David Buchmann, Dominik Jungo, Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche
telecommunications, networks & security Research Group
Departement of Computer Science, University of Fribourg
Boulevard de P
erolles 90, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Environmental Acquisition, Wireless Network Simulation, Validation by Simulation, Network Configuration
The type or class of an object is not always sufficient to decide on its runtime behaviour. In many cases, the
context of the object is also important. Environmental acquisition is a concept to handle context in information
We explore the use of environmental acquisition for the management of computer network configuration and
for network simulation. Physical location or subnet membership are part of the environment for a computer
in a network. For the simulation of networks, environmental acquisition will be especially useful to model
mobile devices moving from one area into an other.
The concept is illustrated using the network configuration management project Verinec.
Class inheritance is an important concept for clean
design, avoiding redundant definition. It is not only
used in object oriented programming languages, but
in other fields too. In network configuration, we can
say a node is of a certain type. It might be a work-
station or firewall appliance. There can be specialisa-
tions for distinct requirements on hard- and software,
like a graphics workstation or a web developer work-
However, the “is a” hierarchy is not sufficient for
all kind of information model. Many objects also have
a “is in” hierarchy, that is, their context is relevant
for their behaviour. Taking the context into account
can improve network configuration management to
a great extent. Networked devices are located in a
room, appear in the subnet they are connected to and
so on. The contexts define which printer to use by
default, the network gateway and many other config-
uration items.
Under the term environmental acquisition, (Gil and
Lorenz, 1996) present a concept to handle context.
The idea of acquiring information from the contain-
ment hierarchy has been implicitly used in many
places. Gil and Lorenz propose to explicitly model
acquisition in the description language. In this paper,
we will discuss the implications of environmental ac-
quisition for modelling network configuration and for
simulating networks containing mobile devices. The
discussion is illustrated with examples how acquisi-
tion is used in the network configuration management
system Verinec
In the following subsection, we will briefly intro-
duce the Verinec project and look at related work in
the area of network management. Section 2 explains
the concept of environmental acquisition in general.
We apply the use of acquisition for network config-
uration management in Section 3. In Section 4, we
explore the application of acquisition to network sim-
ulation in the context of simulating mobile devices
operations. Finally, Section 5 holds the conclusions
and presents some ideas for future research on the use
of environmental acquisition in the context of network
management and simulation.
1.1 The Verinec Project
With the Verinec project, we aim to outline a tool for
designing and configuring heterogeneous networks.
The Verified Network Configuration (Verinec) project
is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation
under the grants number 200021-100645/1 and 200020-
Buchmann D., Jungo D. and Ultes-Nitsche U. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 108-113
We try to bridge the gap between network discovery,
network design and validation and network configu-
ration automation. The core of Verinec is a central
network definition in an XML language independent
of specific products. The language defines specific
expressions to configure each service, allowing the
application to actually understand the semantics of
the configuration data. This approach is less flexi-
ble when it comes to integrating new services. In-
tegration would be easier when operating on imple-
mentation specific configuration files. What we gain,
however, is the possibility to validate the correct se-
mantics of the configuration. Additionally, we get the
freedom of exchanging one implementation of a ser-
vice for another without having to change the internal
configuration representation.
The network is defined in a hierarchical way. On
the lowest level of networks, we specify which net-
work interfaces are connected physically. For an in-
terface, we can really say that it is in a network. This
allows to properly model nodes having more than one
interface as belonging to several subnets. To aug-
ment semantic information, physical networks can
be grouped into logical networks to model both ge-
ographical areas (office, floor, building) and logical
groups (broadcast domains, subnets). These groups
will come in handy later on, when we discuss how to
avoid configuration redundancy.
Real Network
Figure 1: Verinec Workflow: Define network from existing
network and user input Validate correctness and fix mis-
takes – Distribute configuration.
Several modules written in Java are built around the
network specification. Figure 1 depicts the complete
workflow of the Verinec system.
There is a module to create and modify the XML.
It has a network scanner built into it to automatically
discover the layout of existing networks. Configura-
tion importers can read configuration files of services.
A graphical editor allows to correct and update the
network configuration.
Having a central administration tool is convenient
for administrators as they do not need to switch be-
tween tools specific to each device and it helps keep-
ing track of the complete network inventory. More
important in our context, the central configuration is
a basic requirement for automated correctness test-
ing. Once the configuration is established, we can
run sanity checks on the single nodes and validate
the correctness of the configuration using the valida-
tion module. Using simulation, we can ensure that
a given configuration will not disturb network opera-
tions prior to deploying it. The validation module runs
test cases to validate the network similar to unit test-
ing in software development (Jungo et al., 2005). The
simulation approach allows to find out much more
than would be possible by static examination of the
configuration or even by running tests on a real net-
work. For example, we can simulate the breakdown
of any device to test fail-safeness.
Having validated a configuration in a design tool
does not prevent the administrator from making mis-
takes if he has to apply it manually to the devices.
Thus, Verinec provides for automated configuration
deployment to avoid introducing errors while porting
the validated configuration to the actual network. The
adaption module (Buchmann et al., 2005) translates
configuration data from the XML document into a for-
mat suitable for distribution on the target device and
deploys it using existing protocols for remote config-
1.2 Existing Work
There exist tools to specifically administer large
groups of routers, e.g. by CISCO or IPAT
. Splat
(Abrahamson et al., 2003) specialises on managing
just the edge devices. Such tools are mostly used by
service providers. Enterprise or university networks
are a lot more heterogeneous than a service providers’
infrastructure. Besides switches and routers for the
internal network and external connections, one finds
different servers and finally workstations that need to
be configured. Verinec addresses these issues by pro-
viding a framework to add new services to configure
when needed.
Several projects exist for administrating the com-
puters in university networks. Cfengine, the “Con-
figuration Engine” (Burgess, 1995), provides a high
level scripting language and focusses on file manip-
ulation on Unix systems. The “Local ConFiGuration
system” (Anderson and Scobie, 2002) has a focus on
installing software on Unix hosts. Both need an agent
running on each node, contrary to Verinec. They use
a less semantically rich definition language for the
network than Verinec does. Netopeer (Lhotka and
Novotny, 2005) uses a configuration language simi-
lar to Verinec and also uses the approach of having
plugins to remotely configure the actual devices. The
project is developed in the context of an IPv6 project
and thus focussed on routing, while Verinec aims at
configuring all network services.
The configuration language Anomaly” (Logan
et al., 2002) was developed to explore the possibil-
ities of environmental acquisition for network man-
agement. It is a simple configuration language to
define properties and use them in the style of logic
programming. The language is less flexible to ex-
tend for new services than the Verinec XML defini-
tion. Anomaly seems to be targeted at Unix hosts
only, while a central concept for the Verinec project
is device independence. Work on the anomaly project
seems to have ceased.
Environmental acquisition is the process of acquiring
information from the current container of an object.
The concept has first been presented under this name
in (Gil and Lorenz, 1996). We will use it in the con-
text of network configuration and simulation, but the
concept can be applied to all domains having objects
and containment hierarchies.
Object oriented systems use the notion of “class”
to form hierarchies of types. A subclass is a kind of
its superclass. It thus has to inherit all features from
the superclass, possibly extending them. The features
are all known before the classes are instantiated and
do not change during execution. Instances of classes
have the features of their class and superclasses.
The type hierarchy is however not the only impor-
tant relation an object can have. Some features de-
pend on the containment structure. Let us look at an
example. When designing a mobile phone, the man-
ufacturer might offer differently coloured variants of
the same model. The device consists of electronics,
a display and a case. Display and insides will not
change just because we want the colour to be differ-
ent. It is the outside which is interesting here. The
casing can be further divided into front side, backside
and the keys.
The schematic containment hierarchy is shown in
Figure 2. The parts of the casing will have a com-
mon base class, telling the material to use and similar
information. For one variant of the device, the keys
should have the same colour as the casing front. If
we would use inheritance to ensure this, we would
have to pretend that each key is a kind of casing front.
Clearly, considering the front as a container for the
keys and letting the keys acquire their colour from the
container is more natural.
Acquisition allows for environmental polymor-
phism. Objects of the same class can show differ-
ent variants of behaviour depending on their environ-
ment. This is not to be confused with subtype poly-
morphism, where code written to operate with a class
− Colour
Front Back
− Colour − Colour
Mobile Phone
Figure 2: Containment hierarchy of a mobile phone.
is also able to handle all of its subtypes. Here, the
code is parametrised by the actual object it operates
on, while with environmental acquisition, an object is
parametrised by its container.
In opposition to subclassing, a contained object
should not acquire all features from its container. For
a proper design, (Giland Lorenz, 1996) propose to ex-
plicitly list the features to acquire from the container.
To avoid long lists of features, it is possible to form
logical groups and simply declare the whole group to
be acquired. In the mobile phone example, this could
mean that the keys acquire material surface properties
like colour or roughness from the body. The shape of
the part or information about the quantity of raw ma-
terials needed to build that part on the other hand are
typical type information which should not be acquired
but inherited.
In large networks, many devices fulfil similar tasks.
Redundancy in configuration data is a problem for
network setup, as there is a considerable risk of for-
getting to update mistakes in every occurrence. In
larger settings, it is practically impossible to admin-
istrate all aspects of each device manually.
Templates are used to encapsulate common settings
of different device types. Typically, we would use dif-
ferent templates for client machines, network routers,
server machines and so on. This is a class hierarchy,
each node is a certain type of machine.
However, there is information not defined by the
type but by the environment of the node. For nodes in
the same subnet, many features will be or even must
be the same. The most obvious is the subnet mask,
also having an impact on valid static IP addresses. On
the services level, think of the file server a client has to
use or the name of the default printer. It is of course
possible to duplicate this information in every node
configuration, but when something changes, the ad-
ministrator has to update every occurrence of the set-
ting. This is not just a waste of time but also a severe
threat to the reliability of a network. It is just too easy
to forget to correct every occurrence of redundant in-
We could start to create special subtypes (tem-
plates) for each subnetwork. However, this is not a
clean design and its limits show when we have nodes
of fundamentally different types in the same subnet. If
a workgroup server and client machines share a com-
mon subnet, they need to use the same gateway for
accessing the rest of the network. But this does not
make them be of the same type. One approach could
be to use multiple inheritance, allowing a node to be
of type “client” and of type “in-subnet A”. However,
being in a subnet is a typical containment hierarchy
and is not well represented by a is a relationship.
This is where environmental acquisition comes in.
The hierarchical network structure, as we have it
available in the Verinec project, can be used to de-
fine common properties for all nodes within an area.
From physical location in an office, it is for example
possible to choose the correct default printer and from
the subnet of a node defines network mask and default
Variable declarations are used to represent and ref-
erence context information. Instead of a concrete
value, the node configuration can reference a vari-
able. Even more interesting, the default configuration
attributed to the type definition can also use the vari-
ables. The variables are evaluated in the context of
the nodes of that type. A node might be completely
configured by specifying its name, its type to choose
the right configuration template and the context it is
The nodes in Verinec are considered as composites
of hardware and the services they offer. It is actually
the individual services which need to get properties
from the network. The interfaces are bound to exactly
one network and can acquire information from it. For
the services of a node, we need to specify precedence
to choose from which interface’s environment to get
information first.
3.1 An Example Network
Figure 3 shows the different relations of nodes with
their context and with their classes. The machines
diufpc01 and diufpc02 are of type client, which
defines many properties like routing setup or user ac-
Server Client Router
Office 404:
Figure 3: Network configuration with environmental acqui-
counts. However, the information about the default
gateway, default printer and the netmask are taken
from the network of office 404, their environment.
The server diuf-serv is of a completely different
type, but gets gateway, printer and netmask from the
same environment. The d-gateway finally is not
completely in the office 404 network. Its inbound in-
terface still acquires the netmask, but the rest is to be
treated differently. The definition of interface prece-
dence for acquisition is important here, otherwise the
gateway might get assigned the default gateway of the
office 404 network, which it is itself.
The gateway is a good example, why acquisition
should never occur implicit, but be declared explicitly.
Assume the acquisition would happen automatically.
The gateway would get the configuration for a default
printer, which is nonsense. At the same time, the
printer would be assigned a default gateway, which
is not applicable neither.
If Verinec is to manage a DHCP server, it should
configure it to tell the DNS server the IP’s as it assigns
them to clients. As long as all DHCP addresses are
assigned using a fixed mapping (i.e. based on MAC
addresses), DHCP and DNS servers could also share
a common table.
Addresses configured statically on the interfaces
provide an interesting case for the DNS server. It is
redundant to define the name to IP mappings within
the DNS server again. However, the DNS server is
not contained in each of the nodes, but would need to
acquire the mapping from the nodes. In this situation,
the object needs information from its surrounding ob-
To resolve this situation, variable values can be
more than simple strings, but full XML structures.
And the variable reference can specify an XPath
choose only a part of a value. With this solution, the
environment can define a list of mappings between
host names and their static IP’s. The DNS server can
use the complete list for his database, and every node
can select its own IP from the list using XPath.
Validating the configuration (for example using the
Verinec simulator) is only a last resort to detect errors
before the configuration is applied. Avoiding the mis-
takes being introduced into the configuration in the
first place is even better. Environmental acquisition
helps towards this goal by avoiding redundant infor-
mation and thus the potential for conflicting settings.
There are still circumstances where we need valida-
tion though, which we will discuss in the next section.
Simulation takes the central role in testing the valid-
ity of the configurations within Verinec. In this sec-
tion we will introduce the basic idea of validation by
simulation and discuss the impact of environmental
acquisition on the simulation. Our network simula-
tor (Jungo et al., 2004) is is based on the event based
simulation framework DesmoJ (Page et al., 2000).
The simulator reads the network configuration and an
XML document defining a list of input events that
need to be scheduled, for example the launch of an
application or sending an IP packet.
The output of the simulator is an event log in the
same format as the input document. Each XML el-
ement of the input document is copied to the output
and the events caused by it are represented by child
elements. For example, launching a ping command
produces a series of events like MAC resolution or
sending and receiving of IP packets. All those events
are grouped under the “ping” input event.
The log file produced by the simulator represents
the network’s behaviour under the given user interac-
tion (input events). It can be checked against a se-
ries of semantical test (Jungo et al., 2005) written in
clixml (Jungo et al., 2006). These tests are similar
to unit tests for programming languages and should
be satisfied before the configuration is deployed to
the network. The log file is enriched with meta data
referencing to configuration elements involved in the
behaviour that produced an event. If a semantical test
fails, the meta data helps to find the configuration part,
which made a test fail. After successful tests, the con-
figuration should work as desired and be free of prob-
lematic configuration elements.
XML Path Language is a compact syntax for address-
ing portions of an XML document.
4.1 Acquisition in the Simulation
Environmental acquisition can not only be used for
defining redundancy free node configuration, but also
to simulate and test the configuration of a node in
a dynamic environment. Introducing the concept of
mobility yields the difficulty that the environment
changes during the simulation.
Let us look more closely at the case of a mobile
device with Wireless LAN (WLan) capabilities. The
device can change its position within the network and
thus move into range or out of range of base stations.
For static wired networks, the network definition tells
the simulator at startup on which interfaces a packet
sent over a cable will arrive. Unlike wired networks,
the wireless environment can only determine at run-
time which packets will be received by which nodes.
The mobile device needs to be in range of a base sta-
tion to be able to communicate. When a device or
base station sends a packet, the simulation framework
needs to know which devices are in range, to decide
where to schedule the packet’s reception.
Wireless network client drivers often allow to be
configured to connect automatically to a network.
Different aspects like encryption and signal quality
can be taken into account. But since our model does
not know signal quality, automatic reconnection is not
possible to simulate. We ignored signal quality for
several seasons: For the Verinec project, we are inter-
ested in deciding whether the configuration is seman-
tically correct. Signal quality is quite hard to predict,
and simulating it would make the framework much
more complicated. We thus simplify the concept by
defining events which explicitly tell the simulator that
a device gets into or out of range of a base station and
when it initiates a connection to a network. We de-
fined the events get in range of, get out of range of,
connect and disconnect. Connect will tell the higher
level services to simulate DHCP or similar protocols
to establish a connection with the new network, and
requires being in range of the specified base station.
The listing in Figure 4 shows an extract from an event
input file where first the mobile device loses connec-
tion to the base station “hall”, gets into range of the
base station “room” and connects to it.
<event time="0" node="wdevice1">
<wlan-range type="out" base-station="hall" />
<event time="1" node="wdevice1">
<wlan-range type="in" base-station="room" />
<event time="1" node="wdevice1">
<wlan-connect base-station="room" />
Figure 4: Input events to change the environment.
From the device’s point of view, changing its posi-
tion means getting into a new environment. For the
other devices, like mobile devices in an ad hoc net-
work or the base station in an infrastructure mode
network, the mobile device moving around changes
their environment. Whenever a packet is sent over
a wireless network interface, the environment of the
interface is consulted to decide which interfaces are
currently in range to receive the packet.
This allows to test the configuration of the services
involved in handling mobile devices. As an example,
for employees connecting their notebook from out-
side the network using a VPN
, security policy might
require that they can not access a file server with con-
fidential files. However, if the same employee takes
his notebook to the office, he must be able to use all
services. This example also shows that in configura-
tion tests, mobile does not automatically imply wire-
less. The concept can also be used with devices con-
nected to different networks by cables.
Mobility has not only an impact on the simulation
framework, but also on the mobile device’s run-time
configuration. When changing from one base station
to another, the mobile device might also change its IP
address and default gateway, which can be static or
received dynamically via DHCP. Once the mobile de-
vice has an IP address, its behaviour in the new envi-
ronment can be tested using the appropriate test cases
with input events and expected outcome. However,
this dynamic configuration has to be achieved by sim-
ulating network protocols. As the final aim is to have
a correctly working real network, we need a realis-
tic simulation. Environmental acquisition can not be
used directly to update the mobile device’s configura-
In this paper, we presented the concept of envi-
ronmental acquisition proposed in (Gil and Lorenz,
1996). We then explored the application of this con-
cept to network management and network simulation.
The network defines a natural containment struc-
ture to acquire information from. Additional contain-
ments not directly visible in the network topology,
like rooms or floors, can be taken into account too.
The concept is quite powerful in order to reduce re-
dundancy and thus ensure consistency of configura-
tion data. At the same time, the effort to change the
configuration is diminished. Even changing a setting
that affects all workstations like the name of the file
server can be done in one place and all stations are
updated accordingly.
Virtual Private Network is a standard to tunnel a con-
nection over an untrusted network into the local network.
For simulation, environmental acquisition helps to
model mobile devices moving in and out of reach of
other wireless stations. Because we are interested in
the correctness of configuration and not in the details
of wireless protocols, acquisition allows us to simu-
late exactly the level of detail we need.
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