An HCI Based Model for the Planning, Development and Evaluation of iTV
Alcina Prata
Information Systems Department, Higher School of Management Sciences (ESCE), Setúbal Politechnic Institute (IPS),
Campus do IPS, 2914-503 Setúbal, Portugal
Nuno Guimarães
Informatics Department, Faculty of Sciences (FCUL), University of Lisbon,
1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal
Piet Kommers
Psychonomy and Human Performance Technology Department, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, University of Twente,
7500 AE Enschede, Netherland
Teresa Chambel
Informatics Department, Faculty of Sciences (FCUL), University of Lisbon,
1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: iTV model, iTV development, methodologies, guidelines, heuristics, design.
Abstract: This document describes a Model for the Planning, Development and Evaluation of iTV Viewer/User
Interfaces. Explained are the motivations for the development of the Model and what is new about it. Also
mentioned, are the models, methodologies, theories, guidelines, heuristics, design patterns, processes,
“steps” and “tips” that were combined in order to achieve the presented Model. Some conclusions are
presented and also future lines of research are point out.
There is no doubt that iTV, which can be defined as
a TV system that allows the viewer to interact with
an application that is simultaneously delivered, via a
digital network, in addition with the traditional TV
signal (Perera, 2002) will replace the traditional TV
viewing habits. Being a recent research area, there is
a long way to go and new types of personalized
applications (Bennet, 2004; Port, 2004;
Chorianopoulos, 2003; Damásio, 2004; Eronen,
2003; Gill, 2003; Quico, 2003; Quico, 2004) and
services need to be created and tested. This task will
be easier with the use of an appropriate model.
However, there is no specific, complete and detailed
model. Instead, some scattered UI principles,
guidelines, heuristics, design patterns, processes,
“steps” and “tips” are usually followed. Some of
them new and specific for the development of iTV
applications derived from practical experience.
Others, not so new, resulted from an adaptation of
the ‘desktop computing paradigm’. However, the
‘desktop computing paradigm’ is not appropriate for
iTV. In fact, the desktop metaphor is suitable to
completely different user feelings, aspirations, states
of reflexive cognition, activities and devices. Thus,
the phases involved in the planning, development
and evaluation of iTV applications need to be
researched, especially, in terms of design principles,
design guidelines, prototyping techniques and
evaluation methods. The model we present addresses
specific and detailed aspects, serving as a guiding
Prata A., Guimarães N., Kommers P. and Chambel T. (2006).
iTV MODEL - An HCI Based Model for the Planning, Development and Evaluation of iTV Applications.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 351-355
DOI: 10.5220/0001572103510355
tool to those who are involved in iTV research,
design and production.
The model proposed model relies on the following
1) iTV is examined from the perspective of the
HCI discipline;
2) An iTV project is the result of a traditional
TV program augmented with an interactive
3) The persons who interact with the iTV are
being referred to as Viewers/Users (V/U);
4) This model is to be used as a framework for
designing and evaluating iTV projects and is not a
specification of standards or a strict set of rules. The
overall framework allows designers some flexibility.
Due to space constraints, only the phases which
are specific for iTV applications are described,
leaving out phases that may be considered common
to the design of other interactive application.
2.1 Planning Stage
At the planning stage, the specific iTV phases are:
1) Choose and classify the television program
considering that certain genres are more “compelling
for interactivity than others” (Lamont, 2003a);
2) Characterize the Viewer in terms of
demographic profile (age, sex, socio-economic
status); viewing patterns (e.g., social viewing,
routines) and technology experience, which includes
computer, set-top box and enhanced television
experience. This information will help to make
decisions on the following phase and on the
development stage;
3) Identify the reasons why people watch the
chosen television program. In order to help identify
these reasons, one may give a look at the uses and
gratification theory (Livaditi, 2003) which defends
that consumers use media, in order to satisfy certain
needs, namely: surveillance, personal identity,
integration and social interaction, and diversion
(Livaditi, 2003).
2.2 Development Stage
A User-Centered Design approach should be
followed (Chorianopoulos, 2004; Perera, 2002;
Nielsen, 1994a; Lamont, 2003b). This implies two
things: First, that the design should incorporate
“users concerns and advocacy” from the beginning
(Lamont, 2003b) and implies design for usability
which is an approach that puts the user, instead of
the system, at the center of the process when
developing software.
The development stage, may be divided into 3
main processes, namely: conceptual model,
prototyping, and formative - usability and affective -
evaluation framework.
2.2.1 Conceptual Model
A conceptual model is a critical part of the design
process since it defines the system image, that is to
say, how the software will look like and act:
1) One must start by identifying the interactive
content. A survey conducted by Livaditi (2003) has
shown that ritualized needs (needs of entertainment,
companionship and escape) “remain the driving
force behind TV usage”. Thus, in designing
interactive applications we must consider that:
- Entertainment and communication applications
(which cover ritualized needs) will be adopted easier
by the mass audience;
- informational and transactional applications
(which cover instrumental and cognitive needs)
should be designed in order to offer entertainment
and/or communication elements as well;
The quality of interactive products consists of
three elements: utility (usefulness), ease of use
(usability), and enjoyment (affective quality)
(Chorianopoulos, 2006). Thus, the Interface will
have to be designed in accordance. It will also have
to be the less intrusive possible in order not to
interfere or conflict with the TV viewer experience
(Lamont, 2003a).
2) Choosing the layout - main choices rely on
overlay or embedded design. On the overlay design,
the video always displays in full-screen mode so that
the interactive content is placed over top of the
screen. On the embedded design, the video area is
reduced so that content is placed around it (Lamont,
2003a). There is no ideal solution and, before
choosing the layout, it is important to carefully
consider each one advantages and disadvantages.
For example, an overlay design advantage is the size
of the TV window which is the same as regular TV.
A disadvantage is that the content on top of the TV
window may be distracting and condition legibility.
3) Describe the system semantics - for each
design element on the system, some details must be
described, namely, the element name, description,
properties, actions, appearance, limitations, related
elements and examples of use.
Important to note that all interaction design
decisions, to be taken during this section, should be
based in specific iTV V/U interface principles and
guidelines. Principles and guidelines concerning
text, graphics, background, interactivity and
technical options. The detailed description of
principles and guidelines may be found at (Prata,
2.2.2 Prototyping
From the several techniques available for creating
prototypes, the implementation of a high-fidelity one
is recommended, even if low-fidelity prototypes are
used in preliminary phases. A high-fidelity prototype
is an interactive prototype with realistic input and
output interfaces. Thus, it is adequate since the
intention is to validate the product idea and the
adequacy of each interface component with future
In the creation of the iTV prototype, and as
suggested by Chorianopoulos (2004), some key
elements should be considered, namely:
1) The Hardware platform – a TV set should be
used as an output device; a remote control should be
used as an input device. A laptop and an infrared
receiver (as for instance, the IRMAN infrared sensor
available at: can be used
in the setup. It allows simulating a “typical watch
TV environment”, that is to say, an environment
which includes the viewer, a TV set and a remote
control. In order to avoid interference with the TV
viewing experience, no other hardware should be
visible to the V/U.
2) The Software platform - there are no iTV
authoring tools offering an explicit iTV conceptual
model or a TV-based grammar to help the design
process. Thus, for the development of iTV
applications, traditional programming languages and
authoring tools are often used. For instance:
- For the OpenTV platform, the iTV application
may be developed by using C programming
language or a generic visual authoring environment;
- For Multimedia Home Platform (MHP)
platform, the iTV application may be developed by
using Java programming language or an authoring
environment like Alticast MHP;
- For the MSTV (Microsoft TV) platform, the
iTV application may be developed by using HTML
and Javascript. Another solution might be using
Microsoft Visual Studio, which has lots of tools for
the design, development, test and deployment of an
application. (Chorianopoulos, 2004).
Important to remember that, especially when a
new type of iTV project is being created, evaluate it
may became a difficult task for the V/U’s, since they
have nothing similar to compare it with. In that case,
the development of more than one prototype is
2.2.3 Formative – Usability and
Affective - Evaluation Framework
The evaluation should be of two types: formative
evaluation which should occur during the whole
process of development, and final evaluation, which
should occur after the conclusion of the prototype.
Formative evaluation should be based in expert’s
opinion and also V/U feedback from a user-centered
design perspective. In a very early phase of design
and once the first prototype sketches have been
created, conduct an “expert” usability evaluation
using heuristics and streamlined cognitive
walkthroughs (Lamont, 2003a). Also, conduct a V/U
usability evaluation using the “benchmarking lab
studies” (Lamont, 2003b). For both, experts and
V/U, conduct an affective evaluation
(Chorianopoulos, 2004). For more detail, see figure
1, where the specific iTV applications evaluation
methods and tools are highlighted. Note that the
affective evaluation process involves the use of
some tools, namely:
- SAM – Self Assessment Manequin to measure
- AD ACL – Activation Deactivation Adjective
List to measure motivation;
- Pii scale – Personal Inventory Involvement
Scale to measure involvement;
- PL scale – Program Liking Scale to measure
program liking;
- Log Files – to measure engagement;
- HQ scale – Hedonic Quality Scale to measure
hedonic quality.
The measuring tools presented, and which were
found to be appropriated for iTV applications, were
retrieved from usability engineering,
communication, advertising and consumer research
2.3 Final Evaluation Stage
Final evaluation should be based in expert’s opinion
and V/U feedback and it may be conducted in a
similar way than the formative evaluation process,
but carried out on the final application, with all
information and operation implemented.
A model for the planning, development and
evaluation of iTV interfaces was presented. First
feedback obtained from professionals and experts in
the areas of interactive television and HCI was
iTV MODEL - An HCI Based Model for the Planning, Development and Evaluation of iTV Applications
encouraging. Some iTV designers and developers,
will use the model in real situations soon in order to
test its adequacy. As to future work, we are
researching the design and development of novel
iTV applications and plan to enrich this model with
new findings and insights.
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iTV MODEL - An HCI Based Model for the Planning, Development and Evaluation of iTV Applications