ta Mining Assistance.
Abstract: This paper presents a case-based reasoning system to assist users in knowledge discover
y from clickstream
data. The system is especially oriented to store and make use of the knowledge acquired from the
experience in solving specific clickstream data mining problems inside a corporate environment. We
describe the main design, implementation and characteristics of this system. It was implemented as a
prototype Web-based application, centralizing the past mining processes in a corporative memory. Its main
goal is to recommend the most suited mining strategies to address the problem at hand, accepting as inputs
the characteristics of the available data and the analysis requirements. The system also takes advantage and
integrates corporative related information resources, supporting a semi-automated data gathering approach.
Nowadays, establishing a successful presence on the
Web is challenging, yet imperative for most the
organizations. The Web has matured and users have
diverse and rising expectations. Thus, becomes vital
to evaluate the effectiveness of Web sites and to find
ways to realize opportunities offered by Web, acting
more proactively towards reaching the goals of sites.
The Data Mining (DM) or Knowledge Discovery
(KD) process applied to data related to user
interaction with the Web, known as Web Usage
Mining (WUM) (Cooley et al, 1997), is a critical
tool for both purposes. WUM can help organizations
to transform such huge, but very rich, data source
into actionable knowledge for improvements that
lead to revenue. However, WUM learning curve is a
serious obstacle to users without deep knowledge in
the domain. Part of the difficulty stems from the
subtle nature and intrinsic complexity of clickstream
data. There are also a myriad of technical issues,
options and particularities under practical WUM
problems, in order to get useful results for a specific
goal. Most of the success obtained by experts when
dealing with WUM problems comes from their
acquired know-how, and even they cannot provide
general and consistent rules for problem solving.
Our idea to tackle the above obstacle relies on
aging the knowledge gained from the experience
in solving concrete WUM problems, inside a
corporate environment, to build the basis for sharing
and reusing such knowledge across the organization.
This idea was realised exploring a Case-Based
Reasoning (CBR) and corporative-wide approach.
The CBR paradigm provides a framework capable of
meeting our core demands. When exploited at
corporative level and integrated with the mainstay
organization’s information technologies (Kitano and
Shimazu, 1996), it may consolidate the past
processes into a collective memory and promote the
knowledge flow over a larger audience.
This paper describes the main design,
plementation and characteristics of a CBR system
devoted to assist users along the development and
application of WUM processes. We give emphasis
to the modelling and implementation of the major
tasks that the system has to fulfil. The system aims
at proposing the most plausible methods to apply on
a concrete WUM problem, described through the
data characteristics and analysis requirements. To
achieve this aim, the system has to translate
Wanzeller C. and Belo O. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies , pages 61-66
DOI: 10.5220/0001319000610066
imprecise descriptions, from the implicated (human
and data) sources, into a proper target problem.
Moreover, since it relies on the WUM know-how of
the organization, it has to deal with extensive,
dispersed and heterogeneous sources of information,
ensuring the mechanisms capable of promoting its
continuous learning from the corporative experience
evolution. Therefore, supporting a semi-automated
data gathering approach becomes opportune.
The system was implemented as a prototype
application, joining, mostly, Web, XML, database
and Java technologies, as well general and CBR
specific methodological orientations. These options
were made trying to achieve flexibility, according to
the established requests. Besides, we are specifically
interested in assuring the system extensibility, to
simplify its progressive improvement.
The challenge lies in supporting KD, an exploratory
and participant driven process, which does not result
in exact solutions. It involves several actions and
decisions, which comprise (Fayyad, 1996): picking
relevant data; identifying proper DM functions;
choosing suitable models and setting its parameters;
transforming data to improve its quality, to better fit
the methods assumptions and to answer a concrete
problem. Such activities require a deeper technical
understanding of the methods and are influenced by
many factors. These factors are often complex and
subjective, resulting in uncertain problem
descriptions and biased success criteria. Clickstream
data subtle nature, intrinsic complexity and massive
volume increase even more the general challenge.
Further, WUM problem types, the kinds of mining
activities, the related practical applications and the
key data items are less studied and structured.
Our goal is to promote a more efficient, effective
and synergetic use of the corporative resources,
decreasing the effort and time required to derive
useful knowledge and bringing up together multiple
valuable contributions. To achieve this goal, our
system has to assist users in two essential ways:
collecting, organising and storing the useful
examples of WUM processes; proposing the most
plausible mining plans to handle one WUM
problem, given the target dataset and an informal
description of the explicit analysis requirements.
The system has to be proper for users with
varying levels of expertise. It should enable novice
users to gain insight into the overall WUM
development process and its utility, capturing all the
core actions that led to the resulting knowledge from
the initial data, and the underlying decision-making
course. This means that it must kept knowledge
about each process, covering dimensions as: (D)
characterizations of the target data, at dataset and
variables level; (T) categorizations of the WUM
problem type, in terms of general and organization’s
own properties; (A) sequence of activities, including
transformation and modelling steps, the involved
data, the parameters settings and explanations; (K)
prior and derived knowledge, concerning to facts
that affected the analysis, the extracted knowledge
and its relations to such facts.
Capturing, structuring, storing and sharing the
above aspects at corporative level bring up three
immediate issues. First, this calls for domain’s
standards. The Predictive Model Markup Language
(PMML) ( is a XML-based
norm to define and share statistical and DM models
across compliant applications. Since PMML is
widely accepted, it provides established vocabulary
to adopt, insights to structure KD processes and an
opportunity to automate some data gathering.
Second, the inter-operation with corporative data
management technologies is essential, to tack
advantage of the available capacities and to leverage
its potential. Such inter-operation can be realized for
acquiring data characteristics and to manage the
knowledge obtained from WUM processes. Third,
the system has to collect a considerable amount of
items. Thus, a prerequisite is to automate its
gathering, as most as possible, from data sources and
KD tools, ensuring an effective and consistent
extraction across the heterogeneous types of sources.
Other functional requests rest on the suited
support for KD. Greater flexibility is needed to cope
with fuzzy problem descriptions, allowing partial
specifications, enabling versatile enquiry patterns
(e.g. similarity based) and searching for the best or
close matches. To tackle KD uncertainly, it is
common practice to propose multiple alternatives,
meaning that, their presentation should combine
indicators to aid decisions and access to successively
further detailed information.
KD activities are usually performed by exploring
previous experience in the domain, suggesting the
CBR paradigm adoption as the framework to sustain
the intended assistance. Each useful WUM process
may correspond to a case, expressed in terms of the
domain problem (comprising the D and T
dimensions) and the respective applied solution
(covered by the A and K dimensions). CBR is a
learning and problem solving approach (Kolodner,
1993; Aamodt and Plaza, 1994) that emphasis the
role of prior experience during problem solving
(Mantaras et al, 2005). Multiple strengths of CBR
sustain our option. Just to name a few: it simulates
(more systematically, Kolodner, 1991) human
behaviour in solving real life problems; it provides a
flexible similarity-based comparison; it can cope
with incomplete and subjective information; it may
use specific importance levels to focus more relevant
features; it uses cases as a good way to justify
decisions (Kolodner, 1991); it is a sustained
incremental learning approach; it offers an open
environment for integrating different kinds of
techniques (Althoff, 2001).
Many efforts have been elaborated the different
aspects of CBR, including the discussion of broader
perspectives on CBR as a systematic engineering
discipline. Important contributions to these efforts
arose from the reported experiences of successful
development of CBR applications and from projects
where methodology development was explicitly
incorporated as a task. Positional work from other
areas, as software engineering and knowledge
engineering, is also vital (Bergmann et al, 1997) and
contemplated on such contributions.
A methodology gives guidelines regarding both
the development activities and its product, at
different levels of abstraction. At a very high level
of abstraction (Bergmann et al, 1997), an
incremental prototyping development of a CBR
system is considered to be the most effective
strategy (Bartsch-Spröl, 1996). The underlying
approach is comparable to the spiral model (Boehm,
1988). A sequence of prototype systems is generated
and each prototype development can be regarded as
one cycle in the spiral model. In the following we
consider the product of the development, at the level
of its model description, focusing on the manner in
which the system might tackles the problem, by
defining the system processing model.
Several models have been devised to put CBR in
practice. The most influent and widely acknowledge
ones comprise the knowledge container model from
(Richter, 1995), the process model of the CBR cycle
and the task-method-decomposition structure for
CBR (Aamodt and Plaza, 1994). The former model
focus the different kinds of knowledge found in
CBR systems - vocabulary, similarity measures, case
base and adaptation knowledge, suggesting a well-
established approach to structure the knowledge
representation within CBR systems. The remaining
models provide means for structuring the CBR
system itself, being complementary, since they
represent two views of CBR: a general one,
identifying the major CBR sub-processes - retrieve,
reuse, revise and retain, their interdependencies and
outcomes; a task-oriented view, expressing the
hierarchical decomposition of general tasks into
subtasks and related methods to accomplish them.
We have modelled the CBR process using six
central tasks, adapting the typical CBR cycle to our
functional requirements.
Figure 1 shows these tasks,
their interconnections, inputs and outputs, as well
the main involved knowledge containers. Five of
them are decomposed on
Figure 2 into the major
subtasks that the system assures. Under the classic
CBR cycle the two tasks characterize and construct
and the task transform are integrated, respectively,
as subtasks of the retrieve and retain steps.
The characterize task has as mission to translate
the initial data to be mined into a systematic (meta-)
representation for: capturing properties significant to
methods selection; replacing the original data within
the comparison of distinct datasets. The data
characterization includes metadata extracted
automatically and properties that cannot be derived,
leading to the following subtasks: the dataset source
and the supplied metadata are collected; some of
this information is then used to access the source and
to extract metadata from raw data; all the obtained
metadata is preserved on the provisory repository
for later use. The collect subtask may occur more
than once, for instance, over variables, which are
first extracted and then might be enriched.
c, v
- case base
- similarity measures
- vocabulary
c, s
Figure 1: Processing model.
The construct task elaborates a new problem,
being activated by a request, expressing the
(analysis) requirements, based on the vocabulary
and, usually, on a previously characterized dataset,
to impose explicit restrictions. It may also rely on an
existent problem from the case base. Building a
target (problem) consists mainly in getting a set of
relevant descriptors and the respective expected
values. It starts by obtaining the available
descriptors, theirs domains, types of applicable exact
constraints and default expected values. After
filtering the irrelevant or unknown features, the final
descriptor’s values, exact constraints and importance
levels are used to define a new target problem.
The retrieve task basically comes up with a set of
alternative WUM plans to address the incoming
problem, using mainly the similarity and case base
containers. It has split into five subtasks. First, the
search subtask uses the target problem to find out a
set of plausible candidates from the case base.
Second, the target and candidate problems are
matched, calculating similitude values. Third, the
most promising candidates are selected, given a
similarity threshold value. Fourth, the candidates are
grouped based on the distinct solutions they hold,
which are evaluated determining indicators by
solution type. Finally, the candidate cases are
organized, considering the solution type, the degree
of similarity and the evaluation indicators. The two
last subtasks focus the main parts of the candidate
cases that may be transferred to the target problem,
preparing the derivational reuse process (i.e. the
reuse of the method that constructed the solution).
The reuse and revise steps are done outside the
system. In fact, the system does not perform
extensive adaptation, in the wide sense, neither
contemplates the adaptation container. The user
makes part of the reasoning process, choosing
among the proposed plans and adapting and revising
them to the current needs, counting on explanations
to aid these steps. The final WUM process and the
PMML document(s) supplied by the KD tool might
be entry points to the next phase of learning.
The transform (data) task accepts a
heterogeneous description, collected through PMML
documents and (or) user interaction, and builds a
coherent and correctly sequenced intermediary
representation. It aims at supporting the description
of a WUM process from the user’s convenience
point of view, covering two subtasks: combine
PMML documents and complementary information;
(get and) convert the relevant PMML elements, to
produce a compatibly description.
The retain task essentially augments the case
base with a new WUM process and is organized into
three subtasks. First, all the available information
about a WUM process is integrated. Second, such
information is structured, according to the internal
schema, and the WUM process is catalogued,
considering the kind of problem and the type of
solution, to simplify its future reuse. Third, the case
is stored in the knowledge base, testing the
existence of the different items (e.g. DM functions,
models, parameters) and adding the new ones, as
well transferring the provisory metadata to the case
base. Subsequently, the augmented case may be
edited and additional information (e.g. discoveries
and even new mining activities) may be integrated.
The system was realised as a prototype Web-based
application developed in Java environment. It
follows a client/server typical architecture and is
structured into three layers of services: interface,
business and data. The options concerning the
implementation were made giving priority to free
software with open code and multi-platform, and to
accepted standards and Application Program
Interfaces (API). The application’s client side uses,
mostly, HTML, supported by style sheets formatting
and by Javascript programming for validation and
enhancement of browser behaviour and user
interaction. The server side was built on top of the
Java 2 Standard Edition
The business logic is in charge of Java components
and the interface services front-end is based on the
Java Server Pages (JSP) specification (
). The JSP/Servlets container
Apache Tomcat ( assures
the publication of such services. The data services
explore different API (e.g. JDBC, JAXP), to support
and abstract the access to diverse data sources.
Figure 3 shows the main building blocks
(packages) of the application over the three layers of
services. Within data services, plain file access,
sql access and xml access yield generic persistence
services for the three types of sources. These
functionalities are reused by the remaining services.
Preserve Obtain Define
Retrieve Transform
Problem solving and learning from experience
Problem solving
Figure 2: Task decomposition.
pmml access implements essentially the convert
subtask previously discussed, supporting multiple
PMML versions. ds source persistence and
kb persistence assure, respectively the access to
different types of dataset sources and the
manipulation of the knowledge base, providing the
required functionality encapsulation. For instance,
kb persistence isolates and hides the case base
storage and schema implementation details, realized
by a relational database management system.
Data collection and
results presentation
Data transformation
and persistence
data characterizator
construct problem
retrieve process
retain process
interface services
Interface Services
ml access
pmml access
plain file access
sql access
Web pages
Business Services
Business logic
Data Services
ds source persistence
kb persistence
Figure 3: Application building blocks by layers of
The business service layer encapsulates the core
functionality of the system, organized under the
following main components:
- domain stands for and manages the whole
collection of WUM process objects, separating
the domain model from the methods that
undertake the reasoning process;
- data characterizer and construct problem
accomplish the characterize and construct tasks,
exploring also interface and data services;
- configuration represents the vocabulary and
retrieval parameters, so that the task may be
generic. For example, it sets attributes used to
describe a problem, their domains and weights;
- similarity provides a collection of available
global and local similarity measures, which can
be added independently;
- retrieve process implements the retrieve task,
being supported, mainly, by similarity and
configuration services;
- retain process is responsible for the retain
reasoning task, exploiting also other services.
The interface services enable access to the
system functionality and support the presentation
logic, relying directly on two types of components,
Web pages and an interfaceservices package.
The class diagram (
Figure 4) in Unified
Modelling Language (
simplified notation, shows the major classes
involved within retrieve task. The Retrieve class
controls the task, started after the problem
construction, which produces a CbrTarget object.
CbrTarget implements the define subtask and uses
methods from RrProperties to update some dynamic
CasesSelected embody all the plausible
candidate cases. It implements the search subtask,
using CbrTarget specifications and the
PCasesSelected subclass services. This subclass
knows how to convert tuples and attributes
distributed over multiple (case base’s) tables into
candidate cases. It appeals to its specific methods
and also to the common and shared ones provided by
the PGeneralKB superclass. Conversely, CbrCase
stands for each individual case and functionality.
retrieve process
construct problem
Figure 4: Retrieve process class diagram.
The match and select subtasks are realized
through the Results class, which is supported by a
collection of similarity functions (objects). Here, the
command design pattern (Gamma et al, 1995) has an
important role (encapsulating commands as objects),
so that the retrieve process may stay generic and
extensible. The subtasks evaluate and organize are
(extensible) ensured by the EvalCriteria and
RankItems classes. EvalCriteria determines average
values (by solution type) of the evaluation criteria
features, obtaining such features from RrProperties
as a variable length set. RankItems implements the
Comparable interface, providing a dynamic sorting
logic, based on: the type of solution; the similitude
level; the relative importance given by the user to
the evaluation criteria; the variable set of evaluation
features. So, this set of features may be changed
(modified, increased or decreased) easily, without
affecting those two related classes.
We implemented a prototype CBR application to
assist users along WUM development and
application. It intends to centralize the knowledge
about useful WUM processes in a corporative case
base and to enable its reuse across the organization.
We believe that this application is a useful tool to
less skilled users, not only to deal with a WUM
problem in cooperation with it, but also to learn or
get new insights about problem solving from the
contributions of experienced users. The application
may reduce WUM experts’ workload, and even they
may recall previous effective solutions, instead of
solving the problems from scratch.
In this paper, we described the main design,
implementation and characteristics of our system,
focussing the modelling and implementation of the
major tasks that it has to fulfil. The methodological
orientations adopted (and reported), were basically a
spiral-prototyping incremental development
approach and the CBR knowledge-level process
model based on the (Aamodt and Plaza, 1994) ideas.
To achieve its aim, the system essentially:
translates a raw target dataset into a meta
characterization, reflecting inherent restrictions;
guides users within the problem description,
regarding explicit analysis requirements; produces a
set of alternative possible solutions, exploring
knowledge from previous WUM experiences;
supports a semi-automated data gathering approach
to describe new experiences; captures, structures and
stores the relevant knowledge from the new
experiences into a knowledge base for future sharing
and reuse. Under these tasks, the system considers
human sources along the organization and integrates
other resources, such as corporative data sources and
PMML documents, representing the knowledge
extracted from data and based on a widely accepted
and supported standard in the DM domain.
The system’s (current) prototype was
implemented combining, mostly, Web, PMML,
database and Java technologies. With these options
we hope to: win flexibility with respect to the user
interaction and application accessibility and use;
take advantage from the DM domain’s standards;
leverage corporative resources; embrace Java
environment portability, objected-oriented features,
flexibility and Web advantages. Furthermore, the
case storage, the domain model and the reasoning
steps have been handled as independently as
possible, to simplify the application development
and to assure its extensibility.
Currently we are working on the construction of
a wide set of cases to enlarge the case base and to
enable more exhaustive evaluation tests of the
system. The obtained results, so far, point to the
system effectiveness, but a systematic evaluation
becomes necessary. Afterwards, we plan to elaborate
further the system, namely, case base maintenance,
tacking into account factors such as cases utility and
representatively, based on usage statistics and the
level of relevance (e.g. distinct solutions they hold).
The work of Cristina Wanzeller was supported by a grant
from PRODEP (Acção 5.3, concurso nº02/2003).
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