the CCG sequence. No correction is applied, but the
end result of determining the correct positioning is
still achieved. Hence the current approach is quite
robust, and it is not likely that much improvement
would be obtained by adding Reed-Solomon error
In the future, if colour correction is desired, then
word sequencing could be exploited further as a
means to go back and correct the recognition of each
individual colour square so that it is in complete
agreement with the determined word sequence. This
would enable, for example, improvement in image
brightness and colour rendering.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
support of the Engineering Research Center for
Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (NSF Grant
EEC-9529125) at the University of Michigan and
the valuable input from the center’s industrial
sponsors. Special thanks to Nelson Woo, Brent Carr,
Kyung Han, David Wintermute, and Steve Erskine
for their aid in system construction and software
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