erence system uses an optimal threshold for outage,
while the proposed system uses a fixed outage thresh-
old of ˆγ
= 2 for simplicity.
It should be emphasized that the performance for
the proposed system is an average. Due to the limited
number of symbols needed to transmit an image, the
channel will not be fully ergodic. The result of this
can be seen in the distribution of the average rate r
in Figure 6. The assumed rate is based on the preal-
location of the blocks, but since the probabilities of
each channel state will vary, the number of channel
symbols will also vary. Since r
varies, the actual
CSNR will vary slightly as well. So when reading the
results in Figure 3 and Figure 4, one should keep in
mind that the CSNR and PSNR is plotted as an aver-
age. An estimated distributions of the PSNR for dif-
ferent r
is given in Figure 5.
Figure 6: Estimated distributions of average trans-
mission rates r
for target average rate from left:
0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5. For ¯γ = 22 dB. “Goldhill” image.
In Figure 3 and Figure 4, it can be seen that the per-
formance of the proposed coder is not parallel with
the performance of the reference coder. For high
CSNR values this is due to the number of mapping
rates available is to low in the rate-range of 0 to 2.
For low CSNR values, there is a need for mappings
with rates higher than 2.
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transmission over a Rayleigh fading channel, when
allowing the average rate to vary slightly around a tar-
get rate. This is done by choosing nonlinear mappings
best suited for the current channel condition, the im-
portance of the transmitted image block, and by allo-
cating the power to minimize the distortion. The pro-
posed system has been shown to be comparable to a
reference tandem system using capacity-approaching
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