each image for detecting the single color regions,
and the region (s) that represents the sick zone were
marked as relevant. By applying a certain drugs
treatment on some patients, at some time intervals
strictly established by the physician, the images
were again collected from the same patients and the
same algorithm is applied for detecting the color
regions. The relevant region(s) that represents the
sick tissue is marked again. The comparison
between the new and old regions detected as
relevant for the same patient, taking into
consideration the number of pixels, can help the
physician to establish in what percentage the sick
region is reduced because of the administrated
drugs. This approach may lead to a more rapid
estimation and correct enough of the percentage in
which the medication has a good effect in the ulcer
diagnosis. This may come in the help of the patients,
specialists, and the drugs producers that intend to
test a medical product. The experiments showed that
there were slight differences between human
observer and computer system in order to appreciate
healing staging. The speed of the retrieval process
was also tested, comparing the time spent by the
observer and the computer to find each patient’s
record in the database. This process was
electronically measured and stored in the computer
for statistics. The result is that the software has a
significantly higher speed than human observer with
no significant decrease of the retrieval quality.
As a result of effectuating an important number of
experiments (synthetically presented here) in the de
content-based visual retrieval process on databases
with images extracted from DICOM files generated
by medical tools, some conclusions are clear. In the
case of the content-based image query on color
feature, the series of effectuated tests indicated that
the best results were obtained for the color space
HSV quantized at 166 colors and using the
histogram intersection for computing the image
similitude. In the case of the content-based image
query on color texture feature, better results are
obtained using the co-occurrence matrices. The two
algorithms (Gabor filters and co-occurrence
matrices) have the same complexity O(n
) where n
represents the maximum dimension of the image
(Burdescu, 1998). As a result, the co-occurrence
matrices method is recommended in this type of
query. The retrieval system can combine two
methods: one based on color feature and the other
based on color texture detected with co-occurrence
matrices, which complete one another. The statistic
studies for the color set back-projection algorithm in
keeping track of the patient evolution, during the
treatment of a certain disease, emphasize a superior
speed in sick region detection and a similar quality
between the computerized mode and the process
effectuated by the specialist.
In the future, the studies will be extended on
more types of color medical images and new
methods will be implemented and compared, taking
into consideration the same factors: the complexity
of the algorithm and the retrieval quality.
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