Figure 7: Side-views of the ”Armadillo Group” approxima-
tions in figure 6.
triangles. Even in situations with less occlusion, our
approach can support the culling of faces that are ori-
ented away from the viewer but cannot be culled with
backface culling.
The price for the improvement in the rendering-
quality, however, is a 42% drop in the frame rate. The
approximately 5000 occlusion queries, which have to
be done for a reconstruction with 10,000 triangles,
consume a large amount of the frame time, although
they mainly run in parallel to the refinement process.
Our next work will be focussed on the acceleration of
the rendering process.
Another way to increase the frame rate would per-
haps be the use of time coherency. A frame to frame
update of the approximation would likely demand less
occlusion queries, when the view moves slowly.
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