Figure 9 (d): Underwater scene animated by jellyfish
movement, frame = 2000.
In this paper we presented a simplified physical
model, based on the Lattice-Boltzmann method, for
the simulation of a movement transformation from a
dynamic soft body to a liquid. It is applied to a
jellyfish in underwater scenes. The field is realized
as finite lattice surrounding a jellyfish.
The special boundary conditions on the body
surface are elaborated for this task. They are devoted
to the aim of visually realistic presentation of the
body motion transferring to the environment.
Attention is also paid to the simplicity of the model.
Compared to previous work in this domain, the
following points should be mentioned:
• The special boundary on the body surface,
which depends only on the local properties of
the surface. Independence of the boundary cells
from the rest lattice cells allows taking into
account the body as a generator of the motion.
• The modeling of body propagation in the
In a future work, the implementation of body
trajectory changes, in order to avoid obstacles, can
be considered. This can be done as a function of an
obstacle bounding box coordinates and a body
bounding box coordinates. Some minimum distance
can be presented and, if needed, the correction
vector may be added to jellyfish transition at each
time step to keep this distance. Also, the full
interaction can be considered, the reciprocal
influence of the body and the liquid.
As a disadvantage, we can mention the possible
instability of the solution that is usual for liquid
modeling. The time step, the cell size, as well as the
coefficients for the LBM model should be properly
set in order to avoid instabilities.
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