Flávio O. Silva
União Educacional Minas Gerais, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil
Pedro F. Rosa
Faculdade de Computação, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil
Keywords: Web Services, Protocols, Standards, Specifications, Layers.
Abstract: The strong use of distributed applications is due to the fact that Internet and the Web are based on common
and widely accepted standards. Web services can be the basis of the next generation of applications.
Unfortunately if someone asks for the layers of the Web Services protocol stack, the answer cannot be
given right away. Considering that this technology is emerging and its bases are being defined, different
companies and working groups propose standards that come and go with the same speed. Another problem
is that these groups provide their own vision about the stack and, finally, the widely available standards
proposals makes this environment a standard’s Babel. In this paper we will run a quest in order to find the
Web Services protocol stack, by putting together different standards and visions and finally providing an
independent Web Services protocol stack.
Internet and, particularly, the Web have generated
deep transformations in all knowledge fields. The
impact provided by the Web is changing the way
applications are being constructed. The strong use of
distributed applications is due the fact that the Web
is based on common and widely accepted protocols
like Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
(Tanenbaum, 2003).
Right now the Web is being prepared to switch the
way users interact with it. The user-to-machine
relationship will be extended by a machine-to-
machine relationship. This is the role of Web
To accomplish this, Web Services applications
might be based on common and widely accepted
standards, as well.
Unfortunately if one asks what are the layers of the
Web Services protocol stack this answer cannot be
given right away. Although this can be accepted in
an emerging technology, that is under development,
this can be a great risk the for the Web Services
Right now different companies and working groups
are proposing protocol specifications and standards.
These protocols reflect their vision about Web
Services protocol stack. In this environment the
protocol proposals come and go with the same
speed. The applications that are being created right
now may lack of compatibility in the future because
of a selected protocol suite.
Another problem is that software architects,
engineers, developers may be victims of this
standard’s Babel.
In this paper we will run a quest in order to find the
Web Services protocol stack.
This will be accomplished first by analyzing the
multiple visions of this stack provided by different
groups and the myriad of protocols and standards
available; this will be done on section 2.
Section 3 will propose the Web Services protocol
stack and its layers. Finally in section 4 some
concluding remarks.
O. Silva F. and F. Rosa P. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 105-112
DOI: 10.5220/0001426501050112
To reduce their complexity, network software is
organized as a stack of layers. Each layer offer
services to the higher layers and use the services
provided by the lower ones. The same concept must
be applied to Web Services.
The search will begin at World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C), considering that this standard
organization is responsible by SOAP (Mitra, 2003)
protocol, one of the main Web Services standards,
adopted de facto, as the message format.
This organization created a working group
(W3C, 2004) in order to define Web Services
Architecture. Although the final document contains
a conceptual view of the Web Services stack, it did
not achieve its objectives, as noted by Steve Vinoski
(Vinoski, 2004) a charter member of this group.
Another place to look for the Web Services
architecture is the work done by the Organization
for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards (OASIS). At February, 2005 a technical
committee (TC), called OASIS SOA Reference
Model TC (OASIS, 2005). This OASIS TC has a
different view about the Web Services protocol
stack. They claim that the correct is to create a
reference model which will be used as a guideline to
create specific architectures. A working draft
(MacKenzie, 2005) was created, but, at this time no
implementations of an architecture using this
reference model were proposed.
Some books about the subject could be another
interesting place for this quest. Most of them, like
(McGovern, 2003) are concerned about the basic
and well stated Web Services protocols like SOAP,
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
(Chinnici, 2006) and Universal Description
Discovery & Integration (UDDI) (Clément, 2004)0
and does not mention the new standards available.
An interesting book from Sanjiva Weerawarana
(Weerawarana, 2005) and others go deeper in order
to propose the Web Services stack and its protocols,
but it does not mention other protocols and
standards available from other development groups.
Considering that companies like IBM, Microsoft,
Sun, Oracle and others are leading the standards
proposals a good source of information for this
quest is look for their vision.
Microsoft’s vision of the Web Services stack
(Microsoft, 2006) contains information about well
established and new standards. The stack considered
in this document does not show how a specification,
like BPEL4WS (Weerawarana, 2005), fits on it,
although this standard is cited in the document.
The same happens to management related
specifications, like WS-Management (Arora, 2005).
They are very new specifications, but the Web
Services stack does not show their layer.
Compared to Microsoft’s stack, IBM view
contains additional layers (IBM, 2006)0. Most of the
protocols are similar, considering that both
companies have a work together proposing Web
Services specification. But there are differences. The
security layer from IBM contains the standard
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
(Cantor, 2004), while it is not present at Microsoft’s
security layer.
This clearly indicates that there is no consensus
in some areas and this may lead to incompatibilities
between applications. In this case the Web Services
interoperability can turn in a far promise.
Continuing with the quest for the stack, an
important reference is Sun. The vision (SUN, 2006)
is very different when compared with IBM and
Microsoft. An important observation is that security
specifications and standards are not mentioned. It
means that someone that is searching for the Web
Service protocol layers will not have a complete
vision of it.
All this information and different points of view
produce new visions, and some researchers are
proposing custom Web Services architectures,
which are related to some specific domains like
Semantic Web (Turner, 2003), creating vertical Web
Services protocol stacks.
Besides different views of the stack, protocol
specifications come and go with the same speed.
Considering this, Savas Parastatidis (Parastatidis,
2004) proposed a method to evaluate the risks
assessments for Web Services protocols
Section 2 shows that there is no consensus about the
Web Services protocol Stack. In order to propose a
protocol suite, all the actually available views were
considered and more than fifty protocols at hand
until this moment where analyzed.
Figure 1 shows the layers present in the Web
Services protocol stack:
And Other Domains
Figure 1: Web Services Protocol Stack.
The model shown at Figure 1 considers the main
aspects related to Web Services taking into account
their current development state and the proposed
protocols right now.
Some layers may not be present in some Web
Services Architecture, it will depend on the
application field and the assumptions made. One
may say that security is not a problem into an
intranet, where only basic services are needed, or
maybe that he is relying in the Secure Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTPS).
The layers presented at Figure 1 will be analyzed in
greater depth. A red dashed line shows redundant
standards which offer a similar solution to the same
problem with small differences. There are cases that
another standard superseded a standard and in this
case, it will be on a rectangle inside the newer
The standards present on each layer are related to
the domain of each layer. Some of them are recent
and are in different stages of development. Some,
like SOAP (Mitra, 2003), are standards accredited
by a standard organization like the W3C or OASIS
Other standards, like Web Services Choreography
Description Language (WSCI) (Kavantzas, 2005),
were submitted to these organizations and are in a
standardization process.
Another group has been just published by a
company or a development group but was not
submitted to any standard organization, within this
group there are proposals like SOAP-Over-UDP
(Gudgin, 2004).
Finally, some standards have been not published yet,
but are scheduled or planned to be. The protocols in
this category are based on vision of a need for Web
Services; an example is WS-Authorization
(Microsoft, 2002), which was present as this white
paper and until now was not even published and was
superseded before its publication.
3.1 Transport Layer
The transport layer is responsible for the message
exchange between two endpoints. This layer is
transport and application layers based protocols as
defined in the Internet architecture, where the main
protocol here is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
(HTTP). By the way, this is the transport protocol
defined in the Basic Profile (Ballinger, 2006),
published by WS-I.
Figure 2: Transport Layer
The protocol HTTP specifies how the messages are
exchanged between the client and a server.
Although, this protocol HTTP is base for the Web, it
cannot deal with situations like: lost messages,
duplicated messages; long messages and message
IBM proposed and specified a protocol called
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Reliable (HTTPR)
(Banks, 2002) that uses HTTP and allows a reliable
message exchange between the client and the server,
in order to provide reliable Web Services. This
specification was published on 2002, but this
specification will remain as another “proposed only”
Although there are proposals this layer is well
defined and protocols like HTTP, Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) are the underlying
protocols that are specified for the transport of
SOAP messages.
2 shows the protocols defined for this layer.
3.2 Messaging Layer
This layer defines the formatting of the messages
and the way it will be delivered, independently from
the programming language, the message processors
or the platform. SOAP protocol is the basis of this
layer. This protocol is a standard and it is widely
accepted as the core of Web Services. Above de
SOAP protocol there are other specifications related
to message addressing, message routing, message
acknowledge, sequencing and other message
exchange mechanism different from the basic
request-response, like notification.
As can be seen in figure 3, in this layer there are
competing standards created by different group of
companies, represented by the red dashed line and
there are some standards that were superseded by
other even before being part of a standardization
process, this is shown by the standards within a
rectangle inside another rectangle which represents
the main standard by this time.
Figure 3: Messaging Layer.
Figure 3 shows the relation between all the protocols
and how they are layered and are related to each
Although SOAP is well stabilized there are proposal
like SOAP Message Transmission Optimization
Mechanism (SOAP MTOM) (Gudgin, 2005), which
is a W3C recommended standard, which basically
defines a mechanism to optimize the transmission by
coding some parts of the message in order to
compact its data, using special character sequences
that will be reconstructed in at the receiver side.
3.3 Security Layer
On loosely coupled systems, security is a very
important issue that might considered. Web Services
applications are related to key information that may
be transported over Internet. On this environment is
important to guarantee an end-to-end security, not a
point-to-point security. The conversation between
two applications endpoints using Web Services
usually is performed between many different nodes
and the security requirements must be present
through all these nodes.
The security protocols available at the transport
layer, like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (Tanenbaum,
2003) or Transport Layer Security (TLS)
(Tanenbaum, 2003) are focused on a point-to-point
The security layers defines the protocols in order
to guarantee properties like message integrity, it’s
confidentiality, it’s non-repudiation and services like
authentication and authorization.
WS-Security (Nadalin, 2004), a well defined and
accepted OASIS standard, is the basis for this layer.
It provides SOAP message security in order to
guarantee its integrity and confidentiality and
basically it uses XML-Signature (Eastlake, 2002)
and XML-Encryption (Eastlake, 2002) to achieve its
Figure 4: Security Layer.
Above WS-Security there are other standards that
are concerned to other security issues like
authentication, authorization. These requirements
are related to policy; the exchange of security tokens
between trusted domains and single sign-on. On this
area the standards are growing are not in a mature
3.4 Reliable Messaging Layer
The use of SOAP over HTTP, as an example, does
not guarantee that the messages will correctly
delivered. This layer contains protocols in order to
provide this requirement.
Reliable messaging is related to guarantee of
deliver; absence of duplication and ordered deliver.
In order to provide these functionalities the
protocols of this layer usually adds information to
the message like: a message identification number in
order to guarantee its uniqueness; a sequence
number; a time to live value. Besides this they have
to provide a method in order to provide positive or
negative acknowledgment of the received message
in order to confirm or deny the success of the
Figure 5: Reliable Messaging Layer
As can be seen in figure 5, there are other competing
standards, but until this time WS-Reliability (Iwasa,
2004)0 is the only of them which is an accredited
standard by OASIS. This standard specifies how
reliable SOAP messages can be sent over HTTP.
3.5 Transactions and Coordination
Some applications have in its requirements the need
to be fully completed to consider it correct. The
classical example is the money transfers between
two accounts, two operations has to be completed
successfully in order to guarantee that the transfer
was correctly.
This sample shows the requirement of a
transaction which represents a series of operations
that has to be executed integrally and that are seen
as unique operation by others systems. If some of
these activities could not be completed the
processing of the transaction might be canceled or
another action has to be done. Another issue
regarding this kind of the problem is that a
transaction can have a short run or a long run time.
The above example is a short run, a example of long
run would be a product delivery where the customer
will only be billed after a successful deliver of the
This layer implements these requirements. On a
global view, this is done by creating a operation
context that can be shared between many different
Web Services. This context defines the conditions of
operation of each Web Services and within this
context it’s possible to exchange information about
the processing of each activity that has to be
On this environment is necessary to have a
coordination in order to change the state of this
context and propagate this information to all Web
Services that are working together to perform a
common objective.
Figure 6: Transactions and Coordination Layer.
Figure 6 shows some protocols specifications in
order to provide transaction modeling and
coordination. Web Services Composite Application
Framework (WS-CAF) (Litte, 2005), which is under
a standardization process, provides the
functionalities present in this layer.
In this area there are competing standards in
different stages of development.
3.6 Choreography and
Orchestration Layer
Loosely coupled endpoints uses Web Services to
provide the communication and functionality for
different applications by making this technology
suitable for many different processes present at the
e-business world.
These processes can contain many different
requirements and some examples are: the existence
of a sequence of operations, usually variable that
might be performed; the necessity to handle
transactions that might be executed in a synchronous
or asynchronous way; the need of the monitoring
these processes and others.
This layer has the high level protocols to perform
these common e-business requirements.
Figure 7: Choreography and Orchestration Layer.
This layer can be divided in two sub layers. One
devote to the orchestration and the other concerning
with the choreography between different Web
The concept of orchestration is related to a group
of Web Services that interact in order to perform a
business rule and in this group it’s necessary to have
a maestro which is responsible to conduct the
process in order to achieve the desirable results.
Web Services Business Process Execution
Language (WSBPEL) (Arkin, 2005) is about to be a
standard from OASIS and represents a proposal for
Web Services orchestration.
Choreography sub layer is over the orchestration
sub layer. The concept of choreography is larger
than orchestration and it is related with different
parts which interact on a public way in order to
perform a common task. This concept is near the
P2P concept where each part has a vision of the
whole context and executes its particular role. A part
of this choreography can be executed, for example,
by an orchestration.
A W3C working group is working on a standard
called Web Services Choreography Description
Language (WS-CDL) (Kavantzas, 2005), which
specifies how to perform choreography between
Web Services.
3.7 Specific Domains Layer
Web Services can be applied to offer computing as a
distributed service to a wide range of application
On the top layer is located the Specific Domains
layer which contains protocols intended to be used
in particular areas like: Healthcare (OASIS, 2004);
e-Commerce (OASIS, 2001) e-Procurement
(OASIS, 2003); Service Distributed Management
(OASIS, 2003); User Interface (Kropp, 2003);
Supply Chain (OASIS, 2003)0; e-Government
(OASIS, 2002); Voice over XML (McGlashan,
2004) and Semantic Web (RuleML, 2006); among
This layer is correlated with the Application
Layer of the ISO OSI model and for sure a new
generation of exciting applications will arise from
this layer.
Figure 8: Specific Domains Layer.
The protocols present at this layer are not related
with the Web Service technology itself but are
concerned to IT applications and focus particular
needs of such domains
The protocols and specifications defined for this
layer is beyond the scope of this work.
3.8 Metadata Layer
The Metadata Layer can be used even as on
execution mode as on a development mode. This
layer is related to definition, discovery and policies
for Web Services. The base of this layer is WSDL,
which is a de facto standard for the description and
definition of Web Services, as shown in figure 9.
This layer contains protocols like UDDI
(Clément, 2004)0, which can be used for Web
Services discovery as defined in the SOA
Protocols related to policies of using are present
in this layer, such as WS-Policy (Bajaj, 2004),
which express requirements that might be satisfied
for the use of Web Services like authentication
schemas; transport protocol that should be used;
QoS indicators; security policies and others.
Figure 9: Metadata Layer.
The concept of a protocol stack is an important
abstraction. The actual development of computer
networks is based on this concept and in the fact that
these protocols specifications are accepted and
implement by different software vendors.
One of the key benefits of Web Services is the
interoperability between different applications
constructed over well defined and accepted
This subject is new and is under development, in
this context, the presence of different views about
the Web Services protocols stack is natural and
under certain conditions, healthy to turn it a mature
and reliable architecture.
The benefits of Web Service cannot come true if
these different views start to compete with each
other instead of contributing.
The different Web Services protocol stack and
specifications will turn on different
implementations, it may result in a lack of
compatibility and the soul of Web Services, which is
about providing computing between endpoints over
the Internet, will be just a tech dream.
Then, the protocol stack, a basic element,
remains obscure and far from software architects,
engineers and developers. The dark side of the
competition is that usually, different groups,
working on the same subject, and thus using their
resources in different directions, by producing not
the desired development, but confusion.
Besides this, within each layer, there are a bunch
of Web Services protocols that provides the same
services, usually with minor conceptual differences.
An important contribution is that although you
can find a lot of clues about the layers, usually their
just conceptual and does not show the protocols
inside them and how they are related in order to
provide the desirable results.
Even the groups or companies that provides
specifications does not show how they can fit
together, the impression is that each specification
solve a particular problem.
Another point is that the companies and
development groups only talk about the
specifications and standards they proposed. Again,
someone that starts looking for the Web Services
standards and layers will become more confused
than before.
Another important contribution is that in this
work more than fifty Web Services specifications
and standards were analyzed. Thus the protocol on
each layer shows the superseded and competing
protocols in a very straight full view, making easy to
compare these specifications.
The Web Services stack presented and proposed
is an independent view of the Web Services
architecture and can contribute to merge different
efforts performed by the research community.
Although there are different views, some
standards are becoming de facto standards clearly at
lower layers.
Comparing to ISO OSI model the same
phenomenon happened: the protocols at the lower
layers are well defined and accepted while the
higher layers are basically a vision, and becomes
optional in most situations, such as the session layer.
Considering that a new network technology is
under development problems like this can be
avoided, and consistent and well done protocol
stacks can de constructed.
The Web Service protocol stack is a key
component that will guide the development and the
implementation of this technology.
This paper brings this important issue to the
discussion and proposes an independent view of the
Web Services stack, resulted from the comparison
and reasoning about a myriad of protocols and
personal protocol stacks actually available.
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