it follows that the hyper-surface σ can be mapped
(i.e. represented) by n − 1 indexed planar regions
composed of these points. Restricted classes of
hyper-surfaces have been represented in this way and
it turns out that the ¯σ
reveal non-trivial properties
of the corresponding hyper-surface σ. It has already
been proved that for any dimension Quadrics (alge-
braic surfaces of degree 2) are mapped into planar re-
gions whose boundaries are conics (Izhakian, 2004).
This also includes non-convex surfaces like the “sad-
dle”. There are strong evidence supporting the con-
jecture that algebraic surfaces in general map into pla-
nar regions bounded by algebraic curves. This, be-
sides their significance on their own right, is one of
the reasons for studying the representation of alge-
braic curves. In (Inselberg, 2000) families of approx-
imate planes and flats are beautifully and usefully rep-
resented in -coords. Our results cast the foundations
not only for the representation of hyper-surfaces in
the class (S), but also their approximations in terms
of planar curved regions.
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