broader view, we can consider the possibility of
using CDR to perform from simple tasks like traffic
monitoring (Chen, Hsu, Dayal, 2000) (Sestak, Kaye,
1990) to complex ones, like the analysis of social and
economic aspects of the system (Yan, et al., 2005).
Such analysis can be performed once each call
received or originated from the system has a
correspondent detail record, making it possible to
analyze the behavior of each user/element in the
network. Therefore, the use of detail records, along
with the algorithms presented here, can help decrease
economic losses as well as lower complaints
associated to a deficient Quality of Service (Mozer,
et al., 2000).
There is only a handful of publications available
about CDRs and IPDRs. Since the CDR and IPDR
carry very strategic information for the operators and
suppliers, it is understandable the reason why
Telecom companies choose to restrict the
information associated to it. There are some works
developed for the use of CDR in Fraud Detection
(Dong, et al., 2004) (Rosset, et al., 1999). In these
works, information is extracted from CDR and used
to build up customer profiles. Other works that use
CDR are related to data mining (Cortes, et al., 2004)
(Trisolini, et al., 1999). As far as we know, there are
no publications using detail records to monitor the
QoS and, consequently, no ways to detect failures in
communications systems.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: in section 2, we describe detail records
classification; in section 3, the algorithm is
introduced and its performance is analyzed; finally,
in section 4, we present the conclusions of this work.
The classification of a detail record, which we call
event, is a representation of what happened in a
specific telephone call. It’s much like attributing a
badge or label to each possible call termination. For
instance, if a call were successfully concluded, in
which user “A” spoke to user “B” and the call was
finalized by any of the users, we would have an OK
call. This classification is necessary in order to
identify the system behaviour in all of its range and
paths where the call has been through.
In telephone switchs of some Telecom
companies, such as Nortel (Northern Telecom,
1998), Motorola (Motorola, 1998), and Ericson
(Ericson, 2001), it is possible to classify a detail
record in approximately 300 different ways of a call
termination, which can be considered a highly
detailed classification. This type of classification can
be extremely useful when we are looking for the
cause/origin of a problem in the system. Some
examples of classification: Carrier Loss (CL), RF
channel dropped (RFD), User B does not answer
(UA), User B busy (UB), Technical failure (TF),
Incorrect Dialing (ID), etc.
In Figure 1, we have a flowchart of a typical
call showing some possible events that may happen
in a call attempt.
We are going to use the algorithm for the monitoring
of the different resources in a wireless
communication system. By resource, we refer to all
the elements in the system, both logical and physical.
A physical resource, as the name says, is related to a
physical component of the system, such as switch
name, BTS number, RF channel, phone number, etc.
A logical resource is a definition like the country and
area codes in the call direction monitoring, switch
software components, etc. The information about the
resources are contained in the detail records. By
monitoring these resources, we aim at following the
behavior of all the events associated to that specific
resource. A resource fails when one or more events
associated to this resource fails. It means that when
we are monitoring a resource in fact we are
monitoring the QoS of each event related to that
resource. In a general way the QoS term is related
with the reliability of the resources, but it can have a
different meaning depending the resource that is
being monitored.
Following, we present the algorithm called Real Time
Algorithm which can be used to detect failures using
CDRs contained in database of telecommunication
management systems of Telecom companies.
Reco rd
•UserB does notanswer(UA);
• User B busy (UB);
• Resources Overload (RO);
• Technical Failure (TF);
• Incorrect Dialing (ID);
• Premature Hang Off (PH);
•Carrier Loss(CL);
• RF Channel Dropped RFD);
• Congestion (CO);
Call OK
Call Abandon
Reco rd
•UserB does notanswer(UA);
• User B busy (UB);
• Resources Overload (RO);
• Technical Failure (TF);
• Incorrect Dialing (ID);
• Premature Hang Off (PH);
•Carrier Loss(CL);
• RF Channel Dropped RFD);
• Congestion (CO);
Call OK
Call Abandon
Figure 1: Call’s Flowchart.