Nhien-An Le-Khac, Tahar Kechadi and Joe Carthy
School of Computer Science & Informatics, University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Data mining, Grid computing, distributed systems, heterogeneous datasets.
In this paper, we present the ADMIRE architecture; a new framework for developing novel and innovative
data mining techniques to deal with very large and distributed heterogeneous datasets in both commercial and
academic applications. The main ADMIRE components are detailed as well as its interfaces allowing the user
to efficiently develop and implement their data mining applications techniques on a Grid platform such as
Globus ToolKit, DGET, etc.
Distributed data mining (DDM) techniques have be-
come necessary for large and multi-scenario datasets
requiring resources, which are heterogeneous and dis-
tributed. There are two scenarios of datasets distribu-
tion: homogeneous and heterogeneous. Differences
between them are presented in (Kargupta,2002). Ac-
tually, most of the existing research work on DDM is
dedicated to the first scenario; there exists very little
research in the literature about the second scenario.
Furthermore, today we have a deluge of data from
not only science fields but also industry and com-
merce fields. Massive amounts of data that are being
collected are often heterogeneous, geographically dis-
tributed and owned by different organisations. There
are many challenges concerning not only DDM tech-
niques but also the infrastructure that allows efficient
and fast processing, reliability, quality of service, in-
tegration, and extraction of knowledge from this mass
of data.
To face with large, graphically distributed, high di-
mensional, multi-owner, and heterogeneous datasets,
Grid (Foster,2001) can be used as a data storage and
computing platform to provide an effective compu-
tational support for distributed data mining applica-
tions. Because Grid is an integrated infrastructure that
supports the sharing and coordinated use of resources
in dynamic heterogeneous distributed environments.
Actually, few projects have just been started using
Grid as a platform for distributed data mining (Can-
nataro’a,2002) (Brezany,2003). However, they have
only used some basic Grid services and most of
them are based on Globus Tool Kit (Globus Tool
In this paper, we present the architecture of AD-
MIRE; a new framework based on Grid infrastructure
for implementing DDM techniques. This framework
is based on a Grid system dedicated to deal with data
issues. Portability is key of this framework. It allows
users to transparently exploit not only standard Grid
architecture (Open Grid Services Architecture/Web
Services Resource Framework-OGSA/WSRF) but
also P2P/Grid architectures (DGET (Kechadi,2005))
for their data mining applications. Moreover, this new
framework allows more dynamic and autonomous in
the mining, integrating and processing phases. The
rest of this paper organised as follows: section 2 deals
with background and related projects; then we will
discuss the ARMIRE architecture in section 3. Sec-
tion 4 presents our preliminary evaluations of this ar-
chitecture. Finally, we conclude on section 5.
In this section, we present firstly Grid architec-
tures that ADMIRE is based on: OGSA/WSRF
(OGSA,website) and DGET (Data Grid environ-
ment and Tools) (Kechadi,2005). We present
also some common architectures for DDM systems:
Le-Khac N., Kechadi T. and Carthy J. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 67-72
DOI: 10.5220/0001319100670072
client/server based and agent-based as well as Grid
data mining.
Actually, OGSA is a new-generation of Grid tech-
nologies. It becomes a standard for building service-
oriented for applications that are based on Web ser-
Web services
Traditional protocols for distributed computing
such as Socket, Remote Procedure Call, Java RMI,
CORBA (CORBA,website), etc. are not based on
standards, so it is difficult to take up in heteroge-
neous environments. Today there are Web services
which are open standards. For instance, XML-based
middleware infrastructure can build and integrate ap-
plications in heterogeneous environments, indepen-
dently of the platforms, programming languages or
locations. It is based on Service Oriented Architec-
ture Protocol (SOAP) that is a communication proto-
col for clients and servers to exchange messages in a
XML format over a transport-level protocol HTTP. So
Web services provide a promising platform for Grid
OGSA is an information specification to define a
common, standard and open architecture for Grid-
based applications as well as for building service-
oriented Grid systems. It is developed by Global
Grid Forum and its first released was in June 2004.
OGSA is based on Web-services and standardises al-
most Grid-services such as job and resource manage-
ment, communication and security. These services
are divided in two categories: core services and plat-
form services. The former includes service creation,
destruction, life cycle management, service registra-
tion, discovery and notification. The later deals with
user authentication and authorisation, fault tolerance,
job submission, monitoring and data access.
However, it does not specify how these interfaces
should be implemented. This is provided by Open
Grid Services Infrastructure (OGSI) (OGSI,website)
that is the technical specification to specifically define
how to implement the core Grid services as defined in
OGSA in the context of Web services. It specifies
exactly what needs to be implemented to conform to
OGSA. One of the OGSI disadvantages is that it is too
heavy with everything in one specification, and it does
not work well with the existing Web service and XML
tools. Actually, OGSI is being replaced by Web Ser-
vices Resource Framework (WSRF) (WSRF,website)
which is a set of Web services specifications released
in January 2004. WSRF is a standard for modelling
stateful resources with Web services. One of the ad-
vantages of WSRF is that it partitions the OGSI func-
tionality into a set of specifications and it works well
with Web services tools by comparison with OGSI.
WSRF is now supported by Globus ToolKit 4 (Globus
Tool Kit,website).
2.2 DGET
DGET (Kechadi,2005) is a Grid platform dedicated
to large datasets manipulation and storing. Its struc-
ture is based on peer-to-peer communication system
and entity-based architecture. The principal features
of DGET are: transport independent communication,
decentralised resource discovery, uniform resource
interfaces, fine grained security, minimum adminis-
tration, self-organisation and entity based system. A
DGET entity is the abstraction of all logical or physi-
cal objects existing in the system. DGET communica-
tion model has been designed to operate without any
centralized server as we can found in peer-to-peer sys-
tems. This feature is in contrast to many centralised
grid system. Moreover, DGET also provides job mi-
gration that is not supported by some Grid platforms
(Unicore, for example). Besides, DGET uses a so-
phisticated security mechanism based on Java secu-
rity model.
2.3 DDM System Architectures
Usually, there are two common architectures of
DDM systems: client-server based and agent-based
(Kargupta,2000). In the first one, they have pro-
posed three-tier client-server architecture that in-
cludes client, data server and computing server. The
client allows to create data mining tasks, visualisa-
tion of data, models. Data server deals with data ac-
cess control, task coordination and data management.
The computing server executes data mining services.
This architecture is simple but it is not dynamic, au-
tonomous and does not address to the scalability is-
The second architecture aims to provide a scalable
infrastructure for dynamic and autonomous mining
over distributed data of large sizes. In this model,
each data site has one or more agents for analysing lo-
cal data and communication with agents at other sites
during the mining. The locally mined knowledge will
be exchanged among data sites to integrate a globally
coherent knowledge.
Today, new DDM projects aim to mine data in a ge-
ographically distributed environment. They are based
on Grid standards (e.g. OGSA) and platforms (e.g.
Globus Toolkit) in order to hide the complexity of
heterogeneous data and lower level details. So, their
architectures are more and more sophisticated to ar-
ticulate with Grid platforms as well as to supply a
user-friendly interface for executing data mining tasks
transparently. Our research also aims to this architec-
2.4 Related Projects
This section presents two most recent DDM projects
for heterogeneous data and platforms: Knowl-
edge Grid (Cannataro’a,2002) (Cannataro’b,2002)
and Grid Miner (Brezany,2003) (Brezany,2004). All
of them use Globus Toolkit (Globus Tool Kit,website)
as a Grid middleware.
Knowledge Grid
Knowledge Grid (KG) is a framework for im-
plementing distributed knowledge discovery. This
framework aims to deal with multi-owned, heteroge-
neous data. This project is developed by Cannataro
el al. at University ”Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro,
Italy. The architecture of KG is composed of two lay-
ers: Core K-Grid and High level K-Grid.
The first layer includes Knowledge Directory ser-
vice (KDS), Resource allocation and execution man-
agement service (RAEMS). KDS manages metadata:
data sources, data mining (DM) software, results of
computation, etc. that are saved in KDS reposito-
ries. There are three kinds of repositories: Knowledge
Metadata Repository for storing data, software tool,
coded information in XML; Knowledge Base Repos-
itory that stores all information about the knowledge
discovered after parallel and distributed knowledge
discovery (PDKD) computation. Knowledge Execu-
tion Plan Repository stores execution plans describing
PDKD applications over the grid. RAEMS attempts
to map an execution plan to available resource on the
grid. This mapping must satisfy users, data and algo-
rithms requirements as well as their constraints.
High level layer supplies four service groups used
to build and execute PDKD computations: Data Ac-
cess Service (DAS), Tools and Algorithms Access
Service (TASS), Execution Plan Management Service
(EPMS) and Results Presentation Service (RPS). The
first service group is used for the search, selection,
extraction, transformation, and delivery of data. The
second one deals with the search, selection, download
DM tools and algorithms. Generating a set of differ-
ent possible execution plans is the responsible of the
third group. The last one allows to generate, present
and visualize the PDKD results.
The advantage of KG framework that it supports
distributed data analysis and knowledge discovery
and knowledge management services by integrating
and completing the data grid services. However this
framework was the non-OGSA-based approach.
GridMiner is an infrastructure for distributed data
mining and data integration in Grid environments.
This infrastructure is developed at Institue for Soft-
ware Science, University of Vienna. GridMiner is a
OGSA-based data mining approach. In this approach,
distributed heterogeneous data must be integrated and
mediated by using OGSA-DAI (DAI,website) before
passing data mining phase. Therefore, they have di-
vided data distribution in four data sources scenarios:
single, federate horizontal partitioning, federate verti-
cal partitioning and federate heterogeneity.
The structure of GridMiner consists of some el-
ements: Service Factory (GMSF) for creating and
managing services; Service Registry (GMSR) that is
based on standard OGSA registry service; DataMin-
ing Service (GMDMS) that provides a set of data
mining, data analysis algorithms; PreProcessing Ser-
vice (GMPPS) for data cleaning, integration, handling
missing data, etc.; Presentation Service (GMPRS) and
Orchestration Service (GMOrchS) for handling com-
plex and long-running jobs.
The advantages of GridMiner is that it is an integra-
tion of Data Mining and Grid computing. Moreover,
it can take advances from OGSA. However, it depends
on Globus ToolKit as well as OGSA-DAI for control-
ling data mining and other activities across Grid plat-
forms. Besides, distributed heterogeneous data must
be integrated before the mining process. This ap-
proach is not appropriate for complex heterogeneous
ADMIRE architecture includes three main layers: in-
terface, core and virtual data grid.
Graphic Interface (GUI)
Knowledge map
Data Grid Service: DGET or OGSA/WSFR
Data Preprocessing
Integration / Coordination
Virtual Data Grid
Distributed Data Mining
Figure 1: ADMIRE Software architecture.
3.1 Interface
The upper of this layer is a graphical user interface
(GUI) allowing the development and the execution of
DDM applications. By using this interface, users can
build an DDM job including one or many tasks. A
task contains either one of the DM techniques such as
classification, association rules, clustering, prediction
or other data operations such as data pre-processing,
data distribution. Firstly, users choose a tasks and
then they browse and choose resources that are repre-
sented by graphic objects, such as computing nodes,
datasets, DM tools and algorithms correspondent to
DM technique chosen. These resources are either
on local site or distributed on different heterogene-
ity sites with heterogenous platforms. However, AD-
MIRE allows users to interact with them transparently
at this level. The second step in the building of a
DDM job is to establish links between tasks chosen,
i.e. the execution order. By checking this order, AD-
MIRE system can detect independent tasks that can
be executed concurrently. Furthermore, users can also
use this interface to publish new DM tools and algo-
This layer allows to visualize, represent as well
as to evaluate results of an DDM application too.
The discovered knowledges will be represented in
many defined forms such as graphical, geometric, etc.
ADMIRE supports different visualization techniques
which are applicable to data of certain types (discrete,
continual, point, scalar or vector) and dimensions (1-
D, 2-D, 3-D). It also supports the interactive visual-
ization which allows users to view the DDM results
in different perspectives such as layers, levels of de-
tail and help them to understand these results better.
Besides the GUI, there are four modules in this layer:
DDM task management, Data/Resource management,
interpretation and evaluation.
The first module spans both Interface and Core lay-
ers of ADMIRE. The part in the Interface layer of this
module is responsible for mapping user requirements
via selected DM tasks and their resources to an exe-
cuting schema of tasks correspondent. Another role
of this part is to check the coherence between DM
tasks of this executing schema for a given DDM job.
The purpose of this checking is, as mentioned above,
to detect independent tasks and then this schema is re-
fined to obtain an optimal execution. After verifying
the executing schema, this module stores it in a task
repository that will be used by the lower part of this
task management module in the core layer to execute
this DDM job.
The second module allows to browse necessary re-
sources in a set of resources proposed by ADMIRE.
This module manages the meta-data of all the avail-
able datasets and resources (computing nodes, DM
algorithms and tools) published. The part in the Inter-
face layer of this module is based on these meta-data
that are stored in two repositories: datasets reposi-
tory and resources repository to supply an appropri-
ate set of resources depending on the given DM task.
Data/Resource management module spans both In-
terface and Core layers of ADMIRE. The reason is
that modules in the ADMIRE core layer also need
to interact with data and resources to perform data
mining tasks as well as integration tasks. In or-
der to mask grid platform, data/resource manage-
ment module is based on a data grid middleware, e.g.
The third module is for interpreting DDM results
to different ordered presentation forms. Integrat-
ing/mining result models from knowledge map mod-
ule in the ADMIRE core layer is explained and eval-
The last module deals with evaluation the DDM re-
sults by providing different evaluation techniques. Of
course, measuring the effectiveness or usefulness of
these results is not always straightforward. This mod-
ule also allows experienced users to add new tools or
techniques to evaluate knowledge mined.
3.2 Core Layer
The ADMIRE core layer is composed of three
parts: knowledge discovery, task management and
data/resource management.
The role of the first part is to mine the data, inte-
grate the data and discover knowledge required. It is
the centre part of this layer. This part contains three
modules: data preprocessing; distributed data mining
(DDM) with two sub components: local data min-
ing (LDM) and integration/coordination; knowledge
The first module carries out locally data pre-
processing of a given tasks such as data cleaning,
data transformation, data reduction, data project, data
standardisation, data density analysis, etc. These pre-
processed data will be the input of the DDM mod-
ule. Its LDM component performs locally data min-
ing tasks. The specific characteristic of ADMIRE by
compared with other current DDM system is that dif-
ferent mining algorithms will be used in a local DM
task to deal with different kind of data. So, this com-
ponent is responsible for executing and these algo-
rithms. Then, local results will be integrated and/or
coordinated by the second component of DDM mod-
ule to produce a global model. Algorithms of data-
preprocessing and data-mining are chosen from a set
of pre-defined algorithms in the ADMIRE system.
Moreover, users can publish new algorithms to in-
crease the performance.
The results of local DM such as association rules,
classification, and clustering etc. should be collected
and analysed by domain knowledge. This is the role
of the last module: knowledge map. This module
will generate significant, interpretable rules, models
and knowledge. Moreover, the knowledge map also
controls all the data mining process by proposing dif-
ferent strategies mining as well as for integrating and
coordinating to achieve the best performance.
The task management part plays an important role
in ADMIRE framework. It manages all executing
plan created from the interface layer. This part reads
an executing schema from the task repository and then
schedules and monitors the execution of tasks. Ac-
cording to the scheduling, this task management part
carries out the resource allocation and then finds the
best and appropriate mapping between resources and
task requirements. This part is based on services sup-
plied by Data Grid layer (e.g. DGET) in order to find
the best mapping. Next, it will activate these tasks
(local or distribution). Because ADMIRE framework
is for DDM, this part is also responsible for the co-
ordination of the distributed execution that is, it man-
ages communication as well as synchronisation be-
tween tasks in the case of cooperation during the pre-
processing, mining or integrating stage.
The role of data/resource management part is to fa-
cilitate the entire DDM process by giving an efficient
control over remote resources in a distributed environ-
ment. This part creates, manages and updates infor-
mation about resources in the dataset repository and
the resource repository. The data/resource manage-
ment part goes with the data grid layer to provide an
transparent access to resources across heterogeneous
3.3 Data Grid Layer
The upper part of this layer, called virtual data grid,
is a portable layer for data grid environments. Ac-
tually, most of the Grid Data Mining Projects in
literature are based on Globus ToolKit (GT) (Can-
nataro’a,2002)(Brezany,2003). The use of a set of
Grid services provided by this middleware gives some
benefits. For instance, the developer do not waste
time for dealing with heterogeneous of organizations,
platforms, data sources, etc.; software distributing is
more easier because GT is the most widely used mid-
dleware in Grid community. However, as we men-
tioned above, this approach depends on GT with secu-
rity overhead and GT’s organisation of system topol-
ogy and those services configuration are manual.
In order to make ADMIRE more portable, and
more flexible with regards to many existing data grid
platform developed today, we build this portable layer
as an abstract of virtual Grid platform. It supplies a
general services operations interface to upper layers.
It homogenises different grid middleware by map-
ping of DM tasks from upper layer to grid services
according to OGSA/WSRF standard or to entities
(Kechadi,2005) in DGET model. For instance, AD-
MIRE is carried on DGET middleware. The portable
layer implements two groups of entities: data and re-
source entities. The first group deals with data and
meta-data used by upper layers and second one deals
with resources used. The DGET system guarantees
the transparent access of data and resource across a
heterogeneous platform.
By using this portable layer, ADMIRE can be car-
ried easily on many kind of Data Grid platforms such
as GT and DGET.
By using a graphic interface, ADMIRE aims to pro-
vide a user-friendly interaction with DDM users who
can operate transparently with resources in distributed
heterogeneous environment via graphic objects. The
choosing of resources for each DM task in a DDM job
makes more convenient for users and for systems in
checking the consistency of an executing schema. Be-
sides, the DM tools and algorithms are grouped into
different groups depending on DM tasks (classifica-
tion, association, clustering, pre-processing, data dis-
tribution, evaluation, etc.) chosen. This approach will
help user to build a DDM application more easier than
to do it in KG approach (Cannataro’a,2002) where
users have to choose separately resources. Moreover,
KG system has to check the consistency of a DM ap-
plication built to avoid, e.g. an execution link between
a node object and a dataset object.
Furthermore, users can also publish new DM tools
and DM algorithms as well as evaluation algorithms
and tools via this interface. It also allows users to
control better the mining and evaluation process.
Core layer
In this layer, ADMIRE tries to use efficient dis-
tributed algorithms and techniques and facilitate
seamless integration of distributed resources for com-
plex problem solving. Furnishing dynamic, flexible
and efficient DDM approaches and DDM algorithms
in ADMIRE, users or system may choose different
algorithms for the same DDM task according to the
type or characteristics of data. This is an distin-
guish feature of ADMIRE by compare with current
related project. This feature allows ADMIRE to deal
with distributed and different level of heterogeneous
of datasets.
By providing local preprocessing, ADMIRE could
avoid the complexity in federation or global integra-
tion of heterogeneous data (or data schema) that nor-
mally need the intervention of experienced user as in
GridMiner (Brezany,2003).
Data/resource management and task management
modules are not only to support all of the data min-
ing activities but also to support heterogeneous pro-
cess. The coordination of these modules with data
mining modules (preprocessing, DDM, Knowledge
Map) makes ADMIRE system more robust than other
knowledge grid frameworks that have not proposed
any data mining approach.
Data Grid layer
As mentioned above, ADMIRE is based on this
layer to cope with various Grid environments. By us-
ing OGSA/WSRF services, Data Grid platform layer
allows ADMIRE to be ported on whatever Data Grid
platform based on this standard which is chosen by
almost recent Grid projects. For example, this feature
allows users to port ADMIRE on an Globus Toolkit
platform which is the most widely used grid middle-
ware. Users do not have to waste time to re-install the
grid platform for this new DDM framework.
Moreover, this layer makes ADMIRE to articu-
late well with DGET to benefit from the advan-
tages of this data grid environment presented in
(Kechadi,2005). Firstly, the dynamic, self-organizing
topology of DGET allows ADMIRE to realize DM
tasks on dynamic and autonomic platforms. Next,
ADMIRE can deal with a very large and highly dis-
tributed datasets, e.g. medical data or meteorologi-
cal data, by the decentralized resource discovery ap-
proach of DGET. This approach does not apply on any
specialized servers. We can, therefore, avoid the bot-
tleneck problem in intensive DDM tasks. Moreover,
this feature allows DDM applications to execute ef-
fectively in integration and coordination between dif-
ferent sites. Thirdly, DGET approach does not require
users to have individual user account on the resources
and it uses XACML (Moses,2005) to define access
control policies. This feature allows a very large num-
ber of users participating in DDM activities in AD-
MIRE. Last but not least, DM tasks in ADMIRE is
more flexible in the distributed environment by sup-
porting the strong migration provided in DGET. In
addition, the implementation of ADMIRE on DGET
platform is straightforward.
The virtual data grid layer is the only modifica-
tion to carry ADMIRE on new Grid platform. It also
makes our approach more portable.
In this paper we have proposed a new framework
based on Grid environments to execute new dis-
tributed data mining techniques on very large and dis-
tributed heterogeneous datasets. The architecture and
motivation for the design have been presented. We
have also discussed some related projects and com-
pared them with our approach.
The ADMIRE project is still in its early stage. So,
we are currently developing a prototype for each layer
of ADMIRE to evaluate the system features, test each
layer as well as whole framework and building simu-
lation and DDM test suites.
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