Table 5: Model performance assessment using the RMS er-
ror criterion.
Measurement RMS error (dB)
Position 20 GHz 62.4 GHz
11.8 9.0
10.8 9.2
13.9 7.8
8.9 7.6
12.5 16.5
13.5 13.5
9.6 6.7
18.7 11.8
9.0 14.5
13.2 NA
Mean 12.2 10.7
test forest were not modeled and consequently are not
taken into account by the dRET modelling thus ex-
plaining why the model seems to be unable to predict
accurately the signal level within this angular region.
At 62.4 GHz the signal level in position M P
relatively low and could only be measured for a nar-
row angular region. Outside this region the received
signal was too close to the receiver noise level, which
is around -70 dBm, to be measured. The measured
and predicted values seem to exhibit a level offset
which seems to be due to a vertical misalignment of
the RX antenna. This offset generates a larger RMS
error when compered with the remaining measure-
ment positions.
The overall RMS error for the complete set of mea-
surement performed at 20 and 62.4 GHz is shown in
Table 5. The RMS error is consistently below 15 dB
except at a few locations in the forest. The mean over-
all RMS error is 12.2 and 10.7 dB at 20 and 62.4
GHz, respectively. Although the RMS error values
are slightly above figures found in other published re-
sults, these can be considered reasonably low. They
also demonstrate the benefits of dRET modelling, par-
ticularly when considering inhomogeneous media.
This paper presents a model for radiowave propaga-
tion in inhomogeneous vegetation media for micro
and millimeter waves, which is based on the RET. The
model relies on 4 vegetation dependent propagation
parameters and a method to extract and scale these
parameters is also presented. The input parameters
are extracted from the different vegetation volumes
forming the test forest using the proposed method at
20 and 62.4 GHz. Subsequently these parameters are
used in the model to generate excess attenuation pre-
dictions at several locations inside the test forest. Fi-
nally, the predicted and measured results are com-
pared using the RMS error criterion. This is shown
to be consistently below 15 dB. Although this RMS
error value is within the range of other published re-
sults, in some measurement locations the error was
found to be as high as 18.7 dB. This is thought to
be due to localised blockages, inaccuracies in the pa-
rameter extraction method and also misalignment of
the RX antenna during the attenuation measurement
phase. An improved parameter extraction method is
thus being investigated to eliminate higher error dis-
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