We are entering an exciting period in which capture,
processing, and display are increasingly scalable in
the number of video streams supported. In support of
this view, we capture 24 uncompressed VGA
streams in real-time on a single PC and leverage
multiprocessors for video processing. Coupling
these developments with recent commercial
hardware advances brings forth end-to-end
scalability that enables new applications of camera
arrays and other multi-video sources. We selected a
mosaic camera as our first application in this space.
We presented several innovations in this paper.
First, we described how to use a digital projector as
a calibration instrument for a mosaic camera. We
also presented an adaptive technique for reducing
the number of calibration images using the solution
constraints accumulated thus far. We described how
the mosaic camera is built using our camera array,
and how our dataflow architecture combined with
chip multiprocessors and graphics cards present new
abilities and options for mosaic processing. Finally,
we showed initial results for 18 cameras with small
error and real-time performance.
Authors. References withheld to preserve anonymity
during review process.
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