two separate databases, one containing only visually
homogeneous textures and the other one containing
only visually inhomogeneous textures. By analyzing
recognition rate over these two databases, they con-
cluded that irregular images have a negative effect on
recognition rate. On the other hand, CBIR-LZW-HE
results, with AR(c) near 100%, even for small values
of c, indicate that the method was to some extent ro-
bust to these irregularities.
Figure 2 presents an example query with a particu-
larly low AR(9)(33, 33%). As can be seen in Figure 3,
Brodatz texture D38, from which the query sample
was taken, presents a strong non-uniform illumination
variation, to the point of saturation in the lower right
corner, making recognition a difficult task.
Future directions of research include assessing the
robustness of the method to gray-scale, rotation and
spatial-scale changes and investigating the use of
lossy dictionary-based compressors. In fact, prelim-
inary tests in this direction are already being con-
ducted. First results indicate that histogram equaliza-
tion makes the method robust to uniform gray-scale
variations. Some developments are also being inves-
tigated in order to make the method invariant to ro-
tation and non-uniform illumination variations, with
promising results. It should be noticed that although
invariance is an important feature in CBIR tools, in
many practical applications (e.g. in industrial quality
control by computer vision) images are acquired un-
der strictly controlled conditions, and practically do
not present scale, rotation or illumination changes.
The robustness of CBIR-LZW-HE to irregulari-
ties in the test database suggests that investigating
the applicability of the method to content based non-
textured images is also a very promising direction of
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