Bart Lehane
Centre for Digital Video Processing
Dublin City University
Noel E. O’Connor
Adaptive Information Cluster
Centre for Digital Video Processing
Dublin City University
Hyowon Lee
Centre for Digital Video Processing
Dublin City University
Video Retrieval, Event-Based Movie Indexing, Video Searching.
The number, and size, of digital video databases is continuously growing. Unfortunately, most, if not all, of the
video content in these databases is stored without any sort of indexing or analysis and without any associated
metadata. If any of the videos do have metadata, then it is usually the result of some manual annotation
process rather than any automatic indexing. Locating clips and browsing content is difficult, time consuming
and generally inefficient. The task of managing a set of movies is particularly difficult given their innovative
creation process and the individual style of directors. This paper proposes a method of searching video data in
order to retrieve semantic events thereby facilitating management of video databases. An interface is created
which allows users to perform searching using the proposed method. In order to assess the searching method,
this interface is used to conduct a set of experiments in which users are timed completing a set of tasks using
both the searching method and an alternate, keyframe based, retrieval method. These experiments evaluate the
searching method, and demonstrate it’s versatility.
Decreasing production costs as well as widespread
availability of content creation tools have led to an in-
crease in the amount of digital video being produced.
As the video databases which store this content con-
tinue to grow, they are becoming increasingly difficult
to manage. This difficulty is largely due to the lack of
information about the stored video. Manually asso-
ciating metadata to video is both labor intensive and
time consuming, so is impractical in many cases. Ide-
ally, some automatic process is required in order to
structure the data so that the video can be efficiently
managed. This paper presents an approach which fa-
cilitates searching of video data in order to retrieve
semantic events.
There are many video content types that are in need
of indexing. Sporting programs, news programs, or
documentaries are just some of the content genres
created each day. However, fictional video content,
specifically movies, are a medium particularly dif-
ficult to manage for a number of reasons. Firstly,
their temporally long nature means that it is diffi-
cult to manually locate particular portions of a movie,
as opposed to, say, a thirty minute news program.
Most movies are at least one and a half hours long,
with many as long as three hours. Summarisation of
movies is also hindered due to its challenging nature.
Each movie is created differently, using a different
mix of directors, editors, cast, crew, plots etc., which
results in varying styles. Filmmakers are given am-
ple opportunity to be creative in how they shoot each
scene, which results in diverse and innovative video
styles. This is in direct contrast to the way most news
and sports programs are created, where a rigid broad-
casting technique must be followed as the program
makers have an extremely short time span in which to
make their program.
There have been many approaches to movie sum-
marisation, although most focus on segmenting the
Lehane B., E. O’Connor N. and Lee H. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 232-239
DOI: 10.5220/0001569802320239
movie or detecting specific occurrences rather than
implementing a searching strategy. Many approaches
aim to summarise movies by detecting scene bound-
aries and creating a scene based index. For exam-
ple, (Yeung and Yeo, 1996; Yeung and Yeo, 1997;
Rui et al., 1998; Zhou and Tavanapong, 2002) all
aim to cluster similar shots together, and locate ar-
eas where one set of clusters does not relate to any
previous clusters. Other approaches, such as (Li and
Kou, 2003; Rasheed and Shah, 2003; Sundaram and
Chan, 2000), use the concept of shot coherence to lo-
cate scene boundaries. In general, this involves locat-
ing areas where fundamental changes in audiovisual
features occur. However, a scene based index does
not carry any semantic meaning, and it is difficult to
locate a sought part of a movie with scene bound-
ary information alone, unless each individual scene
is viewed.
Many other movie summarisation approaches fo-
cus on detecting individual event types from the
video. (Leinhart et al., 1999) detect dialogues in
video based on the common shot/reverse shot shoot-
ing technique, which results in detectable repeating
shots. This approach however, is only applicable to
dialogues involving two people, since if three or more
people are involved the shooting structure will be-
come unpredictable. Also, there are many other event
types in a movie or television program apart from di-
alogues. (Li and Kou, 2003; Li and Kou, 2001) ex-
pand on this idea to detect three types of events, 2-
person dialogues, multi-person dialogues and hybrid
events (where a hybrid event is everything that isn’t
a dialogue). However, only dialogues are treated as
meaningful events and everything else is declared as
a hybrid event. (Chen et al., 2003) aim to detect both
dialogue and action events in a movie, however the
same approach is used to detect both types of events,
and the type of action events that are detected is re-
stricted. (Nam et al., 1998) detect violent events in
a movie by searching for visual cues such as flames
or blood pixels, or audio cues such as explosions or
screaming. This approach, however, is quite restricted
as there may be violent events that do not contain their
chosen features. (Kang, 2003) extract a set of colour
and motion features from a video, and then use rele-
vance feedback from individual users to class events
into ‘fear’, ‘sadness’, or ‘joy’. (Zhai et al., 2004) gen-
erate colour, motion and audio features for a video,
and then use finite state machines to class scenes into
either conversation scenes, suspense scenes or action
scenes. However, this approach relies on the pres-
ence of known scene breaks, and classifies a whole
scene into one of the categories, while in reality an en-
tire scene may contain a number of important events.
Previous work by the authors (Lehane and O’Connor,
2006), created an event based index of an entire movie
by devising a set of event classes that cover all of the
meaningful events in a movie. By detecting each of
the events in an event class, the entire movie is in-
The object of the searching method proposed in this
paper is to retrieve sought events a movie. An event is
something which progresses the story onward. Events
are the portions of a movie which viewers remember
as a semantic unit after the movie has finished. A
conversation between a group of characters, for exam-
ple, would be remembered as a semantic unit ahead of
a single shot of a person talking in the conversation.
Similarly, a car chase would be remembered as ‘a car
chase’, not as 50 single shots of moving cars. A single
shot of a car chase carries little meaning when viewed
independently, it may not even be possible to deduce
that a car chase is taking place from a single shot,
however, when viewed in the context of the surround-
ing shots in the event, its meaning becomes apparent.
Events are components of a single scene, and a scene
may contain a number of different events. For exam-
ple, a scene may contain a conversation, followed by
a fight, which are two distinct events. Similarly, there
may be three different conversations (between three
sets of people) in the same scene, corresponding to
three different events. The searching system in this
paper aims to return events to a user, rather than spe-
cific shots. This allows for efficient retrieval.
Previous work by the authors focused on the detec-
tion of specific events in movies. (Lehane et al., 2005)
proposed a method of detecting dialogue events,
while (Lehane et al., 2004a) proposed an exciting
event detection method. The approach in (Lehane and
O’Connor, 2006) built upon previous work in order to
generate a complete event-based summary of a movie.
In each of the approaches above, a set of audiovi-
sual features were generated, and finite state machines
were utilised in order to detect the relevant events.
Each of the approaches examined film grammar prin-
ciples in order to assist in the event detection process.
The work presented in this paper extends upon the
event detection structure in order to allow user spec-
ified searching. This allows a human browser to re-
trieve events based on their requirements, rather than
on a predefined structure. As this paper presents an
extension of previous work, the explanation of por-
tions of the system design elements is reduced, in par-
ticular the feature generation process.
The presented approach only utilises audiovisual
searching. No textual information is used, and the re-
sults are solely based on the extracted features. Sec-
tion 2 describes the feature generation part of the
search system, which includes the feature selection
process, and the creation of a shot-level feature vector.
Section 3 describes the actual search method. This is a
two step process. Firstly, finite state machines (FSMs)
are utilised in order to generate a set of sequences, and
secondly, a layer of filtering is undertaken and a set
of events is returned. A user interface which allows
searching using the proposed method is presented in
Section 4. Following this, a set of experiments and re-
sults in which the search based system is compared to
a shot-based retrieval system are presented in Section
5. Finally, Section 6 contains a set of conclusions and
future work.
This section describes the features extracted in or-
der to retrieve events. As the system is used for re-
trieval of events within movies, the features were cho-
sen based on the amount of information they convey
regarding the occurrences in movies. By examining
film making principles it is possible to select a set of
features that indicate a film makers intent, and there-
fore contain the most information as to the occur-
rences in the movie. These features are extracted and
combined into a shot-level feature vector. All of the
analysis in this paper is undertaken on MPEG-1 video
and PCM encoded WAV audio, but could be applied
to other formats.
2.1 Feature Selection
The techniques used by directors and editors to cre-
ate films were examined, and the resultant observa-
tions were utilised in order to aid in the design of
the searching system. Thus, the audiovisual features
which can be used to garner the most information
from a movie are extracted and incorporated into the
system. For example, the use of camera movement
is often used in order to show excitement during an
event. If an event such as a fight is taking place, typ-
ically the camera moves rapidly to follow the action.
Contrarily, a lack of camera movement is used in or-
der to show relaxation, and to allow users to focus
on the occurrences on screen (Bordwell and Thomp-
son, 1997). Therefore, knowledge of the amount of
camera motion present in a given shot, or sequence of
shots, is important.
The type of audio present is also useful for search-
ing as it allows a user to infer activities of characters.
For example, if a user is searching for a conversa-
tion between characters, then knowing the areas of a
movie where the audio type is ‘speech’ is useful. Sim-
ilarly, if a montage
event is sought, then areas with
musical shots will be of interest to a searcher. Thus,
a set of audio features were chosen that can be used
to classify the audio into a number of classes that de-
scribe the different types of audio present in a movie.
A montage is a collection of shots that span space
and/or time. Montages usually have a strong musical back-
These classes are: Speech, Music, Silence, Quiet Mu-
sic and Other.
Colour information can also be used to infer se-
mantics from a movie. Firstly, colour information can
be used in order to detect shot boundaries and select
keyframes for each shot, which is a first step for most
video indexing systems. The frequency of shot cuts
can also be detected using the shot boundary informa-
tion. Increased editing pace is often used by film mak-
ers to create excitemtent. When shooting a particular
event, lighting and colour typically remain consistent
throughout. This can be utilised to locate boundaries
between events, as when the overall colour changes
significantly it is a strong indication that an new event
has begun (Bordwell and Thompson, 1997). Thus,
similar shots can be clustered together in order to find
locations in a movie where one event ends and an-
other begins. The clustering information can also be
used to determine how much shot repetition is taking
place in a given sequence of shots. This may indicate
interactions between characters.
2.2 Feature Extraction
The aim of the feature extraction process is to gener-
ate a set of features for each shot in a movie. This set
of features is termed the shot-level feature vector.
2.2.1 Colour Features
The aim of colour analysis is to generate a feature that
represents a frame of video so that it can be com-
pared to other frames, both for frame matching and
for shot boundary detection. In order to achieve this,
colour histograms are utilised. A 64-bin colour his-
togram is extracted for each frame of video. In order
to detect shot boundaries, the inter frame histogram
difference is calculated. If it is greater than a prede-
fined threshold, a shot boundary is declared (Lehane
et al., 2004b). One keyframe is selected per shot by
examining the average values of the frames in a shot
and locating the frame which is closest to the average.
Using the shot boundary information, the shot lengths
are found and inserted into the shot-level feature vec-
Once the shot boundaries are located, keyframes
that have similar colour are clustered together. There
are two reasons for clustering shots together, the first
is to locate boundaries between events. Using a tech-
nique adapted from (Yeung and Yeo, 1996) (explained
more thoroughly in (Lehane et al., 2005)), it is pos-
sible to locate areas in the movie where the camera
moves from shooting in one location to another, signi-
fying an event boundary. The second reason for clus-
tering shots is so that shots filmed with the same cam-
era angle (for example, repeating shots in a conversa-
tion) can be identified. This gives information about
the type of occurrence on screen. For example, an
area populated with repeating shots is more likely to
involve interaction between characters than one with
many different shots. A measure of shot repetition
can be generated for a sequence of shots by examin-
ing the cluster to shot ratio (C:S ratio), first presented
in (Lehane et al., 2004b). If there are many repeat-
ing shots (and therefore many clusters), the C:S ratio
will be quite low. If, however, most of the shots in
a sequence are visually different, there will be many
clusters, giving a higher C:S ratio.
2.2.2 Motion Feature
As outlined previously, MPEG-1 video is used for the
analysis, thus the motion vectors created during en-
coding can be used. Due to the fact that motion vec-
tors are compressed in the MPEG-1 data stream, a full
decode of the video is not required, which means that
analysis can be extremely fast. The motion informa-
tion from each P-frame is extracted.
The amount of camera movement in each shot is
detected. This method was previously presented in
(Lehane et al., 2005). This approach involves ex-
amining the motion vectors across the entire frame.
A threshold is used to distinguish between P-frames
with/without camera movement. In order to generate
a shot-based value for camera movement, the percent-
age of P-frames with camera movement in each shot
is calculated.
2.2.3 Audio Features
Each audio feature is generated at a rate of one per
second. In total, four audio features are extracted.
The High Zero Crossing Rate Ratio, the Silence Ra-
tio, the Short Term Energy, and the Short-Term En-
ergy Variation. The effectiveness of these features in
distinguishing between speech and music has previ-
ously been demonstrated (Chen et al., 2003; Lehane
et al., 2005). In order to classify each second of audio,
a set of support vector machines (SVMs) are utilised.
Details are provided in (Lehane et al., 2005). In sum-
mary, the SVMs classify each second of audio into an
audio class. These values are then up-sampled in or-
der to create a value for each shot. At the end of this
process, for each shot of a movie, there is a value for
the percentage of speech, music, silence, quiet music,
and other sound present.
After feature generation, the shot-level feature vec-
tor contains the following values for every shot in a
movie: [shot length, % static camera frames, % non-
static camera frames,% speech, % music, % silence,
% quiet music, % other audio]. This feature vector
is used in order to conduct searching. There are two
steps involved in the search process. Firstly, an ar-
ray of finite state machines is created which allow a
user to locate areas where particular features domi-
nate. So for example, a music FSM locates the areas
where a large number of music shots occur in succes-
sion (termed a music sequence). Following this, an
optional filtering step reduces the set of sequences re-
turned by the the FSM. So, for example, a user might
be interested in locating all of the areas in a movie
where there is a musical track combined with high
amounts of camera movement. In this case, the filter-
ing would involve removing all of the returned mu-
sic sequences from the music FSM that contain low
amounts of camera motion. The searching process is
depicted graphically in Figure 1.
3.1 Sequence Generation
Finite state machines are used in order to generate se-
quences of shots in which a particular feature domi-
nates. As can be seen from Figure 1, six FSMs are
created, corresponding to the features in the feature
vector. There is a speech FSM, a music FSM, a non-
speech FSM, a static camera FSM, a non-static cam-
era FSM and a high motion/short shot (HSMM) FSM.
The speech, music, static camera, and non-static cam-
era FSMs all locate areas where that particular fea-
ture dominates. The non-speech FSM locates areas
where there is no speech present (i.e. the audio type
is either silence, music or other). The HMSS FSM
was designed due to the strong link between increased
editing pace and camera movement when film makers
want to depict excitement, and therefore it locates ar-
eas where both of these features are present. Each
FSM produces a list of start and end times (i.e. se-
quences) throughout the movie where the input fea-
ture(s) are dominant. The presence of an event bound-
ary resets the FSM, and signals the end of a particular
sequence. For further explanation of the FSMs, in-
terested readers are advised to consult (Lehane et al.,
2005; Lehane et al., 2004a).
3.2 Filtering
The second step in the searching process involves fil-
tering the set of sequences generated by a FSM. For
example, the speech FSM may locate forty sequences
in a movie where speech shots are dominant (i.e. there
is somebody talking). The filtering step allows users
to reduce this by rejecting sequences which do not
contain a certain feature. For example, filtering al-
lows a user to select the maximum or minimum per-
centage of static camera shots that must be present
in a sequence. Thus, a user can place a constraint in
which at least, say, 60% of the shots in a generated
speech sequence must contain a static camera for it to
be retained. In total there are seven filtering options,
which allow users to set boundaries for: the percent-
age of static shots, the percentage of non-static shots,
the percentage of speech shots, the percentage of mu-
sic shots, the percentage of non-speech shots, the per-
centage of short shots, and the amount of shot repe-
tition. Any sequences that are retained after filtering
are termed events.
After the two-step search, a list of start and end
times of events is generated. Each of these events
corresponds to an area in which the selected features
dominate. In order to prepare these events for presen-
tation, a set of ve keyframes are chosen to represent
the entire event. These keyframes are chosen at equal
time increments throughout the event. Section 4 il-
lustrates how these events are presented to a user for
3.3 Discussion
Typically, when shooting an event, a film maker will
remain consistent in shooting style for the duration
of an event. Thus, the use of FSMs to locate areas
where particular features are dominant is central to
the event retrieval process. For example, a conversa-
tion will typically contain speech throughout. When
the speech ends, it indicates that the conversation it-
self is finished. So in order to locate a particular con-
versation, a searcher can use the speech FSM, which
returns all of the areas with high amounts of speech,
and possibly filter the returned vales to only retain
sequences of shots with a high amount of repetition.
This would remove many areas of speech that are not
conversations (voiceovers etc.).
Each time the search system is used, the user must
first decide on which FSM to use. This involves se-
lecting a feature that occurs throughout the sought
event. So, for example if a searcher wants to find a
particular event, say a conversation that takes place
in a moving car, he/she could use the non-static cam-
era FSM to find all the non-static camera sequences
(as there will be camera movement due to the moving
car), and then filter the results by only accepting the
sequences with a high amount of speech shots. In this
way, a number of events will be returned, all of which
contain high amounts of moving camera shots and
high amounts of speech. The user can then browse
the returned events and view the desired conversation.
Note that another way of retrieving the same event
would be to use the speech FSM and then filter the re-
turned sequences by only allowing the ones with high
amounts of non-static shots through.
Similarly, a searcher could be looking for an event
in a nightclub, where two people’s eyes meet and they
stare at each other across the dance floor. To find
this event, the sequences generated by the music FSM
could be used, and then filtered by only accepting the
sequences with a high amount of shot repetition, or
by only accepting sequences with a high amount of
static camera shots. Figure 1 illustrates this two-step
approach. In the first step, the set of music poten-
tial sequences is selected. Secondly, these potential
sequences are filtered by only retaining potential se-
quences with a user defined amount of static camera
shots. This results in a retrieved event list as indicated
in the figure.
In some cases no filtering may be desired, and the
sequences returned by the FSM may be the desired
events. For example, a film student may be interested
in analysing how music is used in a particular film.
The student could use the music FSM to find all of
the areas where music is present, with no filtering re-
A system, called the MovieBrowser, that allows
searching movies as described above was developed.
A sample screen from this system can be seen in Fig-
ure 2. On the top of the screen, the search feature
selection interface can be seen. Using this panel, it
is possible to select the FSM and filtering options as
outlined in Section 3. Figure 2 shows the system pre-
senting a set of search results. In this figure, the mu-
sic FSM is chosen, and the filtering only retains se-
quences with high amounts of static camera shots (as
can be seen by the checkbox in the top right). Five
keyframes from each returned event are displayed.
Some other information about the event (timing, num-
ber of shots etc.) is also displayed. It is possible to
play the retrieved events in an external video player
by clicking on the ‘Play’ button.
The MovieBrowser system also allows users to
browse every shot in a particular movie. This simply
displays the keyframe from each shot to the browser.
Thus, if a user knows that a particular event occurs
at a certain point in the movie, he/she can browse all
shots in the movie in order to locate the event.
A number of movies were used as input to the
MovieBrowser system. The movies were chosen to
represent a broad range of origins, and span different
geographical locations including America, Australia,
Japan, England and Mexico. The test data in total
consists of ten movies corresponding to over eighteen
hours of video.
Table 1: Average time in seconds taken for each browsing
Average time for all tasks = 132.4 S
Average time for keyframe based method = 155.7 S
Average time for search based method = 98.9 S
5.1 Experimental Setup
In order to assess the effectiveness of searching for
user defined events in a movie and presenting them
to a user as an indexing solution, a set of experi-
ments using the MovieBrowser were devised. The
experimental process involves a number of users com-
pleting a set of tasks. Each task asks the user to
retrieve a particular clip using either the proposed
searching method, or the keyframe based browsing
method. Each task was completed by four volunteers,
two users using the keyframe based method and two
users using the searching method. The time taken to
complete each task was noted, so the results are di-
rectly comparable. In total, thirty tasks were created.
For example, one task was “In the film High Fidelity,
Find the part where Barry sings ‘Lets get it on’ with
his band”, while another was “In the film Reservoir
Dogs, Find the getaway scene when Mr. Pink is run-
ning away from the cops”.
An automatic timing program was implemented
that recorded how long it takes a user to complete
each task, and also to check whether users have lo-
cated the correct event. Once a user has located a
clip in the movie that he/she considers to be correct,
they enter the time of the event into the system (which
compares this time with the manually annotated start
and end times of the tasks). If the supplied time is
correct (i.e. between the start and end time of the
relevant part of the movie) the time taken to com-
plete the task is automatically recorded. If a user sup-
plies an incorrect time, he/she is instructed to continue
browsing in order to find the correct time of the event.
If a user cannot complete a task, there is an option
to give up searching. If this happens, an arbitrarily
large completion time (five minutes) is assigned for
the task. This heavily penalises non-completion of
tasks. In order to compare results for different users,
a pre-test questionnaire was created in which the vol-
unteers were required to state which films they had
seen before, and how long ago. Also, for equality,
each user was supplied with thumbnail pictures of the
main characters in each movie. Each user was briefly
trained on the two retrieval methods, and then asked
to begin their tasks.
Table 2: Average task completion times by browsing
method, where the average results are shown for users that
had, and had not seen the film previously.
Method Used Average Time Average Time
For Unseen For Seen
Movies (s) Movies (s)
Keyframe method 187.5 145.11
Search method 124.3 92.7
5.2 Results
The average task completion times are presented in
Table 1. As can be seen, the average task completion
time for the search based system is significantly lower
than the average completion time for the keyframe
based retrieval method. On two occasions users gave
up whilst using the search based method, thus the
maximum time was allocated (five minutes). These
were the only two tasks that were not completed. In
both cases, the users were not familiar with the movie,
and although the results returned from searching con-
tained the sought event, these were not recognised.
Table 2 presents the average task completion times
for users that had, and had not, viewed the movie pre-
viously. Predictably, when the movie had not been
viewed previously, the retrieval times are longer. In
both cases the search based method results in supe-
rior performance. The slower retrieval time for un-
seen movies is largely due to the aforementioned non-
completion of two tasks, as, if the five minute time
was not allocated, then the average time would have
been 89.2 Seconds.
The search-based method performed well in most
cases. When the users chose features appropriately
it provided for efficient retrieval. The user selection
of features is central to the success of each search. It
was observed that, in general, users had no difficulty
in selecting appropriate features.
The users that performed best using the search
based method were the ones that did low amounts
of filtering, and relied heavily on the FSMs. This
usually meant a slightly larger amount of events to
browse through, but, as the results show, the returned
events can be navigated quickly. In some cases the
best search method involved selecting a FSM with
a feature that the user knows is prevalent in the de-
sired event, and then browsing all results. The results
for the search based method may improve if the user
interface is altered, as some volunteers noted that it
could be made more user friendly. Also, as the search
based system requires the most user input, a larger
amount of training time may help users familiarise
themselves with the system and result in better search
This paper presented a method of searching movies
based on user defined events. A set of audiovisual
features were chosen and extracted from movie files.
A searching method was developed that facilitates re-
trieval of events in a movie using a combination of fi-
nite state machines and filtering. A system, called the
MovieBrowser, implemented this searching method
in the form of a graphical user interface. In order
to assess the searching method, a set of user exper-
iments were conducted which timed users complet-
ing a task using both the searching method and a
keyframe based retrieval method. These experiments
shows the effectiveness of this method of searching.
Future work will involve refining the filtering
process in order to allow for different combinations
of features. Also, the search interface will be altered
to make it more user friendly. Although this paper
focused on investigating audiovisual retrieval, the ad-
dition of textual data (obtained from movie subtitles)
would significantly aid the retrieval process and result
in improved performance.
The support of the Irish Research Council for Sci-
ence, Engineering and Technology is gratefully ac-
knowledged. This material is based on works sup-
ported by Science Foundation Ireland under Grant
No. 03/IN.3/I361.
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Step 2: Select FilteringStep 1: Select Set of
Static Camera
0.30 - 3.10
4.05 - 4.50
9.10 - 15.07
0.30 - 3.10
4.05 - 4.50
9.10 - 15.07
0.30 - 3.10
4.05 - 4.50
9.10 - 15.07
0.30 - 3.10
4.05 - 4.50
9.10 - 15.07
0.30 - 3.10
4.05 - 4.50
9.10 - 15.07
0.30 - 3.10
4.05 - 4.50
9.10 - 15.07
% Non-Static Shots
% Short Shots
% Speech Shots
% Music Shots
% Non-Speech
Filtering Of
Retrieved Event
3.10 - 4.05
8.30 - 9.02
17.03 - 18.55
CS Ratio
% Static Shots
Figure 1: The user defined searching process.
Figure 2: The search panel used to find events with a set of specified features.