mentioned in Section 2, this simple scheme does
prevent a video from being undecodable or dam-
aged, but it may induce video glitches or longer
transmission delay. To solve this problem, path di-
versity with Multiple Description Coding (MDC)
technique (Frank, 2005; Ivan, 2005) can be adopted
to combine with the originated media representa-
tions in the MegaDrop system. Basic idea is that, for
a media object, every media block can be further
decomposed into two or more sub media blocks
based on MDC technique. For example, each media
block can be divided into two sub media blocks,
consisting even and odd video frames separately.
Then in the MSL, every original media session can
be split into multiple sub media sessions to deliver
these sub media blocks accordingly through path
diversity technique. Therefore, through this method-
ology, the probability of the occurrence in video
glitches and longer transmission delay can greatly
reduce by conceding to video quality. Besides, we
leave several challenges such as security and QoS
management for the readers, as the further re-
searches to extend and consolidate the MegaDrop
In this paper we propose a novel layered architecture
to realize VoD streaming services in a P2P environ-
ment. The proposed architecture implements a fully
decentralized system running on a P2P multioverlay
network. Unlike existing mechanisms in which cer-
tain video servers must be deployed in advance, the
proposed architecture does not rely on any central-
ized resource allocation. Instead, every media object
is delivered and propagated over the network, and
every peer in the network retrieves media content
from as well as forwards it to other peers, thereby
acting as a miniserver. The processing and sharing
of the same media objects by multiple peers results
in the formation of virtual server clusters. Major
advantages of the proposed architecture are that it
can balance the load among peers and efficiently
utilize the network bandwidth.
The experimental results revealed that our ap-
proach is appropriate for serving VoD streaming,
especially in the delivery of huge amounts of media
data. Moreover, the participation of more peers in a
media session can result in higher bandwidth aggre-
gation, result in a decrease in the average time re-
quired to stream a given media object.
Finally, we have presented methods for reducing
the probabilities of video glitches and longer trans-
mission delays by combining our original media
representations with the promising MDC and path-
diversity techniques. These concepts are recom-
mended as topics for future research to extend and
consolidate the MegaDrop system.
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