Table 3: The registration errors.
Object Full Object Partial Object
King 0.2174 0.0001
Rook 0.0001 0.0844
Queen 0.0001 0.0001
Bishop 0.1011 0.0460
L-SEPMap is a surface signature-based representa-
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be used to align surfaces under rigid transformation.
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ness of the proposed technique and the ability to han-
dle general registration problem of full and partial ob-
jects. Several items will be considered in future work.
Among those items are , studying the impact of noise
on the discrimination effectiveness of the L-SEPMap,
experimenting with clutter scenes and different trian-
gulation sampling, applying the L-SEPMap scheme
to the 3D segmentation problem, and extending the
matching algorithm to handle uniform scaling.
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