Olaf Thiele, Hartwig Knapp and Martin Schader
University of Mannheim - Department of Information Systems
68131 Mannheim, Germany
Nicolas Prat
Essec Business School - Information and Decision Systems Department
Avenue Bernard Hirsch, B.P.50105 - 95021 Cergy cedex, France
Mobility, knowledge management and context-aware computing.
In many professional activities (e.g., medical diagnosis, construction, or sales), the ability to retrieve and
store knowledge in a mobile situation is crucial. This need, together with the progress of mobile devices, has
led to the emergence of mobile knowledge management. The mobile situation imposes specific constraints
on traditional knowledge management activities (e.g., knowledge retrieval or presentation). Therefore, a key
research question for mobile knowledge management is how context should be taken into account.
In this paper, we propose a context-aware knowledge management architecture for mobile environments. The
key aspect is the “Contextualizer” middleware that takes care of knowledge storage and retrieval as well as
contextually adapted knowledge presentation on mobile devices. In contrast to existing concepts, we suggest a
broader approach, where the middleware serves as the mediator to different mobile devices. We implemented
the architecture in a fitted use case. Our roadside assistance use case demonstrates the architecture’s strength
for presenting both text and graphics stemming from several knowledge sources.
The issues of knowledge management and mobility
have often been explored separately. In this paper, we
combine the increased importance of intellectual cap-
ital in today’s business life with the rapidly changing
properties and requirements of mobile devices. The
world of mobile consumer electronics has changed
enormously over the last years. While cell phones,
for example, display high-resolution video streams
and location-based services offer numerous interest-
ing opportunities, business life, on the other hand,
evolves in an analogous way but much slower. Busi-
ness applications are usually more specialized and
therefore more complex and more costly than stan-
dardized consumer software. Some applications like
e-mail messaging or word processors can be used for
both private and business tasks. Still, this kind of ap-
plication is mostly implemented in a proprietary way
(e.g. Blackberry). Research in this area mainly ad-
dresses just one kind of mobile device or application.
Most user interfaces are constructed especially for the
targeted device (e.g. special PalmOS devices; also see
(Bardram and Hansen, 2004)) or functionality is lim-
ited (e.g. WML; also see (Picco et al., 2000)).
Our generalized approach towards mobile knowl-
edge management aims at both, contextually adapted
queries to knowledge sources as well as contextually
adapted presentation of knowledge on mobile devices.
This includes modified communication with the mo-
bile client according to network variables. While
most research focuses on certain aspects of the prob-
lem, we present a complete architecture, which builds
upon previous work in the fields of knowledge man-
agement and mobility. A middleware component
called the Contextualizer serves as the main build-
ing block of the architecture. The Contextualizer is
complemented by components that reside on the mo-
bile device and in the back-end. This reduces the
resources needed to include a new mobile device or
knowledge source into the system. The main advan-
tage is that modifications to the knowledge source
(databases, unstructured knowledge sources, etc.) or
to the mobile devices need only be applied to the
Contextualizer instead of modifying all knowledge
sources and devices.
In the next section, we present the mobile knowl-
edge management environment and point out the
technical prerequisites. In Section 3, we highlight
our proposed architecture and explain its main com-
Thiele O., Knapp H., Schader M. and Prat N. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 219-226
ponents. Section 4 shows parts of our prototypical
implementation while we draw the outline of other
works in Section 5. Finally, we conclude with a re-
sume and an outlook.
In this section, we highlight the main aspects of
knowledge management and mobility relevant to our
2.1 Knowledge Management
Knowledge management is often described as a sys-
tem of activities to permit the utilization of organi-
zational knowledge by the members of that organi-
zation (Hannig, 2002). Possible knowledge manage-
ment techniques and approaches usually fall into one
of the five categories: expert finder, virtual teamwork,
lessons learned databases, case-based reasoning, or
virtual/augmented reality (Derballa and Pousttchi,
2004). The first approach is often used to identify and
contact a relevant expert for a specific problem. The
second one refers to work that is conducted by geo-
graphically distributed coworkers. The next approach
refers to the concept of maintaining positive and neg-
ative experiences in a problem-solving process (see
also (Probst et al., 1997)). The fourth looks for simi-
lar issues in the past and retrieves these solutions. The
last approach assists the user by means of virtual re-
ality. Due to the fact that knowledge management
is a vast field of research, further definitions can be
found in the referred work or in the books by Daven-
port and Prusak (Davenport et al., 1997) or Nonaka
and Takeuchi (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995).
In this paper, we focus on four general knowledge
management processes that are relevant to our more
technical view. On the one hand, these are knowledge
presentation and acquisition, which evolve around hu-
man interaction with the system. Knowledge presen-
tation comprises both displaying data on the device as
well as interacting with it. If this interaction leads to
some sort of knowledge storage or if the user delib-
erately enters information through a form or just as
plain text, we categorize these activities as belonging
to knowledge acquisition. On the other hand, knowl-
edge retrieval and storage are relevant to our work.
We use these terms analogous to their technical coun-
2.2 Mobility Aspects
Classical knowledge management applications were
programmed for desktop use. With the introduction of
mobility, sophisticated adaptation to the mobile con-
text becomes more important. In general, the unique
properties of mobile devices are a major influencing
factor in the proposed system. With a growing num-
ber of different device types, the heterogeneity grows
enormously as most devices differ in their capabili-
ties from PCs (e.g. screen size) and from other mo-
bile device types (e.g. cell phones and PDAs). Criti-
cal factors include the display size and resolution, the
memory size and accessibility, the processing power,
connection protocols like GPRS, UMTS, or EDGE,
interaction techniques like the stylus and supported
standardized programming interfaces like Java or C
(see (Lum and Lau, 2002) and more recently (Adipat
and Zhang, 2005)). Key properties are the ubiquity
and the ability to adapt to the user’s context, given
the current position and other preferences (e.g. user
To sum up, benefits of joining the fields of
knowledge management and mobility are ”any-
time, anywhere information access” (Grimm et al.,
2005), mobile-added values like ubiquity or context-
sensitivity (Derballa and Pousttchi, 2004), and auto-
matic context incorporation (e.g., knowledge is ac-
cessed in an adapted way and context variables such
as location are stored automatically).
2.3 Requirements
While the limitations of technology supporting
knowledge management activities have already been
discussed elsewhere (see for example (Derballa and
Pousttchi, 2004)), the requirements for mobile de-
vices and their communication partners are a field,
which deserves further description. As mentioned
above, mobile devices are limited in several key fea-
tures that are normally fulfilled by common PCs or
workstations (e.g. screen size). Other mobile re-
strictions include network issues like bandwidth or
communication protocols. Because of this fact, we
introduced an intelligent middleware - the Contextu-
alizer -, which serves the function to convert a data
stream from the server side into a client-readable for-
mat and back. Therefore, the Contextualizer has a
rough understanding of device types with their prop-
erties and clients transfer their specific needs (e.g., ex-
act device identification, resolution, display size, col-
ors, free memory, number of presentable letters in a
row, etc.) during the communication’s initialization
phase. The middleware, which will be presented in
more detailed in Section 3 receives a response from
one or more of the databases and converts it into the
client’s contextually adapted format. In the other di-
rection, the middleware has to translate a client’s re-
quest for knowledge into a database-understandable
format. This is also described in Section 3.
In this section, we introduce our mobile knowledge
management architecture and its underlying compo-
nents. Subsequently, we explain how the context
mapping works and afterwards, we present the Con-
textualizer middleware in more detail in Section ??.
3.1 Introduction
Our proposed architecture for mobile knowledge
management, shown in figure 1 on the next page, is
divided into four layers. The first layer contains the
mobile users or mobile agents. This human agent
interacts with the system to access knowledge. The
human agent then utilizes this knowledge, transfers
it to others or enters some new knowledge back into
the system. The knowledge management activities,
knowledge presentation and acquisition are the inter-
face between layers one and two. The second layer
consists of Java-enabled mobile devices like mobile
phones, PDAs, or laptop computers. These three de-
vice types are the most common today and usually
all devices of a certain type share similar properties
(e.g., reduced set of keys on cell phones compared
to a complete keyboard on notebook computers). We
programmed client-side pieces of software for each
device type. They serve as small agents on the de-
vice, which automatically determine device proper-
ties such as screen resolution, color table, or band-
width. If the device supports determination of the lo-
cation (by GPS), this data is collected as well and sent
to the Contextualizer, which resides on the third layer.
The implemented middleware serves as the connect-
ing link between the adjoining layers - it is the main
focus of our work. It translates the data flow coming
from the mobile devices to a database query and the
response is then adapted according to the mobile con-
text and sent back to the device. The interfacing ac-
tivities between the third and fourth layer are knowl-
edge storage and retrieval. The fourth layer contains
the knowledge source which is built up of different
database types. We chose the three most popular
types: relational (SQL), object-oriented (OODB), and
XML databases. Due to the fact that most of the in-
telligence and complexity of our application reside on
the third layer, we explain this component more de-
tailed in the next subsection.
3.2 Outline of the Contextualizer
The Contextualizer is a middleware component,
which serves as a mediator between the human agent
and existing knowledge bases. It takes care of com-
munication with the knowledge base (knowledge stor-
age and retrieval) as well as linking the server and
client side according to the context (knowledge pre-
sentation and acquisition). In general terms, if the
Contextualizer receives an XML query from a mo-
bile device, it parses the request and analyzes the con-
text according to the following four context elements:
user dependency, technological environment, situa-
tion, and task. Subsequently, all relevant databases
are queried, the results are transformed according to
the four context elements, and, finally, the result is
sent back to the client application. All four context el-
ements are described thoroughly in the following sub-
sections. Table 1 gives on overview of typical context
Table 1: Overview of Context Elements by Category.
Context Ele-
User Depen-
Role in the Organization
(function, hierarchical po-
sition), User Preferences
(technical, application
Handheld Device (screen
size, processing power,
available memory), Net-
work (bandwidth, current
network load)
Time (time and time zone),
Location (automatically via
GPS or manually by zip
Heavily dependent on the
task and therefore hard to
Not all context elements need to be considered for
all knowledge management activities. The role of a
user within the organization, for example, has signif-
icant impact on what type of knowledge can be ac-
cessed (retrieval of knowledge) but is independent of
the knowledge presentation. Furthermore, context el-
ements may change during the execution of a task and
therefore need special attention. Again, the role of
the user will usually remain stable but the location or
Figure 1: Mobile Knowledge Management Architecture.
network load may well change. Thus, the distinction
between static and dynamic context elements is im-
portant to our architecture. Finally, some context ele-
ments need to be determined either on the client or the
server side. While the user’s role has to be retrieved
on the server side to prevent misuse, the location (e.g.
by GPS use) is usually retrieved on the mobile de-
vice. Some elements require server and client side
effort (e.g. measuring network load).
We carefully designed this integrated architecture
to meet all our needs. Lei and Georganas distinguish
three different areas (client, proxy, or server), where
an adaptation could be placed in a context-aware ar-
chitecture (Lei and Georganas, 2001). Several argu-
ments support our approach to include some logic on
the client and the back-end with a sophisticated me-
diator like the Contextualizer in between. Thus, we
combine all three approaches with an emphasis on the
proxy. For one, we need to collect as much context
parameters as possible. These are only available on
the client. Therefore, we need a minimum applica-
tion on the client if not a more complex agent soft-
ware. Furthermore, a unified language for access-
ing knowledge sources allows for selecting chunks
of knowledge as they are needed for the actual con-
text. Driving instructions could be textual, verbal,
sketch-based, or full-size maps. Performing all trans-
formations on the client, for example, would exceed
the processing power of most cell phones, whereas an
implementation centered around only one knowledge
source would hinder spreading the architecture to dif-
ferent tasks.
3.3 User Dependency
User dependent elements form the first type of context
elements. They include technical preferences as well
as the agent’s role within the organization. Most tech-
nical preferences are represented through the user’s
profile. A typical user profile includes data on pre-
ferred color themes as well as favored font sizes. Pro-
file information is stored on the client and is trans-
ferred to the Contextualizer in the initialization phase.
In addition to the profile, the role of the user within
the organization needs to be taken into account. On
the one hand, not all members of an organization work
with all available knowledge. The users’ role deter-
mines what knowledge they are allowed to and need
to access. Authentication and authorization is incor-
porated within the startup phase. For example, all
available data would lead to an information overflow
for executive members of the organization. They need
an abstract overview of the accessible knowledge.
3.4 Technological Environment
The technical environment comprises elements of the
device and the network. The device plays a major
role for the Contextualizer. Variables like the screen
size, processing power, available colors, or program-
ming interfaces are key determinants for putting the
knowledge into context. Two major types of applica-
tions need to be considered: text and graphical knowl-
edge representations. Text can be displayed in many
ways. Font size, text formatting and navigational el-
ements within texts (e.g. hyperlinks) as well as ways
for changing screens (e.g. scrolling) can be varied
between mobile devices depending on their capabili-
ties. As for graphical knowledge representation, dis-
play facilities vary a lot between devices. While some
devices like laptops or PDAs offer powerful standard-
ized programming interfaces, smaller devices like cell
phones or smartphones usually have limited custom
The network connection is another important influ-
encing factor. The available bandwidth determines
the transferable data size. Pictures, for example,
need to be compressed or simplified before transfer.
Furthermore, interaction techniques usually rely on
broadband connections. But the available bandwidth
may differ due to increased network traffic. In this
case, the bandwidth parameters need to be dynami-
cally adjusted. Finally, the costs for network traffic
might be a limiting factor. Some users might prefer
a low-end knowledge representation over a more ex-
pensive one.
3.5 Situational Elements
Situational elements are those connected with time
and location. The time variable includes the actual
time as well as the corresponding time zone. De-
pending on the time of day, knowledge queries might
return different results. Moreover, the time zone is
important when retrieving time-critical information
from databases in far away countries.
The other important situational element is the loca-
tion. The position of the user on the globe is one of
the most prominent contextual elements and is used
in many mobile applications. The location can be de-
termined automatically (via GPS) or manually. The
position of the user is especially interesting for graph-
ical knowledge representation in maps or sketches.
The dynamic nature of this element is also impor-
tant in navigational tasks. Both the Contextualizer
and client need to keep up with a driving vehicle to
deliver timely knowledge.
3.6 Task-Specific Elements
All other context element implementations, as de-
scribed above, are universal and can be used for most
task types, but elements specific to the task need to
be adjusted for each task type. To ease the program-
ming effort needed for implementing new tasks, we
developed a semantic XML description format (sim-
ilar to Topic Maps), which can be used to seman-
tically express what knowledge should be retrieved
from which database. The semantic description is sit-
uated in the part named KM meta repository and fur-
ther includes information on interrelated topics. Basi-
cally, the client sends a request to the server, which
determines the resources to access by using these
descriptions. Within the Contextualizer, all data is
represented in a uniform XML format, regardless of
the data source (relational, object-oriented, or native
We implemented a sample use case prototype to val-
idate our mobile knowledge management architec-
ture and to illustrate its features. First, a techni-
cal overview of the implementation is given. Subse-
quently, we then present the basic idea of our use case
and we introduce the implemented clients as well as
the corresponding server side.
4.1 Overall Implementation
Generally, all applications (client and server side) are
programmed in Java. The many advantages of Java
include the wide variety of available client program-
ming interfaces as well as a free choice of the server
side operating system. The often mentioned perfor-
mance drawback is not as significant for our applica-
tions but might play a role when using more or larger
images. The client-side application has been pro-
grammed using the J2ME programming interfaces.
The widely available components include APIs for
handling images as well as storing information on the
device for caching purposes. The server side and es-
pecially the Contextualizer were programmed using
J2EE. The Java 2 Enterprise Edition APIs offer the
capabilities for handling multiple connections with
clients as well as databases. The Contextualizer is
therefore scalable and performant.
4.2 Roadside Assistance Use Case
The main idea behind the use case is helping both pro-
fessionals and car drivers in assessing problems re-
lated to a car that broke down. The look and feel of
the application is depicted in figure 2.
The welcome screen is shown in the left half and
a typical GUI element in the right half of the screen-
shot. Due to the high screen resolution and processing
power of modern cell phones (here the Nokia6230i)
Figure 2: Screenshots from the application GUI.
we present these screenshots. The adaptations for
PDAs and laptop computers look similar to those
known from analogous applications (e.g. (Yue et al.,
2005)). The main idea of the use case led to two ba-
sic scenarios: In the first one, a professional mechanic
drives to a remote location to solve a car breakdown.
In order to find the location, he uses a map given by
our application. Our implementation is shown in fig-
ure 3.
Figure 3: Illustrations from Scenario 1.
Both, the actual position and the location of the ac-
cident or breakdown are shown on the map. The cur-
sor keys may be used to navigate on the map. Once
the mechanic arrives at the destination, the applica-
tion helps him to spot the failure by querying several
databases (e.g. the manufacturer’s one and reports by
colleagues). The mechanic as well as the car driver
might use either a cell phone, a PDA, or a laptop to
access the knowledge management system. The sec-
ond scenario includes the driver of the car, who wants
to find a nearby garage while the car is still on the road
or he intends to mark his position on a map. Further-
more, the driver might describe his situation using the
client, which sends the request to the Contextualizer.
There, the request is parsed and sent to the databases
according to the predefined semantic map. The re-
sults are then transferred back to the mobile client. A
possible request to the system is shown in figure 4.
First, the user describes the problem in short key-
words. Afterwards, several databases are questioned
and the results are then transferred back to the device.
In both scenarios, some knowledge on possible solu-
tions is transferred back into the system. The outside
temperature, for was helpful in solving the problem
Figure 4: Screenshots of Scenario 2.
might ease future use of the system.
4.3 Contextual Adaptation
The implemented use case adapts knowledge accord-
ing to all four context elements. User dependent el-
ements include a user profile and organizational role.
The user is able to choose a certain skin and save fa-
vored top menu items. The organizational role de-
termines, which parts of the system may be accessed
by the user. The mechanic has more access to dif-
ferent knowledge sources than a regular driver (e.g.,
excerpts from a professional database are not easily
understandable). Technical context elements in the
use case include the color, interaction style, screen
size, and bandwidth. The images sent to the device
are adapted according to the given color table. Cer-
tain keywords in responses are highlighted if colors
are supported. The graphics are sent in total if the
device supports interaction types like the stylus or
mouse movements. Only parts of a picture are sent
to a cell phone due to the limited interaction capa-
bilities and the smaller screen. The screen size and
bandwidth determine how much of the map is sent at a
time. Devices with a slow network connection receive
smaller pieces of the map. The bandwidth of a regular
cell phone posed a problematic situation when mov-
ing fast while viewing high resolution images. Sit-
uational elements include the time and place. Prob-
lems differ at night, especially in winter time. Fur-
thermore, a much smaller set of garages is open after
hours. The location plays a major role in this sce-
nario and is monitored constantly. The task specific
elements were mainly described above and included
map navigation and problem solving.
While knowledge management and mobility are well-
established research fields, the combination of both
raises questions and uncertainties. On the more tech-
nical side, for example, we face the problem that con-
nections between mobile devices and databases are
not dependable; a connection and session manage-
ment has to be introduced to guarantee a complete and
timely data exchange. Some (Holliday et al., 2002)
attend to the question how a database query might
be answered completely and discuss several discon-
nection modes while others (see for example (Chan
and Roddick, 2003)) dwell on weak or partial connec-
tion modes. Further work revolves around the ques-
tion how the amounts of data sent back and forth can
be minimized in order to avoid large data transfers in
non-broadband networks (see (Chang et al., 2004) or
(Lindemann and Waldhorst, 2004)).
Work similar to our approach was carried out by
Fagrell et al. as early as 2000 (Fagrell et al., 2000).
As mobile devices had much less processing power
back then, context elements such as user dependency
or automatic location detection were not considered.
The work of Wei and Prehofer focuses more on dis-
tributed context repositories, which are queried for
decision making (Wei and Prehofer, 2003). Derballa
and Pousttchi present the idea of mobile-added val-
ues (Derballa and Pousttchi, 2004). Their approach
is rather abstract and they do not offer a technical
implementation roadmap. Focusing on similar issues
are Grimm et al., who are working on the MUMMY
project (see (Grimm et al., 2005) or (Grimm et al.,
2002)). They developed applications for several tasks
(e.g. mobile facility management, trade fair informa-
tion). Finally, Adipat and Zhang develop an adaptable
framework for mobile knowledge management (Adi-
pat and Zhang, 2005). Their main focus lies on web
content adaptation according to user preferences.
Further research on contextual awareness is carried
out in the field of human computer interaction. Dour-
ish (Dourish, 2004) gives a comprehensive overview
of the field’s history and current research. An ap-
proach towards mobile knowledge management from
that research field is presented by Shen (Shen, 2003)
or Bardram and Hansen (Bardram and Hansen, 2004).
Finally, work on mobile knowledge management ex-
ists that centers around peer to peer exchange of
knowledge. Schwotzer and Geihs present an architec-
ture for topic map exchange (Schwotzer and Geihs,
Mobile knowledge management is a key application
area for mobile computing in general and context-
aware computing in particular. In this paper, we have
presented a context-aware mobile knowledge man-
agement architecture. The key component of the ar-
chitecture is the Contextualizer. This middleware im-
plements the knowledge management activities (e.g.,
knowledge storage, retrieval, presentation, and acqui-
sition) by taking into account the context elements,
namely the user, the technical environment, the situa-
tion (i.e. time and place) and the specific task at hand.
Moreover, in contrast to existing approaches, the Con-
textualizer comprises a meta-repository, which de-
cides dynamically where the requested knowledge re-
sides. We have implemented a prototype of our mo-
bile knowledge management architecture and applied
it to a scenario.
Our prototype architecture needs to be extended in
order to take into account all mobile knowledge man-
agement activities (e.g. better knowledge acquisition
techniques like forms and recording audio). The scal-
ability of the architecture requires further testing (a
wider range of devices and media types) and applica-
tions to real-life situations (e.g. handheld audits). We
are currently working on these issues.
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