John Brosz, Faramarz F. Samavati and Mario Costa Sousa
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Canada
Terrain synthesis, modeling, multi-resolution analysis, multi-fractals.
Synthesizing terrain or adding detail to terrains manually is a long and tedious process. With procedural
synthesis methods this process is faster but more difficult to control. This paper presents a new technique of
terrain synthesis that uses an existing terrain to synthesize new terrain. To do this we use multi-resolution
analysis to extract the high-resolution details from existing models and apply them to increase the resolution
of terrain. Our synthesized terrains are more heterogeneous than procedural results, are superior to terrains
created by texture transfer, and retain the large-scale characteristics of the original terrain.
Terrain synthesis is the process of creating the artifi-
cial terrains used in games, movies, and simulations.
Artificial terrains are necessary whenever terrain in-
formation is not available, lacks resolution and detail,
or must meet specific feature criteria. Creating arti-
ficial terrain is not easy as large, high-resolution ter-
rains often involve millions of data points.
There are two major applications of terrain synthe-
sis. The first is in creating a synthetic terrain guided
by a user who provides a rough outline of the desired
characteristics. In this case the goal is to retain the
attributes of the given outline, while adding realistic
features to fill out the terrain. The second application
is in increasing the resolution of an existing terrain for
close-up viewing. Although any type of surface in-
terpolation can increase resolution, it will also make
the terrain look overly smooth. Extra information in
the form of deviation from the smooth surface is nec-
essary to make the terrain interesting and realistic.
Terrains synthesized for both applications should ap-
pear visually realistic, meet desired topology require-
ments, and be inexpensive in terms of modeling time
(Roettger and Frick, 2002).
Presently in commercial systems like Bryce
(Bryce, 2005) and Terragen (McLusky, 2005), arti-
ficial terrains are created through a mixture of pro-
cedural methods and user painting of height fields
(Roettger and Frick, 2002). The procedural methods,
usually based on fractal subdivision, are controlled by
user specified parameters. These methods have major
shortcomings in that they lack erosion features and
create homogeneous terrains. To compensate for this,
erosion processes can be simulated on these surfaces,
adding missing erosion features. Unfortunately ero-
sion simulation is slow and introduces many more pa-
rameters for the user to control.
In general, creating any new model, especially a
detailed and complex model is difficult. However, if
an example with similar attributes to what is being
created can be used for inspiration, the task becomes
easier. It is more natural for a user to specify that they
want their terrain to look like a particular example,
but with their specified features, rather than by pro-
viding a large number of parameters. Moreover, high
resolution terrains are available to the public through
the internet (U.S.G.S., 2005). The major goal of this
work is to replace procedural and erosion synthesis
parameters with use of an example terrain to make it
easier to synthesize realistic, heterogeneous terrain.
1.1 System Overview
There are two different terrains that are used to create
a terrain by example. The first we call the base ter-
rain. This is the terrain that is either a rough estimate
of the desired terrain’s large-scale characteristics, or
it is a real terrain where we would like to increase the
resolution. The other is the target terrain. This is the
terrain that displays the high frequency, small-scale
characteristics that the user desires to have in their
synthetic terrain. The target terrain must have a res-
olution greater than or equal to the desired resolution
of the synthetic terrain in order to provide small-scale
information of the correct resolution. Our goal is to
extract the small-scale characteristics from the target
terrain and apply them to the large-scale characteris-
tics of the base terrain.
Our system has three major steps. The first step
Brosz J., F. Samavati F. and Costa Sousa M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 122-133
DOI: 10.5220/0001357201220133
is to extract the details from the base terrain. The
next step is to find the areas in the base and target ter-
rains that best match one another and produce a map
of these relationships. The last step is to re-organize
the details to match the mapping and then add these
details through subdivision, refining the base terrain.
To extracting these details and copying them be-
tween terrains, we use the subdivision and reverse
subdivision filters created by Samavati and Bartels
(Samavati and Bartels, 1999). We also explore an-
other method of extraction where we estimate the lo-
cal fractal scale, using this estimate to create multi-
fractal terrains by-example.
When copying the details from target terrain to the
base terrain it is important that information coming
from one type of feature, gets applied to that same
type of feature. For example the peak of a moun-
tain should get applied to another mountain peak. To
achieve this mapping we have developed two meth-
ods. The first is interactive, relying upon the user to
select matching areas. The other method is automatic,
based on a texture synthesis technique.
1.2 Contributions & Organization
This work makes the following contributions: (1) use
of multi-resolution analysis to extract and apply high-
resolution terrain information, (2) two techniques for
matching similar areas of the example terrain and the
terrain being synthesized are presented, (3) adapta-
tion and use of Image Quilting (Efros and Freeman,
2001) to automatic matching of terrain features, and
(4) adaptation of Losasso and Hoppe’s residuals mea-
surement (Losasso and Hoppe, 2004) to estimate frac-
tal scale when creating multi-fractals.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 reviews work related to terrain synthesis.
The data we use is described in Section 3. Section 4
discusses multi-resolution modeling and our reasons
for using multi-resolution analysis. Section 5 presents
the terrain by-example system. Section 6 discusses
terrain rendering. Lastly, Section 7 shows results and
Section 8 presents conclusions and future work.
Fournier et. al (Fournier et al., 1982) and Lewis
(Lewis, 1987) developed fractal and general stochas-
tic subdivision methods for creating synthetic ter-
rains. These two techniques succeed in creating a
variety of terrain-like objects. Although the terrains
produced by these systems look interesting and im-
pressive, there are problems with the created terrains.
The first is that they lack the characteristics of ero-
sion. The second is that it is difficult to control the
fractal or stochastic functions to create a specific ter-
rain. The last is that these terrains tend to be homoge-
neous (i.e., they are similarly rough, or smooth, over
the entire terrain).
Miller (Miller, 1986) improved Fournier et. al’s
midpoint insertion technique by replacing linear in-
terpolation with third order B-spline based subdivi-
sion. This removes artifacts associated with the origi-
nal midpoint technique.
There exist several works where the resolution
of existing terrain models is increased through esti-
mating the fractal dimension of the terrain (Pumar,
1996) (Brivio and Marini, 1996) (Losasso and Hoppe,
2004). This estimate is used to provide fractal values
to fill in the new data points. Our multi-fractal by-
example technique differs from these works in that
we estimate the size of the fractal displacement on
the target terrain at high resolution, rather than by the
displacements present in the base terrain.
Musgrave et. al (Musgrave et al., 1989), Kelley
(Kelley et al., 1988), Benes and Forsbach (Benes and
Forsbach, 2001), and Nagashima (Nagashima, 1997)
are among the researchers that have developed ero-
sion simulations to increase the realism of procedu-
rally created terrains. Such systems reproduce the ef-
fects of water, thermal, and other types of erosion.
However, there are problems with these processes.
The first is that these methods usually take a large
amount of time to simulate the erosion. The second
problem is that these processes introduce a large num-
ber of new parameters (e.g., number of time steps,
rainfall patterns, soil conditions, wind patterns, etc.)
that must be accurate to achieve realistic and pre-
dictable results. These parameters are difficult to se-
lect accurately (Nagashima, 1997). Another problem
is the evaluation of accuracy. All the proposed sys-
tems admit to being mostly empirical models that aim
to capture the essential behavior of a few of the most
noticeable erosion processes. Lastly, it has not been
determined how erosion effects can be simulated in
scenarios where the user wishes to increase the reso-
lution of real terrain data. In this situation we do not
want the erosion to eliminate existing features.
Musgrave in Ebert’s book (Ebert, 1994) discusses a
variation on fractal synthesis known as multi-fractals.
This technique improves upon fractal terrains by vary-
ing the fractal scale over the terrain, resulting in het-
erogenous features. Unfortunately, automatic appli-
cation of multifractals is difficult and can easily pro-
duce undesired effects as is shown in (Ebert, 1994).
Chiang et. al (Chiang et al., 2005) present an inter-
active approach to terrain synthesis. In their system
the underlying shape of the terrain is created from
simple geometric objects (e.g., prisms, cones, etc).
These primitives are matched to a terrain units by
cross-section, mountain ridge, or contour similarity.
Terrain units are extracted from a database of terrain
data that has been manually segmented to contain one
mountain, ridge, or other feature (Chiang et al., 2005).
The terrain data we use is Digital Elevation Model
(DEM) data. DEMs are composed of a regularly
spaced, 2D array of floating point elevation values.
The DEMs used in this work come from the United
States Geological Survey (U.S.G.S., 2005). There are
several different sets of elevation data available, we
have used the two that were available for the most
areas within North America. The first set is Shuttle
Radar Topology Mission (SRTM) data. This data is
canopy based and is available in 90m and 30m res-
olutions (U.S.G.S., 2005). The other set is the Na-
tional Elevation Dataset (NED). This is composed of
bare ground readings from a variety of sources includ-
ing aerial photographs and physical measurements
(U.S.G.S., 2005). NED data comes in several reso-
lutions including 30m, 10m, and 3m resolutions.
Multi-resolution modeling is important for our syn-
thesis technique since these techniques describe the
differences between high and low-resolution versions
of models. We interpret these differences as being
characteristic of a terrain’s small-scale features that
we use to add small-scale features to the base terrain’s
large-scale features. In particular, we have chosen to
use multi-resolution analysis (MRA) to extract and
copy these small-scale features. MRA is available for
curves and arbitrary topology models, however since
DEMs can be treated as tensor product surfaces we
use only the curve application.
MRA operations fulfill four necessary conditions
for our system: (1) the ability to coarsen terrain mod-
els, (2) separates and retains the high-frequency infor-
mation lost in coarsening, (3) has capacity to refine
terrain with high frequency information from other
terrains, and (4) has the ability to perform these op-
erations efficiently in both time and memory space.
We describe each row or column of terrain as a set
of sequenced points: c
, c
, ..., c
, and present these
points in the column C
= [c
, c
, ..., c
. Subdi-
vision produces a refined, higher resolution set of n
points, C
, through multiplication by a matrix:
= P
where P
is a n
× n subdivision matrix that doubles
the resolution of the curve. To reverse this process
we start with a fine set of n points, C
. A coarse set
of n
points, C
, is produced by application of a
decomposition matrix:
= A
where A
is the n
× n matrix that halves the reso-
lution. Since C
has fewer points, some high fre-
quency information (details) about the curve C
been lost. These n n
details, D
, are captured
by applying another matrix on the original points:
= B
where B
is a (nn
)×n detail extraction matrix that
is dependent on A. These details, D
, are vectors
that describe the differences between C
and P C
The last component of MRA, Q, is a n × (n
n) ma-
trix that adds the contributions of the details, D, when
refining the coarse points into our original data set.
So, if we decompose a curve using equations 2 and 3,
we can reconstruct the initial curve exactly using:
= P
+ Q
. (4)
The matrices A
and B
should produce details
that are as small as possible. If the details are small,
then C
and P C
are almost the same, loosely in-
dicating that C
is a good approximation of C
We also desire small details since this ensures that
most of the contribution to the final terrain is from
the base terrain, rather than the target terrain. This
preserves the large-scale features of the base terrain.
We chose to use the local Chaikin matrices de-
rived by Samavati and Bartels (Samavati and Bar-
tels, 2004). These matrices are derived from a local
least squares analysis of Chaikin subdivision, based
on third order B-splines. We chose Chaikin over
higher order methods due to its simplicity and com-
pactness and over lower order methods, such as Haar
or Faber, because it yields surfaces with greater conti-
nuity and is better suited for smooth surfaces (Sama-
vati and Bartels, 1999). Chaikin also underlies the
fractal synthesis results obtained by Miller (Miller,
1986). Readers interested in the values of the ma-
trices should refer to Samavati and Bartels (Samavati
and Bartels, 2004).
Although many multi-resolution methods exist, we
are only concerned with surface simplification meth-
ods that create coarse approximations of models. The
goal of these techniques is to create coarse models
that retain the shape of the original model. We can
also limit our discussion to methods that can exactly
reconstruct the original representation from the coars-
ened version. For exact reconstruction some form of
details are necessary and the construction of the de-
tails is important to our technique.
One such method is Image Pyramids. This tech-
niques use a hierarchy of images formed with the
original image as the bottom level, and at each higher
level the image has half the resolution of the preced-
ing image. The reduction in resolution is obtained
with a low-pass filter and sub-sampling. There are a
variety of filters and MRA filters are obvious candi-
dates. We chose not to use filters unique to Image
Pyramids because they oversample the image or only
approximately reconstruct the original image (Simon-
celli et al., 1992).
Triangle decimation (Schroeder et al., 1992) re-
moves triangles that make little contribution to
the model. Surface Simplification using Quadrics
(Garland and Heckbert, 1997), Progressive Meshes
(Hoppe, 1996), and other techniques use edge con-
traction to remove edges, coarsening the model.
These techniques are inappropriate for our purposes
as they do not describe a uniform change in resolution
over the entire object and because they produce trian-
gulated irregular networks (TINs) rather than DEMs.
Furthermore, the behavior and effects of the details
generated by these methods have not been researched
to the same extent that MRA details have.
To reduce the resolution and extract the details of a
terrain, we apply the reverse subdivision matrices A
and B (Equations 2 and 3) to each column of height
values. This gives us an array of coarse points with
almost half the height of the original as well as a set
of details. We refer to this first set of details as the
column details. Then we use the filters on each row,
leaving us with a coarsened terrain of half the resolu-
tion and another set of details, the row details.
To refine our base terrain to double its resolution
we use the subdivision matrices P and Q (Equation
4) on each row of the array with the target’s row de-
tails generating an array with double the width. Then
P and Q are used on each column in conjunction with
captured column details, resulting in a terrain with
double the resolution.
First consider the case where the target terrain is
exactly double the resolution of the base terrain. Our
first step is to extract the high-frequency noise from
the target with reverse subdivision. The resulting row
and column details are our high-frequency noise. The
simplest method of using these extracted details with
our base is to simply apply them via subdivision to
the base terrain. Unfortunately, simply applying these
details in the order they were extracted leads to prob-
lems. As shown in Figure 1, the details extracted from
a terrain correspond to features of that terrain. If we
apply these details in the same order that we extracted
them, we could apply the wrong details to the features
in the base terrain. E.g., we might apply the details
from a mountain in the target to a plateau in the base
terrain. Section 5.2 describes two methods of match-
ing features in the base to features in the target terrain.
Figure 1: Top is a valley in Nevada, USA. Bottom is the
result of extracting one level of details and applying them to
a flat surface. The features in the terrain clearly correspond
to features in the details. Colored by slope steepness.
Once a mapping has been specified we rearrange
the target’s row and column details into the order de-
termined by the mapping. Subdivision is used to ap-
ply the details to the rows and then the columns of
the base, doubling its resolution, producing our syn-
thesized result. This process is referred to as applying
one level of details or as performing one iteration of
Now consider the case where the target terrain has
a much higher resolution than the base terrain. In this
case we perform reverse subdivision to the target sev-
eral several times, until the target has approximately
the same resolution as the base. As before our next
step is to perform matching between the base and tar-
get terrains, and then subdivide the base terrain using
the last set of details extracted from the target. We
use the last set since these are the details that will de-
scribe the difference between the base’s current reso-
lution and double this resolution. We can then repeat
this matching and subdividing until we have used up
all the details in reverse order and our synthesized ter-
rain has the same resolution as the original target.
5.1 Multi-Fractals By-Example
Another way of creating terrain by-example is with
multi-fractals. This technique has drawbacks but pro-
vides another method of creating terrains by-example.
The difference between fractal terrains and multi-
fractal terrains is that the fractal scale changes over
the terrain producing terrains that are less homoge-
neous. To produce multi-fractals by example we need
to capture the fractal scale from the target terrain. To
do this we must determine an estimate of the fractal
scale and use this parameter on the feature-mapped ar-
eas of the base terrain. Losasso and Hoppe (Losasso
and Hoppe, 2004) have obtained fractal scale esti-
mates for entire terrains by using the variance of
residuals. The residuals used are essentially the de-
tails resulting from linear interpolation.
In our work we estimate the fractal scale in a sim-
ilar manner. We use Miller’s Chaikin based terrain
fractals (Miller, 1986), consequently the fractal scale
becomes the variance of the displacements created by
the Chaikin details. To implement our by-example
multi-fractals we use this estimate of fractal scale over
small areas of the target and then use these to decide
the fractal scale on mapped areas of the base terrain.
With multi-fractals by-example, instead of creating
the detail quilts, we estimate residuals over the target
terrain’s selected blocks (the small area over which
the fractal scale is calculated) and store the fractal
scales to be used on the base terrain. The mapping
procedure (matching similar pieces of terrain) is still
performed, making this algorithm execute at approxi-
mately the same speed as MRA by-example.
Multi-fractals by-example have a major drawbacks
in applying small-characteristic features. To under-
stand why we must examine the generation of the
fractal displacement. For our multi-fractals we are
taking the variance of the details and using this to
scale Gaussian noise. By doing this we are discard-
ing an accurate and real distribution of details from
the target, and replacing this with a Gaussian distrib-
ution. In essence we are discarding most of the noise
we have gone to the trouble of extracting from the tar-
get. This is one of the reasons why multi-fractal by-
example results tend to resemble the target less than
MRA by-example results.
5.2 Mapping Terrain Features
The goal of this section is to find a mapping between
similar areas and features on the target and base ter-
rains. We have made use of two existing techniques
for handling this problem. The first is interactive, re-
lying on human interpretation to solve the matching
problem. The other technique is automatic and based
on Texture Quilting (Efros and Freeman, 2001). We
chose this technique because of its speed and quality.
5.2.1 Interactive Mapping
The simplest technique of solving the mapping prob-
lem is to leave it up to the user. We replace the guess-
ing at assorted parameters required for fractal synthe-
sis or erosion simulation with a more intuitive mech-
anism. This mechanism is having the user perceive
similar areas in the base and target terrains.
In this system the user selects a section of the target
terrain and then a section of the same size of the base
terrain. These sections may have any shape; we have
chosen to use rectangles in our system for speed of
calculation and ease of implementation. If mapped-to
areas on the base terrain already posses details we re-
place the existing details. The user can also specify
the number of levels of details to copy. The number
of levels to copy is dependent on the desired resolu-
tion but in our tests we have found that copying three
levels of detail provides good results. An example of
this process can be seen in Figures 2 and 3.
Performing the MRA is very fast (Samavati and
Bartels, 1999), allowing users to easily and quickly
see the results of their specified mapping. This inter-
active method can also be used to edit the details of
an existing terrain. By specifying a new mapping of
an area, the base terrain’s details are replaced, chang-
ing the small-scale characteristics of the selected area.
This method also easily allows more than one target
terrain to be used to refine a single base terrain.
Figure 2: The interactive system copied the bumpy details
from the highlighted area of the target (left) changing a
smooth area of the base terrain (middle) into a more rough
area (right).
Figure 3: Close-up of the terrain in Figure 2, before (left)
and after (right) synthesis. The red lines have been removed
to allow examination of the borders.
5.2.2 Automatic Mapping: Terrain Quilting
In order to reduce the amount of user interaction we
have also created an automatic mapping system. This
automatic system is based on the Image Quilting al-
gorithm (Efros and Freeman, 2001) used for texture
synthesis and texture transfer.
The first step is to break the base terrain into blocks.
We do this by dividing the base terrain into a grid
of overlapping square blocks. By choosing a smaller
block sizes, smaller features are matched and better
mappings can be produced; however, this also in-
creases the time required for the algorithm to run.
Our default setting uses blocks that are approximately
one-fifteenth of the average of the base terrain’s width
and length, however, the block size is adjustable by
the user. For the best possible results the block size
should be determined by the resolution of the small-
scale characteristics the user desires to capture.
For each block in the base terrain we attempt to
find a similar block in the target terrain. This is done
by testing the similarity of some number of randomly
selected blocks in the target. The number of candidate
blocks we test is the smaller of forty or the number of
blocks that fit equally into the target. This gives a
good trade off between speed and quality, however if
poor matches occur this setting is user adjustable.
In the Image Quilting algorithm (Efros and Free-
man, 2001), the difference (or conversely the simi-
larity) between two blocks is described by the sum
of squares between the pixel brightness values. For
terrains, the values we are comparing are elevations
rather than pixel brightness so we more concerned
with features (e.g., a mountain peak in the base ter-
rain should be mapped to a mountain peak in the tar-
get terrain). Consequently, we need to examine the
shape portrayed by the block, rather than the absolute
height values of the block.
The metric we created to calculate the difference in
shape between two blocks, i from the base, and j from
the target, where we have indexed the height values in
the blocks with a single index, is:
) (j
where n is the number of height values per block, i
is the k
height value of block i, and m
is the mean
height value of block i. Unlike Image Quilting, when
calculating the difference between blocks we ignore
the blending between blocks (since we are copying
details, not pieces of terrain) so this does not con-
tribute to the difference calculation.
5.2.3 Constructing the Detail Quilts
Once we have found the best match for each base ter-
rain block, we construct a quilt of the target’s details.
This is done for both the row and the column details.
We quilt the details, rather than the actual height val-
ues, because we want a new synthesized terrain, not a
terrain that was created through mixing and matching
pieces of the target. A mix and match terrain would
suffer block blending issues and could alter large-
scale characteristics of the base terrain. Instead, the
system quilts the details so that the resulting terrain
contains merely the addition of the details from the
target. In Image Quilting a minimum error boundary
cut is used to blend overlapping areas. In our work we
use a linear blend of the details between the blocks.
We do this because details are small in respect to the
curve presented by the low-resolution data for the rea-
son described in Section 4.
Rendering in our system is not just a matter of sim-
ply displaying terrains. Rather it is a tool that can al-
low us to more easily evaluate, compare, and contrast
synthetic terrains. This is especially important when
presenting synthesis results in one or two images. We
use four rendering techniques that provide easier dis-
crimination between and evaluation of terrains.
Our standard rendering method uses Gouraud shad-
ing on grey colored triangles to maximize contrast and
make terrain evaluation possible when the images are
printed in black and white.
The second rendering style uses Gouraud shad-
ing but with triangles colored based on elevation.
From lowest elevation to highest triangles are colored
brown, green, red, orange, yellow, and white. This
coloring makes the terrain easier to understand, espe-
cially when the terrain is viewed from the top.
We also desired to make it easier to determine how
smooth (or rough) a terrain is. To do this we color
based on slope steepness. This is the rate of change
in elevation making it a good measure to indicate the
smoothness of a terrain (Shary et al., 2002). In our
slope steepness figures, from most steep to least steep,
the triangles are colored yellow, red, green, or grey.
We have found this gives good insight into the amount
of heterogeneity of rendered terrains and can empha-
size features such as the riverbed in Figure 1.
Our last technique uses a non-photorealistic render-
ing technique to place small ink strokes. This render-
ing technique uses silhouette stability edges with the
direction of the edge changed to point in the tangent
direction as described in Brosz’s work (Brosz, 2005).
For evaluating terrains, this rendering technique em-
phasizes the differences between rough and smooth
areas of synthesized terrains.
There are several criteria for the success of our sys-
tem. The most important is that the synthesized ter-
rain should appear more detailed than if the base
First Target Second Target
First Result Second Result
Figure 4: The first trial. The base is a user created 20 × 20
terrain. The results are 146 × 146, produced by copying
three levels of details from their respective target terrains.
was subdivided without details. Our next expecta-
tion is that the terrain gains detail in a manner that
is more predictable and realistic than current proce-
dural methods. A related point is that we expect the
synthesized terrain to show small-scale characteristics
similar to those of the target. Another important goal
for the success of the system is in the simplicity of the
user interaction.
7.1 Providing a Control Synthesis
To compare the results of the terrain by-example sys-
tem to the results of a fractal-based synthesis, we im-
plemented fBm subdivision as described by Miller
(Miller, 1986) with Voss’ successive random addi-
tions (Peitgen and Saupe, 1988) to further reduce frac-
tal artifacts. We estimate the initial fractal scale based
on our residual calculation. H, the parameter control-
ling the change in fractal scale (Fournier et al., 1982),
is 0.85 as we found this value produces good results.
We have not considered erosion techniques due to
two problems. The first is that they involve many pa-
rameters that must be provided. These parameters
depend on the type of terrain as well as many envi-
ronmental conditions. The other is that these erosion
simulations are likely to remove or significantly alter
previously existing features of the base terrain that are
real features and desired in the resulting model.
7.2 Experimentation
In this subsection we present two trials using Chaikin
MRA. In the first trial we synthesized a terrain from a
small, low resolution, hand-made terrain. The second
trial compares a real, high-resolution terrain with a
synthesized terrain that uses low resolution data from
the same area as its base terrain. In both trials we
used the default block size. Timings were performed
on an AMD 2600XP+ with 1.5GB RAM and an ATI
9800 128MB video card. The base and target terrains
used in our first trial, as well as the terrains resulting
from our synthesis, are shown in Figure 4. The first
target is a 30m NED from Kansas, USA, the second
is a 30m NED from Utah, USA. The base terrain’s
resolution was increased from approximately 240m
to 30m resolution. Figure 5 compares the result of
fBm fBm synthesis to a result achieved with terrain
by-example synthesis. The terrain by-example syn-
thesis in this trial took approximately 3 seconds while
the fBm synthesis required less than 1 second.
In comparing our two synthesized results, we can
see that changing the target significantly changes the
synthesis result. The first result has more jagged fea-
tures, similar to the jagged hills in the Kansas target
whereas the second result is smoother, more like the
Utah target. Looking at our results, especially the
sides of the hills, we can see that they have interesting
bumps added while also appearing smooth, much like
the target terrains. In contrast, the fBm result is very
rough all over. The fBm synthesis, because it changes
the height at random is uniformly noisey, whereas the
by-example results are more coherent.
Figure 5: Trial 1 comparison between by-example (top) and
fBm synthesis (bottom). Notice the homogeneous nature
fBm result when compared to the by-example result.
Our second trial uses a 30m NED of an area within
the Utah salt flats as its base terrain. We chose a 10m
NED from another portion of the Utah salt flats as our
target (shown in Figure 6). The base and the results
of by-example and fBm synthesis are shown in Figure
7. Figure 8 provides comparison between 10m NED
data of the same area and the two synthesized 7.5m
results. The by-example result (2794× 394), obtained
from two levels of copied details, was created in 8
seconds; the fBm result required 2.5 seconds.
In Figure 7 our synthesized terrain shows very lit-
tle introduced roughness. This is due to the smoothed
nature of the NED as well as the smooth nature of
the salt flats. Close inspection reveals small irregu-
larities added to several of the mountain ridges and a
few small bumps in the flat area. In the fBm terrain
we see that the introduced noise obscures some of the
streambeds in the middle of the terrain. The most no-
ticeable difference is that the fBm synthesis adds a
large number of undesirable bumps to the flat area.
This trial, with the mountainous terrain at one end
and the very flat terrain at the other, emphasizes the
drawback of fBm synthesis. The estimated fractal
scale is the average residual from the entire terrain,
resulting in terrain that is too rough at the flat end and
too smooth at the other. Use of multi-fractals could
fix this, but even then the scale is still estimated over
some area and, if that area has heterogeneous fea-
tures, the scale can again be wrong. MRA however,
is based on wavelets that are able to capture and rep-
resent these different scales effectively.
It is important to note that the flats cannot be syn-
thesized in a better fashion by simply adding erosion
to the fBm synthesis. Thermal weathering erosion
(Musgrave et al., 1989) may somewhat reduce the size
of the fractal bumps, but not completely because the
bumps are small and have very little slope. Hydraulic
erosion techniques can smooth these bumps out but
are designed to, and will, introduce new rivers and
valleys, destroying the features of the base terrain.
7.3 Chaikin vs Multi-Fractals
In Section 5 we have discussed two different tech-
niques of extracting and applying details. Chaikin
MRA, is useful because it is based on third order B-
Splines that effectively capture the smooth underlying
nature of terrains. Multi-fractals by-example provide
a close link to existing procedural methods. To com-
pare these techniques we have repeated the first trial
using multi-fractals. Figure 9 shows the results.
In Figure 9 it is clear that the multi-fractals are not
as successful in capturing the character of the target
terrain. It is not clear that the left multi-fractal re-
sult came from the ridge-filled Kansas target while
the right came from Utah target. The Chaikin MRA
results show these differences.
7.4 Texture Transfer Compared
An important topic is why current texture transfer
techniques are not suitable for synthesizing terrain. In
Figure 9: Repeat of Trial 1 (Figure 4) with Chaikin MRA
(top) and multi-fractals by-example (bottom). In the left
column are the results that used Kansas target, the right col-
umn presents the results of the Utah target.
some senses they are suitable. Can a target terrain be
broken into pieces and then sewn together to form a
realistic terrain or, as in Image Analogies, two differ-
ent resolutions of the target terrain could provide a
filter to increase the resolution of the base terrain?
The difference between our method and texture
transfer approaches is that we do not copy pieces of
terrain; instead we copy details. This ensures that our
result is composed mostly of the features of the base
terrain. Texture transfer rearranges pieces of the tar-
get to fit the base, making these methods unsuitable
for increasing the resolution of existing terrain. By
using details, since they are such small contributions
to the result, we also avoid the blending artifacts that
appear in texture transfer methods.
To test this we compare a terrain synthesized by-
example with results of two texture transfer systems:
Image Quilting (Efros and Freeman, 2001) imple-
mented by Robert Burke (Burke, 2005) and the Image
Analogies system (Hertzmann et al., 2001). Figure 10
shows the base, target, and our synthesis.
To perform the Image Quilting texture transfer, we
convert the DEM to a height encoded image (i.e., an
image where the highest areas are white and the low-
est are black). Next, we resample the 30m base to a
10m resolution. This is akin to subdividing without
adding details, producing a smooth, high-resolution
terrain. We then apply texture transfer between the
target and the resampled base producing the result
shown in Figure 11. It is clear that directly using
the original terrain has introduced blending problems,
failing to produce a realistic terrain.
For the Image Analogies texture transfer we used
height encoded images of the 30m and 10m NED
target terrain as the learning pair. As both of these
images had to be the same size, we resampled the
Figure 6: The target terrain used in the second trial, colored by elevation. This is a 10m NED from the Utah Salt Flats.
Figure 7: The second trial. The top image is the base terrain (30m NED data from the Utah Salt Flats), the middle is the
Chaikin, terrain by-example result, and the bottom is the result of fBm synthesis.
30m image to achieve 10m resolution. Similarly the
30m base image was also resampled. The chossen
matching method was Hertzmann et. al’s recom-
mended approximate nearest neighbor search. Figure
11 presents our best result with this system. More
results of our testing can be seen in Brosz’s work
(Brosz, 2005). The result of the Image Analogies
system does not reproduce the flat area of the upper
left base terrain and generally produces terrains with
a speckled appearance. The hillsides have new ridges
and lines, giving an interesting but unwelcome ter-
raced look. It does not appear to be a bad result un-
less one considers that neither the base nor the target
has these features. Both terrains have ridges but these
ridges are mostly smooth, not noisy like synthesis re-
sult. Since neither the base nor the target terrains have
speckles, these must be artifacts created by blending
problems when placing pixels.
The results of two texture transfer systems show
that they have problems in maintaining flat terrain due
to the problems of blending images (as opposed to
blending details). It is also due to the fact that they
are designed to preserve the source image (the target
terrain) rather than to keep the features of the target
image (the base terrain). The Image Analogies system
performed better than the Image Quilting system but
overall we feel it is clear that terrain by-example is
superior for synthesizing terrain.
In this work a pipeline to synthesize terrains based on
an example terrain has been presented. This system
simplifies user interaction, replacing procedural and
erosion parameters with selection of a target terrain.
The resulting terrains show influence from the target
terrain and have heterogeneous features. Lastly the
synthesis is completed quickly, achieving synthesis in
seconds. The availability of high resolution terrain
Figure 8: Non-photorealistically rendered comparison between the real, 10m resolution NED (top), our second trial’s 7.5m
by-example result (middle), and the 7.5m result of fBm synthesis (bottom). Notice the roughness of the salt flat fBm result.
Figure 10: The left image is of the base terrain (30m NED of Harmony Flats, Washtingon, USA), the middle is the target
(10m NED of Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA) and the bottom is the by-example synthesis result.
data for use as targets makes this system possible.
In examining our criteria for success, we can see
that our synthesised terrains are more detailed than
the base terrain. Moreover, the terrains gain details
that seem realistic. This is shown in all the trials,
but particularly in Trial 2 where the by-example re-
sult maintained the flatness of the salt flats. The in-
teractive system copies details from the target to the
base in a predictable manner. The automatic sys-
tem also results in terrains that show characteristics of
the target terrain (Figure 4). The by-example results
appear similar to even if they do not exactly match
the real, high resolution data of the same area. Our
system simplifies user interaction, producing user-
specified terrain without input of a plethora of para-
meters. By-example synthesis can create completely
synthetic terrains as well as add levels of detail to ex-
isting terrain.
Multi-resolution analysis provides an efficient and
effective method for capturing and copying the char-
acter of a terrain. Multi-fractals present another
method of extracting details from the target terrain,
however this technique is unable to capture a target’s
character as well as Chaikin MRA.
Both the interactive and the automatic methods
provide good starting points for feature matching in
this pipeline. The techniques work well for most ter-
rains, however, both methods have drawbacks. The
interactive method requires more input from the user.
For large terrains this could become time consuming
and tedious. However, this system offers the potential
for editing of existing details in terrains that proves an
interesting and potentially useful feature.
The automatic feature mapping system has several
limitations. Our random block matching technique,
adapted from Image Quilting, is not ideal because
it does not guarantee that the best matching block
in the target terrain is found. An exhaustive search
or variation of simulated annealing could ensure bet-
ter matching. From our examination of the matches
made by our system it seems that the current system
works well without modification. Other techniques
for comparing shapes could increase the effectiveness
or speed of automatic matching.
Figure 11: Top is the result of the Image Quilting algorithm
using settings of 3 iterations, initial block size of 16, 17%
overlap, and 50 candidates. Bottom is a result of the Image
Analogies algorithm using steered filters and the default set-
tings. Both are rendered with elevation coloring.
There is also the issue of how the block size should
be chosen. Small block sizes can achieve more ac-
curate matches, but when the block size is too small,
neighboring information is lost, causing bad matches.
The values we have used produce qualitatively good
results, however, a more quantitative examination
would be useful. Adding a contribution from the
neighboring area to the error metric might also alle-
viate the small block problem.
8.1 Future Work
Introducing a painting interface to specify specific
mappings could increase the functionality of the by-
example system. This could be similar to the paint
by numbers used with Image Analogies (Hertzmann
et al., 2001). This could make it easier for users to
indicate mappings and to specify different target ter-
rains. E.g., half a base terrain could be painted yel-
low, with yellow mapped to a desert target, and the
rest could be mapped to a mountainous target.
There exist methods (Pumar, 1996), (Brivio and
Marini, 1996) that use estimates of fractal dimension
(opposed to our estimate of fractal scale) to increase
the resolution of terrains. It is possible that these al-
ternative estimates may improve the quality of the ter-
rain synthesized with multi-fractals by-example. It is
our intuition however, that the poor performance of
multi-fractals is more greatly due to the randomness
of displacements as opposed to the size of those dis-
placements. Consequently, we are not optimistic of
improving the multi-fractal by-example technique.
Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs) abandon
the regular grid format of DEMs, reducing the number
of data points necessary to represent terrains. TINs
are able to better represent sharp features, such as
ridges, by aligning triangle edges with feature edges
(DEM’s edges seldom coincide with features). A
more sophisticated shape analysis technique in con-
junction with the details extracted with progressive
meshes (Hoppe, 1996), arbitrary topology MRA, or
another multi-resolution technique could create a TIN
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